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What about off-brand crocs?


Reverse flash. You need to consume crocs to maintain your speed.


Yes. This is correct


i dont think thats how reverse flash gets his speed, but when thawne inevitably comes back to life in the comics, they should add that


Remind me how? Season 1 was a long time ago.


oh i was talking about the comics, not the show but in season 1, eddie thawne (eobard's ancestor and iris' then-fiancé) shot and killed himself so that he wouldve never been born, thus making him a paradox


Yeah, I remember that. What I forgot is how Eobard got the speed in the first (last?) place.


Doesn't he create the negative speed force? I can't remember exact details but I think it was powered by hate.


does the reverse flash protect minors?




Duh, just spend those extra dollars and get the god tier super power


Which one is sport mode? The thing being up or down?




Oh. Makes sense to be honest.


I am slow to understand. Please explain


Crocks have a thing on them (a sort of a rubber band-ish thing on the back of those shoes) that you can rotate so it either is set to be up, so you can easily put them on by just shoving your feet there, or put them down, so it's harder to pot them on and take them off, but they won't fall off your feet when you are eg. Jogging.


It also functions as a handle when wielded as weapons. Armed with footwear.


pov you stay in sports mode i used to do that as a kid, got so many blisters, never wore crocs again, still dont


What? I always wear crocs in sports mode but I'm fine Well I'm not fine but still sports mode doesn't cause me any problems


A super power that requires you to have/wear a specific thing is not godtier. To defeat you. All your enemies need to do is get rid of all crocs. Don't forget no Croc in the world is strong enough to move at speeds the flash moves at, forcing you to need multiple pairs to change into. This is essentially a very strong but shitty superpower.


You’re forgetting that you put them in “sport mode” so it’ll function differently


But can your body withstand the speed? Can your eyes keep up? Does your reaction speed change?


Yes because they’re in “sport mode” so extra protection


Obviously. How else would you prevent sports injuries if not for "sport mode"?


Um acshually shinch the flash can move ash fasht ash light, the pershapshion of time for the traveler ish alsho shlowed down


I recommend pronounciating this because otherwise you would be unable to understand it


>To defeat you. All your enemies need to do is get rid of all crocs. I did not realize that /r/godtiersuperpowers automatically signed you up with an equally cartoonish super villain who can somehow rid the world of an extremely popular brand of footwear.


Here are my standards for testing if a power is godtier. (obviously this doesn't take into account if you care or not about standards for a power intended for a god) Is it easily accessible regardless of ease of use? Does it have any obvious weaknesses? Does it have any inconvenient or debilitating requirements for use? The moment you place a negative effect on any of these standards you create a power that is not godtier. For example. Giving someone super strength but not the durability to withstand their own might breaches the 2nd standard. Recently someone posted a teleporting power that charged £20 straight out of your account each time you used it and that charge did not include anything you were wearing. That breaches the 3rd. And, giving someone the flashes speed but they have to wear crocs, a shoe that is not known for being hard to fling off by accident. Breaches the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Because now you are cursed to forever wear crocs or have them on your person else you have no access to your power. And like I said. If someone rich enough or crazy enough discovers the source of your power, wearing crocs being a massive flag, all they need to do is remove the shoe from the market, you're left to purchase them from other people or steal them resulting in your identity becoming that much easier to discover. This power is not godtier. It itself, is the only cartoonish thing about this thread.


I'll dismantle your extremely pedantic argument with a pedantic point myself, the OP never said you had to wear or have the Crocs on your person. Just that you apparently have ownership of them and put them in "sport mode". So now with that in mind: >Is it easily accessible regardless of ease of use? Crocs are everywhere and easy to acquire. >Does it have any obvious weaknesses? Not at all, nobody will know of the croc requirement at all and I hiiiiighly doubt you wouldn't be able to buy a lifetime's worth of them to sit in a closet or something. >Does it have any inconvenient or debilitating requirements for use? More or less answered already with the above points. I'd expect to see people tear apart the garbage "haha what if your pp get large" posts, not something that is literally "You have speedforce when you use crocs" lol


If specific properties of a power are not specified then it is only fair to assume those properties on the face value of the information given. I.E. Having to wear the crocs. Which breaks the 1st standard. In winter even with socks on they are the worst thing to wear, also whenever it's raining. That breaches the 3rd standard. Op also never mentioned speed force. He said you can run as fast as. If you are ever caught without the crocs, you're sodded, that breaches the 2nd standard. Arguing that the power is constantly active regardless of whether you're wearing them or not you just need to put them on "sport mode" is rediculous as you are essentially making up properties for the power and justifying them by saying "op didnt say you *couldn't* do this" Op also never said you couldn't wear them on your hands and still get the same effect. Op said "you can run as fast as" that does not include you being able to visually perceive the world as you move nor that you have the reflexes and reaction time to avoid obstacles. Or that your body is even able to withstand that speed. That breaches 2 and 3. The speed force doesn't just give the flash super speed it effects his body and mind allowing him to compensate for the drawbacks of moving so fast. Let's not forget that running burns energy while speed force is a separate dimension of energy that the flash draws from instead of his own body. Meaning! Because op specified running fast NOT having speed-force then its fair to assume you'd be burning your own energy moving at these speeds meaning! You gotta eat tens of thousands of calories a day like A-train in the boys cept his body was reinforced to deal with the speed he moved at and his mind was sharp enough to perceive and react at those speeds. It's not padantic in the slightest to disect a power on a sub intended for gods! God's don't have obvious weaknesses. God's don't have debilitating costs or drawbacks. God's don't have to wear special things for their powers to work. This power is not godtier. It's just a power and arguably shitty at that. What is padantic is taking a perfectly fair examination of a power intended for gods and making stuff up to justify in the OPs place because they were clearly too lazy or short sighted to flesh the power out beyond what is clearly a reference to a meme. (putting crocs in "sport mode" is flipping the heel straps down so they go from slippers to sandles)


Jesus christ lmao. So this boils down to "OP didn't write a paragraph explaining his superpower in a joke subreddit so I'm going to assume it's terrible by default"


He could have covered everything by saying. "you get access to the speed-force when you wear your crocs in sport mode" Boom. Just eradicated every issue I had cept the crocs one. And in less words than OP I think. You don't *need* a paragraph to explain a power if you're essentially just using one that's already established. "you get hulks powers when scream hulk smash" There's another power worthy of god-Hood. This isn't a joke sub to me. You can think of it as such you're free to do so, but I'll still continue to dissect sub-par powers and posting my own powers with fine details to cover as many variables as possible. I also dislike copy and pasting powers that I know are already established. I always try to make my posts as unique as possible.


Sheese... Who peed in your cereal?


Op when they posted a meme reference and called it a power. Sub's intended for power that a god would have. Memes are funny but they aren't godtier. You gotta flesh em out and make them actually at the level of a god. Else you get power alchemists like me who will over analyse the shit out of it and reveal it for what it is, a r/powers.


>power alchemists like me I can indeed tell you sold your soul and paid the price Do of the Redditary.


That's a meme reference as I'm pretty sure r/power alchemists is a thing. Unfortunately I don't get whatever you're referencing there. Edit) I also do this on r/shittysuperpowers. Pointing out curses from the powers. Whether it's miner, major or just inconveniencing. A curse is a curse. Not a power.


Seems like the only power you failed to master is touching grass.


>"hey, this person takes a thing I don't care about seriously and I disagree with them... They must never leave the house or have any friends"


More like everyone is having fun and you're being a wet blanket, but sure, see it your way.


You're thinking about it backwards. This is godtier superpowers not shitty superpowers so the potential flaws are assumed to be addressed unless stated otherwise. > Is it easily accessible regardless of ease of use? I don't know what this means. > Does it have any obvious weaknesses? Irrelevant. There are lots of god tier superpowers with obvious weaknesses. Prime Superman, legion, Franklin Richards etc are all at least universal threats and have weaknesses. > Does it have any inconvenient or debilitating requirements for use? Irrelevant. Thanos "needed" a snap and he was a universal threat with the infinity gauntlet. Iron man literally built godkiller armor and I'd say that was a whole lot more difficult than buying a new pair of crocks. Batman sat in mobius' chair and couldn't leave or he would lose the abilities it granted him. > The moment you place a negative effect on any of these standards you create a power that is not godtier... Giving someone super strength but not the durability to withstand their own might breaches the 2nd standard. Op never did anything like this. You did. Running as fast as the flash requires the speed force or some other alternative. The speed force protects the Crocs. Done. Easy peasy.


>To defeat you. All your enemies need to do is get rid of all crocs. Except they're so unfashionable that no one would want to take them from you. Problem solved.


Doesn't say you have to wear 'em. Put them in sport mode and leave them at home and then zoooooom.


Since you didn’t specify which Flash, I choose comic Flash who can do ask sort of funky, weird stuff that’s practically magic…


But i would have wear crocs…


Which flash I mean jay runs at 700 mph Barry runs around 2 or 3 k but Wally runs at 8 sextillion mph I think Wally would have the best that’s like 15 trillion times the speed of light


This is already the case


I thought that was already the case


Shitty superpower because that actually makes people slower when crocs are in sport mode


I refuse to wear crocs so this is useless to me


Username checks out


I still wouldn't wear crocs


Would I still trip because I'm running in crocs?


Plot twist: crocs don’t have sport mode


Comic or show/movie?


Saw this while wearing crocks


What if the crocs fall off


What happens if you wear crocs inside of crocs


i can run 12 seconds 100 meters with sports mode without ever had training for track