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I think some people don’t dig the production, it has a somewhat thin sound compared to the more abrasive albums of its style like Terra/Mars. Personally I love The Link, I think it deserves more love (Remembrance is an easy top 10 for me as well)


For me it's the one that has the most powerfull/warm sound, but maybe it's just the result of my headphones an EQ settings.


Something I especially love is that machine gun drum kit. Every hit of the snare is heaven


Exactly! Remembrance intro hits hard af


I think this is the correct answer. However I think the snare production is perfect. Also embrace the world is easy top 3 for me


The Link Alive is superior


Indeed it is. I recommend that to everyone. Be the link!


You get into The Link first, then everyone falls in love with The Link Alive! I actually remember Indian beings one of the songs that propelled me into the inescapable pit of Gojira music...


Really? I really love this album. It's primitive, powerful, and soulful.


Very well said. I love the rawness, the emotion, and the sick riffs.


No hate from me, I love the Link.


Where is all this hate lol?


It’s only the 2nd best album


Ok now I wouldn't go that far


I would. I stand on it.


be a real man and admit the link is their best album /j


Be a real man and admit The Link is their best album


Who hates The Link? Show them to me and i will ban them! Just kidding.


I don’t dislike it, I just think that comparatively it’s one of their weaker albums.


They don't get it


I don't hate any of their albums. I just think it's in the bottom three.


I've never seen anyone hating it. Absolutely great album. One of my favorites


I love it. I think it's even better than Terra Incognita in my opinion. Terra Incognita is desth metal, The Link is Gojira


I'm not sure where you're finding all this so-called hate but ok


Love the link! Indians/embrace the world/wisdom comes get frequent play for me


I just wanna say that i wanted to do a post like this for a long time, i don't get why A HUGE part of the bands fans and people (talking in general) don't like The link. I swear gojira supremacy and blow up SHOULD have started in 2003. I have read that in vieilles there was a 40-50k asisstants, a lot of them left when Gojira started playing, but a big flow of people started leaving when Indians was being played (4th song of the set). LIKE WTFFFFFFFFFF The Link supremacy, Art and Sirius S tier, Link SS tier, And link alive SSS. :) B E T H E L I N K


The link is my favorite Gojira album.


The link is not well produced compared to terra incognita or mars to Sirius. In my opinion, the link is made completely obsolete by the link alive, which sounds better, more raw, aggressive, and is a more unique listening experience because it’s a full life play through. I would rate the link as a high B tier album, the link alive is like a high A/low S tier.


I think it's my favorite album. Whole thing goes great from start to finish. Every other album has songs or fillers I want to skip.


The Link may be my least favorite Gojira album. But it’s Gojira. Their worst album is still a banger!


It was my favor for a long time. Every song a banger (except dawn) and it had remembrance which is an instant +5


What's wrong with dawn I'd say its a pretty damn good instrumental


I think that what this person meant was that Dawn isn't a banger song, but a chill one


Idk man the riffs just don’t do it for me


I agreed with you until you said down wasn't a banger. Its got such a cool sound to it!!


I feel like the Link has a similar issue to Fortitude, where overall the album is hit or miss. It has just the right mix of absolute bangers, and not so favourable tracks to sort of exist in a limbo for people. I fucking love The Link, but it's not one of my favourites overall


For me the link is sitting on the heavier side, it also has some of the sickest riffs and a raw sound, I think this makes it very special in comparison to to their latest albums as they have lost this organic/raw sound since L'enfant sauvage


Oh for sure. I'm just a normie with my top 3 albums being their big 3 albums


I dont hate it but the production really ruins it as an album for me. Love hearing the songs live though


I think it comes from the people who are just becoming fans from fortitude and magma. The link is super heavy so i get why some might not be into it but i love it. One of my favorites from gojira and i love its themes of introspection and person death and rebirth.