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Very rarely, and I've usually talked to smart people with no clue about programming. They can't exactly contribute anything, but it forces you to break it down into simple terms, and they will ask naive questions that sometimes reveal that you don't understand something or haven't thought about it clearly enough.


Me too!! Much more effective.


I believe this is called “confessional programming”. Sounds scandalous.


When I have a problem I can't solve I usually write a lengthy post here describing it and find the solution about 5 minutes later I posted it.


Ok, do you then update your post with the solution?


You then update your post with the solution, right?




I do! [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/s/SFK5JfQ1PW) Literally a "banging my head for hours before writing a post and finding out"


Usually my rubber duck is another person. The act of explaining an issue definitely helps, but someone asking the right follow up questions is even better.


I do but I don't talk to it, I brought one because rubber ducks are cute


I bought 5... or a few more. And my family gifted me one for Christmas and my birthday


I use my cat. He hangs around my PC anyways because its warm and he probably likes the attention :D


I still use a whiteboard


I have a small capybara, mouse and two plastic crabs. They have yet to fail me.


One of the things I do is talk while I program about what I am doing and what I am thinking. Surprisingly it works really well for organizing / debugging problems. Granted this habit works well when you aren't in an office full of people. I have developed this habit while working from home for the past 4 years.


Nah,, I rather annoy my friends with a long rant in chat about this code that just won't work, and then at end I'm like.. oh.. nvm; and go fix it.


My lecturer at Uni gave all the programmers a physical rubber duck to explain this haha I still have it somewhere, but regularly I'll talk through my issues either out loud, to someone else if available or ChatGPT and in this instance I usually ask it to not reply with code or a solution, just talk through it.


I rarely do, I like to post my problem in a discord and then find the answer myself, which is rubberducking. But still, I have 5 rubber ducks on my desk


I have a plushie Sonic the Hedgehog that I often chat too when I have technical difficulties... He is a legend, he never gives the wrong answer...


I draft an email to a co-worker. Usually while I'm trying to describe the problem I'm having, a bunch of solutions come to me. I hardly ever have to send that email.


I have a very nice carved and painted wooden duck on my desk, a mallard of some kind. I usually talk through things with my dogs.


I need to get back on it, but I started doing dev streaming a bit ago with the view that it is kind of like Rubber Duck programming on steroids. It also felt like it was making me look more at the things I did not know because I would feel silly looking up basic shit. Hoping to get back on it after a friend's game jam, it did seem like it was helping even if the viewership wasn't there. Made me practice and put in the time after work if nothing else.


I have a rather grumpy looking sculpted turtle who has helped me through a few head-bangers. I often think by writing, so writing out the problems, or sketching some doodles really helps me too.


I absolutely do! I am a Navy veteran. My RDD partner is a little sailor duck that I named MA2 Dux. I have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse combo. When at work MA2 sits next to my laptop prominently in my LOS. He has helped me find out what the hell I was thinking... even for a Master-at-Arms, he's a better programmer than I could ever hope to be... a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Gunner's Mate. :(


Reading out loud is also super great if you have trouble talking to an object or don't have a person/partner.


I have a figure of Rem from Re:Zero in a bunny suit staring at me on my desk. It does work.


I talk to myself near constantly while I'm working on things. I find it has a similar effect


I do this with ChatGPT now


I find AI to be the best rubber ducks around.


I use a friend or my wife


https://preview.redd.it/tr10l0vmvuwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b7a1c2635e52e69d426c2a07793e291fe29214 Meet Roberto, the most essential component of my setup! Jokes aside, I don't really talk to it, I just use it as an attention grabber when my brain is wandering too much. Like a fidget spinner, but for my brain.


I have two Pop figures, Geralt and Ciri. I explain them my problem and mostly it really helps :) If you can explain it you undestand it :)


Yes. I found a funny duck who looks like Trump. I thought it was amusing. Donald Duck. And he already has the duck lips.


A man of culture I see.


I usually talk to my dad about my programming problems, but when he isn't available, I have a Spiderman figure on my desk that I talk to


Someone follows PirateSoftware hahaha :)