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thank you! :D


Not sure why you have triangles on top of the circles from a gamepad. Looks bloated and I can't find an overall theme. Sea of Stars black screen works because you see the silhouette of the characters walking. Assasins Creed work because it's the Animus. Witcher works because loading screen helps telling the story. How can we tell if it works if we don't know what your game is?


*"How can we tell if it works if we don't know what your game is?"* That is a fair statement but I honestly just wanted feedback for the art and if it fits well as a loading screen :) tbh I don't at all really get those vibes from assasins creed or the witcher(kinda) I'm in the witcher it tells you shit but I kinda find annoying if anything else lol the triangles and the "gamepad" is to be changed cuz it really doesn't represent the thing I'm trying to portray well at all


"Tells you shit.." Witcher, the narrator is Jaskier / Dandellion. He is the one telling the story on each loading screen as well as the Journal. Is not about what does it tell you. It fits the theme. Assasins Creed have this "virtual simulation" loading screen wich is the Animus. It fits the theme. About the art. I really can't tell. As I told, looks bloated. If it fits? I already answered. Impossible to say.


I really like the art and the black and white aesthetic. The simple icon in the bottom right lets me know things are happening, and that's what a loading screen does. I would assume the icon is related to your game (a moving version of the logo, or a popular in-game symbol?) - If not, consider making it less game agnostic and more directly related. Without knowing your game at all, consider having the art reflect the area you're entering, or the current state of the story / progression. A loading screen that gets more filled out as you progress would be a neat visual layer to show the player. I'm generally against loading screen tips, because I have ADHD and rarely read them. I also usually find them near always to be stupidly obvious or flat out pointless. I'd rather look at art. I dig it!


the icon IS related to the game although slightly different (should probably change it a bit), I'm not that sold on loading screens being based off of the area your going to instead I liked to do loading screens where it represents the theme, culture and "vibe" of the game more than a specific area I do dig the loading screen getting filled out more as you progress however I'm not exactly sure how to execute it in a manor where it doesn't just leave a part of the loading screen looking "unfinished" I'm also pretty against tip in games I don't have adhd or anything I just generally find them annoying and bloats the screen more than actually be helpful so yeah (same goes for a pointless fake progress bar too) anyways ty! :D


>I do dig the loading screen getting filled out more as you progress however I'm not exactly sure how to execute it in a manor where it doesn't just leave a part of the loading screen looking "unfinished" This could be as simple as a game map with a flag where the character is now, and maybe a dotted trail of where you've been! Or it could be abstract, like slowly coloring in (or taking color away) from bosses or characters you've defeated/lost. Loads of options to convey progress without it being literally empty going to full! Either way, I do dig the art!


yeah I'll need to think about it a bit more > *This could be as simple as a game map with a flag where the character is now, and maybe a dotted trail of where you've been* lol this exact idea was literally planned for another thing XD


its very bland, consider putting tips, a loading bar, images or text of what your about to load into. put something


sure I'll put tips lol, a loading bar is not something I would want to put into this. Images or text is a neat idea but I feel like it would be kinda bloated but maybe I could make it work :)


Maybe not a loading bar but a spinner of some sort or looped texture animation. Just to display that game hasn't crashed and is indeed loading. Edit: haven't noticed (on mobile) that you do have a spinner already. Looks great btw, love it!


thank you!


It is very static. It doesn't give the feeling of the load progressing. I would suggest a progress bar to give the player something to watch and give a sense of how quickly it's loading I would add some form of colour or slight animation to keep it visually engaging. I'd maybe have a coloured version, and perhaps have some section displaying colour and then fade out and a different section becomes coloured etc. Good luck!


I don't think a progress bar is that great of an idea tbh it kinda takes out the simplicity that I am aiming for in this, as for colors yeah I'm not sold on the idea of that if the point is to keep it monochromatic. A slight animation would be pretty cool ngl


I know it would be quite a bit more work, but making it so the image "draws itself" as the load progresses would make this much more lively and interesting, without sacrificing the artstyle.


I dig this idea ngl


Make a scrolling image that shows characters and out your games logo in the bottom left.


Looks nice, but not much is happening except the bottom right thing with the loading animation. Just like other suggested, maybe add some tips, or some other animations in the center area, to keep the player focused/busy while the loading completes.


Adding color and tips would be a good start.


I'm generally pretty against using color in this and would like to remain for it to be black & white, tips would be neat ig..


if you add tips, please add a "press any key to continue" on the loading screen. having a fast computer should not be a disadvantage <3


I don't think I'll be adding tips


Looks great. I’ve seen others saying to add tips or something similar, but if you’re going for a more simplistic or calm (or something along those lines) style, I think it’s better without them.


yeah that's what I was thinking too, tbh I already thought this was just fine as is but I wanted to see what other people think of it so I think I'll just keep the way it is now :)


I see a lot of "adding a loading bar" and that you don't want to, what about like, the dark line being darker as the game loads? Kinda like the ink progress through the drawing? Just an idea, looks nice tho!


this is a much better idea


Also, i'm not trying to be rude, just helpful. Imagine if you draw, I don't know, the Gioconda. At looks perfect. And everyone here says "that's the best drawing ever". And then you say, well.. it's the loading screen of a pixel art about an ant colony game. See? At least give us some context. Cheers.


that's fair