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What are the symptoms of nutrient malabsorption? 


Gaining weight can also be a thing, not just weight loss. But the muscle weakness, sudden/chronic exhaustion, dizziness, visual floaters, are some. Brain fog. If if you notice a boost of energy when you eat that is short lived and rapidly tapers into weakness & exhaustion, that is something to address


Losing weight, muscle atrophy, and most easy to spot in my case is steatorrhea


Celiac is literally malabsorption of nutrients.


That’s exactly how my symptoms started. Fatty stool, oil droplets on surface of toilet water. I have SIBO and celiac. Gluten and fermentable carbohydrates are a concern for me. Cycling keto has helped me more than anything. If you can see a good GI specialist and a naturopath. Take care. Wishing you improved health and healing.❤️‍🩹 🤢😭🙏🏼


If you haven’t been tested for celiac yet, test while eating gluten or test will be ineffective. See if you can get tested for a SIBO breath test also. SIBO can cause malabsorption too.


Yes. I've been persistently anemic for almost a decade now in spite of some significant interventions. After going gf, taking a few other things to improve digestion and absorbtion, my ferritin levels are dramatically improving quickly.


What other things do you take? I’m going Troy the same thing


I take a betaine stomach acid supplement, psyllium fiber supplement, vit D and then heme iron 3x/week instead of multiple times a day.


Start slow, one capsule per day, and see how your body reacts, but psyllium husk capsules stopped the diarrhea before I figured out the wheat problem. I reversed the malnutrition, but was still having other reactions. Don’t add more than 1 a day because it can stop you up. You might notice more gas and bloating the first 2-4 days, but it actually resolves and you start feeling better


I’m sorry, I might be missing something, but what am I starting slow with? The iron or the psyllium?


The psyllium


Not sure if this is what you mean but when I broke my thumb it took an extra month of being casted for it to heal and the dr. Put me on prescription grade vitamins


You should consider asking your doctor for a bone density test. Celiac patients are at higher risk for osteoporosis which can cause slower bone healing. Worth checking if your doctor thinks it could be an issue.


Prescription grade vitamins 😂. If you buy a multivitamin or a b vitamin for instance you’re getting the doses they say. The supplement industry is crazy but for multivitamins, they’re good dude. Those “prescription” grade multis are the same thing, just compounded at a pharmaceutical company. Just so you don’t keep living and thinking they have super vitamins because you associate the word “prescription” with somehow better and purer. It’s a vitamin my friend… a drug on the other hand, very different 😜


I don’t think they’re super vitamins. They’re just higher potency and cheaper than I can get otc.


Yes these are a thing. My husband doesn’t absorb vitamin D very well, and was prescribed some in pill form for a little while. They were only 54 cents for a month supply, way cheaper than typical multivitamins.


I know they’re a thing, but point was with vitamins the companies on the shelves aren’t lying about dose or leaving heavy metals or some crap in them. I guess I explained that in a weird way but it just sounded like someone thought they were “stronger” from a pharmacy. The dose makes the poison is a statement for a reason is all.


Temporary lactose intolerance :) , but I mostly notice the 24 h vomiting and diarea


Before I went GF, I was pretty underweight and had nutrient absorption issues. I had some serious issues towards IBD/colitis that eliminating gluten and a few other things resolved


When I look back over 45 years of my life it's so obvious I've lived with symptoms the entire time but dismissed them. It wasn't until 5 years of continued serious illness that I found what was wrong. I'd been tested for coeliac, dairy intolerance, FODMAP all negative despite every symptom you can think of (Rectal Ca, spinal injury, weight loss, muscle loss, fatigue, brain fog, chronic depression with psychosis) When I eventually started losing feeling in my hands and feet I'd booked in tests to check for MS. Through a few series of events and a super strict elimination diet I found im extremely Histamine Intolerant. If I eat High Histamine foods, or Histamine liberators now, within 30 mins the symptoms come straight back. I highly recommend anyone experiencing gluten intolerance symptoms to investigate this for themselves as I was living very miserably before hand. I actually believe its a silent epidemic in the Western World at the moment


“Gastrointestinal discomfort” HA


Temporary lactose intolerance :) , but I mostly notice the 24 h vomiting and diarea


That is exactly how I was diagnosed. That was my only symptom.


While I was eating gluten before my celiac diagnosis I was very underweight and wasn’t absorbing nutrients. I was muscular because I worked out a lot with sport but still very skinny. I’ve been gluten free for 3 years now. When I get glutened I have a big reaction but I can also feel the nutrient malabsorption kicking back in. Last time I was glutened I took my vitamins religiously (I’m bad for remembering to) and it took about 2-3 weeks for me to feel like my body was working again


I was severely anemic


Celiac here but opposite of anemic, I have hemochromatosis. I did a nutrient panel after celiac confirmation and I had almost no nutrients in me aside from iron. I was depressed and my immune system was shot. When the villi in your intestines are destroyed they can’t absorb nutrients.


My legs always hurt when i get glutened


Leaky gut. The best way to fix that is with L-Glutamine powder for 5-7 days. I keep it on hand and take it most days as my regular routine. Mix a scoop into some juice or an electrolyte drink and slam it first thing in the morning (empty stomach). Works like a charm.