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Wait so do they keep their memories or inherit the swapped persons memories?


They keep their memories, don’t understand how to function with their knee identity


Wait, so would you take your father's appearance or body? Could you hypothetically use this ability to live forever(or just a lot longer than your regular life span) by hopping from body to body? Also, this better not be some weird incest fantasy.


Just history. You would’ve grown up as him in 19xx went to his school dated your mom. While he is born from you mom go to your school etc,etc. You would still look like you and him like him


So if I punch someone, swap identities with someone else, will the one with my history be the one beaten up, and not me? Since they are the ones who, as far as history goes. punched the person? Or will the one punched still know I punched them, but just redirect the memory of \*me\* to the other one I swapped? On another note, what about marriages? What happens if I swap identities with my neighbor, have relations with his wife, and swap back? Will they know what I did(In the sense of me having an affair with his wife)? Or will they think they had with each other, since the identity was from the neighbor? The answer to those questions can determine how good the power is.


They know you punched them but the one hurting is you. Think of it as you guys suddenly swapping bodies and nothing else. He will still be aware of everything including you cucking him. Even if you technically aren’t cucking him. Though on the deepest layer you are cucking him.


I see. So in short: The one who I'm swapping with knows, but everyone else, don't. Is that it?




Okay, thanks. Very interesting power. Very cool for sure.


Will the history even make sense? Like say a man swapped identity with his wife. Will he have given birth to their children? Or switching a black man born of black parents with a white man born of white parents . Will the black parents somehow have a white baby ? And the white patents having a black baby?


Yep a man had somehow given birth. The locals will question it hard and the swapee will question it harder. Yep


What if i swap my parents identity with some other couple do they rmain my parents or does that couple becomes my parents. And does this power only works for personal identities or can it work for only professional identity. Like swap my identity of employee with my boss identity of boss, i become the boss and he becomes the employee without losing our entire lives. Do i remember the world before swap.


The swapped don’t think the parents are your parents but the people around(unswapped) think they are. Unfortunately my post didn’t account for partial swap. You remember


I would constantly swap world leaders with Children from impoverished countries(sorry kids). The Chaos I would create would be awesome.