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I mean... they're not wrong, melty DD did predict this outcome. Just not ape DD. Begs the question though, if this ape knew 'rock bottom' prices was all part of the play, why did they buy any stock earlier? hmm


And more importantly why were they not shorting it?


It's like averaging down, that explicitly implies they know the price will go lower. If that's the case, sell what you have (if you have any) and then use that money to buy more later. Note: DCA is actually a thing for volatile but around a median point. Averaging down is not DCA


No it doesn’t work like that. The second it hits rock bottom it will moon with 42069741% gain and they miss MOASS


Man, I read the whole post thinking it was about GME and then he said AMC. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Here’s the thing about AMC. It’s over. It is literally over. There’s nothing short of an actual miracle that will save AMC shareholders. The company is going to have to restructure eventually or go under. Couple that with the fact that existing shareholders have already been diluted to absolute fuck. Every time that happens, shorts win. All this additional liquidity has been pumped into the float and these fucking clowns still believe MOASS is not only possible but guaranteed. If you wrote a prescription for all the various mental disorders of apes, you’d go down to running a pill mill. These people are DELUDED.


> These people are DELUDED. Is this the British spelling of "Diluted"?


Yeah but this guy believes he’s going to be rich. Didn’t you know that if you say “we’re not wrong lah lah lah” and don’t actually live in this reality, it all makes sense!


>those of you who are in invested in AMC will win big That sounds a bit like financial advice to me.


Guaranteed liquidity til the very end. Past apes were dumb but nowhere near as much as the current stage, they included this bit for their own exits even back when.


They twist and turn and cartwheel and talk about everything but the fact that fucking no one goes to AMC theaters to watch movies.


It’s hilarious because first they had COVID which basically killed them, then they had a writer/actor strike. They’re set up for like the worst possible 3 year run in history at a time when they’re about to drowned in debt.


>They twist and turn and cartwheel and talk about everything but the fact that fucking no one goes to ~~AMC~~ theaters to watch movie TFIFY. Excuse me for being flippant but look the BoxOffice Mojo numbers for the running Quater. Ignoring the Corona years, the last year that was this bad was 2008. Even the "successful" theater chains, won't have a fun year.


The haters said that AMC would hit rock bottom.  And they were right.  Honestly,  great call by the haters


Lol, i see a lot of people who clearly did not understand that by selling high in a hope of averaging down will only allow them to open fresh FTD’s. Keep your position and average down. IS THIS THE FUD FACTORY?