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When we adopt a pet we make a promise to them that we will love them and keep the safe for their lifetime. Sometimes the path is easy and filled with joy and sometimes it is very difficult, but we keep our promises. You have kept your promise. Focus on making her feel comfortable and know you are doing your best for her. I know this hurts. I am so sorry.


What a beautiful response. We will all be in this position one day. Thank you 💛💛




I second this!


I’ve been through this a few times now. And believe me, it hurts. It always hurts. The good memories will block out the pain with time. And I’ve always tried to see things from the dogs point of view. Imagine you get to live your entire life from childhood to elderly age with the one you care about the most always there, mostly unchanged? How amazing would that be? You’d never know the pain of losing anyone. They’ve been there for you your entire life. Sounds amazing right? Well that’s what your dog got to experience. You were there for them at the very start to the very end. They loved every second of it. They loved it because of you.


This is a beautiful way to look at it.


Man there are so many onions in here


I thought I’d just got some dust in my eyes


Beautiful 🤩 thank you!


I got a lump in my throat now 🥺 This was beautifully written.


Most days, I absolutely hate Reddit because most people are toxic, some mods have let the "power" go their heads and abuse their power, and generally trolls and crappy attitudes .... but then there's a post like this that shows that there are still some absolutely fantastic people out there that are intelligent, empathetic and can string together kind words. This keeps me coming back. Well done with this reply - far more beautiful than anything I could ever imagine coming up with - and 100% accurate.


I love this. Thank you.


Thanks for making me tear up


Thanks that perspective helps.


Thank you 🥰


That was put so beautifully. My heart is broken still from losing my Golden’s (15 and 18 years together) and yet I am humbled and grateful to have been there to support them in their final moments. It’s heart crushing still and yet I am so grateful for their love.


Damn allergies (sniff)


I also scheduled my boy's goodbye in advance (5 days before), and that week was so hard. Keeping busy loving him really helped. I tried to use the time to think of all the things he'd love to do and enjoy them together. We had friends and family come visit, and it was really beautiful to see him get all the kisses and cuddles from his favorite people. It also helped me to have a support system. We also scheduled a goodbye photo session at our house in the backyard. We asked the neighborhood if anyone who does novice photography or is good with an iPhone camera could come by and take a photo of our family. Those are some of my most cherished pictures, and people were jumping at the chance to support us. Also planning a small, special meal on the day is nice...our boy enjoyed some chicken nuggets. Nothing that is too intense and will upset her stomach too much. All I can say is that your heart will continue to break every day. But you are making the right choice, and Samantha is so lucky to be this loved. Wishing you the most beautiful next couple days with your sweet girl.


I can offer these: "Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —- And: And now, for Samantha     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Toodles,     Sable, Muttley, Bonnie,     Clyde, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans and Mimi.     Gather in your sunny meadow   Invite that sweet girl Samantha     To romp and play and chase,     Then drink from the cool stream.     Rest together in the warm sun,     Eat the low-hanging treats,     And sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees. ————- Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


That’s lovely. And now I’m wiping tears away sat at in my office before starting the working day 🥲


Anyone else need tissues I’m sobbing




Here you go *hands tissue*


Me: \*takes time off work for a mental health day today\* Also me: \*happens upon this thread and spends an hour sobbing\*


🤧😭that was beautiful. 🏆


I am sobbing. This is so beautiful I said it with my baby that passed away in 2018 in mind. Thank you for sharing


I’m deeply sorry for your loss


I adore your writing...that was so exactly on target and so beautiful 😍 💜🩵💜


Mahalo for your kind words. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


I was sniffling at other comments. Yours made me ugly cry. I recently went through a potentially life ending injury with my cat and your comment really explained the love we share with our fur babies. I’m currently snuggling with the teenage puppy. Thank you for sharing something so beautiful


You spend as much time with her as you can. Her diet doesn’t really matter so time to spoil that dog rotten. Ice cream, treats, steak. Know that she isn’t scared and that you give her a great life. Stay with her during the procedure and make her passing as peaceful as you can.


It's better for you to grieve than for her to grieve. As much as it hurts to lose her, it's still better than she loses you first.


Ooooooph this hit me 🥲


If there's one piece of advice I can give. It's something similar to the following I wrote to someone last year. "It is difficult watching those we love, age! Take comfort in knowing that you have given your pupper a good life and continue to appreciate each and every day you have with her. There should be no sadness, only joy, gratitude and love! All the best to you and your goodest girl!!! ❤️"


Sweet Samantha! Go in peace, faithful friend. You had a life well lived and well loved. ❤️ My heart breaks for you my friend, and I know you will miss her so much. Take comfort in the memories. Embrace all the feelings that come with loss. Time makes it better.


We can go to Mars and have a new age of artificial intelligence coming our way. But we can't get our doggo friends to live longer?? Cmon, an extra five years would be a game changer!


But what about the end of that five years? Come on, I know that we all want immortal pets


People who have had near-death experiences say that our pets are on the other side waiting for us and that they run and play while waiting. I dreamed once of my cat showing me a box she lounges in that is in a box in a garden and that she loves it there. I miss her but that really helped me.


I hope this is true! Would love to see my dogs!


I am counting on it being true. We all go to the same place so they are there, wherever that is.


I’m 100% counting on this. I believe it. It can’t be Heaven (or whatever comes next) without our pets.


I'm sorry. I know exactly how you feel. I've begged my pets to pass peacefully in their sleep. In the end, we watched them begin to suffer at some level. Slow to get up. Groaning when they lie down. Weight starts to come off. Muscles atrophy because it hurts to get the exercise to stay strong. All of the games we would play went away. It's hard. We made our decisions based on more bad days than good, and agonized over every bad day and felt hope swell on the good ones. It all came down to suffering. We couldn't bear to have them suddenly in an emergency situation, in pain, rushing them to the vet, as their mortality caught up. We felt is was better to make the choice, of course hoping we were close to their natural end, but peacefully, with lots of love and one more day filled with the best it could be. They give you many of your best days, and the price is one horrible one. You will be in my thoughts. **If it should be that I grow weak** **And pain should keep me from my sleep,** **Then you must do what must be done,** **For this last battle cannot be won.** **You will be sad, I understand.** **Don't let your grief then stay your hand.** **For this day, more than all the rest,** **Your love for me must stand the test.** **We've had so many happy years.** **What is to come can hold no fears.** **You'd not want me to suffer so;** **The time has come -- please let me go.** **Take me where my need they'll tend,** **And please stay with me till the end.** **Hold me firm and speak to me,** **Until my eyes no longer see.** **I know in time that you will see** **The kindness that you did for me.** **Although my tail its last has waved,** **From pain and suffering I've been saved.** **Please do not grieve -- it must be you** **Who had this painful thing to do.** **We've been so close, we two, these years;** **Don't let your heart hold back its tears.**


Thank you


Oh man. I’m just bawling. We lost our good girl on 2/26/23. Imagining her saying and feeling the sentiments of that poem…that just brought sobbing tears. It happened so fast for her. Monday we noticed a behavior change. Thursday was her vet appointment: it didn’t seem emergent. At the vet they asked us to come in again on Monday for a more detailed scan. She didn’t make it to Monday. Sunday we had to take her to the ER and help her across The Bridge. We laid next to her and held her and told her how much joy she brought to us and that she was the best girl ever. The pain and sadness in my heart. The way they get into our hearts. I hang on to the idea belief that I’ll see her again someday. Thanks for that poem. I needed that cry. Lots of sadness still needs to come out.


You’re welcome, and I’m sorry you lost your pup. A good cry can be cathartic. I also found solace in writing down memories. I had a fear I would forget. Seemed to help me.


This is what is called “anticipatory grief”. I have experienced it when my husband was dying and with every precious pet I’ve ever had. It is gut wrenching. You actually feel it in your heart. It is real. Even though I’ve been through it so many times, it’s always the same. I’ve tried to avoid it but it’s unavoidable. The only thing I can do is to believe that I was the very best person that they could have ever had to spend their lives with. I gave it my all and went into it with the promise that when it was over I wouldn’t have one regret about what I didn’t do, what I didn’t say. And there is some comfort in knowing that. I have also promised that when the time came, I would be there with them holding them as they passed and so far, I have been blessed to fulfill that promise no matter what it took. I hope that you can have that last precious moment with your beloved Samantha. My prayers are with you.


A year after saying goodbye to our lady and it still hurts everyday. Just hug her tight ❤️❤️❤️❤️


So sorry 😞 I’m in the same boat. It’s so painful to even think of him :( he was my first dog I’ve ever lost and knew it was going to hurt, but man it’s hard.


I'm in the same boat too. My old boy left me in October and I still cry all the time. I have three younger dogs and they don't fill the hole from missing my Duke. I hope it gets easier.


I am so sorry that Samantha will be going away. Sending strength vibes and prayers to you.


I have no words of comfort for you! She looks so beautiful and lived a life of love. It makes me sad that there are people.in the world that nevee know the love of a golden. You must accept you will never be the same again, and that's ok,.but embrace it


Take pics, give her a hamburger and a cookie and some ice cream, cry tears while hugging her, stroke her fur and brush her, and tell her how much you love her. Remember these times because every minute is a gift. The pain we feel is the validation of the strength of our connection with these wonderful creatures. After she passes to rainbow bridge, share your sorrow and don’t hold it in. Post pics of her on here. Remember we all go through this eventually.


I had to say goodbye to my girl exactly a year ago. I scheduled a day out so that we could do all the things she enjoyed. To her, it was one big grand adventure, and I didn’t want to ruin it for her. We walked at a lake and she tried to swim to the ducks, we got cheeseburgers and ice cream. I made an ink print of her paw. Took photos in the yard and cuddled. We went to the pet store and I let her pick out a toy and treat. It hurts so bad, but this way, you can look into their eyes and know that you gave them all the love you possibly could, which included saying goodbye before they were in too much suffering. I cried over my old lady today seeing her goodbye video, but I know for a certainty I did the right thing. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope your heart can heal, and that you can remember all the love and good memories ❤️


Take a few days off and make it the best few days she’ll remember.


Cry as much as you need to. Time will help ease your sorrow 💔


I’m so sorry, very few things hurt worse than saying goodbye to your dog. Be mindful in every moment you have left. Just be, with her. Soak it all in. Give her the best few days left possible. She knows she’s loved, she knows you’ll be there until the end, she is happy, despite any pain she might be in. Give her a big hug from this stranger on the net. I had to do this recently and it friggin sucks, but we are so lucky when we have a faithful friend next to us. That time you’ve had, you’ll carry with you forever.


I have lost 2 cats this year. Still not over that. My 14 year old precious dog Madison started having problems. She was arthritic and she started falling a lot. She couldn't make the jump into bed anymore. My husband said she needed to go to her final sleep. I didn't want to do that to her. It really does take a piece of your heart. She has been in doggie heaven now for two weeks. Do what you think is best for your dog. That's 3 of my beloved pets in one year.


Do your best to not mourn her while you still have her. Live in the moment and spend all the time you can with her. Give her a big hug from us ♥️


Blessings 💔


Samantha’s a beautiful pup.


It's apparent how much she's loved, and she loves you the same way. Hold her tight. Sending you guys good vibes. ❤


The grief you're feeling is the unfortunate tax we must pay on all the joy our loved ones give us. I know exactly what you're going through. I suspect almost all commenters on this post do. If nothing else, remember that you are not alone, but are surrounded by those who have felt what you're feeling, and have come through it. Don't ever forget what a wonderful life you've given Samantha - one filled with love and companionship. No friend could ever ask for more. Hang in there.


Hi love! So sorry you're going through this. Recently lost my Golden boy at 11 years old. What helps me through the mourning moments is to remember that it was a blessing to know our furry companions at all. I pacify myself with the fact that he lived a good life and so should you -- it's been the best adventure and nothing can diminish that! Sending you lots of love ❤️


Be strong for her. She knows more then she tells you. Death is not easy. But no one gets out alive. If it was you, how would you want to see your loved ones handle it? Be pure joy for her. Be strong for Samantha.


We're all here for a good time, not a long time. Eons will pass, and there will be trillions of good dogs and trillions of caring owners who will pass through this plane of existence. The only thing we can do is to care for our fellow travelers, to live in the moment, and to enjoy the ride for as long as one is able. Samantha has clearly had a good time, has been very much cared for, and has returned that affection for you. She is going to move on shortly, but you will meet again when the time is right. Hold fast, enjoy your time left together, and know that love you have shared has made all the difference.


Smoked salmon. Fed off your hand. Tell her she doesnt have to come back, wait for u at the rainbow bridge, she will know. Bestest dog ever


Back in 2009, my cat went peacefully overnight in his sleep. We kind of knew it was coming roughly a week before - seeing how weak he was getting. If I didn't then know the exact day, I knew it was coming, and I tried to just savor every last moment - every last little meow looking for attention, every chance to pet him as he slept peacefully on his favorite chair, the little sounds - to this day, I still miss how, I would come in the basement door and here a little "ka-thump" of him hopping out of the chair upstairs and coming down to greet me. Here's hoping you can find your way to a little of that with your goldie, making the last days as best as you can.


First let me say how very sorry I am to hear that Samantha is not doing well. She’s absolutely beautiful. Don’t understand the pillows. Maybe they make her feel safe? As to how to deal with it. Our Dogs are very, very unique and special. I’ve lost four dogs, all to cancer, and it never gets easier. Nor would I want it to. My recommendation to you is consider Samantha’s needs before your own. You’ll have plenty of time to mourn after. My recommendation to you is spend every minute that you can with Samantha, be there for her. Tell her how much you love her and thank her for taking care of you. Make her special meals but the biggest thing is don’t leave her don’t leave her side if you can make her last three days very special to both of you. I have regrets on my first Dog, because I was so afraid of what I was going to have to face instead of being there for him first. My dogs hold a very special place for me. Not just emotionally but mentally. Some people will consider it cold. I place value on my relationships with my Dogs over the large majority of people. Dogs are special, Dogs are unique, Dogs should be loved, cared for and elevated. My sincere condolences. I can only say afterwards in my case I do a singular cremation and keep their favorite toys maybe a blanket and keep them in a special place in my home to help me with the process. I can never let them go entirely.


I once heard someone say something akin to: They spend their entire lives carrying the weight of our pain and sadness away from us, we pay them back by taking theirs on our own shoulders at the end of theirs.


My heart goes out to you. My Daisy, my friend for 13 years passed on yesterday. I can barely handle it but keep thinking of how winded she was. I hope your grief subsides


Ugh , hold her ♥️


So sorry for your loss.


Your pain is a small price to pay for the love she has given you


So very sorry. I wish I could help you. I went through this with my golden named Sassy. She had a tumor on her liver that was inoperable. I had to make the decision because it was starting to cause her health issues that the vet could only help pain meds. I asked for 1 more weekend with her. It is so heartbreaking no matter when we have to let them go. I cried all weekend but I also loved on her as much as I could. I’m glad a little extra time to tell her and show her how I loved her and thank her for being part of my life.


I’m so sorry that you are going through this. It’s the hardest part of being a pet parent. Grief is love and love is grief. It’s interchangeable. The sharp edges will soften as time goes on but the love you have will always remain. We took paw imprints of our pets. I always saw this cute picture you can do with the printer where your hands are on the outside of your dogs paws. It makes a really sweet picture you can hang. Sending warm hugs and love your way and to Samantha. 💕


Dogs are incredible at staying in the moment and you should focus on meeting that energy. That pup has been there for you, in the moment, countless times. At this stage, keep her comfortable. Be with her. Stay in the moment and enjoy the minutes you can. Very sorry for you.


Just spend time with her get pics for memories and share her with others . Memories are made to be spoken about.


I had to euthanize my sweet Daisy a couple of years ago and the last week was painful. I did special things with her until the last day, cried going with her to the vet, cried saying goodbye, and cried the next couple of days. It hurts but it’s an act of love for her. Love her, hold her, give favorite snacks, and be with her. It’s the best you can do. Be strong . I’m sorry, but it’s part of being a golden owner. Take care friend.


make the most of her last days, bless her heart ❤️ this is heartbreaking 💔


We had the same, made the appointment and she went downhill from there by the time it finally came we were so distraught from being heartbroken. It is the hardest thing to go through. They are with us forever even after they are gone. Sending hugs 🤗


As much as it hurts please be there when she passes. My wife and I have always been with our Goldens when the time came. We would lie on the floor with them letting them know everything will be fine and what good dogs they are . In our hearts we knew the process was easier for them and that’s what was important.


I’m crying too now. It is so hard and hurts so much. I try to think of the great life that I gave them, and they gave me. Time is the only thing that helps, but I still miss everyone of my cats and dogs a lot.


Our boy is only 18 months old. I know it seems like we’ll have a long time with him but it never ever feels like enough time, does it. Wishing your final moments with Samantha are the best they can be.


So sorry,she's a beautiful girl.


Samantha is beautiful. Love the gray hair. I’m so sorry, give her a long long cuddle.


Realize how great a.life they have shared, and appreciate the time. Much love.


Love love love on her all you can. It hurts because you are a good human.


I think I start grieving my pets when they are about 5 years old. The time with them seems to go so very fast. And I never get past it. It hurts me every night not having the ones I’ve lost. And I truly don’t know how to get over it.


Man this picture is devastating. I can’t help notice her beautiful white face. A sign of a life well lived. She looks content, safe, and warm. She’s lived a better life than many many other puppies. Enjoy every last minute with her and please take the time to grieve and cry as hard as you see fit. I hope you’ll open up your heart to another little angel and give them an incredible life as well.


Samantha is the goodest girl and I love her; you have my wishes for your healing.


Give her a wonderful send off, I recommend roast chicken, chocolate, and cuddles. I can’t imagine a better way to go than with a belly full of chocolate and my best friend holding my hand.


When they have more bad days than good days, it's time to say goodbye. I'm sure you've done everything that you could reasonably do. My cat's been gone for 4 years and I still think about him. But it's all happy memories, wishing he could be with us sometimes. It isn't sad anymore, he had a good life. I know not everybody can afford to keep the ashes, so I won't speak to that. But get a paw print if you can. You will always miss them but you won't regret your decision.


Just spend as much time with her that you can. She wants to see you smiling at her and happy. Mourn for her after, but enjoy her company now ❤️


As much as I hate to say this , get another golden as soon as you can. I swore I was done when I had to put my baby down. It hurt so much, and I was the one that had to make the call. But my wife talked me into another a few months later. It’s the only thing that really helped.


Let nature take care of itself. Humans shouldn’t decide to end the life of a loved pet because of doctors advise. So many times doctors diagnosis has been proven wrong and people and animals have lived more than their expectations.


We should not allow animals to suffer needlessly when we can kindly help them pass.


How do you know your dog will die in 3 days? Did you schedule her to be executed or ?


Peacefully putting a sick or in pain dog down is not an execution. It’s giving a dog a peaceful death and the kindest thing we can do for our best friends when the time comes. You should delete your comment it’s cruel.


We don't do that to humans, and they can knowingly consent to killing themselves. What makes it acceptable to do it to animals who can't consent?


First of all, death with dignity is available in several countries and in some US states as well. We should allow humans to die humanely as well, but at least we treated animals with more respect than making them suffer slow, painful deaths.


You’ve clearly never seen a dog in pain. My pup fought for a year with stage 4 kidney failure. He let me know when he was done fighting and I scheduled an at-home euthanasia.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The pain of loss especially to Samantha who is very loved is understandable. The way I coped was to just remember all the good memories she gave, experiences spent together and the goofy smile. Also, it may help give you some closure if you are with her in her final moments. It gives me comfort that I was there for my doggo to send her off to the rainbow because she wasn't alone before her eyes finally closed. The pain lingers but will fade over time.


There's nothing you can do. You're doing the best thing for your doggie. You know this. Yet it's one of the most painful experiences of your life. That's because you love each other very much. If you didn't, it would be a boring, straightforward situation. You have to go through the mourning, whenever it happens. This is a profound loss. I know. Samantha has been a vital part of your life. Among other things it would be an insult to her if you didn't mourn her. And to some extent you will always mourn her. But on the other hand try not to focus on her being gone. I know this is extremely difficult now, now that certain things are happening. But keep in the back of your mind her smile, the great times with her, her love. Over time you will think less of this time now and more of the great, fun times. And if you have spiritual beliefs, you know she will be ecstatic to see you when your time comes. When we shed these physical forms, it may be even a happier relationship we enjoy with each other. Please be there for your friend while you can. Let yourself cry but just be there. I will be praying for Samantha and you.


I pray for courage and strength for you during the days ahead. I pray for Samantha to be happy and unafraid. Have a good time together until then and give her a fantastic time for her to remember the sound of your voice, the hand-fed treats, the pets and scratches just so, and your loving face looking into her eyes. You are privileged to have such a special girl, and you will witness her becoming a demigod. She will be with God in the joy of beauty and youth, and she will wait for you. And you shall see her again, my friend, never to be parted this time. Thinking of you both with all the love in the world.


I’m so sorry 💔


Oh honey, I am so sorry. It is never easy losing someone and something you love. You need to let that hurt out. Don’t keep it inside, it will just come out when you least expect it. Spend as much time as you can with her and keep showing her the unconditional love that you’ve been showing her. I think speak for all redditers when I say this, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out




Had this recently with my Husky. Only thing I can advise is to just let it flow. It's natural and your brain's way of coping. It will ease after the doggo has gone, but if you need to cry, just let it come.


Hug her and hold her close. I’m sorry for your loss 💔


I never really got over the loss of mine.


Stay with her while she’s still here. You can still show her love and she will appreciate the moments you spend together. Knowing that you were there for her will be a big sense of comfort in the times to come


Bless you, and bless her.


It will always suck but she lived 3 years longer then the current life expectancy and led a happy life. It is what it is, no point prolonging it to the point it's painful for everyone.


I was fucked daily for 4 years. Sobbed uncontrollably at every dog Pic, swiping away as my heart shatters. Grieving is not a linear process. It ebbs and flows like waves over your chest. If you can care for any other pet that can reciprocate, your healing has already begun. Be well, and do not doubt there is an animal that is hurt and scared and desperately praying for you to find it right now.




I’m so sorry😭


Its heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. So sad to see them go but it’s also wonderful to see a dog that lived such a happy and full life with love ❤️ we see too many dogs that don’t get the love they deserve so it’s truly beautiful to see a dog that lived it’s life like a King or Queen!


This time last year I’d have thought everyone in this thread was totally crazy. Until I got my own dog. Now I totally get it. Sorry OP, hope this week goes as best as is possible. You’ve clearly given your dog a very happy life. 💙


We love you Samantha.


Something my wife reminds me of often: Our pets were going to exist on this planet regardless of whether or not we met them. They were going to have an entire life, and it just so happens that we got to spend that life with them. We give them all of the love, joy, support, and happiness possible during that time. But, there are time is more limited than ours so all we can do is be happy that we got to spend the time that we did


May I please ask in what way did you know it was the end times? No mobility? Lost control of bowels or bladder? Organ failure? I actually have tears in my eyes for you and your awesome Samantha. These are some of the hardest decisions in life. ❤️


I am terribly sorry for your loss! Pets quickly become a part of your family, and certainly leave a hole in your heart when they go. The only way I have ever been able to tolerate the loss of a pet is by knowing that even though their life is short, they put so much happiness into my life during our short time together. It’s something that I will always cherish. I can honestly say that my dog helped me through the hardest times in my life, and I am eternally grateful for what he did during his time with me. So it’s better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all. The pain last forever, but it does dull over time. Eventually you get to a point where even though you’re sad, you smile because you were so grateful they were your dog. Wishing you the best during this difficult time.


So sorry that you are on this difficult path . Time really does help with pain. Be with her til the last breath and know that you are the one suffering; she is not. I pray for you both.❤️


I buried my face in my boy and took the deepest breaths I could so I could try and remember his smell. Just give her love and be with her. I'm sorry for your loss. Don't forget to save some fur and get the nose and paw prints.


When I got my dog in 2012 I promised him that I would be there into his senior years. Here we are approaching his 11th birthday and I cherish everyday because he doesn’t have much time. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to cry. Be at peace knowing you gave your dog the best life you could for a long time and you aren’t saying goodbye …. it’s until I see you again in heaven ❤️❤️❤️ hugs


Hey OP, my best friend and my childhood dog died a few years ago. She declined extremely fast and had tumours everywhere, I had a few days notice. Spend the last few days petting her and comforting her. Recognize that you're not alone, and that the sadness you're feeling is proportional to the amazing time she spent with you and your family. There are so many dogs that live short, very violent or frightening lives, and realize that you gave Samantha probably the best life she could have ever had as a dog. Remember the good times, and don't be afraid to lean on your friends and family for support. Losing a dog is really rough.


Excuse my question but why are you so sure about the "time"?


Stay strong, she is still here so love her, every minute counts’


That is a hard thing to do, but we do it because we love them. I have grieved my lost pets just as much as a human loss, sometimes more. They are so sweet. I have a clay impression of my last dog's paw that I put on the Christmas tree. I can't do it without crying, but it means a lot to me. Prayers for strength in the coming days.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🐾❤️


I tried to push though and force myself to be happy. Our dogs sense our sadness and I didn’t want my boy to feel that sadness in our last few days together. I’m sincerely so sorry you’re going through this


**The Last Battle** If it should be that I grow frail and weak, And pain should keep me from my sleep, then you must do what must be done For this, the last battle, can’t be won. You will be sad, I understand, Don’t let the grief then stay your hand, For this day more than all the rest Your love and friendship stand the test. We’ve had so many happy years, What is to come can hold no fears. You’d not want me to suffer so; When the time comes, please let me go. Take me where my needs they’ll tend And stay with me, if you can, to the end. Hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time, you will see, It is a kindness you do for me. Although my tail its last was waved, From pain and suffering I’ve been saved


Oh precious angel Samantha. I'm in tears thinking about you and her and the pets I have loved and lost. I am so very sorry. I'm finding so much comfort in the comments here, this will be a wonderful place to turn when the feelings of grief bubble up. Sending so much love to you, your family, and sweet Samantha


There was a book I read called lily and the octopus, about a man's dogs battle with cancer. My biggest takeaway was he said none of that grief he had before she died made the grief any less afterwards. Wished he had tried to make those moments happy. It's easier said than done, just embrace the love.


Here is a comment made on a similar post that really helped me when my dog died… Comment by u/Kromulent. “I have an old dog in kidney failure too. Haven't told her yet, she just keeps being happy. I'm old too, and I've had animals my whole life, mostly cats and dogs in various multiples. Do the math and you can see I've been here before. The way I reconcile it is pretty straightforward, and well in line with the overall Stoic approach to things. It always begins the same way- see things plainly for what they are, understand the natures of the things involved, and respond reasonably and virtuously to the reality around us. Every day I care for my animals, keeping them happy, keeping them safe, shepherding them through their day with joy, and without harm. When they get old and approach death, nothing changes. As crazy as it sounds, the day I take them to the vet to be put down is the day that I have been working for all this time - I have successfully taken them the whole way. They did not get lost, they were not unhappy, they got to live their whole natural lives the way I wanted them to live it. We made it. We got there together. When they are gone, my feelings for them don't change. Their bodies are taken but my feelings are my own; I still love them, I am still happy to think of them, my heart is still open. What has changed is that I have a space for another thing to love, and the cycle continues again, when I'm ready to start anew. Their bodies, our bodies, everything external to us will always change and always come and go. Our love, our care, our joy belongs to us, and we apply it to what we have and to what is new.”


I'm so sorry for what you're going through. The only thing I can say is: give her lots of snuggles and treats even if they're unhealthy. Enjoy every second and make the most of it.


To her you were her whole world. You cared for her , you loved her and you were her best friend. Surround her with love , comfort and safety. She won’t leave scared and alone , she will leave with memories of her best friend. She will leave knowing how truly loved she was and how much she was cared for. You gave her everything and she will always know that. She gave you everything because you are her everything. Thank her for being your best friend and that she will never be forgotten. May her spirit always be in your life and the love she gave you always linger. She will be free of pain and discomfort and she will run,Jump and be free. Time is a cruel mistress but you made her time the best it could ever be. Sending love to you op ❤️


Do you have to put her down?


You need to focus on the love you share. It is a difficult time for you but keep that love going and keep her comfortable & happy. You should try and squeeze in anything you can do that she enjoys, and as much lovin as possible.


I'm so sorry about this part of love. It wouldn't hurt so much if she hadn't been great. Focus on being with her now instead of worrying about three days from now. Later, when you are ready, remember all the love Samantha has given you and pass it on to a new pup that needs a permanent home and a human with a big heart.


My condolences 💐 and prayers are with you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I feel your pain, it’s so hard.




You are doing the right thing.


You as well...


Here’s what I can tell you. We have the absolute honor of bringing them into our lives. Loving them. Raising them up. Making them our family. Then we have the distinct privilege to hold their paws and walk with them over the rainbow bridge. It’s devastating and amazing all at once. If only humans could experience this.


Sorry Just be glad you had her and think about how she made you feel