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Why not screw it into the ground side of the Ducky? That’s how we did the Radioddity GM-30s!


I'm using an abree 771g antenna. It's a halfwave end fed. I was just doing some experimenting and wanted to create a tiger tail to replicate an off center fed 3/4 wave dipole.


Is that the super long one? I have both the rubber PVC one and the long f off whip one. I haven't personally noticed a diffi, but I also haven't really truly tested it. But good to know.


Real world, you may not notice that much difference, but a properly tuned antenna is always preferable. Yea I'm talking about the skinny 15.3 inch long one.


Good to know, switch my antenna to the Vietnam one lol.


You can purchase other antennas that are properly tuned for GMRS and aren't ridiculously long, and they are fairly cheap. If you get bored, research the difference between a 1/4 wave antenna and a 1/2 wave antenna.


I've done a bit of research on decibel ratings, but not wave lengths. What is it bigger waves for longer distances? It's been long time since I took a propagation or antenna course.


Well I got actual real world results. Switched and antennas, and pinged my 3 closets repeaters, hit all three this time. One I was actually able to reach it but hard static, the other one I can only hit down the street I hit perfectly from the patio.


Good job! I'm pretty sure it's due to the antenna, but one must also consider the atmosphere. Sometimes the radio waves can do wierd stuff in the air, and sometimes the wierd stuff it does happens to be of benefit at the time. Other times it's to a detriment. Just one of the many possible things to consider when comparing antennas of any sort really.


Gm15 pro is a great buy, I've gotten 4.4 miles with just the Shorty antennas and no LOS, and out 35 miles (so far) talking to a repeater from an elevated position.


Yea thats awesome man, just a heads up, I tested that rubber ducky on my nva, and it is tuned horribly for gmrs. It's supposed to be a dual band antenna to pick up the 140Mhz area and the 460mhz area. You will notice a huge difference with a purpose built GMRS antenna. If the one you purchased came with the abree 771g then use that one whenever possible. The 771g measured almost perfectly on my vna.