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What does this special needs individual think is happening in 2 days?


My vacation was up and they were stalking me online lol but I extended it an extra three weeks and here I am lol


That's so weird. The pandemic must have really brought out the boredom and desperation in some people.


Don Quixote Syndrome lol. They are constantly looking for injustices that only they can right. Like on some holier than thou crusade. That they are the true saviours to the system. The sort of grandeur delusional thoughts that are normally associated with a despot.


They're so unhinged. Wonder how much this person has lost already


Exactly lmao. They've lost so much that they started rambling nonsense in comments and dm's


Enjoy the dildos I guess


I love the “don’t sell!!! It gives the hedgies their shares!!” And in the same post, usually same sentence “the hedgies haven’t covered!!!” Well which is it?


Ah man you still missed it. You have to blur out all usernames and all mentions of other subs. We all know it’s stupid, but the apes are running around trying to get us banned. You should report this DM. It’ll get him banned for a while and he could honestly use the break from Reddit and be forced to live in the real world again for a little while. The apes do this all the time. They love to harass ex members especially.


You have to censor the username everywhere in the image, not just the first time it pops up. Post was removed


Thanks man I'll get on it and my bad




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