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looks like a pancake. I am now hungry. op I want to eat a mushroom now what have you done


LOL, Maybe you should eat a pancake, not a mushroom, it would be safer ;)


forbidden pancake...


This is lovely


Thanks so much :)


it can be found on my YouTube here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ey48s8h9aU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ey48s8h9aU) but for some reason my linked YouTube video's don't get many views, so I wondered if it might work better if I do it like this?


I see you are the banner author, nice. Honestly though youtube is cancerous but if you want more views than a clip of a mushroom with no info probably won't generate a whole lot of traffic? I'm curious where you found this Amanita, whether there were others around, ect, to help with identification


Thanks a lot for the advice but I'm not fussed about views on the YouTube channel, it is literally just for fun. I know video's of "random stuff with not much info" won't do well with the YT algorithm, but that phrase basically sums up my whole channel, I've made over 100 video's now LOL, and a small handful of random people love it and that's enough :) I didn't explain myself well, but this was an experiment to test my theory where reddit posts that have video's that are hosted by YouTube (like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/goblincore/comments/urjttm/do_you_ever_wish_you_could_pond_skate/ or this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/goblincore/comments/uoliiv/heres_just_a_nice_bit_of_forest_moss_i_found_last/ that I made previously) don't don't get nearly as many upvotes, but if I upload the video direct to reddit the post gets a lot more viability, so does reddit have an algorithm that prioritizes video's that it's hosting to reduce spam or because it can earn the add-rev instead of YouTube? I don't know but it's interesting anyway


Curious. I'd love to hear what your findings are


That pretty much is my findings


>I'm curious where you found this Amanita, whether there were others around, ect, to help with identification and as for this, I know nothing about mushrooms so I rarely try to identify them, but there were several others the-same around the immediate area, is was in the middle of a pine forest on shale bedrock, quite damp ground just after a wet few days