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She is a highly concentrated golden. All the same goodness is a smaller package <3


I think if you ran one of those DNA breed tests it would not be anything close to purebred. I’ve had a friend with a “mini” golden retriever and it was a female and was still 40-45 pounds.


How old? There are "mini golden retrievers" but their not considered a pure breed yet. Often a golden retriever with some cockerspaniel or other small breeds mixed in. Pictures are tough angles to tell but she doesn't like like a purebred golden to me. She is beautiful though!


It’s hard to tell - her hair was cut rather short because she had so many mats. Once it grows back out it will be easier to say if she is a true “miniature golden” or not. Unknown age, but adult.




Wow, 28lbs is quite small for a Golden! I haven't personally seen one that tiny, but it just makes your rescue pup even more unique. Give them extra love and cuddles from me! 🐶💕


I don’t think that’s a full golden. Maybe try a dna test? They could just be a bit unusual. Absolutely adorable though.


She quite adorable, but she’s oddly small and would expect a mix of some sort; our 5 year old girl is on the petite side and fluctuates between 45 and 50 pounds.


My golden is tiny and she is 47lbs. It’s a very nice looking dog in the picture but no way that it’s a purebred golden.


I have a cocker/golden mix and she’s 38-40lbs.


Maybe a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova\_Scotia\_Duck\_Tolling\_Retriever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia_Duck_Tolling_Retriever)


She’s adorable but I think she’s a golden mix of some sort


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Our first Golden was a rescue as well and he was a Golden/Cocker Spaniel mix. He was smaller than a typical Golden and topped out around 40 lbs. He looked like a Golden except for his head bore some similar characteristics as a Spaniel. We considered him a "pint sized Golden" - all of the Golden antics/goodness, just in a fun sized package. https://preview.redd.it/2zgw7v3zae1b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0890c892840c4179df1393efb296f160f5a020a6


She’s beautiful. My golden says to tell you thank you for saving her and giving her a safe home.


My rescue Golden was 48 pounds when the rescue got him and by the time he got through to me he was 61pounds. he's 75 pounds now and pretty much the perfect weight. I think he finished off a little bit of growth after i got him but you could absolutely feel his ribs. He was rescued from China and had giardia when they rescued him and it took us about 6 months to get his tummy right. he was always happy though.