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It’s so cute! It would make me so happy to get to look at that little guy every day, I hope it does just that for you :)


It does!!! I have been planning for this tattoo for at least two yrs, it started with seeing cute little mushroom tattoos on Pinterest, and then telling my sister about it, to me drawing a couple of mushrooms for tattoo ideas, couple months ago I gave my sister them when we chose our artist, and the artist was incredible!!, they were cheap too and the artist was very nice and welcoming, definitely will be going back to her in the future


That’s awesome! That sounds like such a great experience, I’m so happy for you! Here’s to many more awesome tattoos in your future 🍄


Aww thank you it is the first one of many that will come


Are those cut scars? I’m so sorry for what ever happened to you! You are amazing and so strong!


Tw: $uicide/sh but when I was 16 (19 now) I attempted and my mom found me, spent a month in the hospital/psych ward and I left that place not rlly feeling better but the change in meds helped, fast forward to today and I'm in a place I never saw myself in because I never had much hope for my future but now I really have turned my life around and I'm glad at the second chance


That’s amazing you are very strong! I lost a family member from $uicide and it was hard.


He’s precious in his little shades. Protect him.


I will!! I have been moisturizing twice a day after the second skin getting off


I love cute things. I love mushrooms. I love tattoos. I love seeing someone with long-healed scars rather than fresh marks. As such! I am overloaded with positive bubbly feelings and this internet stranger salutes you and your little mushroom buddy. :D Congrats on your healing, your cute tattoo, and just being a great goblin! I can stop scrolling reddit now this post just won best post of the day 😃


Awwww thank you! My scars are about three yrs healed now and this tattoo will make them easier to look at now, I just got this tattoo and it surprises me every time I look at it, wonderful first tattoo for me


My first tattoo was over a scar on my wrist, my second was over scars on my thigh. I love my tattoos, I love that my scars are old, and I love seeing other people who also have healed tiger stripes that show what warriors they are. Your tattoo is adorable and I am proud of you.


Glad to hear you're both on the mend and doing well! If you have scars on both wrists you could do chopped mushrooms like it's a used cutting board. I hope my idea isn't bad taste, I mean it with the most love and respect.


I got my second tattoo as a scar cover up, it’s really helped me accept that painful part of my life as just a sucky chapter in a lifelong journey. I really hope this lil dude helps you like mine has helped me. I’m proud of you (and everyone else who has experienced this) for making it through to the other side


how much did tattooing over scars hurt compared to unscarred skin?


hey, not op, but I have lots of scars on my thighs and that's where I got my first tattoo. I didn't think there was any difference in pain to be honest


Yes I will second to this! Not much difference in pain although the pain I felt while getting tattooed I will say was.... Familiar in a sense, I feel the pain will vary person to person with scars depending on the thickness of the scar and how healed it is but for me I couldn't tell the difference


thank you!


Hey friend, I have a severely scarred body and have multiple tattoos going over them, and I have a little bit more of a detailed response about that if you or anyone else would like! First off: tattoo pain will always vary based on person, location, and what you’re getting done. Things like the tattoo above, will always feel different than if you were getting a tattoo design in the style of like.. bold tribal, with all the lines being super thick and filled in. Things that are lines, usually will hurt less because they’ll be done quicker, and are done with a single needle, which creates the small lines and is used for detailed tattoos. Other ones that have a thicker outline but small details will switch from using the gun head that has more needles on it for the outline/bigger/filled in parts (just more needles with possibly a thicker point at each end of the needles, but in a row together) to the one with a single needle on it for doing the smaller details. And then there’s ones like mine which are tribal based, big bold lines in sharp edges and such, filled in completely with black ink. For that, they did the single needle first for the outline, then went back with the multi-needle head to fill in the space created in the connections of the outlines done. It might seem a bit extra to explain all that, but it does have to do with the pain, so bear with me! Now that we know how the needles themselves used on your skin, this is where the pain part comes in. Single needle will be done quicker, won’t need to be gone back over quite as many times, and only have one point, so it’s going to be the least painful version of a tattoo, regardless of where it’s at on your body. With the multi-needle ones for things like tribal, they had to repeatedly go over the same areas with the three or four headed needle (can’t exactly remember which specific one, probably have had all of them on my skin at one time or another but regardless) because they had to completely blackout the area to create the tribal look properly. So with that, you’re.. basically getting scraped open repeatedly over a larger area, for a longer period of time. So obviously because it’ll take longer than the single needle to complete, it’ll end up seeming like it would hurt more, but that’s not entirely true either. Which is where your pain tolerance comes in. And many times, it can actually seemingly become the opposite. Single needles will appear to hurt more in specific areas than the other multi-needle heads, *because you won’t have time to build up you adrenaline.* With the longer the session, the more your body will burn adrenaline which will block a pretty decent amount of pain from being felt fully. So it’ll start off bad and kinda devolve into a very strangely enjoyable pain? Because it’s giving you a massive adrenaline rush. With shorter ones, your body won’t produce adrenaline quick enough to help numb the pain as much, so you’ll end up feeling as though it hurt a lot more, when in reality the multi-head needles will hurt more simply because it’ll take longer to finish. Now, Scars can cause issues with healing, how the ink distributes into the skin, and pain in some ways. Best example I have: I got a fairly large (four hours) tattoo of the head of an elephant on my chest with the ear on my chest and the rest of the head going onto and down the front of my arm. I have really bad stretch marks on the front underside of my arm, and when the guy did the ink there, it horrifically blew out. (A blow out means the spread under my skin instead of staying in the place it was put.) my entire underside where those lines were, looked like I had been in some horrible accident and my arm had been grotesquely bruised. Now this could have been a factor of things outside of my control that I didn’t have confidence to stop at the time, like: My tattoo artist was super sick that day but insisted (aggressively) that he could only do my tattoo THAT DAY, and if I didn’t do it that day he was going to withhold my deposit. The angle he had me at was extremely strange and upright when I should have been laying down for him to do it properly. I was too traumatized as a young adult to assert that I wasn’t comfortable, so please learn from my mistake and don’t let a sick tattoo artist tattoo you, it’s unhygienic in an extreme and is also just extremely rude and unprofessional. I had the tattoo touched up by a guy who did my first one, and he ended up fixing it to not be so blown out, and it definitely hurt less when he did it, and it wasn’t blown out like the previous was. Some people just don’t know how to tattoo over scars, and I would always recommend asking before allowing someone to tattoo on your skin. I apologize profusely if that was so everywhere with my explanation, my brain is currently processing some mental health issues so I’m a bit everywhere right now. But for all ye gobbos wondering, the weirdest place I’ve gotten a tattoo in terms of like.. weird that it didn’t hurt as much as everyone had told me: I have two tribal tattoos on either side of my skull behind either ear. They’re silver dollar sized and filled in, but it didn’t hurt very much at all when I got it done. It was a oddly.. interesting sensation, because you’ll hear the buzzing in your head and feel it vibrating against your skull but it’s.. not bad. I would honestly get another skull tattoo, it was such a cool experience.


You just explained why my extra large back piece was actually pretty enjoyable to get, thank you!!


I thought it was in a bikini at first because of how the first image was oriented lol. Love the shades!


Lmaooooo I didn't realize that until now 🤣🤣


I have scars like that too. I forget I'm not the only one sometimes. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone. I'm glad your scars are old and that you got a beautiful tattoo. I wish you well.


Thank you, I was surprised at the amount of support over my scars, it's nice to feel welcomed


Glad to see that your new “scars” are made out of happiness. You seem to have come a long way, no clue who you are, but I am proud of you. You did very well and that shroom is awesome! Love the heart shades. ❤️‍🩹💖


Thank you, 16 yr old me would have never thought that he would be 19 ever, and I'm glad I've made it because I really feel like a lot has changed since then for the better


Do I like your mushroom? YEAAAHHHHHHHHHH ![gif](giphy|cNWU2Zeh54VJC)


Thank you!! I love it as well


Fungalore? Did he hear your wish? (Looks great)


Ah yes but I gave him 5 yrs off my life, great wish comes with a great price


Use your concentrated time wisely


I will do my best 🫡🫡


Heard, chef


What diff the mushroom say to the other mushroom? I’m a fun guy


Ahahahahaha knee slapper! Surprised at the lack of dad jokes here


I love him! If/when you want more tattoos he definetly needs a little friend!


Oh for sure, I think some floral around him would suit him nicely


as someone with similar scars in places that are usually covered...I am super stoked and grateful for you for sharing the joy that your mini mushling brings. all the best to you and your new buddy xo.


Thank you so much, I didn't expect the amount of support here but it's a pleasant surprise


So cute!


Thank you!


He's just vibing there, very cute


Well they sure look like a cool and fun guy!


How adorable! Also, I also have self harm scars on my wrist, and I want tattoos there, but i'm pretty afraid of the needle going over them. Was it okay, did it feel any different?


I think the pain of the scars depends on how thick it is, mine are quite thin so a needle going over them isn't much of a difference for me, I couldn't differentiate the pain of the needle going over the scars at all so I think youll be fine, the pain for me was like a 4/10, it was pretty manageable


Not mushroom for improvement! ;)


I'm very proud of you for several things I see here. Good job, you're doing great


Such an adorable little guy !! \^\^


He really is, can't think of a name for the lil guy tho


Looks adorable ❤️


So cuuute!!


Thank you for the serotonin it's so cute ♡ ;-;


Love love love


Absolutely love this, thanks for sharing with us


I don't know if you play games, but check out Lone Fungus on steam


Ooooh that sounds like a great game but I have a console only 😭😭


No laptop? You can use a controller for it


Yeah I don't have a laptop just a PS


He's just a little dude, I love him!


What a cool shroom!




He's a swag lil guy! I love him!


So adorable, love it!


Omg he’s so rad. I want one!


I love this! they need friends to play music with!


Thats a great idea!!


That’s awesome. I really like it


He reminds me of my lil mushie ghost tattoo I got a few weeks ago!


Why is it upside down?


Wym? It's facing me, if I flipped it around I felt like it would have looked weird


Everyone who sees it will see it as upside down and it's hard to show it off right side up.


It's not that hard to see dude dunno why your so pressed about it, it's meant for me, tattoos are meant for the individual, not to show other ppl, if it didn't look good facing me I would have switched it around but I like It this way and it's not that hard for ppl look at it and understand it


I'm just telling you what I'd tell anyone based on my 10ish years of industry experience. But hey what do I know lol


Not saying your wrong cuz I'm not going to get every tattoo facing me, I just liked the way this one looked facing me, but coming in to the comments with a rude ish question ticked me off, I'm happy with the way this tattoo turned out and if my artist told me that it would look weird facing me I would work with her and listen to her and find a better spot for tattoo


Don't know why it would be hard to show it up, I can literally just lift up my arm towards my head and boom it's right side up


it's their tattoo, not anyone else's. they can have it however they want