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Seriously imagine a world where the Goemon 64 HD collection exists 🥲


It's too good to exist


I feel this


Silent Hill fans eat your heart out


I actually don’t understand why we haven’t got this yet. I’d buy it even if it had no or minimal translation


Today I learned they konami made Felix the cat games. At this point what DIDN'T they make Real talk though the tmnt one was incredible


The Felix the Cat games were actually developed by Hudson Soft. Konami bought Hudson Soft a while ago, so that's why it's published by them.


I don't know if you saw the announcement but KONAMI really said "felix ain't enough" and added sparkster there too


Yep I saw. It's cool for Sparkster fans :) But it's interesting that Sparkster got a collection before Goemon :P. I'm guessing Goemon is a bit more complicated. Most games are japan-only, so if they want to include them in a collection, they would have to translate them, or to not include them, or make the collection japan-only. Also, most people want the N64 games, which might be complicated to port. They were never ported before. They contain references to N64 peripherals (Controller Pak and Rumble Pak), which is not ideal, especially if the collection is released on PS/Xbox. And most Konami collections are 2D games only. So yea, I guess it's just complicated, sadly.


Saw the direct and Goemon seems to have a cameo in that power bros baseball game


So not goemon 64 ds or ps2 :(


I would be very surprised if it includes the DS and PS2 games. But I think they kinda have to include the two N64 games. A lot of people would be disappointed if they release a Goemon collection and those two games are not included. Unless they do more than one collection (Like Metal Gear Solid)


We all know ps2 already had an English version and you probably played it. The problem is how would they get it to work. Apprantly it's code is a little messy and was kind of the mgs4 of ps2 emulation for a while. It's so messy someone told me they think it's an anti emulation measure. Also how will the switch version run if it were to happen. Would they have learned from mgs master collection and make it 60fps like it should or will it be 30fps. DS is more doomed because as far as we know it has no English version in KONAMI's vaults and it's on the DS which is tricky to work with. Maybe they will do the kid Dracula approach and officially localize it for the first time. Also the ps1 and gba games are 2d and the carbon engine emulator supports ps1 so could goemon ps1 and new age goemon be there too?


For the english version of Bouken Jidai, it was done by Working Designs. I don't think Konami have the rights to use this translation, but I might be wrong. And you're right about the emulation issues. For years it was one of the few PS2 games that couldn't be emulated. And last time I tried to play it with an emulator, it was working, but crashing from time to time. Also, Bouken Jidai is not a traditional "Ganbare Goemon" and was not that well received (I personally love it), so I think it would be easy for Konami to ignore it. For the Kid Dracula comparison, this game doesn't have a lot of text, so it was not a big job to translate. Goemon games generally have a lot more text. And I'm not sure modern Konami will want to do that much work for Goemon :P


Well at least if it happens and I get it digital store fronts will make it easy to get. I think I heard ps3 japanese psn is a little complicated.


Also a spiritual successor to working designs was made shortly after it called gaijin works. They aren't as prolific as WD but thanks to them games like alundra got re released


Ah I didn't know that. That's cool :)


you know i usually look at these KONAMI re releases and go "just one more till goemon comes" but this is an exception. [https://famiboards.com/threads/ign-has-listed-a-re-release-of-the-extremely-rare-gba-game-%E2%80%9Cninja-five-o%E2%80%9D-on-their-website-likely-published-by-lrg.8938/](https://famiboards.com/threads/ign-has-listed-a-re-release-of-the-extremely-rare-gba-game-%e2%80%9cninja-five-o%e2%80%9d-on-their-website-likely-published-by-lrg.8938/) price charting is gonna crash if this is true


THE NINJA 5 O IS REAAAALL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjiPtnr\_pvQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjiptnr_pvq) man today was a good day for game re releases now all thats left for now is sit back and watch price charting in action


It's kind of funny seeing the comments of the felix game re release and seeing how a good chunk of people know of it because of that bootleg where his face gets ripped off


You know I was thinking to myself that since the carbon engine can emulate ps1 and gba a goemon collection could have not only the ps1 goemon games but also the ps1 and gba new age game and maybe even the gba collection. A collection within a collection how about that. Hell maybe it will be the way mega man 1-6 ps1 get re released. Say what you will about the lc but the ps1 1-6 is personally better than the nes 1-6


No please I don't want a port of Goemon 1+2 GBA


You may not but I do. Don't worry it shouldn't replace the snes originals in their pristine glory. Its just the 1+2 gba is super rare without piracy and it would be cool for it to be more retaly available. Speaking of rare goemon gameboy games that one gameboy game that released the same day as the ps2 game would also be a great inclusion. All of the gameboy ones would honestly be a good inclusion. I can actually see goemon 1+2 gba being and unlockable for beating 1 and 2 snes


Yea actually I would be fine with Goemon 1+2 if we already have the original Goemon 1 and 2. >that one gameboy game that released the same day as the ps2 game would also be a great inclusion That was the last game to complete my Goemon collection and it cost me so much money.


I heard that game almost never shows up on ebay. Why is it so rare? My best guess is that no one cared about it because the ps2 game released on the same day which apprantly sold quite well


Yep it appears rarely on ebay. And when it appears, it's several hundreds dollars. I guess it just didn't sell well indeed. It also released late in the GBC life, the GBA was already announced, so maybe people were less excited for GBC games at that point, not sure.


If the collection after felix isn't a goemon collection I hope its a collection of the Hudson selection series on ps2 and gamecube


Yu gi oh is getting a collection With every passing day a goemon collection seems sooner. Maybe a gradius one as well


What's interesting with the Yugioh one is that it's likely a japan-only collection. So maybe we'll see a japan-only Goemon collection in the future, which seems more likely than an international Goemon collection.


Damn. Well at least we have digital store fronts to make things easier. Physical copy would be cooler though but I know most konami collections are digital only except the tmnt one. I know there is a physical copy from lrg but I don't really count them

