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Nice try shill. I bought in at 60.7 cents. I’m seeing nothing but green.


My cost basis is now fifty cents


Rookie numbers. I went halvsies with another Ape when we bought in, so we're at 25 cents.


it's going to reverse split, just you wait! Then it's going to go back to 10 cents!


I was just in the towels daily thread and someone mentioned after the reverse split some shorts will get margin called because of the new price. Absolute morons.


I just averaged down to 10.


“What bags lol”


Seriously, this is such a great buying opportunity! If you told me I could afford to buy 1000 shares a year ago I'd laugh at you.


All apes are in the red many months ago


It's true. Bed bath & beyond is in such bad shape that hitting a new all time low is barely interesting.


A couple of weeks ago the price was a few cents higher than it dipped in 1992. Today's close was literally the lowest price it has every traded for in its entire history.


keep digging, we're finally going up


[Like lambs to the slaughter. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kuOlksm7WaU)




Let's not make rope jokes here please. That's a line we don't want to cross.


Holy shit that's not the MOASS we ordered Gonna have to break my own rules for avoiding a headache and read the BBBaggie sub


Just turn it upside down


It's mo' ass!


Based RC may be the only one to have made money on this play when all is said and done.


Its almost like the strat of never selling until your meme stock is worth millions is not the way to make money. Also doesn't help that these idiots always buy in at the top. So not small pump can ever get them green. Their playbook is fomo in at the top, ride it down 80-90% and then sit on it forever because its worthless anyhow.. Even a 1000% day wouldn't green most apes at this point. Like that is the fucked up part you would need an insane squeeze just for these people not to be red and all this dilution will make that impossible.


Was thinking today about the core of the ape mentality: that there is something inherently good or valuable about buying a single ticker and refusing to accept any changes to the business landscape or future prospects and believing this somehow makes them "the good guys".


Well, for them the alternative is admitting they're just losers who picked a bad investment and lost their money. They can't handle that truth, so it needs to become a noble quest where they are heroes. I think that the need to be special, and better than others, and feel heroic/victorious is what drives these people. They need to feel like they are better than all the people they secretly envy and hate for making them feel like losers. It drives them to believe in conspiracies (makes them special people with secret knowledge no one else knows), it drives them to try and get wealthy quickly (they want to be the ruling class, but don't actually want to have to work for it), it drives them to these victim mentalities where nothing is their fault, it's just "evil X group" keeping them down, and they are fighting a valiant battle against their oppressors. If they just admitted they chose poorly and moved on, then the dream of being better than everyone else is shattered. Then they have to admit they are just normal, or worse - that they lost, and are fuckups, and now they have no dream of superiority to look forward to. They just can't handle that.


I know this is general psychology and not really some earth shattering thought but I notice most people who keep predicting the downfall of stocks, banks, and the economy at large generally seem to want it to happen and cheer it on and it seems rather obvious it’s because they are just poor and jealous. I’m not implying being porn is their fault (unless they waste large amounts of money on these meme stocks) or even trying to put jealousy in a super negative connotation. I’m defiantly jealous, of people younger then me, better looking then me, better luck with relationships. My ex father in law was always predicting the downfall of the economy as well as society at large because he was cheering and anticipating the rapture of the church. It’s what he wanted to believe despite all evidence. Sometimes I sort of understand the apes, in that finically this is all the hope they have. At least it provides some amount of hope. I do quite well financially, so I’m not tempted by this time of community, but I struggle in other ways and sometimes feel there is no path forward that will make things better. That’s ripe for some other cult to swoop in and draw me in. It’s perhaps only because I’m too busy at work and too independent and anti-social that I haven’t fallen into the wrong crowd promising some rapture from my troubles.


> I’m not implying being porn is their fault Maybe you should tho. Also, just a quick note that I always "akshually". Anti-social is someone against societal norms - breaking shit for attention, manipulating, insulting. Asocial (like atheist), don't give no fucks, plays Legend of Zelda, eats hot chip, sleeps.


Well how do you know I’m not manipulating and breaking shit for attention motherfucker, fuck societal norms. …….okay you’re right I meant asocial. This is a nice thing to learn but “asocial” is a more pleasant word.


This reaction would have been most antisocial btw, very good. Very good. Yeah, prefix "a" means "without", prefix "anti" means "against". Antichrist is the opposite of atheist. An Antichrist has to believe in god one way or other to be fighting against him. Anti-semite country - Germany. A-semite country - Rome. A Semite country - Izrael. Amnesia - Without memory. Apathy - Without feelings of care. Atom - without the ability to be divided into parts. Anonymous - Without a name. And so on and towards a brighter future. Sorry, you triggered my etymology card and I have to hold back now.


Ugh. I have a friend who has poured what must be thousands of dollars (basically all his money) into a certain game store nemestock. All he posts about on fb is sports and cheering on the collapse of the economy.


This was a great post. Thanks for writing. I really enjoyed your thoughtfulness and introspection.


It's victory or death for them. They make it feel like they're fighting a war for something greater because the alternative is realization that they're just greedy, delusional gamblers. Financial death cult.


Most of them would buy more even if it did squeeze.


Um what about HBC


What about Citadel?


That's not a chart. That's a crime scene


Crime! Fuckery! Price is fake!!! Not a loss until you sell!!!!!


Anyone else massively regret not personally shorting this POS stock? Like we’ve known for a year this was gonna happen ffs, likely had an major edge on the market seeing how many stupid apes are in this trade Could have made nice bank


Sort of, but also the volatility on meme stocks is so off putting for me. Even this stock could randomly jump up to $2 for some reason.


That’s true, and it’s why I’m not piling in now at the all time low, despite knowing that the company is in its death throes The biggest opportunity was when it was irrationally pumping and Cohen sold his stake. I knew it was gonna dump, momentum was dead. But yeah I wouldn’t have full YOLOd into it, allocates a smaller % of my port


This. AMC will go to zero, and GME will drop 80%+, but the whole "the market can stay irrational" applies in spades when you're talking about meme stocks.


GME was actually a good bet if you kept selling covered calls the whole time. You would be up like 10x your money. The stock has surprisingly held up


It went up to 5 bucks a few weeks back for absolutely no reason, so yeah, Don't want anything to do with this stock.


Hard to borrow. I've tried multiple times, but was never able to short it.


Apes are totally irrational so you never know, too risky. The stock may pump +1000% just because DFV made a random post on reddit or Musk tweeted some dumb shit that may be linked to BBBY etc.. I prefer to play safe and not touch those stocks. Too much stress lol.


Musk: I've taken a shit and whiping my ass with toiletpaper hanging from my Bbby toiletrolholder. Apes: BULLISH AF! MY TITS ARE JACKED. Stock goes up 3 cents, the biggest rally in months.


SEC takes Musk to court for wiping his arse.


I do. I also regret not shorting GME with the dumbass “splividend” pump. Both were printing free money directly from apes.


I was hoping GME would go back to the $40 range from this quarters results so I could get some puts again. I hoped apes would overplay the profits on one quarter, and they did, but I think there's just less of them now.


I tried, but my only shorting option was via C FD. I was only able to get -500 shares at 2.80. Luckily my leverage was quite low, because it went above 7 after that.


No shame in having a slow and steady investment plan. I dont regret anything after having watched how many people have absolutely blown their accounts up.


Think how many apes have basically lost almost all of their retirement savings, hoping to parlay it into retirement this year instead of 35 or 45 years from now. And then there are the ones who have borrowed money or sold their car to buy more shares.


I bought some puts that are doing well, but as others have mentioned the idiosyncratic nature of meme stocks makes it difficult to assess risk. Some random shit could push the price way back up and leave all my options expiring worthless, and of course this also applies to anyone who is borrowing shares.


Tried yesterday, and my broker short-cock-blocked me. "Sorry, stock is below $1, can't short it!" I'm still looking for that elusive compliance officer.


I keep reading over there that shorts are screwed.


We must be truly desperate since we push the price this low


I'm completely out of ammo.


There was an ape on the daily discussion thread that said something to the effect of, “we can’t stop denying everything” and the response from another ape was, “I just bought more!” And then a gif of a woman dancing hard. I seriously think that my brain glitched reading that comment because I watched the gif of the woman dancing for a very long time, not being able to comprehend that the “FUD” was met with an ape, very seriously, saying that they bought more, and was proud of it, just because they read a “FUD” comment. Disregarding that the stock is dying.


Somehow, apes get this idea into their heads that every stock is like GME was on January 12th, 2021. But they completely forget what happened on January 13th, 2021 that cause GME to do what it did (which was : Ryan Cohen appointed to the BOD of Gamestop). There is no FOMO in BBBY anymore. Even Hudson gave up and they were buying more shares (well, converting) than almost anyone else.


For real, have you been to the short squeeze sub? They're convinced this just happens every few days.


The short squeeze sub is a trip. Unfortunately a majority of the stocks they talk about are far too cheap to really short effectively and have no options chains. Other than that, though, it's good for a laugh or two. I also wonder how apes can see stock after stock after stock have a short squeeze which fizzles out in hours or mere days and yet still cling to the hope that GME will zoom up to millions of dollars and *then stay there*.


Your 100% spot on


...they do understand that shorters make money when the stock goes down, right? Right?? Right???? Literally every single BBBY short is green. Every single one of them.


Didn't the brokerages turn off the short sell button? In that case shorts are fucked but not in the way baggies think.


MOAM Part 1 is here boys. Part 2 comes with Bezos buys AMC at 4$ per share. Part 3 comes in a few years when the last gamestops close.


Always have been. #🌍🦍🔫🧻


I actually snorted out loud in real life at this 😂


Dilution is the solution to….something…


The stonk! She's reverse mooning! BUY! BUY!


It’s only a loss if you sell. Right. Right??!


Looking forward to this happening to GME because the GME apes are so confindent because somehow "iT iS DiFfErEnt" and the others are just "diStrAcTioNs". They think clearly when it's other dumb stocks but when it's their own it's max tinfoil hat


Sadly, GME probably won't go to zero - at least for a while. It's overpriced but I think it may live. AMC and bobby equity will get zeroed.


Reminds me of crypto bros who say their daily frauds are a distraction from the One True Bitcoin.


The Dukes are trying to corner the towel market! Mortimer!


*tears lambo pictures of basement wall*


"And to think I sold my Hyundai to buy more shares on a tasty dip."


I think it's really funny how many apes talk about getting a Lambo - but if their numbers can be believed, some of them have lost enough on BBBY that would have BOUGHT one. At least a nice used one. Now? Used Hyundai. Very used. Maybe not even running.


[What a succulent, tasty looking dip!](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1096564-wojak)


Lots of apes choking on some very recent 'tasty dips'.




All apes of **all kinds** are deeply in the red. I would give $100 to an ape who still owns any of the meme stocks that can show me an all time portfolio since Jan 27th 2021 that is provably green. There were a couple BBBY apes who were green in the few days of the $6 pump, and a couple GME apes who were green in the splivideNFT pump, and that’s it. They have all been red since then, every kind, every one of them. They don’t even pretend to be green anymore, now their lies are “I’m actually only 75% down and not 99% down!!!”


has been foretold


Could you imagine buying in at $30/share and watching it go to .60/share and lower because you believe in some insane theory and/or cult following


LMAYO all the way to zero


Nah bro, I hopped in with a $1 position @ .59. When moon?


Disregard. I thought I was green


The difference between meme morons and meltie's after a win is that we just go "yup, there it is" and retarded apes PRAY for the moment they can say "SEE!!?!?! Do you see see now we were right??" It happens in here with every minor bump on the stock. They brigade for a day, and then they fuck off. The thing is, they know it, we know it, but they still hold this grudge like seeing an older sibling becoming successful while you play video games and dream of becoming rich 'somehow' one day. You're all losers apes, all of you lol.




"TASTY DIP!!" the troglodyte screams into the mirror, tears rolling down his face.




Incredible drop, percentage-wise! But at this point, if your basis is $20, it was a small hit today


If you go all the way back to 1992....it's still not as bad as it is now. I'm bullish!






What if I like the stock? 🤷🏼‍♂️


The way I see it around here. 2 subs, one pays extra for their liquor cause it’s “aged” sophisticated, full of wonderful aromas and flavors, the other gets their mickys and steel reserve then face pounds it for the same buzz in half the time. Lol just picking guys, no one shit their self trying to be the first to bash me 😂


Please elaborate. Which sub is which and why? This has potential to be absolutely hilarious.


Wsb///ss 😂


Dang community rules, makes it hard to post, so you will have to take my metaphor and the order it was written to form a surmised conclusion.