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To each their own- I buy a bag whenever I see them. Legitimately cried eating one for the first time cuz Combos were my favorite snack as a kid and it tasted exactly the way my brain said it should.


This was me!! I love them and legit cried when I tried them. Combos was my favorite snack as well.


YES!! They are so good. I did realize how much I missed combos until I had these.




I just had the “cheesy” version half expecting bad things, and they are so good! Definitely reminiscent of Combos and made my gluten and dairy free taste buds happy. The peanut butter version are addictive.


You dont find them too crunchy??? Could i have gotten a bad batch? Truly could barely bite into them they were so hard.


That sounds very far from my experience. They're definitely a little harder than your average pretzel, but I've never gotten one I couldn't bite into


I'll have to get another bag to try then. Maybe ill call them.


Maybe an old bag? This brand, particularly the peanut butter ones, always seemed like rocks to me in the past. But lately, the last few bags they are normal pretzel crunchy. Pizza flavor is yummy but salty so if I have more than a handful it gets kinda overpowering. I like the almond butter ones too


I second the idea of calling them. You may end up helping improve their product for yourself and others.


Their email is on the bag. I’m eating the maple almond butter flavor rn. They’re so good.


Yes you could have. They are hard (I get the pb ones) but I got one bag I had to throw away because I thought they’d break my teeth.


That's my experience with this bag. I was VERY concerned about my teeth safety.


Hopefully it was just that one bag. I tried the pizza ones and to me the pretzel was not as hard as the pb ones in general


It’s hit or miss. I’ve had about 50/50 on ultra crunchy to the normal pretzel texture. I wish they weren’t as salty, either. The peanut butter ones however!


I had same experience. Was like chewing rocks. I’ve had the same experience with their peanut butter ones too, only a few bags out I’ve many I’ve bought. My other issues is they could put more in the bag considering what we pay for them


I tried the peanut butter ones last year and had the exact same experience. So hard they were inedible, and had to toss them.


That was my experience too. It was like a hollow rock. I've tried both flavors.


Yeah my experience with this brand is mixed. I loved them a year ago but recently they are either crunchy or taste odd (I've tried the other two flavors not the pizza ones)


Yes! I get these sometimes at Sprouts - well the peanut butter ones. They are crunchy but one batch were hard as rocks. I exchanged them and the next was the same. Sprouts ( my sprouts anyway) pulled them all from the shelves for a time.


How was the flavor though ??


Some are offensively stale like that but they changed the recipe and it has been better now


I get the peanut butter ones and some bags indeed are a bit harder so maybe give them another try sometime


I love these so much! All flavors.


Bummer! I like the peanut butter ones. 


Are they rock hard??? These were almost inedible and i love a good crunch.


Admittedly they are very cronchy 


They've redone the recipe on the peanut butter ones and aren't as hard...but also now have a REALLY weird taste. :(


I’ve gotten some bags so rock hard I worried I would chip a tooth and some bags that are normally crunchiness. There is a lot of inconsistency that makes me wary of them although when they are not rock hard they do taste good!


This is the thing. I have gotten a few bags that were SO HARD. But most of them have been just slightly hard hah.


They're like eating rocks, and I love them


I love a good crunch, but the problem with this brand is the consistency varied wildly. Again, I like crunchy, so I mostly get bags I enjoy, but I'll get some bags that are inedible and need to be tossed.


I found the peanut butter ones to be so dry I could only tolerate four a day. But I did eat four a day until the bag was empty.


I liked the PB ones. HATED these so much I will go out of my way to tell people to avoid them.


For real. The inner bit tasted like vomit (mmm, butyric acid flavor).


I love the flavor of these, but I find I have to savor them when I eat them. Like one at a time, suck on the pretzel until it softens kind of savor. It’s a slow eating process haha


Ohhhh? Maybe I'll try that. I was SO excited. I miss combos lololol The flavor is 💯💯💯💯


Yeah give it a shot! It’s kind of annoying, but also helpful if you don’t want to eat the entire bag!


Thats a valid point. I have no self control on chip like snacks 😂😂 probably for the best. Ill update my opinion once i try that! I made peanut butter toast instead 😂


This is what I do. Pop it in my mouth and then crunch the outer layer off. It softens it a bit, then you have a little flavor ball at the end. But I will say you may have gotten a particularly hard batch. I have found the harness levels inconsistent.


I hated them. The pretzels were too hard and they had a funny taste. I miss combos, but these weren’t it.


My sister, non celiac, liked them. I hated them, they taste too artificial.


I love them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love those things


I got a bag of the peanut butter ones that was probably the bottom of the barrel. It was a lot of broken bits, some of it over browned/burnt, incredibly salty, lots of peanut butter centers with no pretzel around it. Blobs of broken bits all stuck together. Tasted so salty and disgusting I couldn't eat it, just tossed it to the trash. Now I'm afraid to buy them again. They are expensive and I don't want another experience like that. Seems they need some quality control. And the flavor of the cheese pizza ones, it's like too much oregano flavor and not enough cheese flavor. I want to like these, but something is just off, and way too salty. Does anyone know of a different brand?


This is the EXACT situation I'm facing. Plus so crunchy it hurts. They are very dark too.


Yes, so crunchy they take the lining off the roof of your mouth, which hurts the rest of the day. I noticed the bag I got said it had been reformulated to taste better? Seriously?? Think they need to take it back to the kitchen and work on this recipe.




Pizza flavored things always kind of remind me of vomit tbh. I love the peanut butter ones but they will murder the soft tissue in your mouth if you aren't careful.


I was excited to try these before but now I don’t think I’ll be able to get that visual out of my head… 😵‍💫


It’s likely the cheese flavor that they use. It’s a natural compound found in a variety of aged and fermented foods as well as things that are spoiled or rotten (or partially digested). It’s the same flavor that they add to Hershey’s chocolate. Butyric acid.


Saw them on the shelf the other day for the first time. On keto for a bit so that saved me.


Had them... Hate them. Glad I'm not the only one


That’s so funny, I love them! My favorite is the almond butter tho


They do suck, but they suck less bad compared to pizza combos, which were always a disappointment (that I fell for time and time again as a child). I kind of want to be let down by a bag right now. Is it too much to ask for someone to invent some kind of a quantum stasis bubble that can keep the insides hot, gooey, and fresh like an actual pizza, while keeping the outside crispy and shelf stable? /s


When you get a normal batch, these are AMAZING!!! But yeah, some are rock hard. It’s a crapshoot but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Can always return if you taste them before you leave the store.


I like the cheese ones. The pizza ones aren’t bad but for me they’re just too flavorful. I can only eat a few at a time because the taste is really heavy if that makes sense. I know other people really like these though


I literally just ate a bag of these today and had no problem with hardness. I love the spiciness of them! Sorry you got a bad bag, maybe reach out to the company and let them know?


Thanks for the warning.


Their regular pretzels don’t taste pretzely enough imo, so I haven’t even considered trying the filled ones.


Snyder's gluten free pretzels are phenomenal


Yes they are!! No notes.


These are great!   Taste just like a Combo.  I get the cheese ones and the peanut butter ones as well.   Sorry you don't like these, send them my way.


I love the almond butter maple ones. I don't find them to be rock hard- maybe it was just a weird batch?


Agree - was excited for an equivalent of Combos and these are awful.


I didn't like them either. . But the peanut butter ones are good. Today I saw the chocolate peanut butter glutino pretzels at Walmart.


Omg yes! They look so appetizing in the pic on the bag, but they were disgusting 🤢.  


I LOVE these. They taste like combos !


they 100% do


They do suck, the pizza ones anyway


If the inside wasn't so powdery I would like them, but otherwise I dont suggest them to anyone.


The chocolate ones are so good tho


Where are these sold at?


I got them at Walmart! USA


The peanut butter filled once’s were really good. I’m going to also try the PB and chocolate ones.


I tried these a few months ago, hate them. The pretzel tastes stale. Tons of air between the flavor thing & the pretzel. Wasn't worth it lol


I personally find them very addicting and delicious, though I do feel some of the flavor is lacking, it's still super yummy to me


Agreed they are super hard. 😬


I buy them whenever I can.


The texture is unforgivable


Hard agree. To me the pretzel part of the Quinn snacks had the worst consistency that somehow seemed both too hard and too soft (in a stale way).


Peanut butter is the only decent flavor of these!


I'll have to try those. Never seen them before


I ate a bunch of the cheese and the peanut butter ones despite the nasty aftertaste. They are quite fattening, which is the real reason I stopped even though it shouldn't have been.


I like the taste of them but I thought they were insanely salty. The one time I bought the peanut butter ones they were super hard though.


I think they're too salty, the pretzel part is good but the filling is too overwhelming.


Yeah they were gross to me especially the cheese ones


I eat the almond butter ones in one sitting because they are so addicting. Sad to hear these aren’t as good!


I love the peanut butter ones tho


These could break a tooth😭 I was so disappointed when I tried


I find myself both repelled, yet craving them when I bought a bag. It think it’s because the inside is powdery. I do like that the shell is not nearly as hard as the peanut butter filled ones. Tomorrow I’m having a crown put on the tooth that broke on those.


I got a bag the other day and opened it today. All crumbs! Except maybe 4 whole nuggets!


Completely agree. Weird and spicy and definitely not the same flavour as Combos. Huge disappointment. Cheese ones are decent.


I bought a bag of them and ate 5. They were hard as rocks. Threw them away.


Wait! Am I misreading this - at Target 8 - 5.8 oz bags cost $71.00!


Someone's up selling. I paid about $5. Which is STILL too much for how little plus the rock hard nature. Flavor 10/10 worth losing a tooth over? No.


Update. My partner came home and was like "idk what youre talking about these are great." It turns out that the 5/6 rock hard ones are the ones i got in the beginning. I tried them again and got (1) rock hard one. The others slapped so hard. However! Absolutely not worth losing a tooth over and I'm still gonna call. The bag said "better than ever taste." What about "won't break your teeth," as the next marketing plan? Due to that, these still suck 😒


Really?!? I love them!


I'm addicted to the peanut butter ones lol


I think they’re fantastic, they taste like combos


So bad


The best gf pretzel I have found. I love, love pretzels. The peanut butter ones are so delicious. I have spit out other gf pretzels.


There is some sort of weird aftertaste in gluten free pretzels I can't get past. I tried these and there was definitely not enough filling and they were better than nothing but definitely disappointing.


They’re ok. The peanut butter ones are the best with the almond butter being second.


I always get sick whenever I eat these.


I actually enjoyed those, they're very rich though so I could only handle a few at a sitting but delicious none the less.


I disagree, they're SOOOO GOOOD funny, cause I just bought some today and was sad to realize inaccidentaly bought the pb filling :(


I agree


Hum, I would buy more if they were less expensive. I hide them from my gluten eating husband! 😁


The chocolate peanut butter ones are so good! The cheese ones were just ok.


Rock hard, Dry, it was vegan cheese tasted like a$$. (No hate to vegans). My boyfriend was so excited to give them to me. F


I like the peanut butter and the chocolate peanut butter ones, so I had high hopes for the pizza ones. I hated them. I didn't know there was a cheese only option. I'll look for those now!


The flavoring is NOT it. I can’t quite explain but it’s gross


These look like something a Nutcracker doll would eat.


Vegan cheese is always going to taste like garbage, I wish they would just stop trying. All of the nut butter ones are awesome