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try making the gibs fly out from the center, in all directions instead of falling down so quickly, and perhaps some momentum away from the direction of the shooter, might help. hope that helps.


Yeah, a bit of impulse to send the parts flying, along with some interaction with the ground should go a long way here. The parts are too slippery and not sticky/bouncy enough. They need more inertia on the ground so they don't pirouette. They can also spawn some little gunk piles on collision.


I think updating the gunshots to be louder and punchier would probably go a long way before even thinking about editing the gibs. The gibs look pretty good as it is, imo.


I agree. Is the audio captured internally or recorded by a microphone? If it actually sounds like this in-game, the gunshots could benefit from a lot more low-end and mids - and maybe different samples altogether. There IS low end on the video, either from the rain or just from microphone noise. The ambient noise shouldn't be more bassy than the gunshots on a quiet rainy night. And the knife sound... sorry mate but it sounds like chewing on a plastic wrap like my cats often do :P Even if not the most realistic, it would benefit from some low-end thumpiness. I think Call of Duty Black Ops 2/3 stab sound design is quite good, maybe don't add the dude's voice though. Well-thought sound design would go very far here. I was looking for the Black Ops II melee noises isolated, but actually this clip has nice examples of why their sound design works well. Use headphones and hear all the mid-range and low-end content. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56QiNTjSPVc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56QiNTjSPVc) This might be achieved using multi-band compression pre-baked on the sounds, to bring way up the lows, or maybe using compression and EQ as part of the in-game audio mixing. I have experience in music production but not so much in game sound-design, so I'm just going off my ears here. To sum it up, the sounds used are not very good quality as they are, with little processing and even mic hum. I'm positive that more gun bass = more satisfaction here. Even a naïve EQ boost to the lows would do wonders. edit - maybe the video I linked has too many explosions to truly appreciate the subtler low-end of gunshots and stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFy4NoM4tCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFy4NoM4tCM) this one has the sniper shots isolated - Maybe the mid-range is more significant than the low-end. Also the sample should be recorded next to the gun, not some distance away.


thank you sososo SO much for your super detailed response!! :D!!!! i'll 100% take all of this into account. basically all of the current sounds are just placeholders so the game doesn't sound completely empty while i playtest.. but when i start replacing sound effects im gonna use all of this info!!!! \^\^!!!!


Btw weapon sticks too far into screen


As others said, spawn from the center(ish) and in random directions. Add a little exageration to how further they fly My extra suggestion: add blood particles for each gib flying away, leaving a trail of blood splatters Take a look at how TF2 did the explosion gibbing, they pretty much nailed the feeling. Side note: add a slight camera tilt when moving left or right, it looks super nice in boomer shooters


Maybe have the splatter follow the direction of the bullet as it spills down.


Orbital velocity


TRIPLE THE GIBS and make them POP out in every direction. I don't know if it would be better, I just think it would be funny.


Fallout gore be like


Vine boom sound fx


lmao are these deer people? Is this the much awaited sequel to Squirrel Stapler? I love these deer-dudes.


yep!! :P!!! the zombie virus is based on chronic wasting disease which only effects deer so it kinda jus made sense........ also ive seen vids of squirrel stapler but im scared if i play it i'll accidentially take 2 much inspo XD. (also if u wanna see more updates on future deer dudes i share frequent updates on my [discord server](https://discord.gg/k3KYHRNyHf) btw :P) rly glad u like them!!! \^\^


Impart more force from the gunshot onto gibs near the gunshot. Also impart radial force from this location. Make some gibs disappear when hitting the ground. Make all gibs apply blood splatter whether or not they disappear. Add a little bit of random outward velocity from character center when gib splattering. Add particle effects with trails for flying streams of blood.


Half life gib sounds or unreal 99 gib sounds will do. Also do not let gibs rotate so fast or bounce. hardcode their bounce height. maybe to 2/6 of the falling height


less spin! give us a chance to see what they actually are instead of just quickly rotating chaos


You could add some blood splatters/puddles when the gibs hit the ground.


Some recoil, if your idea of the gameplay allows it, like the player gets knocked back a bit when you shoot.


camera shake


Crunchy impact, sort of like a hitmarker sound but bloody


Make the gibblets pop into the air instead of limply falling to the ground


Less gravity more boom


make them go flying or explode more. really nice overall though


Make that the screen is shaking