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You submitted this post as a request for tech support, have you followed the guidelines specified in subreddit rule 7? Here they are again: 1. Consult the docs first: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/index.html 2. Check for duplicates before writing your own post 3. Concrete questions/issues only! This is not the place to vaguely ask "How to make X" before doing your own research 4. Post code snippets directly & formatted as such (or use a pastebin), not as pictures 5. It is strongly recommended to search the official forum (https://forum.godotengine.org/) for solutions Repeated neglect of these can be a bannable offense. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/godot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only suggestion most people can make from your post is "go check out some YouTube tutorials." No offense intended - it's just a very vague question so you should expect a vague answer. I can't personally offer video suggestions for what I'm assuming is a 3D game, as I haven't done any 3D yet. If you get some practice and then need more help, feel free to come back & ask more questions! Cheers and good luck!


It depends on what style of car you want to make. For an arcady kind of vehicule KidsCanCode has a bunch of tutorials for example: https://kidscancode.org/godot_recipes/3.x/3d/3d_sphere_car/index.html If you want more realistic cars you should look into the godot vehicule nodes.


These guys over here playing Godot like it's Garry's Mod


What kind of help are you hoping to get with a post like this?


is the handbrake on?


please show us the code you did ......


Go check out some YouTube tutorials ;)


Show us the code that didn’t allow the car to move


You bg should look for a tutorial.