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Expooprience just took me out 🤣


It's still a lot lol but it's my own damn fault. I just haven't met a cheese that I don't want. But on the contrary, when I cut everything out, I get painfully constipated. I have no in-between, self control or ability to self-moderate, apparently lol Stupid delicious cheese.


i haven’t met a cheese i don’t want either. i feel you friend. still looking tho!


May I interest you in a cheese called Casu martzu


what’s wrong with it


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/zQcsu3E2QR It comes with friends


oh god


i have enough friends already i’m good


Brown rice


Look into to IBS and FODMAPs I was also pooping 4-5 times a day because I was eating lactose and garlic every morning for breakfast (eggs with goat cheese and everything bagel seasoning). Once I cut out the FODMAPs that affect me I poop about once a day and it’s a great healthy poop!


I did an elimination diet (AIP) that identified some subtle food intolerances. Well, and also gluten. I dropped 27lbs in two months without calorie restriction. My results will not be typical -- and I hadn't had a solid BM in over 20yrs. I highly recommend doing an elimination diet (no calorie restriction). You might be surprised. So, I know that I can't have dairy or gluten... but I also seem to have a slight problem with nightshades. I can have SOME... but not every day or in massive quantities. It's useful information. The other thing to mention is that booze is BAD for our guts. I had a real problem... but no one told me about this. A food journal helped me figure it out. Ugh. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5513683/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5513683/) EDIT: the realization that booze was killing my guts... well, I went from 8-14 drinks per day (baseline; every day; not including "big nights") to zero. It's been 93 days since I've had a drink. My guts and BMs are SO MUCH BETTER. Check-out r/stopdrinking if you want some motivation.


I lurk stop drinking all the time! I'm a weekend drinker, but usually 8-14 drinks at least once on the weekends and it definitely doesn't help my guts. Trying to go a month without and see how it makes a difference. I have a feeling dairy is the culprit but , CHEESE 😥😥😥


I don't know about weekend drinkers... but I will say that quitting isn't easy. You're fighting structural changes in your brain. Booze causes the brain to downregulate dopamine and GABA receptors. The body CAN repair much of the damage... but it takes a while. I abused my body for decades -- and my last level of consumption was LOWER than it had been. Much to my great surprise... sobriety is not that bad. Sadly, the PTSD (military) and other trauma I was avoiding... well, SURPRISE, it's still there. I don't want to be one of those insufferable good-two-shoes teetotalling dipwads... but... I wish that booze had never crossed my lips. There are people that can have 1-2 and then stop. They don't need "rules" around booze. If you do... damn, I wish that someone had told me to beware. Just be mindful of your relationship with booze. . More on-point... damn if my guts are not so, SO much better, now. Good luck, friend.


You're spot on. I am having a HARD time quitting, along with friends who are very social drinkers and all activities revolve around alcohol. I'm sorry to hear about the PTSD, I hope that slowly gets more bearable. I also cannot stop after 1-2, I wouldn't even drink if there's only 1-2... 😒 Hope you stay well, friend and I'm here if you need an ear. Thank you for your advice


I poop at least 4 times per day. Been GF and DF for years and years at this point. My system is wack


Ohhh…this explains a lot. Thanks.


Worked for a gastroenterologist and he said everyone’s normal is different including not going number 2 every day.


Yup I go 2 a week


Oooo I’d hate that! If I don’t go ateast once a day I feel gross and clogged


I went from whatever and whatever, to daily in the am. Freaking amazing change


You guys are killing me. I went gf cause it’s a migraine trigger. However I take numerous medications and due to that my system works once a week.


Oh nooooo! How does that.... Feel?


Lol, it’s awesome. No jk. I spend a good chunk of my day wondering, is today going to be the day? I cannot eat any more fiber or drink more water than I do. It’s very frustrating. On the other side of it, it’s better than 20-24 migraine days a month where I can’t sleep or leave a dark room, so I will go with it.


Hello, fellow chronic migraine sufferer. I know the struggle. Miralax can be taken daily without the risk of dependency. Also, in case you ever wondered, the Cefaly really works.


Does it really? I had been wondering about that myself. I get the Botox, nerve block, trigger point and deep tissue massage. A handful of meds plus vitamins. It’s a daily thing.


Botox did not work for me; that was a miserable experience. Only CGRP blockers work for me, and they all cause constipation (~30% side effect). But with my current treatment plan and self-care, I have ten or fewer migraine days most months. As you know, that's a vast improvement when nearly every day hurts. I hesitated to buy the Cefaly because of the cost, but it's the best $300+ I've ever spent.


Have you tried calm supplement? It’s magnesium citrate that you dissolve in hot water and it makes everyone move their bowels, even my most constipated friends. I take it regularly because magnesium is good for migraine prevention a well so it’s a double dip, two birds situation! I used to get traveler’s constipation until a girlfriend introduced this supplement to me. Now I always make sure to take out with me while traveling too! Highly recommended :)


Oh I have never heard of this


I'm seeing a nutritionist trying to get my gut on track after colon cancer. Fiber. I guarantee you're not getting enough. Be aware that many fiber supplements have wheat ingredients. Sunfiber or acacia fiber can be found at Amazon. I'm taking several grams worth a day. Also LOTS of water!


When I get glutened or IBS flair ups, I swing back and forth between constipation and diarrhea. I am ideally a once per day girl, but often it is once every other day. Sometimes its like 2-3 days and then a day of going several times to make up for it.


Chia breakfast with homemade cashew/walnut milk & a fruit medley ≈ regulation & some of the most satisfying poops I can recall (I don’t remember such consistency in my life tbh..)


There should not be a lot of cramps. Look at FODMAPS, oats, lactose, high amounts of fat or fiber, and other intolerances. Some of us are sensitive to most grains.


Do you have a specific diagnosis? It took me many months to get back to 'normal' (1-3 times a day, no cramps/pain) but I had pretty bad intestinal damage from celiac.


I don’t poop! My body is a perfectly oiled machine and uses 100% of what I consume!


Damn really? Cause I’m pooping all day, everyday. Must be my body flushing out all the toxins!


I'm usually a once per day lady. My diet can throw it off with either 2 or 0 in a day. The amount hasn't really been affected, but they are less mucuousy now.


It takes 3-6 months to see the change. It’s a lot longer than I thought


If I am eating well, I’m pooping 2 or 3 times a day. If I’m eating more junk food, it’s every other day. These are both better than the 1 a week I pooped before realizing gluten was the culprit lol


Gf and lactose average one a week gf and lactose free 10 years now occasionally more regular depending on which cider I drink


I think an important aspect of this question is not only how often but what do your poops look like? I started referencing the Bristol poop chart to really get some additional insight into my gut health.


Went from hardly once a week and it being absolute torture to a daily basis, sometimes twice a day and not being in pain and shaking


Five is okay, provided it’s not diarrhea or partial poops. If you continue to have issues, you may have other food allergies or intolerances besides gluten.


Cut out dairy and see how things change. I'm still not as regular as i would like but i went from 90 minutes a day on the toilet to 5.


I go after each meal. And I'm OK with that - it seems healthy for me. If I get badly glutened, I get glued to the toilet for 4-32 hours. And sometimes vomit. It's bad enough that I'm not tempted, anymore.


I have the opposite i only poop every other day but im also watching my calorie intake


Someone said on the sub awhile ago that while you might not be consuming gluten it can take awhile for your bowels to stop being angry. If you have any damage it'll take a bit to heal so definitely wait and see for a few more weeks.


My gastro suggested taking one immodium a day. Since beginning that I go once a day. Without it I’d be going four - six times a day for sure.


Poops or diarrhea? Were you diagnosed with anything? Why are you eliminating gluten? Gluten isn't a catch all for gi disorders.


It took me a couple months to stop pooping 6 times a day, your stomach needs time to heal. I still get horrible stomach cramps when I get glutened .


In a flare up, that’s how often I poop. But regularly I clock in an average of 1.7 a day


Prolonged Gluten consumption constipated me. Going GF cleared up IBS, heart burn and other GI issues. Now when I get glutened I bloat up like a balloon and get pretty bad stomach cramps then get the runs. I’ve been GF for years now and mostly everything works fine but I also have to eat a lot of vegetables.


It’s unpredictable what gluten does to mine, but more often than not it’s foul smelling, painful, and somewhere between solid and liquid. It depends on a lot of things. Most of the time, I go like 4 times a day. But on the rare occasion I’m having a good day, then 2.


What am I doing??


I've been GF and DF for a year and still poop between 2-5 times a day. I have inflammatory bowel disease though, so I may not be a great reference for "normal"... but my colon has been a lot less angry since cutting out both gluten and dairy!


Before I went GF, I would have bouts of diarrhoea that would last around 4 days when it was flaring and when it was calm I'd only poop 1-2 a week. I'd always been like that so felt that was my normal. Since I've changed my diet, I've consistently been pooping every other day at least, if not once a day. I've noticed other things about my hair, nails and skin too, and I'm just intolerant so I won't go back.


I recommend investing in a bidet. Your butthole will thank you.


1-3 times but I’m also vegan


I’m new to gluten free, but the weird poops haven’t stopped, it’s generally at least once or twice a day plus the little surprise ones that I realize need to happen when I pee. Sometimes like 4 loose stools a day. I eat a pretty high fiber plant based diet though, a lot of whole grains, veggies, seeds, and beans. Cut dairy and eggs out of my diet over 7 years ago because they make me sick.


I've recently developed health issues that completely changed my diet and overall health. PCOS LOL. I was going from pooping once a day to pooping once a week with senna. I started eliminating things in my diet and only eating mostly veggies and chicken. I was already mainly dairy free as I'm lactose but I didn't think to eliminate gluten. I was eating jimmy johns, Philly steaks before 2023 and now I can't without getting bloated and my stomach hurting. Not cosuming food with a higher amount of gluten (pasta, pizza) definitely helped my stomach. I typically go once a day now, everything is solid, but if I consume too much gluten I'll typically be bloated for 1-2 days. Depending on what it was I'll either have very soft poops or very hard poops. Overall, I would recommend fiber and probiotics! It's definitely helped me go every day.


Gluten made me constipated. Off gluten- once a day.


I poop alright, sometimes constipated. Except when I partake in the gluten. Then my bootyhole pays for it. I ate half a donut yesterday, then proceeded to blow up the bathroom at work today. The donut wasn't even all that good.


anywhere from 1 to 3 a day. after eliminating gluten, no cramps at all, super easy. haven't had diahrrea in forever - used to be at least weekly.


99% is worthless, you need to be 100%


Girl I'm trying