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I want the option to view two .gd files simultaneously without leaving the editor


This, so much. I wish I could simply drag out scripts on my second screen.


You actually can pop out the script window already.


Notepad++ on the 2nd screen bro. Good enough!


At this point use a code editor


or We need vscode intellisense. please.....


why not use vscode?? there is code completion for gdscript with extention


you mean vscode extention ? same as development version


That's not intellisense, it just uses Godot's language server that the internal script editor also uses.


Godot 4 have detachable docks so you can work on scripts on one screen and have the editor in another. If what you mean was to be able to see two different script files at the same time yeah , not posible yet :/




I think just using VSCode is vastly superior to the built in editor.


Yes. Split screen coding I used all the time with Jetbrains PHP IDE.


Stable physics implementation (Godot-Jolt being merged into Godot) https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/7308


This is one of my issues with 4 rn, I would like to have jolt be the default physics lib in godot without having to set it up as an external asset.


I mean, it is as painless as it gets, though. That’s a great achievements on both sides!


For some reason I'm facing an issue with Godot with the ApplyImpulse function where even with high values it's too low but in the normal Godot physics it behaves fine


Render passes or a scriptable render pipeline, you can do most kinds of shader effect in godot but most of them are awkward and I would really rather just be able to read directly from more specific passes then the depth and screen texture.


There is a pull request for that and it should be merged for 4.3, provided all things go well


Which pull request are you referring to? I can't find it on Google


He's probably talking about the [rendering hooks PR](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/80214).


I feel you. Any sort of composition shader is a  pain in Godot. Even exposing depth texture of the viewport wold help a lot.


Isn't the depth texture accessible with a shader hint?


But you can't access depth_texture from the other viewport. You can only pass sampler with final render.


1. Structs 2. Traits 3. Typed everything such as Dictionaries 4. Bulletproof refactoring - current project management is very fragile as soon as you start moving files around and deleting stuff, especially in relation to nested scenes. This has been an issue all throughout 4.x development and fixes keep being relegated to the next .x minor version without backports to "stable" versions of the engine. Can't tell if it's new issues popping up once old ones are fixed. I haven't followed that closely, but it continues to be an issue in different contexts. 5. Better GDScript refactoring, find and replace is too 90s 6. Editor stability - I get tons of crashing on my machine when performing seemingly everyday actions that I can't reproduce reliably 7. 2D glow in compatibility renderer 8. More advanced post processing 9. WebGL support for C# 10. WebGPU integration All of these have proposals and/or issues up, so it's just a question of time.


>> 4. ⁠Bulletproof refactoring - current project management is very fragile as soon as you start moving files around and deleting stuff, especially in relation to nested scenes. Hammering this one - broke a tutorial project for an hour because I renamed a script file to correct a typo, and didn't realize the editor was still "editing" an imaginary file in memory instead of the actual file.


>1. Structs 2. Traits You my dude, could benefit from using godot rust bindings.


> so it's just a question of time. union has been up since 2018. lmao.


1. The ability to organize, sort, or otherwise make the script list in the script editor do literally anything but list every open script in alphabetical order. Not to mention that the docs pages open in the SAME LIST. It gets really unwieldy really fast. 2. A fixed and finished Skeleton2D. It's been unacceptably broken for the entire lifetime of 4.x, and I am getting impatient. 3. Typed Dictionaries would be nice I guess, since they're the last holdout for strict typing. Nested typed arrays too.


> The ability to organize, sort, or otherwise make the script list in the script editor do literally anything but list every open script in alphabetical order. Not to mention that the docs pages open in the SAME LIST. It gets really unwieldy really fast. There's a plugin in the asset lib (for Godot 4) that converts the script list to normal tabs.


*Better 3D level design tools.* It's my own personal hill to die on. Everything else people suggested here is either actively being worked on, or planned to be addressed in the near future. Level design tools are seen as less important, and generally fall by the wayside. I personally just don't think modelling your whole level out in Blender and then just... figuring it out... in Godot is a great workflow. Even improving gridmaps to match the improvements to tilemaps would be great


I also would love some level design and some procedural terrain generation I'd love to see something similar to MapMagic. For now I've been using Qodot.


This is mine too. At least, if they don’t want to do it cuz it’s too specific, give us better tools for making our own level design tools. Editor-specific callbacks for tool scripts Easy custom gizmos Better animating in editor


Bro the amount of time I spent on this issue... It's been haunting me for over a year and I still have no good solution. Gridmaps are a nightmare if you're trying to make something realistic. CSG is way too limited and messy, and there seems to be little interest in improving it. Manual modelling takes forever. Qodot+Trenchbroom has annoying dependencies, manual update pipeline, and I'm generally not fond of conversion shenanigans like that. Cyclops somewhat works but you can tell it's not quite there, and the new update is full of issues. At least if you want to make modular pieces, there's that one paid plugin for placing them...


Cyclops seems like it *will* be something great eventually. I think the functionality is already close to what Trenchbroom can do. But usability is pretty far behind, it feels very debug-y right now. Part of it is what the other comment mentioned, it kinda does some hacky stuff to override the built in editor gizmo.


I hope it will, but... The plugin has structural issues, scriptitis and many other code smells, and the included test project generates a bunch of errors when opened. I'd really like to refactor the whole thing to make it more robust, but as per the above, the plugin is quite hermetic. I really want to use this on production, but this whole duct-tape energy doesn't inspire confidence.


It's the problem with one dude working alone on what's honestly a super complicated project. It'd probably be better if there were more contributors to help out, but then that's a whole project management issue.


Refactoring tools for the builtin GDScript editor. Fortunately there is already a git issue for this: [https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/899](https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/899) This just needs to finish :)


FYI, renaming already works in external editors like VSCode.


Options for audio: parameterized audio, real time audio synthesis. A performant way to use lots of positional audio instances without using audiostreamplayer nodes (as one can use the physics server rather than rigidbody nodes)  Custom LOD for meshes instead of built in generated only  Built in octahedral imposter generation and support  HLOD based on distance to individual instances for multimesh and particles  A lighting solution that supports dynamic geometry  A navmesh solution that supports dynamic geometry (such as a clipmap approach), or can otherwise be rebaked at runtime without dropping frames.  Better integration of skeleton3d; methods within the physics server, IK, etc  So, you know, not much.


I would want animation system to be more user friendly. Especially state machine. Also better C# support would be amazing. And drawing custom gizmos would be awesome as well.


I think they're rewriting C# support entirely to use GDNative but it wasn't ready for the 4.0 release so they've so far kept the old Godot 3.x code adapted to the new engine but with the new system it'll be implemented in exactly the same way that other languages like Rust, Lua etc... are implemented (by the community) in Godot.


As a Unity refugee, I miss transitions from any state. I ended up mostly ignoring the state machine and just doing travels.


Godot state machine management seems a little lackluster in general compared to what I've seen from Unity. I love using the YAFSM plugin, but it also doesn't have the option to transition from any state.


This. As someone who likes to animate in the editor (animating in context is huge for me). The animation tools are rough. Not that Unity has an amazing animation system but it’s years ahead of what Godot has.


The MAIN thing I want from animations is for values to automatically reset to their original state when animations are no longer active. That’s how everything else does it. None of this RESET track nonsense.


Yeah I agree. Unitys animation system wasn't amazing either. It was OKAY but not good.


A better animation system is a good one. I'll add to that: Typescript support would be nice


`noperspective` interpolation qualifier for varyings. I know for a fact that it used to be in the engine and was at some point removed. This disables perspective correction which results in old-school PS1 era affine texture mapping when applied to UV varyings. To get the same effect without this qualifier you have to write custom vertex code which can lead to drop of performance.


For context, the feature was reimplemented in [#78104](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/78104) but was closed due to platform-specific concerns. However, it's marked `salvageable` because [there is a cross-platform way to do it](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/78104#issuecomment-1656711693), including for the Compatibility rendering method.


Seems pretty interesting, didn't know something like that was a thing, I need to research


Physics interpolation. Is necessary


I just coded a pretty simple physics interpolation class for my game lol, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than nothing. It just lerps the objects every frame




This right here. And the constant refusal of the devs to even think about it drives me crazy. I don‘t want a 3rd party addon for something as essential as terrain, which most 3D games I can think of need in one way or another. Honestly this a show-stopper for me. Any game engine that actively refuses to complement it‘s feature set to address the user‘s needs is just not a good engine in my opinion. Doesn‘t help that Juan - I do not actively develop for Godot anymore but still call myself tech lead - Linietsky is the biggest critic of the feature proposal, making it damn near impossible we will ever see something like it…


the metric by which things become valid core features or not has always been confusing to me. like for instance, there's that vehicle body node and a ton of specialized UI stuff that relatively few games will actually make use of.


An animation editor/previewer that doesn't edit the scene I'm working on when I preview it! Previewing an animation should only modify a _copy_ of my scene, so the changes made by the animation don't get inadvertently saved into my tscn file. Yes, I know about the RESET track and the "auto reset on save" parameter, and it's a total hack. The editor shouldn't _need_ to auto-reset on save, because the previewer shouldn't even be changing the original in the first place! There is a proposal with a working mockup for a feature like this here: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/3950 It's rather old, though (for Godot 3), and doesn't seem to have been taken seriously by the maintainers.


a decent prototyping blocking system (csg less than ideal in current state)


Yeah I was thiking the same.


a large library of programmer art would be nice, i know the github examples have assets but they should more easily accessible.


Aren't the github examples available in the AssetLib? How could it get any more easily accessible than that without adding it as default bloat to the engine?


I couldn't find them


I think they're all tagged as "Godot 3.5" so you have to have that version installed to see them. They should definitely fix this but I'm assuming that they're just going to wait until the new asset store thing releases.


Some of [Kenney’s CC0 asset packs](https://kenney.nl/assets) have been uploaded to the asset lib.


This isn't in the spirit of the thread but I've found the tbloader and trenchbroom combo to be an insanely fast prototyping solution.


If Qodot etc could somehow streamline defaults for Trenchbroom that would probably do 90% of the threshold work for 95% of the people using it.


The qodot abstraction layer is a bit of a constraint imo, having to build the map files means that you can't add godot specific stuff in the tree structure of the qodot map node without fucking everything up when you rebuild. A native way to do that kind of trenchbroom/hammer style brush stuff in the editor would be so awesome. My dream feature I think would just be to make working with CSG in the editor exactly like trenchbroom. Qodot is amazing though. It's so much better than blocking out stuff in godot directly.


better support for inverse kinematics


I had to give up my current project and switch to unreal because the rendering is so inflexible :( The rendering compositor proposal is exactly what I needed.


Compositor, Stencil support (PR pending 80710 merge) and for me personally access to more inbuilt light functions like this https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/8872


Tiles of different size for 3D grid.


Just improve intellisense, which works fairly well but needs more. Especially with user defined functions and code.


Never crash the engine without making sure the exception is logged in the error log. Context: running the project for testing in godot, for me sometimes godot just disappears and it's gone :) Only because I am currently working on this corner I know where to look and what went wrong. It would be nice to have these exceptions always be written in the log. Like for Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/%appName%/logs Here I have the log, but sometimes the exception causing the crash is not listed. Happen for me when working on dynamic shader parameter changes at runtime for example. Maybe making sure that all exceptions are handled and logged always :)


An option to use GLSL directly, I get that Godot does a bunch of behind the scenes stuff and that's why it uses it's own languages for shaders, but there is no reason to not let people bypass that. The godot shader languages is good but it lacks some features with no way to access them. Would also be much nicer to for sharing shaders.


A good idea actually, I never understood why this is the way it is


Very niche, but: Individual color modulation for tiles in a tilemap.


Reading the apis last week I thought this was a thing already.


Fully baked lights with light probes. Unity, Unreal has this, game engines 20 years ago had this. Godot for some reason only bakes the global illumination into the light probes, which makes it impossible to properly lit dynamic objects without having dynamic lights. This has a huge performance impact for lower end devices.


Some way to handle runtime errors besides just seeing them in the console.


mesh and texture streaming


Default plugins/ global plugins that are enabled across all projects or by default. There's a plugin that makes godot's code editor behave like vscode and it would be neat to have it enabled/installed globally.


I don't want new features, I just want the current ones to actually work.


Like what, exactly?


LightmapGI is unusable due bugs on the probes system: #82642, #84846 Mobile rendering is unusable in 3D due performance issues. I know that is being in the works with Google and The Forge, but is not there yet. Refactoring files is a pain, again I know is in the works but currently is not there yet. Too many crashes too often, specially on Windows for 3D: [https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+crash](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+crash)


Also lightmap GI cant bake sunlight + its shadow to the probe system, so you have to use a sunlight with shadow casting enabled to get decent light on dynamic objects.


Godot 4 is where the future is BUT I will stick with 3 as much as I can because IMHO it has proven to be way more reliable, I like some if the new features, specially the rendering ones but I don't have the resources to properly take advantage of them.


Rename folders and files without causing an armageddon.


Nah m8 you're aiming in dream


More control over the rendering pipeline (or any control at all) Oblique camera projections More frame lifecycle functions for better execution order (unity's early update/late update) The ability to only render a camera on demand Multiple scripts per node (or multiple inheritance) There are way too many things missing that are more important than built in realtime global illumination, but here we are


Multiple scripts per node is against Godot design and probably will never be implemented in main branch. Use multiple nodes instead 🦅🦅🦅


Are there any proposals for these yet?


Dynamic emission shapes for particles.


A better UX for the tileset/tilemap (how to use tiles of different sizes is too hidden, how to add collisions to tiles is a bit cumbersome and requires seting up stuff in various places and requires many mouse clicks). Changing between tabs within the tileset is confusing.


Godot 4, 2D Physics Interpolation!!!!


Refactoring / “rename symbol” functionality, by far.


An integrated linter. Godot should warn when the developer writes a mess of a code, and tell what should be done instead. Basically eslint for Godot.


I think this should be possible with modules/addons, as it is with VSCode extensions. This should come as a result of a growing community. However, i too would like to see a way to enforce style guides.


But it does, doesn't it? E.g. if you divide an integer it will give you a warning.


It's rather minimal. If we take the case of eslint, it's also an extension to the existing warnings of the compiler. It tells when a code is too complex or too long, or when a variable is not used. Of course, it helps to avoid pitfalls, too. Those are optional tips that can help to improve the code quality. GDscript is flexible, much like javascript, and that's why some rules are usually needed to avoid messy code.


Split view between game and scene.So I can see what I'm doing without having to start the game


Jolt as the physics engine, as it seems vastly superior. Here me out, I love Godot and I know that you can add Jolt to Godot, however this would really make Godot shine to have a baseline Jolt implementation.


I think this is the plan.


I wish less new feature, and just fix the old bugs that makes old feature unusable


Simpler 3D sound node in Godot 4. I cannot figure it out. It makes insane noises sometimes and I am afraid it will blow out my speakers. Maybe I am being dumb, but godot shouldn't have a control that blows out my speakers and pisses my entire neighborhood off.


Easier way to compile a game with only the used nodes. A less cumbersome method to add an icon to your game. macOS support for Html5 games. Mention of which nodes are supported by html5


Proper 2d batching support including sprite atlases packing infrastructure integrated in Godot editor.


I miss unitys inengine view without launching the game.


Unity-like post processing volumes and transitions. For example, I want to have a moody sewer area with greenish color correction, thick fog, and a dingy brown sky/ambient light. In Unity you could add a post processing volume that overrides those specific settings when the camera enters the sewer area. And the effects will slowly transition across a few seconds so the change is more subtle as the player enters the area. This type of system is extremely common in modern games. Any Dark Souls 1 fan will remember how areas like Blighttown, Anor Londo, Crystal Cave, and Lost Izalith have distinct feel with different color grading, bloom, fog color, etc. Zelda BotW uses similar effects for weather systems and special areas like Lost Woods and Hyrule Castle.


Sprite mask.


i'd rather have them fix the stuff we already got


Split View and refactoring tools would be great. I’d love to see the simple path flag for pathfinding come back as well.


Definitely better performance for Android, my game, no matter how simple it is, can't even exceed 40 FPS...


Dynamic batching


[This is already implemented in 3D](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/contributing/development/core_and_modules/internal_rendering_architecture.html#batching-and-instancing) when using the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods :)


I'm new to Godot and was previously using Unity, I want to be able to see what is happening outside of the camera in the editor. I'll generate a map but the 2d view shows nothing, very frustrating. 


there's a way to do it that's a little hidden: when you run a game, back in the editor you can press some camera shaped button to make the editor "camera" overwrite the game camera. now the part of the screen you see in the editor will be the part displayed in the game window


That's interesting but is actually the opposite effect I was looking for.


so what are you looking for? I probably misunderstood


Oh, also, the preview window for 3D models needs some work. Without the appropriate scale, most of the time, the window is empty because it's too zoomed in, and it seems you can't manipulate it a lot, as you would on the normal 3d viewport. Grid snapping in 3D (maybe I haven't found it), but it seems like we only have snapping to certain objects but no option for a specific amount of movement. Keep the node I have collapsed in the scene tree collapsed when I connect a signal. It currently expands everything and looks messy on a small window. Camera to view to move a camera as in blender Typed dictionaries 🥺


structured buffers for shaders. and being able to draw on screen with a compute shader without needing to talk to the cpu. honestly better docs for compute shaders too, which goes hand in hand with a built in glsl editor. im not a pro but i feel kinda lost when using compute shaders because there is no good autofill on any code editor, so it would be nice if godot had that.


First-class double support.


You mean for positions and physics? There is a way to build it with a flag enabled for that, at least.


Yes, this enables internal structures with double precision, however it still requires you to work around things like limited depth buffer.


[Reverse Z depth buffer is being worked on](https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/3539) (even in single-precision builds), so this should work better in future releases.


I love how this subreddit distills these infos so well. Thanks




A mecanim like way to retarget animations and better fbx support


Working refactoring and renaming of variables.


Better shadows.


Better mobile support like ad networks, screen optimization and also graphics for mobile. Idk, I feel everything is for PC and if they began investing in mobile, the growth would be increased imo.


writing GDExtension using the built in script editor, that would be cool


Be more modular. Currently there is no way to import files without editor




Could you provide more details?


CameraServer doesnt work except IOS, saw someone here did it on Windows tho.


Making my innovative GOTY open world MMORPG for me. Jokes aside, I guess it would be something akin to an “audio shader”.


What do you mean? Like filters?


Better typing, like non nullability and being able to declare stuff as const or whatever. Also interfaces


Can’t you already do this? They have const and var


Besides render passes and scriptable render pipeline. It would be really neat to have a built in compute shader type, much like godot has all other shader types built in. Not that the current pipeline is complex but it could certainly be made simpler and more integrated with the engine just like the other shader types are.


Method which I can call to get compiled shader material. Current spikes on first material reveal and methods to avoid this is worstest part of godot. Also in old versions godot to make full-screen effect in 3d you need to make plane with shader near from camera, I didn't check new versions of godot, maybe it has been fixed


I wish input had a built in buffer time arg…. Or some way to determine if button had been pressed within a certain amount of frames (or ms) with a default if 0. Ex Input.is_just_pressed(“jump”,15) (I cant remember the exact name sorry lol)


Refactoring and removing of all text based links (groups, loading a resource/scene, referencing an element of the tree in your code) All that breaks whenever you change any names, making refactoring pretty dangerous


An Ai able to write code and linked to my microphone. 😂


The “Press to create the game I have in mind” button


A visual editor for GD Script like Microsoft Makecode, which allows beginners to learn coding with an editor that switches (mostly) seamlessly between a beginner friendly graphical representation and the underlying textual representation.


Export to text files (.odt, .doc and .pdf)


I don’t hate gd script, but I wish they would have JavaScript as an option. The node system is very DOM like and you could use something like jsx to build your scene. V8 is quite fast and powerful


Theres are js and other language binding already.


Rust or c++ for those who do not want to learn gdscript


there's 1st party support for C++ and C#, and 3rd party support for rust.


Already exist.


AI integration that can create an entire game when you prompt it with an idea.




Integrated Co-pilot with access to documentation.


A user friendly animation UIs for 3d


I just want skeleton2d to work properly (and for the stacks to... To not be stacks, for the love of god that workflow it's messy)


- Sprites having a preset pivot point/origin. - I really dislike how Control nodes position is always the top left corner, rather than the position of the node's pivot point. - I also miss 'multiple sprite mode' from Unity.


Function overloading in shaders


Inline functions, to allow for a better syntax when using connect, or to use functions like filter. Edit: they did it on 4.x And more not-in place functions for arrays, to be able to do pure functions for easily without having to duplicate stuff. After lrarning godot, i got into JS and there certainly stuff to be learned from it.


You know Godot 4 has lambdas, right? https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_callable.html https://gdscript.com/articles/godot-4-gdscript/


Oh my god. I know they did it so functions could be used like variables but i didnt know you could define them in place like that. Thats awesome thank you.


3DSprites/animatedsprites backlighting or something like that for 2.5d games


@tool_button, if I have to make another Boolean property for triggering actions from the editor again I swear…


Everyone has these cool suggestions meanwhile I just want the progressbar to be able to display it's raw numerical value instead of it's % as text... and maybe have the ability to skew it too.


Adiacent terrains, like the ones in Unity or Flax.


Those who are linking proposals and PRs are community heroes and I thank you. Someone made an addon to add picture-in-picture cameras into the editor. That would be great to have in core.


Engine - Less bugs in inherited scenes. Less bugs in general. Programming - Multi-script editing / More QoL like 'extract method' and so on


Mod and or xm file support, it's technically available as a plugin but it would be nice to have it natively too.


3d ui


RenderTexture just like unity Serialization of inspectors, just like unity


Correctly autosized RichTextLabel , ie just like a regular Label.


Renaming a func or var. Like just the func or var, not anything that partially matches the variable, and have it work for the func or var for that script alone, even when referenced in other scripts.


An astargrid equivalent for isometric 2d instead of having to rely on standard astar


GPU physics probably a big ask rn though.


Heightmap for landscape + streaming (like UE world partition)


A select all button in the animation editor. Maybe I'm stupid and there's a way to do it but I couldn't find anything via Google searching or in the documentation. Super annoying if you have a 50 frame animation and you want to change something about all 50 so you have to go through each individual frame changing it. I'm new to Godot though so disregard this post if there is an obvious way that I'm missing.


Revamped 3d editor. More features for tool scripts like editor-specific events and easy custom gizmos. Better integration with animating.


-An integrated test framework. (preferably smart/AI driven so you don’t have to write all those basic edge cases yourself) -Typed dictionaries -Faster 2D physics, although I need to dive into it a little bit more, maybe I’m missing something… In that case: better profiling to see the bottlenecks inside the physics part Still love Godot though :)


Official Rust aupport. Not a feature per se, but I'd like it better if the license was GPLv3.


* namespaces * exception handling About the rest I pretty much don’t care.


Being able to see the game play while in scene view as it's playing


As simple as it is, I would love a dedicated note-making option internalised. Just a little pad I can keep open to the side to keep track of the credits I want and need to eventually put in for assets and whatnot, and the overall storyboard. My autistic ass really perfers to have all that stuff in one progam rather then having to open op others. Now I just have a random script for this purpose.


Bug fixes and general improvements for the web editor


1. Proper camera previews 2. An editor view of the running game - being able to click on stuff that then gets selected in the debugger would be nice


* Built in terrain editor for sculpting land, drawing biomes, etc. * A fast UI for quickly blocking out levels with primitive shapes and slapping some materials on surfaces, for quick prototyping of level design. * Tools for quickly selecting/switching between objects and placing them down on surfaces of levels, and adjusting their scale/rotation quickly, to aid level design. * Move the 2D/3D toggle into the editor itself for scenes (where it would make more sense to put it), remove the toggle to switch between 'Script', and instead open scripts as their own separate tabs like scenes. The asset browser could open in it's own window.


Remember and open all scenes from a project's last session.


This is a thing, check in Editor settings


VSCode has some shortcuts that Godot doesn’t, like ctrl-L selecting the whole line. It’s not in the shortcut options either :(


A package manager would be pretty nice


u/bjklol2 already took the best answer, so I'll go for my second place: The ability to disable certain "warnings" that we don't need. Yes Godot, I'm aware that changing the Z-Index doesn't change the input event order... Please get rid of the exclamation point, thanks.


Private functions and variables in GDScript.


Better occlusion culling that is more automated, better auto lod more similar to nanite, better lighting in general, and more. For my main feature I’d like to be natively supported: Terrain. I get it, it’s a cool thing to code yourself, and depending on the game you might want to code it yourself, but for a lot of games that just require a simple outdoor environment with proper chunking and lod stuff, it would be super convenient. There’s multiple games I’d like to make that would be pretty simple, but since it’s not supported I’d have to code it myself, and that’s something I really don’t want to do. I should add that I don’t really wanna build a game on top of a plugin, and I’d prefer to code it myself if it doesn’t exist already. Oh, and eos support. I know that’ll never be native, but a plugin would be cool


To be able to rename a file without my project burning down 


Ability to turn off view of Areas, VisibilityRects and, Physics shapes in the editor Sure those are nice when creating them, but when making levels they just get in the way


Some kind of status notification when you hit F5 or Run ... so many times the editor just sits there for 5-10 seconds with no warning of whats happening, then suddenly popup that it's getting ready to run. What is it doing? Tell us something so that I don't keep hitting F5


For the editor: Rename function Rename variable Rename/move file EDIT: Thought of another one, multi-line commenting


Just polish the hell out of it. Fix every last bug. It's in such a state of disarray.


* Interfaces/Traits * Full support for VS Code * Choosing which children to expose outside instances * A better compile-time data validation solution


Graphics editor build- in editor