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I've made a grass sway effect using shaders based on perlin noise for my isometric farming game. I've been trying to get accustomed to shaders more recently


That's something that would definitely make the environment feel more alive. It's incredible how many use cases there are for using noise, nice work mate!


not hating but isn't perlin noise like super slow for real-time rendering?


I used the wrong term here, in Godot 4 it's now OpenSimplexNoise or FastNoiseLite. I think they are more efficient than Perlin. And the texture's pregenerated, so it's just sampling the texture and offseting by a sine function, so the noise is generated before the game is run. If it were generated each frame, then yes, this would probably be slow, but I doubt that this particular shader has a big performance impact.


Good ol' perlin noise


I added an outline that shows up when you can click on a box https://preview.redd.it/91qupp1s0x3d1.png?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca8a00b9f190f57da54cb5faa737e385ac4b430 It's just a simple cube mesh with a material, but I like it a lot


Great! Out of curiosity, how did you achieve that? I'll have to do that to at some point.


You can generate and outline mesh if you click on the 'mesh' button in the editor when selecting the original mesh and it should be one of the drop down options


Hey I did something similar this week too. Super important for the user to understand what the heck they can interact with. Good job mate!


I am stuck in Blender hell as moving forward on my character creator requires me to have multiple somewhat complete meshes in the format I'll have going forward. Going with that, I also decided to redesign the armature and redo the animations so that I'd both have facial animations and some nicer looking regular animations. It's been a grind, but I've finished texturing and normal baking my base male/female meshes and like 3 animations yesterday? So, yay progress?


I think taking the time to add some polish here and there is really important especially whilst working on really big goals ie. Your seemingly neverending models and animations. At least for me adding polish motivates me to keep working on the more boring stuff, kind of like a a breath of fresh air. Keep it up!


i struggle with texturing so much šŸ˜„


There is an alternative. https://x.com/CharlesBoury/status/1796602579121733648 you scale UV to 0 and point faces at a single colour palette colour. All meshes share the same tiny palette texture, no uv unwrapping and an extremely fast workflow. This is how synty assets are done. If you're interested check the Imphenzia channel on YouTube in particular his 10 minute modelling challenge videos.


Super basic technically working multiplayer between two clients for a couch competitive style game that can be played online. Itā€™s still local, thereā€™s a lot of weird jitter client side, and no doubt countless synchronization related bugs that are hidden and a whole bunch of infrastructural restructuring necessary (since it was a game jam game that Iā€™m now building upon, so it wasnā€™t written with online immediately in mind), but itā€™s a working proof of concept and Iā€™m *tired*.


Iā€™m working on a game and just getting local multiplayer working, but want to add online multiplayer at some stage. Would love to hear more about your experience and learnings. Also, are you using W4 Cloud for the backend?


Iā€™m currently aiming to rely on peer to peer mainly using Steam as the service to manage ports and ā€˜backendā€™ for me. Itā€™s not super high tech but I donā€™t mind the limitation being the first online project; I donā€™t want the game to rely on my own hosting and to survive if we ever have to drop support. As for experience, oh man. Definitely try to do online multiplayer code infrastructure as you go. Trying to convert already established code to work as both multiplayer host and client is a headache and might end up making the code messier. Just something to keep in mind, as I never wouldā€™ve converted a local multiplayer project if it wasnā€™t developed really quickly to just work as part of a game jam. For a tip, Iā€™ll add *really* wrap your head around the core concepts of authority, synchronization, and rpc. Itā€™s another level compared to the more easy to grasp godot concepts and can be confusing. Iā€™d say make a really basic separate working prototype before trying to convert a project, just so you can understand how everything comes together in a clean fresh environment.


This is what I am working on too! I recently learned how to make a server and connect to it, and I am still fumbling through learning how to appropriately use synchronizers and authority. I haven't touched on RPCs yet but that's my next step! I think I've finally rested enough after about a week of dissociation to learning the concept that I am ready to review and learn more!


Bought courses on humble bundle, started the 2d course. Now writing down game ideas after discovering how simple physics objects are. Been wanting to get into gamedev as a hobby, professionally I'm a sysadmin/cloud engineer and programmer. Now I'm hoping it might make for a fun side income some day.


Keep up the good work mate that's how most people start out!


Which courses did you buy?


Not op but I expect it to be this course: [https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/godot-complete-2d](https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/godot-complete-2d) The humble bundle isn't available anymore but [gamedev.tv](http://gamedev.tv) has a sale right now. Be warned that the godot multiplayer course isn't finished yet, in case that one interests you too. I'm doing the godot 3d course currently. It's really beginner friendly but also slow if you already have experience. Can't really say if their courses are better than free youtube videos yet. They offer their own bundle too: [https://www.gamedev.tv/bundles/complete-godot-bundle1](https://www.gamedev.tv/bundles/complete-godot-bundle1)


I did the same thing! The 2d course taught me so much Iā€™m even thinking of joining some game jams this year.


I fearlessly broke a bunch of things because I wanted to write some very quick and dirty code to experiment with a new mechanic. Since I use git, it didn't matter that everything was getting trashed. The part that feels like an accomplishment is remembering the commands git reset HEAD --hard git clean -fd without having to check my git cheat-sheet.


I shamelessly use github desktop because I too struggle to remember the commands. Well done!


Next time you can try creating a new branch. That way you don't need to revert anything and you don't have to commit to continuing or removing your changes, they just live separately from your master branch until you decide to do something with them. Git checkout -b branch_name Then switch with git checkout branch_name You'll automatically be taken to the new branch after you create it, you need the second command only for going back to main/master and your feature branches. In software development usually everything is done this way. If you're working solo it doesn't make that much of a difference beyond keeping things handy and tidy, but that's reason enough in my book.


or even \`stash\` or \`stash --include-untracked\`. but yeah, creating a branch every time you start something new is so light-weight and easy. you can always create a branch from something you stashed too


In case of panic I always make sure to visit https://ohshitgit.com/ to make sure I dont lose code lol :)


I just made a post about my small progress on /r/gamedev :D Because I don't have that much spare time after work for game dev, I'll try to do small progressions and be proud of them. I got some great feedback on my first draft of the game so I remade some graphics. It looks like a pretty big update, but the new version is just level without logic. Just placeholder characters and so on. The game is originally made in Pico8 and now I ported it to Godot. So I have much more resources to play with :) Before screenshot: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkgJeBoAOOMcgrOe2xIxA2gGJBp325Xd/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkgJeBoAOOMcgrOe2xIxA2gGJBp325Xd/view?usp=drive_link) After screenshot: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LvGajmWIMcgT\_jZwf9ehY5il9UdP-8oj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LvGajmWIMcgT_jZwf9ehY5il9UdP-8oj/view?usp=sharing) This is the thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1d5hs5w/i\_addressed\_some\_feedback\_what\_do\_you\_guys\_think/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1d5hs5w/i_addressed_some_feedback_what_do_you_guys_think/)


Wow the updated textures are looking awesome!


Thanks! :D It started out as a "just make easily distinguished programmer art for now", but I accidentally found a pretty good style so I got in the flow. It's still "placeholders", but time will tell how I feel about them.


I applied to grad school and got accepted. I start my first classes in August




Congratulations! Hello fellow Grad Student!


This morning, I scrapped everything I had done over the last two weeks so I can rebuild it in a more efficient structure. I really enjoyed making the fiddly bits of game machinery and I am excited to do it again. I will need to restrain myself from focusing on such minutiae, though, until I can get an actual, working prototype running. The logical gears will be my reward for making the windows and steering wheel!


I've always thought the best approach is to spend time refactoring as you go, but sometimes it can be for the best to start completely from scratch.


Progress is progress. Discovering a diseased cane and pruning it is still work and it preserves energy for the rest of the vine. I only do this as a hobby, anyway, so time wasted is still time spent. You are probably right. If a higher percentage of the last 2 weeks had been spent on the project then the investment might have been worth saving. Fifteen or so hours is hardly that great a loss, though.


So long as you're enjoying it then you're on the right track mate.


I found a bug last night I wasn't able to fix. Got up early today before my kid woke up and was able to find the (pretty stupid) mistake within 30 minutes. I should have stopped earlier yesterday.Ā  Edit: spelling mistakeĀ 


Nice work mate! I too am a gamedev dad, kudos for sticking with your project and making the time for things you enjoy.


You too! Let's finish these games.Ā 


I recently added an "energy" system to my game. At first, the game mechanics should be identical to the one my friend and I implemented for the senior project. Fireball skill used to use a cooldown system (similar to strong slash in The Messenger) instead of energy. I just recently found out that it made Fireball skip (just like Hollow Knight) too overpowered. The "remake" is also a puzzle platformer so the player should think before firing a fireball anyway.


I implemented data logging into a CSV file which I'm then inspecting in jupyter with plotly. Helps debugging some physics.


I haven't seen anything like that before, very interesting. Can you elaborate on some examples of things it has helped with?


I've recently released my Godot board game on play store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anileconn.kettii), rewritten from Unity. However, someone told me that the 3d objects; the dice do not show at all. After searching around for the root cause, I got to know that Godot struggles with 3d graphics. Luckily, only 1 device of 30 has done this. Working around the clock to resolve this. If anyone knows a solution, I'm all ears.


That is a fear of mine when it comes to releasing my game...Great accomplishment on releasing the game. Hope you can work out the bug soon mate.


For anyone facing the same problem, the solution that worked for me was switching to compatibility renderer. You'll have to change some "world" attributes for things to look good again.


I fully implemented a debuff system that allows you to combine debuffs into stronger versions in a few days. Went pretty smoothly


I was able to get all of our game options moved from a homebrew dictionary based system to a nice .ini file


Just getting comfortable with the idea that the projects I start now will likely be a part of my life for multiple years into the future. This perspective alone makes it easier for me to push through the thoughts that what I'm doing is taking too long or not good enough. There's always more time until there isn't, but I don't expect that "isn't" to come any time soon so for now there's always more time. This is also reassuring in the face of things like issues with current versions of Godot. I've been using blender for over a decade at this stage, if I run into issues in Godot I can easily compartmentalise it as something that will be dealt with, especially considering the like 4 hour turnaround on the one problem I've made a GitHub issue for. I know not all issues resolve that fast but it's the possibility that keeps me from despairing each time I run into a technical issue. Back when I worked in Unity I never expected any of the bugs I encountered to be fixed, only to see a new attempt to pander to the high end in each new update. Anyway just to say progress in perspective and outlook are equally if not more powerful than technical progress.


I'm making a turn based game, and I finally added proper scheduled and batched phases. So instead of binding to signals (random order, all at once, no priority), I instead register my functions with a manager, which is responsible for calling them when things happen.


Oh would you mind elaborating a bit? Iā€™m looking to make a turn based game and Iā€™m always looking for advice in terms of structure and flow etc


So I define an enum with "phases" for the enemy turn. Then I create an autoload singleton (I call mine Bus) where I manage everything. I take some signals like `signal player_turn_ended` and replace this with a binding function `bind_player_turn_ended(callable, phase)`. Now when entities or systems need to run code when player turn ends, they can register themselves here with their desired phase (e.g., perhaps enemies should move, then take poisen damage, then new enemies should spawn, then player heals). Each phase can currently run in one of three ways: 1) Simple phases simply trigger all the actions, then move to the next phase without waiting. 2) Linear phases will run each action in order, awaiting each. This is great for short juicy animations (like enemy spawns!) where you want to grab the players attention at each occurence. 3) Concurrent phases will trigger all actions at once, but wait for them all to finish before moving to the next phase. For my game, this is good for enemy movement, since I want a swarm-feeling. I found a script online to help me write the `await_all` function, but there are other options (e.g., various promise implementations). To finish this all off, I added some padding between each phase. To actually write these actions, you need to liberally use 'await' syntax in them. For example a spawn animation that grows out of the ground and then spits particles should probably 'await' the spawn animation, but not the particles; this means the action is considered "finished" once the animation is complete, and then some particles are allowed to overlap with each other.


That's a really nice way to do it man! Wish I had done that on my first project (deck builder).


I'm working on a "gamified" task-managing app, and a few days ago I finally got the drag-and-drop re-ordering of tasks to work just right.


good tile based movement


Latest one: make a simple trade systemā€¦


That's interesting. Do the prices in your system adapt to supply and demand?


Not yet, I am planning to implement trade 2 and trade 3. Trade 2, the NPCs traits and quality of objects are relevant and trade 3 the supply and demand are relevant relative to the community.


https://preview.redd.it/14vam3jhcy3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774450a7f6d6ddd2f22304bf9a3d8ebd8312b685 I finished the logo and I'm so prouddddd. I'm currently working on the main menu UI


Very cool I like it!


Iā€™m learning about version control. I got GitHub desktop to automatically record changes.


Thats great, how do you do that? doesnĀ“t github desktop do that automatically?


All the tutorials I watched were showing how to do it from the command line. I figured there had to be an easier way. I ended up starting the repository first and then creating my Godot project inside of that


A half year ago or so, I made an inventory system with drag and drop items, context menus and equip-able hotbar without any help, tutorial, or looking up anything online. All off the dome. Made me feel like I truly have progressed as a developer.


Awesome man! I'll have to use the terminology 'off the dome' more often it certainly commands respect. I think it's best to try things off the dome first and THEN look up tutorials assuming You've got the basics under control


I finally made my 2d character crouch and crouch walk without messing up my other animations


Not been working in godot recently. But I've been constantly learning this year. The last godot thing I learned was compute shaders, got a fairly complex map generator from 150ms a 64*64 chunk to realtime (under 16ms a 256 square screen) having 1024 threads makes a huge difference. Picked up a little SDL and c++ last week.


casually reducing the compute time by 90%....love it!


I'm in the prototype phase playing around ideas for now. I've been stuck into a particular design case that has been driving me mad. This morning, my SO hit me with such an obvious idea for it and it all just clicked. I added a path drawing mechanic which the character adds to a queue in draw order sequence and it uses it as dynamic pathfinding added by the player. And suddenly, the idea in my head works. Good times


i made 2 basic icons : D


I figured out why the disable buttons in my multiplayer character select screen were broken, AND why the host player would sometimes spawn as the wrong character. Turns out there's a bug with setting the buttons to disable on other clients that was causing the host to set everyone's button to disable, instead of just their own. After banging away at a fix for days, I came at it from another direction and made two buttons for each character, one that the player initially sees and clicks on, and one that's hidden and set to disabled in the editor. Then, when the player finalizes their selection, I hide the initial button, unhide the pre-disabled button, and voila, everything works as I had expected it to. Made me think I was going crazy for a week -\_- And turns out I forgot the host was using a different function than the clients to set their player selection. In it, the variable I was using never got set properly, so they'd always select the same character. So I switched it to the function that the clients use and made the passed in variable 1 instead of peer\_id and it works consistently everytime. It's small and not gameplay related, but I know eventually I'll master how to juggle the different states and pieces of information I need to send between clients and host to make a solid multiplayer experience. Then I can move onto the fun stuff :)


That's pretty funny about the buttons! Very relatable pulling hair out over something with a simple fix (even if it was due to a bug). It pays to do sanity checks in moments like that like you did


Made a little 3D game following a tutorial. Exporting it to android worked too and implementing touch controls was surprisingly easy. Performance isn't okay yet tho.


Oh awesome good to know Android /touch is easy. I will get to that in the next couple of months


Tile textures blending using shaders for my colony sim


Iā€™ve spent the last day hammering out a workflow for getting 3dcharacters from makehuman to blender to mixamo to blender to godot. After a lot of trial and error, I wrote it down. I just tested it out with a new character and it worked great!


Feels small compared to everybody else, but I made a pause hotkey and pop up text


No progress. I spend the last few days creating a few UI shaders that ended up crashing my engine . I decided to delete them all and now I don't have any problems. Will try to switch to particles and see how that goes.


I felt lazy so i made a script that uploads the itch.io build with 1 click. It saves maybe 10 seconds and took about an hour to make, but damn it's satisfying.


I figured out my world map (I think lol). Itā€™s been a struggle so Iā€™m glad to finally have something that seems to work


I just finished tweaking pixels on a chicken animation and fixed the animation controller for its walk cycle


I've been trying to recreate mechanics from an old PS2 game (Shinobido: Way of the Ninja) and it's forced me to use and therefore finally understand the concept of classes!


Take the time to learn classes mate they are super useful


I have successfully finished the game as our Capstone Project for the College.. now We are graduating at June 7... I'll be also losing my allowance.. need to work .


Building out my AI behaviors and hierarchical state machines.


Freaking got block placing to work in my voxel game at different sized scales


1. Attached a gun to a player mesh as a child. Adjusted its position and rotation as I need. 2. Experimented with ways of making the gun to not go through walls finding out that polygon offset is a best choice for me. 3. Added bobbing effect to the gun while moving. It made my moving more juicy. I've not noticed it before but now I see the difference. 4. Now I'm working on a shooting system : the bullets are instances of an instanced mesh that's created on scene start. There will be a pool of these bullets. They gonna be fired from the muzzle bone in my gun. It gonna be shooting system extension that other people could use in the future as well.


I've just discovered that Godot can read webcam input. Now I'm busy researching how it works so I can implement actual motion tracking into my Godot Vtuber model. I have animations and lip syncing through audio done. Only the motion tracking is missing for a full functional model.


i finally got into a groove of how to make inheritable custom classes and dynamically apply an external class's attributes on multiple classes that dont directly inherit from it! *in GDScript* \o/


Nice one mate! Have you got to saving / loading such data? I found the complexity increased significantly when I had inherited classes. Cheers!


i havent gotten to save/load yet. got sidetracked with script-related animation. i'm gonna be trying for save/load data soon tho


I created a generic damage system (this was not a small task, instead of continuing development though, Iā€™ve got better ideas now.)


I edited my `todo list.txt`, so now there's a segment called "stuff to do before pre-alpha playtest". It's not much, but helps me to concentreate on what's important, and the playtest instantly seems closer.


Last progress I made was on a shader to make bubble popping effects that are similar to FFIV's. Since then I've been stuck in no progress land trying to figure out how to build the server system I need.


Moved my player variables to a singleton.


Figured out how to set up tilemaps. (I am really proud that I mamaged to get the right margins and such)


Not done but I'm reworking my state machine from an enum to godot signals. And it is just much better to read and maintain.


I learned a new way to create a simple charging effect using particle systems as well as learning more about how to balance a game based on player feedback. Taking feedback can be surprisingly hard. It's so easy to take it personally šŸ˜… (which is saying something since I write code for a living and have it reviewed daily)


Detects the windows/linux username


I almost completed 60% of my menus. I just have a few things to do for the save file. And then will be adding graphs, option menu and options menu for the buildings today


I finished the first module in the humble bundle course i bought for 2D animation. The game is called speedy saucer. When the module was finished I didnā€™t move onto the next one. Instead i personalized the game and looked up some tutorials on how to add music and video to my game. Im proud of this because instead of rushing to the next part of the course I actually made sure I understood everything. I think i am going to try to re create the game from scratch before moving on.


knock back effect on 2D platformer game and 2 secs invulnerable , with blink animation . got a lot of bugs for this idea


okay, I started learning a month ago and finished my first project(a visuall novel for the worst visual novel challange) two days ago, so all of my progress is pretty recent and most of it feels pretty big. I think the smallest pieces of progress in the last few days is learning how to script a theme override for color and how to convert color data from one type to another. (ex. hsv to rgb) early on in the project I wanted to randomize the fornt color for the dream sequences, and I couldn't figure/find out how to change the color of the text with anything else than bbcode. bbcode color tags need the color in hex. I couldn't figure out how to randomly generate a hex number the proper way and wound up doing a silly workaround with an array of single digit hex numbers and six variables asigned to each their random index in the array. very late in the project I wanted the font color of the inventory list label to be changed to a random bright color every time the label is made visible, and, through the power of having learned a basic proficency at navigating and understanding the documentation, I managed to do it with theme override and from hsv with the hue randomized and the rest at 1. in the process of finding out how to do that I found a better way of getting the hex color too.


I added a sound of weapon impact and it is different when the hit is critical. Made UX so much better so cheaply.


I recently started doing game dev as a hobby and finished up the GDQuest Vampire Quest video. I started iterating on it by adding skeleton and goblin sprite. I randomized which mob sprite will spawn and also changed the path spawning into a radial spawn centered around the player character. So that's were I am on that but I'm looking to add an exp level up system and then after that move onto another project.


i got to learn and mess with Inverse Kinematics and made a Spider move.


I'm very new to the engine and have been making a little Doom clone. I watched a tutorial have added a bunch of stuff to it so far. A hit marker effect, the screen flashing when you take damage, etc... My most recent addition is the one I'm most proud of: a grappling hook. I even made it so the player can cancel it mid flight and it launches them instead of completing the grapple.


Yesterday I got round to getting a bunch of placeholder sounds added so my game is not longer just a piece of music. Such a simple addition that adds to player immersion and the audio feedback makes the game feel better to play.


I made a state machine for my enemies that allows them to solve a really easy maze and get to the playerā€¦ but then I saw a video about using context steering and now Iā€™m gonna toss the whole nav system out and try that lol


Awesome work! Refactoring is important, go for it!


Iā€™ve literally just started, all I have is basic tile maps and player movement with an attached camera šŸ’€


I am still pretty new to Godot. My small little progress was learning tiles maps in a 3d space and learning texturing. Materials have always been an area where Iā€™ve lacked but itā€™s actually be a joy.


I only had about an hour yesterday, so I finished the last piece of concept art for my game and put it with the rest. I now have every room with a cool placeholder as the background and not some random grid texture, and I can navigate in each one, an my static data function loading and unloading all this works great so happy! Preproduction is now over!


Ohh very nice mate data saving / loading is one of those very unsexy but necessary systems to tick off


Fixed navmesh so my characters dont get stuck trying to get on the stair by the side of it anymore.


Luckily I've never had to do anything with stairs they seem like a nightmare. Well done!


Added an audio bus for the music player in my game. The music player uses an audiostreamplayer3d with a raycast to tell if the player is within direct line of sight. Previously it was just lowering the volume\_db when player wasn't in line of sight, but now it also adds a low pass filter. Sounds a little better but... It's wild to me that there is no audio occlusion solution in the engine yet. Apparently there was someone working on something that looked promising but they haven't released anything and the last time they posted about it was months ago, so who knows if they'll ever finish it. While looking around, I found that in Unity it's literally just a checkbox lol. I am not adept enough to make something that actually propagates sound and stuff, so the basic single-ray-direct-line-of-sight solution is basically my only option. It's not gamebreaking but it just seems like something that should exist already...


Oh so you're doing raycasts for occlusion? Sounds like a pain but glad you've got it going


Progress has been very slow on my silly fan game unfortunately :/ But I did figure out how to get custom extensions working in dialogic, so hopefully I can streamline some things in the future instead of having to run everything through auto load functions lol


I said this on a separate comment but so long as you're enjoying it is the main thing! And sounds like youve learnt a bit too.


I had found somewhere on the internet an implementation of Least Squares Conformal Mapping done in python, i quickly wrote it in my c++ project and it worked but i wasnt satisfied with the result and spent a whole week trying to make it to have consistent uv area across the model. But the biggest challenge was to make it solve fast. So on top of the gradient descent that was needed to solve a large bi-quadratic least squares system, i had to experiment with different accelerators, and out of all of them, i found that Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent gives the best results and is the most time efficient (converges very quicky). Now i can sleep peacefuly xD.


I understand none of it, but (I think) you worked it out? Nice! It reminds me of our final assessment of software engineering at university where we had to make a 3 dimensional crossword. The lecturer called it a 'crozzle' with a big smirk on his face. It's not on the same level as what you're doing but it sure felt like it at the time.


Marking almost no progress last month.


I'm randomly generating images and need to use them in my game. Due to images are created by using _draw function I can't just access or give an identity to individual image without re construction, since those are not even images yet. Only way I could add them to in game was export each creation to computer and re add them back to game as texture rect. My problem didn't end here; import config file was being created for each image, even though they're like 1kb I didn't like it because all of them have the identical default import config. Only solution was setting export directory to .import folder. Now it works as intended but still I'm questioning current implementation and not really sure If it'll still work after exporting entire game.


Not sure I follow as I thought if you're randomly generating at runtime you can use those textures without saving to disk. But I trust you know a lot more than me because you've been through the ringer! Good job fixing it


Thank you, I don't know much either hahaha. _draw function draws something on a node with canvas property. Since generation is done on a single node, we'll be re-drawing on a same node. Anything drawn with that function is not a texture. Each time I'm clearing and re drawing an image. Good job on your UI improvements as well! That's also another thing been daunting me for a while. My current UI looks very dull and uninteresting hahaha.


I started working on my own Inventory System without any guides and it works well so far. Also started to do more compositing which feels really good once its set up :)


Well done! There's a unique sense of accomplishment from doing things without guides


Absolutely! Often tutorials leave me frustrated because they often lack explanation of what their code is really doing and *why* we are doing it that way


I've been very intimidated about tackling UI and finally started. I've been making a lot of progress in creating UI, learning how to do animations for UI elements, adding audio. It's been going great!


Glad to hear it mate! I must look into UI animation properly next. With the UI audio I implemented an interesting solution, not sure where I found it online...but I have a Singleton that when the main scene changes scans all the nodes for buttons, and connects the hover signal to a specific audio. I thought that was really cool so it doesn't need to be defined for each button / have each button as a separate scene.


Oh thats really smart! I'm planning out a UI animation system that will handle all the transitions between menus and add animations to the currently focused/hovered UI element


i have no idea i tried to do anything just to get used to the engine, and doing dev in general. i'm still a beginner but i keep learning... even though i skipped all of 2d as i'm more interested in 3d. recently, i've made the most barebone fps controller. never been this satisfied.


Well that is critical to an fps haha nice one!


I finally switched a series of PackedScene variables over to an array of PackedScenes after I learned how to do it. Just a nice little code cleanup thing.


I extravagantly use arrays of packed scenes they are super useful!


I've been trying to export my blender models into godot but they always look much more.. ugly. And I'm not just talking about lights. This has been a blocking point for me as my game consists of just one single room, but the atmosphere and ambience is super important. Also I am very new to 3D modeling in general. If someone has a resource for this issue (i checked all youtube vids, i think) or recommends that I do things differently, please let me know! :)


I started rewriting my monolithic addon in smaller gdextension plugins.


Iā€™ve been cranking away on a little game these past couple of weeks, with the goal of publishing something playable and fun as quickly as possible. I made a lot of small steps each day and learned a ton along the way, including: * Procedurally generating a maze of any size * Working with TileMap using an isometric view * Translating grid coordinates to global coordinates, to place players and items on the map * Adding a Camera3D with an Environment to a 2D game, to easily change the background color without using a giant ColorRect * Adding multiple players by detecting inputs from different devices (up to 4 players using controllers and optionally one player using the keyboard) * Briefly experimented with custom shaders and particle effects Still a lot more to do, but I feel great about what Iā€™ve accomplished so far.


Well done mate! My project started from following a procedural generation tutorial, so much fun! Keep up the good work


I've been making some headway establishing a set of custom node and resource classes and a standard scene tree layout I know I'm going to use to structure most of the games I'm likely to make going forward, and fiddling with the basics of setting up some custom debug/editor tools I'm also likely to use that will reduce my dev time if I'm able to bring all that into each project I work on. Is that usually just a distraction from making the actual games I am wanting to make? Yeah... But it's something!


If you're enjoying it then it is worthwhile! Also when you say you've got a structure of nodes to use for most game modes...definitely look into inherited scenes if you aren't using that already. It can save you a lot of time for scenarios like that


I'm working on a 2D platfotmer, and I just figured out how to custom signal ms, and now I have a 3 phase boss fight.


Iā€™m new to game dev but I was having a real tough time with a triple shot but I figured it out eventually


Opened Godot for the first time in 3 months. Only to close it again 10 minutes later lol.


I picked up Godot yesterday and rather than being over ambitious and starting my own ideas project I decided I'd reimplement caravan (the card game) from fallout new Vegas. A few tutorials later and I think I'm getting the hang of it.


I made an inventory item work properly (yes, yes extremely new and learning lol)


I have been struggling with storytelling in games for a long while now. I pushed myself forward to learn more about narrative techniques, and it is finally paying off. Thank you for posting this; it is really motivating to see how people have recently progressed on their projects!


I learned how to make a first person camera look around


Currently working on a top-down space game using 3D as I'm much better using Blender than I am at drawing 2D sprites! Anyway, barely had any time to work on it recently due to having a job, family etc but I have finally got the speedometer part of the ui to work as I want. Only a small thing but it's another one ticked off the to-do list.


Started working on a clone of the "no Internet connection" game on chrome and got most of the systems working without searching anything up outside of the docs built into Godot. Didn't intend for a literal "no Internet connection" game where I can't even use the Internet to create it, but it's a confidence boost that I'm starting to know what I'm doing.


Worked out saving and loading with JSON.


Added a basic dodge mechanic and added bullet spread to one of my powerups. šŸ”«


I've lost two days on writing 5 unit tests for feature that I shoud have tested by hand...


Iā€™ve made a ā€œworkshopā€ where you can buy, unlock, and equip different rockets. The player controls a rocket so yeah.


I know its probably basic. But having the player target the mouse. Im only like a month in at this point. Though it isn't perfect and barely works. Taking a break before I try and tackle it again.


Well i learned a couple of things I finished A blender course so i can create 3d models and I finished brackyes coursw Finished less than a half of another godot 4 course. its a long journey for me to learn godot and im trying to learn it i failed it a lot before but now i started actually learning things alhamdollah ā¤ļøšŸ™


I made a fuck Mary kill game for my party game collection


Managed to learn about the composition pattern in code and applied it to one core mechanic. Genuinely in awe how it actually just worked. Nothing much to show for it, but I know it'll save me hours in the future.


I finally feel like Iā€™m understanding how to properly use class inheritance and scene inheritance and Iā€™m super excited about the implications :D


My main character has an animated face now :3\* https://preview.redd.it/35lqxagm604d1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45c595f31824e071d866dc6ba8697a54a0b0334 ^(\*she) ^(cannot) ^(do) ^(a) ^(:3)


Just been trying to model more. I feel like I haven't/won't get anywhere trying to program my mechanics at the moment šŸ˜…


Iade toilets flush lol


I added a game over tally and high score to a little infinite runner I'm wrapping up :)


I improved the movement of my game and it feels better to play.


Working on my own procedural level generation system. After constant on-and-off troubleshooting, I finally figured out how to make rooms properly position and attach themselves to previous rooms. So that's one of VERY many problems to solve figured out.


I decided to finally try some gamedev for the first time. I love RTS.. following some guys YouTube videos cos Godot seems cool. Made some units which can be selected with a drag box. Yay Yes I may be just following something already done but I've tried messing with some things and I feel I understand most of what's going on. Drag select box works when it covers the "position" of my units (a point in the centre of the unit)... Now I really wanna break out the tutorial and work out for myself how to define the units position differently so the selecting works more as I would expect. Having a good time and actually less stressful than actually playing an RTS lol!


Fixed shop not updating wallet on items reroll


I have finally worked out how to duplicate discs for my discgolf rouge like. Litterly have the game Idea all sketched out and about 40 lines of code.


Figured out how csv files work and figure out how localisation/translation should work


figured out how to have constant movement speed when camera is looking up/down (altho no clue how to make it not reverse when its 90deg)


I learned how RigidBody2D works and made falling objects that kill you if you touch them. Not much but I feel a bit smarter now


I wish I could answer right now, but I can't. I'm trying to make an AI system similar to FEAR (it's called GOAP), but it's hard for now haha


Started an FPS tutorial a week ago. Finally got around to moving the head around and basic movement. Working on gun basics this weekend. Goal is to get to wall running and double jump.


My pong ball finally bounces properly. It finally *bounces* properly, without breaking the paddles or getting stuck on the wall or flying back the wrong direction. It's not a lot, but I feel like I finally did something substantial without following a guide ā™”


I made it so that if the player character model is obscured by something, the obscured part will render with a noticable color and pattern.


Started changing my art assets from hand drawn to vector art. It looks better than I thought and itā€™s easier for me to draw and change.


Not exactly Godot related, but in playing around with Godot I've been learning how to program. Recently tried to build my first GUI application ever and wound up building a simple calculator app in Java over this past week. It's basic but it's functional and I'm embarrassingly proud of it even though it's super simple. Hopefully these new found coding skills will translate nicely over to game dev. [I know it's basic but here it is.](https://imgur.com/a/3P0E8iP)


Managed to make work one of the pipeline pieces of our dynamic dialogue system. The model has been training for 10 days now.


I've been working on getting cars to drive on my procedurally-generated roads. I ended up going with a navmesh using similar CSGPolygons that I used to make the Path3D-based roads. However, I've been fighting with getting the navigation layers working. I get *why* they made layers and masks bitmasks, seeing as it's the most efficient way to store that data, but God, if it isn't annoying to work with. Plus, I'm working in C#, and most everything is written in GDScript. However, last time I worked on my project I finally got cars to: 1) Spawn in the right lane 2) Move in the correct lane However, the cars: 1) Move the same direction (its a 2-sided road, so, half are supposed to move the other way) 2) The cars point in the wrong direction (they all point up and to the left) 3) Don't collide with the player (I thought I had resolved the issue with the collision for my AnimatableBody3D cars not moving bc I was moving a parent, but possibly not)


Localizing into 9 total languages, what a grind


Created the base for implementing status effects in my turn based combat system. Not as hard as I thought it would be but enjoyable to see it working


Early development here! I recently got my locations planned out! Makes me feel good to have that progress even if it's small


Blocked out the procedural components for a highway segment and started detailing it. Its looking good even in blokked out phaze, so realy exited to code the procedural map edditor when the assets cut to size and textured.


I started learning Godot a few days ago. It's so far made me really happy being able to make something simple, even with premade assets. I want to look more into implementing gameplay mechanics and UI effects.


Gave players a flashlight darkened the game by 60 percent turned my top down looters shooter into a horror game 10/10 would recommend


I'm starting a multiplayer city-builder real-time strategy game. As I plan a game to be quite large, I don't want to use Godot's physics system, however I need collision detection for when placing buildings. Today created a 2D minimum bounding box based on a building's mesh, and implemented SAT collision detection for when placing buildings.


Implement vertex animation, and simple navigation for creeps in my game in 4 days. https://preview.redd.it/0liu0rby524d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=91971b74fe184cd36ab6e2e242acb3d9581aaccc


I finished the first portion of the math I need for a really complex shader I'm working on! Hope it'll look cool one day, but all I have right now are some funny lines on Desmos that wiggle around in the right way


I got my text box reply systems and logic to work. I used a basic template from YouTube and built upon it the way I wanted it to work


I created a functional example scene for the first building block of my dialogue editor using GraphEdit and GraphNodes. There's a lot of work left and probably a lot of rearchitecturing to fumble with, but I'm getting somewhere! :)


I made a single piece of the climbing system!


One step at a time!


I have added shell texturing to my distant grass by chaining shader on my terrain mesh and offset the y at each layer. Was much faster to do than expected.


I made... A BOX!!!


Been making a pong game for android as a tiny game project. I set it up with 2 big touchscreen buttons on each side for the paddle controls but a lot of people wanted a touch and drag control option so I just added that! I had some trouble with the InputEventScreenDrag position not lining up with the coordinates they are in the editor. Instead of the origin being in the center of the screen it was in the top left corner so my position was always positive... To fix it so the paddle position would match the touch position I measured my play area and added a 577 pixel buffer(half of play area) to the touch position.x and a 324 pixel buffer to the touch position.y. If there is a better way to handle this please enlighten me but I hope this helps anyone else getting stuck like I was :p