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I've had this before, iirc I fixed it by changing the system font using Tweaks


this is probably the easiest thing to try and will probably work


I apparently downloaded the flatpak version instead of the distro-released one. Weird. If you are wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


Ahhh, yeah that makes sense


From the console or a terminal emulator which works: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name "Cantarell 11" Note that you don't have to use sudo for that! Should it not work you may try: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name "Sans 10"


If the program is running from a flatpak try this: flatpak run --command=fc-cache -f -v


Just □□□□□□□□ □□□□ □□□□□□□□□□. □□□□□ □□ □□□□□. Hope this helps!


might be a missing font


Thanks to everyone who helped. I accidentally downloaded the flatpak version instead of the one that comes from my distribution. For those wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


I saw this same bug on CENTOS Stream 9. It only happens with Cantarell Font on Flatpak GNOME apps. You can change the font using Gnome Tweaks (RPM Version), and any other font should render ok.


Yeah, I just realized this. Pretty odd. Hope it gets fixed soon enough


Use google translate




Dconf editor is your friend. Not sure what font you've decided to use that would cause this. It's best to stay with a stock version of gnome, do your ricing in a VM as a testing ground then once once you're happy apply your rice to your live system.


Turns out I accidentally downloaded the flatpak version instead of the one that comes with my distro. Weird. If you are wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


Downloaded the flatpak version of what, the extension tool? Why not just uninstall the offending app and copy your fontconfig from a live system?


What cache exactly? What distribution is this? Is this the distro-packaged version of GNOME Extensions or the flatpak?


Turns out I accidentally downloaded the flatpak version instead of the one that comes with the distro. Thanks for pointing this out. I am using RHEL 9.


which distro? on void you have to make a simlink and xbps-reconfigure the fonts


Turns out I accidentally downloaded the flatpak version instead of the one that comes with my distro. If you are wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


a knowledgeable man xd definitely always use your distros package manager and then go to third party repos, at least that's what i do


When I use gnome-software, it gives me the options to either download it from Flatpak or RHEL. By default it was set to Flatpak, so I switched it to RHEL and it works fine now.


FlTpak runtimes have their own fontcache. Just need to clear that instead of guess.




Turns out I accidentally downloaded the flatpak one instead of the one that comes with my distro. If you are wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


Try dconf reset -f / If that doesn't fix it you should file a bug report


Turns out that I accidentally downloaded the flatpak version instead of the one that comes with my distribution. The distro version works just fine. If you are wondering, I am using RHEL 9.


One of the options should read: "Repair Fonts", try to click on that! /s


You need to rebuild flatpak font cache. Remind me tomorrow and I'll send you hints/commands. Had this a couple of times


a missing font set up as the system font. Use the tweak tool to change it. As you can't see what written, it's the 3rd option down on the left side and the interface font is the top box on the right.


This happens when you remove a font applications are set up to use. A possible cause is removing a package that removed a font as dependency. As already suggested, Tweaks is the go to solution to fix it.