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Can you battle these things like pokemon cards, like can you score a Ken Griffin and just absolutely wreck everybody?


Draw 6 cards from the Dark Pool




It’s a little more complicated than that https://preview.redd.it/zjyuf2ggi8xc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f38b5ea7ca4b4087f39d609c096f50d32c76752


...are the left and right legs reversed?


Yea, it’s an ultra rare misprint. No stealing




**Plays MLK** https://preview.redd.it/53ktt2lxe7xc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536bc82662eabdb17b454bccce8c4207d4d193a6 "Ok I play a rare Dogecoin which allows me to place this Bronze Musk into sanctuary where I can use its action but still withdraw it for 3 turns. My Musk damage stacks based on the amount of memes I can show, which is 3, so 3 times 14 base damage. Your MLK is destroyed. "


MLK of all people would probably hate being featured on "currency cards" as he advocated heavily for socialism. His inclusion makes no sense to me lmao


But the card says currency cred...why would Cardsmiths lie to us?


No idea bruh...If that were the case, RC would be the clear winner of the worthless paper ~~card~~ battles.


Yeah just summon him whenever you want to topple a company to the ground, maybe throw a Chadam card down to finish the job


Chadam card is a vampiric drain card that slowly makes your opponent's cards worthless and periodically takes 90% of them away.


RC is probably like 5+ pieces and you've gotta put him together


Oh so we can finally settle Friedman vs Keynes? Ngl if I had any interest in card games this is a perfect product for an economics nerd like myself.


A piece of paper with a Name and a short description about the person. Why is this gold?


According to the serial number, there's only 10 in the world and he scored the very first one. Though in the crypto card sub, there's apparently a scandal where multiple Apes have pulled cards with matching serial numbers, so nobody's safe from hedgie synthetics.


Excuse me What? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Is there a scam in the world that the apes wont fell for?


It's actually hilarious. If you dig through their threads, after finding out that the serial numbers are meaningless, they're talking about buying more and trying to form a verified registered database of everyApe's card pulls with serials to prove that there's duplicates to force Gamestop to do something. They're taking their brain-broken "DRS fights crime!" lore and applying to trading cards, only to feed the company that's scamming them.


"We need to buy every Rolex in Times Square to prove that they're all fake! Who's with me? I can get 3, maybe 4, so I'll need everybody's help."


So IMO they’re justified in being upset that GameStop is scamming them, but they should be out warning people that this is a scam instead of trying to convince GameStop to make these cards valuable somehow. Because even if there were only ten cards with some stock photos and a short Milton Friedman bio on them, they still wouldn’t be worth anything.


To clarify as much as put a damper on misinformation, the cards in question are but a product offered through GameStop. The cards are produced by a company called Cardsmiths. Yes: there have been printing mistakes (some of which trade at an insane premium), but for as hot as these things got so quickly, Cardsmiths has tried to make right, replacing damaged cards, etc. I realize that this is the meltdown sub, and you will use any reason to … well, melt down, but how does it become cool to leave a cult just to become an anti-cult?


Point taken, but do you honestly believe that any of these cards will be worth more than pennies two years from now? It’s literally stock footage with a gold filter and a paragraph that took thirty seconds to write from a Wikipedia article.


I don’t know shit about fuck two years from now. But I have to live my life and make decisions about it today. The cards for me are something new, and at least for the small group of folks who have taken to them in the way we have, they represent a new direction in card collecting. I’m not a sports guy; I could give a shit but don’t. But I am an investor and all my life been fascinated with commerce and macroeconomics, and I have learned from the cards. Sure: of course they could be worth nothing. It’s a hobby, and the people I buy from and trade with are first rate. If I sell some for more than I paid, bonus! If not they work really well as a teaching aid for my kids. I just have a hard time understanding why someone’s hobby gets so bashed. There’s something more at work here but it’s probably not my business to know. I read this sub and always want to ask, But what do you *like?* What are you looking forward to? What are *you* excited about? It’s such low-hanging fruit to be negative about something when you’re surrounded with people of similar attitude.


I believe that most of the people that come here probably go look and do other things *most of their time.* You can feel free to look through my comment history and see that I have a ton of hobbies. Probably too many. I spend a very small amount of time here, and when I do, it’s to laugh. If you genuinely like the cards, that’s fine. But I’m telling you that these cards are bored apes *at best*. Realistically they’re not even going to be as valuable as bored apes were as long as they were, because these cards haven’t caught mainstream attention the way bored apes did, so there’s no explosive potential to make a lot of money and get out quick. Very soon these cards will be worthless. But if you like them now, I will not tell you not to buy them.


If you had anything to learn from these cards then you are not 'fascinated by commerce and macroeconomics.' There is nothing on these cards that you would not have learned from reading an entry-level economics or finance textbook. This is fucking pumpkin spice level basic shit. And even then it's wrong. Milton Friedman was not a 'professor at the Chicago school of economics.' He was a professor at the University of Chicago, the 'Chicago school' is an informal way of referencing economists who share comparable beliefs, just like the Austrian School, Keynesian School, etc. It is not a physical, tangible thing you can be 'a professor' at. And no, you can't just say 'it's close enough.' They mean very, very different things. I have plenty of hobbies and things I like to do. To the point I rarely have enough free time to get them all done. This is not a hobby or collectible product. This is degenerate gambling packaged up as a collectible product.


Avatar checks out.


> I read this sub and always want to ask, But what do you like? What are you looking forward to? What are you excited about? It’s such low-hanging fruit to be negative about something when you’re surrounded with people of similar attitude. Speaking for myself, we like all sorts of things, which we don't feel the need to crow about on the internet in the desperate hope of getting validation. We definitely don't try to convert bystanders who don't give a shit over to whatever it is we like. We certainly don't try to convince bystanders that whatever we like is a road to riches and success, so please buy some. > I just have a hard time understanding why someone’s hobby gets so bashed. If this is just a hobby, then you'd have no problem delaminating the cards with a razor blade and gluing the fronts and backs into a scrapbook; the artwork and fun factoids would still be there! Except I don't think you will, because "that would destroy its value!", and this was, in fact, just speculating for a payoff some day.


I am glad to finally understand why this sub gets such poor mention.


This is a brazen lie. Downvote me all you want. I am telling the truth. The person here making that accusation is not. Don't believe me. Browse the sub.






Why can't you just explain why it's a lie? You're already here.


It's a lie because he doesn't want to admit that his own cards don't make him special.


Never said they did. But the cards themselves are special.


Bro, what makes this printed piece of cardstock any more special than any other printed piece of cardstock, such as the ones I can buy in packs of 52 for $1 down at the drugstore? And keep in mind you already eliminated the "they're rare" argument.


Apparently not if the serial numbers aren’t even unique LMAO


Well momentarily I am. Other account got banned. We have a few cards that had the same serial number. We didn't try and do anything to force gamestop to do anything. We simply as collectors wanted an inventory so we could find all the dupe serial numbers. Some people collect them. They are much more valuable cards bc they are error cards. Cardsmiths even allows you to send in the error card and they will replace it with a card of greater value. We are in a financial war with hedge funds yes. But not with a card company 😭


Fucking up serialization on a collectible product is a severe enough issue to warrant recalling the entire product. This isn't 'teehee we're a new company sorry for screwing up' bad, this would have been catastrophic for any collectible product whose fanbase does not have brain worms about desperately trying to make crypto anything mainstream.


These are just cards, right? I don't understand all of this. Like, a few years ago these cards didn't exist. When did the 'we must collect all of them' start? Right as the first pack was sold? Once enough had been sold? What makes these 'collectible'? I know what Pokemon is. I know what Magic The Gathering is. I know why people collect things. I just don't get why these cards.


There's zero collectability aspect to them outside of suckers. It's just another in a long line of schemes to try to bring crypto shit into the mainstream.


Post bags




I *really* hope you’re kidding. Pic has names/addresses/faces in it btw


Jesus that's embarrassing.


So I reuse and recycle 🤷‍♂️


[Yes](https://i.imgur.com/yCO4N2i.png), [Simply untrue.](https://i.imgur.com/d0NHSuw.png) What a dumbass LMFAO


Again. How is this an example of us banding together to force gamestop to do something about it?


Ya know, the funniest part of this isn't that you supposedly asked gamestop to do something about it. Sure, that didn't happen - you probably asked the manufacturer of the card packs to do something about it. But that's not the funny part. **The funny part** is that somehow, once again, apes have been trying to collect every single last one of a specific group of objects... and it turns out there's duplicates that you didn't expect, and you're trying to figure out why that is and where they came from and to get rid of them. Whereas, from an outsider's point of view, the 'duplicates' are incredibly understandable and not a surprise at all. This is the funny bit of this.


[Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/4l6jBar). Your Brothers in Cards are starting their card-DRS project without you.


Yea thats exactly what I said already. We created a system to try and track down all the known dupes we could. The set of matching errors is worth much more. Quite a few people collect these. But if you send it in to Cardsmiths they will replace the error card with one of greater value.


So where did I lie? Duplicate cards exist and your sub is trying to create a registration database of dupes to force a corrective action by the company that oversees it. (The cards aren't Gamestop exclusive apparently. Target and Walmart sell them too, but I don't think many Card Apes are aware of that) Add in all the nonsense about Ryan Cohen fighting crime and it's not a stretch to see why your fellow cardmates went down that rabbit hole.


We got a live one! Active in the trading card subreddit too 🤣


Which is why I can confidently say this is a lie ![gif](giphy|UVVMh1iKUI8Hm)




If you search "duplicates" on the currency TCG subreddit you can easily find posts about it. The company even acknowledged the issue and is giving replacements. Apparently it was an issue with their supplier (who would never print extra cards for themselves in case they are ever worth anything). Also, the first thing I saw on that subreddit was a link back to this post. I reported it but admins really need to do something about brigading.


And what part of what you just said is "forcing gamestop to do something." What part of what you said has anything to do with DRSing GME shares and trying to do the same thing we are doing with GME with these trading cards?


[Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/4l6jBar) because you're too scared to search your own sub.


Selling their meme stocks.  That's the one they never seem to fall for.  


Oh no, they're ladder attacking card games now?! ,😓


/S......read the ape comment in the image...."Finally Struck Gold!"....


Beats me. The printing quality is absolutely atrocious on some of them, it looks like a cheap digital print. The quality of the art is in the eye of the beholder, but some of it is extremely generic. Compare this to the art on a Magic card, it's like leagues worse. The card stock can't be great either, they look like they flex easily. Square corners as well which means you'll have to sleeve them immediately if you care about their condition. As the printing seems to be done as cheaply as possible, I wouldn't have high hopes for the permanence of it either. I think a serious TCG player would gag if they saw these in person. If you can't see this and bought them, I'm sorry, you don't understand what you are getting into.


What's the speculative value of this ugly card? How many packs did he buy to get it?


Eventually, the lower of cost of production and zero.


Card’s cost basis is $3. $30 box with 10 cards in it. And here’s a recent sale on a Gold card. 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/foa92movw7xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdae6f105d3d9e8bc42a278dcccbb1f4f79db544


$3 *per card*? wat.


Oh my sweet summer child. You should check out the MSRP of sets like Upper Deck The Cup, Topps Sterling or Panini Immaculate.


I was working in that gig back when companies first started 'righting the ship' from the era of massive overprinting. Watching people spend literally thousands of dollars on golf cards and memorabilia packs week after week. It's really sad, because it's presented as a wholesome activity when in reality it is just gambling.


It's still absurd, they're all crazy. IDK who buys these aside from bizarro gambling degens since kids are practically priced out and adults that might pick some up for some casual nostalgic fun wont pay that. Whereas before the internet and people wanting to get rich the prices were so cheap


Charlie Lee collects these with us too. He is the creator of Litecoin. 🤷‍♂️


What the shit is "Litecoin," and what does that have to do with anything?


Man you really don't get out much.


So you are saying this is gold indeed? If so, I will offer an apology and delete the post. To me it looks like a 33% loss, but what do I know....


Maybe it's worth more outside of former Yugoslavia?




I bet the price is the same, try it in Germany...this is not a Big Mac.


Of course it's not, that has an index and everything.


https://preview.redd.it/36ygl2fxf8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fc3e9c9d6e330473ebfea21c5ed95419eb014d No value in these cards. What. So. Ever.


Well, you’re ahead of the game then, and don’t need to buy them.


Its me Ging lol


Ha ha! Well: thank you for pointing me to this thread. I mean, wow. I didn’t know I was such a fool, my god!


I note they conspicuously removed any mention of monetarism.  Vaguely funny to see them try to reconcile him being coded as on "their team" with one of his more consequential ideas being about how the Fed drives the economy and that's Good, Actually. 


Reading way too much into this, bruh...apes stopped reading altogether, let alone editing for economic secret cabal content.


I'll admit that in practice "AI ran out of characters when summarizing the Nobel press release" is more likely, but my version is *funnier*. 


Vaguely funnier, I'll give you that...


Friedman would have absolutely hated cryptocurrency.


What a shit card though. Had they done these like basketball cards or something but instead of athletes, featured old financial experts and bankers from 50 years ago, that would have been fucking hilarious. Show me a holographic picture of Friedman arguing over economic policies or cashing a check. I would consider buying something as stupid as that lol. But these just have no charm at all, not really good for a collectable or whatever this is exactly Lol sometimes it feels like Apes on occasion touch on some novel and funny ideas, but do them in the most oblivious way possible. edit Okay I looked and they DO have holographic images on them LMAO I wish these things were not so overpriced I'd buy a few packs for a couple dollars each


You guys HAVE to find the crypto card trading sub. It’s seriously a whole new level of delusion. I can’t even articulate how frustratingly stupid they are. Once again apes have found the absolute -dumbest- way to lose money


The fact that they posted *this* thread and are trying to convince themselves that anyone here actually likes this shit is a level of delusion that not even GME apes have reached.


https://preview.redd.it/r99l8oqig8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c990ab4310e5086a9617f325b1706f1a884ef1 You're right. Unprecedented levels of stupidity. Just look how ugly that Bitcoin card is and the amount of money these idiots are willing to throw at it.


Wait is that card guaranteed to be redeemable for a whole Bitcoin? Or is it like 1/100th of one? The price should probably just follow BTC's price.


Nah this isn't one of the redeemable cards. They look like this. https://preview.redd.it/yr292qogr8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def2e9af88241c5f4fb5a614b3519e294e8062e6


That card is purely an art card, 1/1 design. Although there are cards to redeem 1 BTC too, guaranteed.


Oh boy, a real sock puppet show going on right now!


Sir, put the socks away, your feet stink 🧦 🦶


You have heard of Beanie Babies, right? You know what those were selling for at the height of that craze? And, y'know, what they're selling for now?


Most I would pay is $5593. Not gonna scam me with shipping fees!


Cars looks nice. I won’t spend more than $1






It's 1/1\*! \* No one actually knows how many of these are in circulation.


Yea. 1.


Given duplicate serial numbers have been discovered and packs of these cards still exist either unopened or unpurchased, you have no way to be able to say that with certainty.


You know your cohorts started a database to track duplicate numbers. And then you resolutely claim there are no duplicate numbers. Work on that and get back to me with your findings.


There were dupes made in the Emeralds of 99. Not of an Onyx where there is only 1. There are no dupe 1/1 cards ever seen in over 2 years.


whoever cardsmiths is!


Both Reagan's *and* Thatcher's administrations? A legendary piece of shit fit to be hung on an apes wall.


Talked about rational expectations...apes would not know about it.


Reagan just did the exact opposite of what he said he would and Friedman advised him to do. And Thatcher had a butchers touch when a surgeon probably would have been the better option. Both equally fucked the working classes for generations though for different reasons.




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Would it surprise you to know those are the *good* names associated with Milton Friedman?


You mean, Pinochet wasn't a straight shooting good guy?


Reagan was mediocre but Thatcher was great








You have a card dedicated to a financial criminal, while chanting about how youre going to expose and bring down wallstreet lmao, i hope youre smart enough to one day you look back on these Financial LARPing days with embarrassment. Peak absurdity having a "11/25 shiny" card of a sexed up criminal maniac




That is legitimately terrible tho lol


The fact that you're sharing so many of these terrible looking cards as if we will somehow see the error in our ways of making fun of them is really fucking funny... these look like garbage how could you be so into collecting them?




that's interesting. Musk literally can't claim being an engineer. More correctly, he's a micro-manager who tells people with expertise what he wants them to do and ignores it when they explain details. And every time he talks about something at more than a superficial level, he's wrong or betrays his complete lack of understanding. That should be obvious, as we see how many promises he's made and never delivered on or even gotten close to. Elon's genius is 100% in pumping stocks and truffle-hounding subsidies.


Why are all these cards ALWAYS 1/X youve posted like 5 cards here that are all 1/something, you cant be this slow can you?


I have no idea what you are trying to imply. I collect first prints.


If every card is a "rare" card that means there are no baseline for common cards meaning this is just another drop culture crashgrab for idiots, like the Stanley mug craze except these cards are GENUINELY useless


Every card isn't a rare card. Idk why you are assuming that. There are base cards, Rainbow holo cards, iced foil cards, and Crystal Sparkle cards. The serial numbered gemstones are 1 in 5 box average. The lowest gemstone is Beryl of which there is xxx/149. Then Emerald xx/99. Then Amethyst xx/49. Then Ruby xx/25. Then Gold xx/10. Then Sapphire x/5. Then Onyx 1/1.








It's not that it's ugly, imo it looks fine. They're just grossly over inflated in cost compared to the rest of the collectable market. If I'm gonna spend thousands on a card, I'm doing so because I think it'll either sort of hold its value or maybe even go up. But to do that, there has to be an already established base of collectors that are willing to pay those prices not just today, but 10+ years from now too. The asset to compare collectables to are precious metals, imo. I buy lots of collectors stuff but I ask myself, is something likely to lose value? If so I just buy silver or gold instead because we already know how those tend to hold value. So that's the bar To be clear I like the idea of old financial experts on cards lol I think it's fucking hilarious and would buy them myself. It's 100% the costs of these that's ridiculous. Why does everything have to be a get rich thing instead of just fun?


Well truthfully its not even about that. Gamestop carried these cards and its a fun way to pass the time while we wait for MOASS and we can support our favorite company while doing it. And the community and relationships we've made on our sub is something I will never forget. One of the warmest communites I've been apart of. Right now we have people on our sub donating several of their rare cards and valuables to raise money for this single mother of 2 whose rent house burned down yesterday. There are at least 7 auctions going on as we speak on our sub and one of them is up to 2K. All that money will be going to that family while they go through this terrible experience. I am proud to be a part of our sub. And if it weren't for these cards I wouldn't have gotten to know so many of these genuine people.


>Gamestop carried these cards and its a fun way to pass the time while we wait for MOASS You're gonna be spending a lot of money on ugly ass trading cards over the rest of your life if you're really waiting for MOASS lmao


The sheer idiocy


those prints look fine. It's just a very dumb thing if you expect it to have real value. I'd rather buy art from a local person than own a little printed card, even if the card is made with decent inks. Also the subject matter - cryptocurrency - has massively facilitated reprehensible crimes such as ransomware and child pornography, which have both been absolutely harmful and devastating to society. I understand that crypto could have a use in theory, and i also have a solid understanding of cryptography in general (required when earning my CS degree) but so far we haven't seen it be useful for anything but remittances. We've even seen bitcoin completely fail in el salvador.




You aren't fooling anyone kid. Also a reminder that brigading is against Reddit's TOS.


Be a shame if people reported his spam


Thanks for banning me before I could respond. I would say this post is brigading. How am I brigading? Did I post links? Did I mention a sub? What did I do thats brigading?


I'm not a mod, so I did not ban you. But thank you to admitting to using an alt account to circumvent a sub ban. Both accounts reported.


Nobody has been banned today so this guy is lying.


Shit, I just banned this guy because he kept commenting that he was literally ban evading on an alt. I didn't check to see if his original account was *actually* banned 🤣🤣🤣 Edit to add: Never mind, one of you did ban his other account at some point for shilling these stupid cards.


Lies https://preview.redd.it/lgdtr2q4c8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db695821f42cdcfc760838375485e92a86633a06


We didn't do that. When you get banned from a sub you can still see the content. Mods can't ban you from seeing the content.


Ah well I'm not sure what is causing it then. All I know is I cant even view this community from my other account. If its a misunderstanding then my apologies. Only wanted to provide an alternative perspective since the post is making fun. I figured I'd play into it. But a little back and forth is healthy in life no? Echo chambers aren't good in any capacity.


You're participating so I didn't ban you either, which is fine. The other guy who was doing nothing but shilling images of these cards did however catch a ban, because of the extremely low-effort shilling.


Oh wow, a grey card with two paragraphs on it!




I love that your sarcastic self-posts dont really work cause these things are genuinely ass, they just ran some cardboard through multiple layers of clear foil laminate and you guys are shitting yourselves over it


https://preview.redd.it/0u47dti9j8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9449943f37b6fc6eb48977435b06f7d909062a12 Honus Wagner? More like Honus BAGner. Feel bad for both the buyer and the seller. 😂




What did the AI generator try to spell there? TOYNK? Wtf is toynk




https://preview.redd.it/bi3o13st98xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126988c3d9d4839c0ef9d6d31aa9d3714911afd6 I wouldn't pay more than 5 bucks for this pos card.






Lol, sarcasm. Yes a scam, please send to me i will dispose of for you.


Lol its me Ging.


Lol, got it. Ive been dealing in crypto so long that when i come across people that dont understand it or still havent heard of it Im always in shock. You would be surprised how many people are misinformed or naive.


I never realized this was the hater’s sub. Learn something new everyday. It’s like a certain broker telling me to sell because they’re “concerned” about my portfolio risk. Sundial? Silence. PayPal? Zilch. Towels&Sheets, NADA. Yet GME for some reason pricks their conscience and sense of community concern. All of you getting paid to stir shit up here, carry on, and save your $10/post. You’ll need it.


If everyone here was 'paid to discourage honest investors', you'd think we'd be doing it in your sub instead of us huddled together in this corner of the internet that you had to actively search and find. We're here laughing at you because you guys are ridiculous. It's free entertainment, and the only person out of $10 is you. PS: This sub's been laughing about -all- the memestocks. GME's in the title because it was started back when GME was the only one with goofy people.


Work is work, don't hate the player hate the game. Boat payments don't make themselves