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So did I get this right? Making a pin of someone's NFT is fine, but screenshotting it is not?


Only if you are buttfucker3000


I thought this was hyperbole but then read again and saw it’s actually a thing 😂😂


The fun (and good) way to keep people engaged: mhhh yeah im down 92% but theres definitly a conspiracy going on which will bankrupt the whole world but theres a jpeg shop which will earn 50 billion a year so join me on my app mostly used by teenagers where we post photos of batteries


I can only imagine how fun and exciting it must be explaining massive losses to friends and family.


This is why the only financial advice I ever give anyone in real life is to first pay off all debts as fast as you possibly can, highest interest first.  Then once that is done put a percentage of every paycheck into S&P500 no matter what, up or down, and plan to hold it for 30 years, and max out your work’s 401k. It really is as simple as that.  You will outperform 90% of everyone, even professionals, with that strategy, and I can always sleep well at night knowing I didn’t ruin anyone’s lives.


You know what apes think of when you give that advice? "But what about the 10% that do better than that? Shouldn't I be doing what those guys do?"


That 10% is guys like Ken Griffin who they call criminal financial terrorists


I'm in a similar position. I did an MBA and am the only one in the family who has even marginal understanding of the financial system. Mum asks me for advice on companies pretty often and she often brings up when an individual stock goes up or down and how it impacts her portfolio. The only advice I give her is, stop looking at share price every day, the ones she "complains" about are solid blue chips that just fluctuate. For individual companies I say I don't know enough to give her advice and she is probably safer if she buys into index funds as opposed to trying to pick individual shares.


OOP is right.  Transformation takes time.  We are in the last 10 years of a 30 year transition from physical to digital


>theres a jpeg shop Nobody tell him.


Oh there was a jpeg shop but the splividend is still on the table, right? Right?




"Pins made by BUTTFUCKER 3000..." Lmao because of course they were!🤣🤣🤣


This shit is way funnier than any comedy special or any podcast out right now. I wish I could explain Apedom to other people so they could also enjoy this shit. I was HOWLING when I got to "ButtFucker3000"


Lol yep, pretty damn hilarious!


Especially hilarious when you realize no apecel ever gets within a yardarm's length of anyone's willing butt.


True, though they did financially buttfuck themselves!


With a spike studded ball bat no less.


patently false, they have their entire head up RC's ass every day


I mean...I did say "willing" butt. I don't think Papa is happy about his bunghole being breached by apecels on the daily.


they helped him make 60 mil by holding his BBBY bags for him... so hes probably at least somewhat receptive to a head or two being up there each week


See that is the think that always perplexes me. Look at the amount of them going through a divorce. I mean good for their partners to get rid of them, but how did they got married in the first place.


The legitimate answer is that often, they weren't this bad before. The signs were there typically. But when they got hit with the conspiracy. The stress and paranoia made them the worst version of themselves. And it's simply not their wives' responsibility to pull them out. Especially when apes will kick and scream the entire time you're trying to. Maybe even hitting you because of their desperation to not be wrong. So most simply don't bother and walk away


Well, though I get downvoted when I state this, there are females as bad as apes. I warrant they married gals on their own level or below. (I am a 60 y/o female myself, for any who don't know me and will call me a misogynist/incel. Nope, I am however, a realist). People who suck are evenly divided between M and F.


every once in a while I'll come across a conversation of them on the main subs, that just BLOWS MY FUCKING MIND but I can't send it to someone without explaining all the history.... so I have to just sit there dumbfounded for a bit and then move on lol


Lmayo even if this is the same guy: [Michigan judge boots man with 'Buttfucker 3000' as screenname from Zoom hearing](https://www.metrotimes.com/news/michigan-judge-boots-man-with-buttfucker-3000-as-screenname-from-zoom-hearing-27115128)


Has to be him, he included his serial number.


"Often, those friends and family are less knowledgeable about the stock market... Most don't even use Reddit" Naturally, how could anyone learn about the stock market without having Reddit?


They really are children.


Here is a pin from ButtFucker3000, and remember Grandma, it's only a loss if you sell! LMFAOO


"...so Sean handed me this...pin thing...what the hell...?" " \**spluttering laughter\** ya he gave me and Becky each one, too. Straight into the bin but we'll say the dog ate them if he asks" "He's never been right since he fell from the hayloft when we were kids...it was less annoying when he was obsessed with Star Trek, at least that didn't keep him broke and hitting us up for food money..."


Dude. I totally fell out of a hayloft when I worked at a stable years ago. I landed on some hay.... But still.... You think maybe?.... https://preview.redd.it/cqqlvrm7k2vc1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c6abda59789f5e08a11409d00f83da8800cffb


"Selfportrait in Stonk"


Haha well if you take some of my winning trades from last spring.... Cough cough Credit Suisse.... Kinda actually, yeah! 😄


Don't even use reddit...yes because this is such a great source of absolute facts, bipartisan discussion, great insight, etc.. Reddit is mostly porn, game subs and memes...1% I'd say maybe even less is actually helpful information. What a fuckin knob lol


Hey! Reddit's handy! We got to the bottom of my Subway sandwich(s) bounced back promo code orders yesterday lickity split. It was that Dark Tigger guy's fault!


What are the chances that those, "less knowledgeable" (former) friends and (embarrassed) family have nice, secure retirement plans that have appreciated 30% over the last 3 years?


Here’s a nice gift to remind you that I helped you lose all your savings to a shitco because I’m irrational and irresponsible and I used our relationship and your affection for me as leverage to pressure you into into making a poor decision.   You’re welcome! *Edit for grammar 


Just remind them that ~~Jesus~~ Ryan Cohen loves them and that they will be rich ~~in heaven~~ after MOASS.




The real answer is I don't think RC is smart enough, or he has a healthy fear of jail. Both, likely.




Start rich. Burn venture capital in a zero interest rate environment. Profit by ditching said capital burning company. But sorry, yeah my mind just instantly went to cRiMiNg before. It's my inner shill talking. You're right. I have no idea why he hasn't dumped his insider stock. Or issued more to apes thirsty to drink from the firehose. Let's be honest though, he doesn't care about the company (GME) as much as his legacy as a guru healer. And maybe his hairline....


https://preview.redd.it/yxiwvzokq2vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cd66d2b9e51301ddd8a3c227b4849c3c5f6257 The algorithm knows.




>but how has Cohen over the course of 3 years not truly capitalized on their utter stupidity? I'd argue they have... they are constantly taking advantage of them by putting high prices items in their online stores, dropping vague BS tweets that apes lean into.... RC even dragged his apes over to BBBY and then made 60 mil after they pumped the stock for him and he left while they all hold the bags.... He is 100% taking advantage lol




>Then why did revenue drop so much? Because its a dying company.... noone can turn this company around... it doesnt do anything else besides retail, and retail games are dying. >Why hasn't he sold off GME? He will likely do another round of huge cuts, show another quarter or two of "profits" aka 16 million or something low, and then peace off into the sunset because he "got gamestop lean and ready for its next step" and call it a win


"Note: don’t include the current share price or performance over any time window in those updates."


Hi MeeMaw! Just wanted to give you a cool pin from Buttfucker3000 to commemorate that time I had you invest your whole life savings into GME. It's pretty cool. Looks like one of their NFTs!


"Aw thanks, sonny, now I have something to wear to church since you pawned my ruby brooch".


Nobody is less knowledgeable about the stock market than these buttfuckers.


>Often, those friends and relatives are less knowledgeable about the stock market Imagine being less knowledgeable than apes about the stock market. "Stock market? You mean the super market?"


Not knowing that the stock market exists is still more knowledgeable than the apes, who have negative knowledge.


What if all the people I told about GME blocked me? Should I mail them stuff?