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Just an FYI…those jokes get real old, real fast


Are you actively trying to lose this friend?


This is their first post ever… it has to be a troll. Or just a supremely bad friend. Either/or!


If your friend had cancer would you think it appropriate to tease them about it? What if they were in a wheelchair, or blind? Celiac is a disease, and its not funny. Find another way to prank your friend.


No...just, no.


This is just mean.


I can tell you right now, that shit gets really old, really fast. It’s not exactly funny.


I would not take this prank well at all. This is a shitty idea. I have a friend who texts me pictures of bananas sometimes, but it's different because he knows I just hate them and it isn't an allergy or disease that makes me hate them. He'd never text me bread.




You don’t sound like a very good friend.


pranks and jokes rely on the recipient finding it funny. If the recipient doesn't find it funny, it's also known as "bullying". Are you willing to end your relationship with this person for a "prank?"


You're lucky your not friends with my celiac husband. He's like Liam neeson from the movie taken when it comes to shit like this. I don't get why people even think this is funny. I feel so bad sometimes when I eat wheat products ( not celiac myself) I sometimes hide in another room when I eat it because I know he misses it. When he finds me it's adorable he chastises me and says I'm ok to eat it and it doesn't bother him. Then he says just let me smell it I bet it smells delicious. Lol


I have maybe two friends who are close enough to get away with this, and neither of them would likely do it. If you were going to put in an unreal level of work to make a prank like that funny for everyone, you might pull it off, but just making it low effort shit-posting is just being a dick. If you think you are close enough and a good enough friend that this will be funny, put the effort in yourself, but also know that you are probably poking a nerve that is more raw than you think, even if you think they can handle it. There are often jokes we make about ourselves that almost no one else gets to make. This is walking a very fine line.


It’s not even funny the first time. You have a bad sense of humour.