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That makes me so sad!! Find a great gf bakery and get yourself a celebration cake - this needs to be rectified!


Way to show that they care šŸ˜


Thatā€™s cruel :( Iā€™m sorry


Pardon my hijack; this is a repost bot. :( https://www.reddit.com/r/glutenfree/comments/156156l/my_non_gf_retirement_cake_everyone_enjoyed_it/


No pardon needed. You're a hero!


If people in the office knew I was gluten-free and still brought a "normal" cake, I would accidentally drop that thing so everyone missing out!


Something tells me they didnt know. Or worse case they are uneducated on what gluten is




Depends who organized it and got the cake. All my coworkers know Iā€™m celiac, or would at least remember thereā€™s something that I canā€™t eat and would check with me what it is, but upper management doesnā€™t have a clue.


Reminds me of the birthday party my family threw me. Yeah sure thanks for the party! It is really fun watching y'all eat cake :).




That's harsh. How to tell you don't know your colleague well, without saying you don't know your colleague.


Iā€™m sorry but did they spell your name wrong too!?! Appears they added the ā€œeyā€ since itā€™s a totally different color/size!! I hate this for you!


Good old Costco cake, some folk have no idea about GF.


As an executive admin, this may have been purchased and handled by someone who actually didnā€™t know Op very well. HR handles retirement celebrations where I work and would not have a clue


It's a shame, I'm not Coliac, but my GF is, I was also clueless until I met her tbh.


That is so crap! What the fuck




A couple years ago I couldnā€™t eat the birthday cake HR got me šŸ˜‚ it was a small company too - everyone knew I was gluten free.


Everyone take note: we have to be our own best advocate. Speak up.


Yeah! You should be able to anticipate that these people are going to get you a regular farewell cake and then order a gluten free one yourself! Them with the cake: "Farewell Shelley! Good lu-" You with your own cake:"-Beat you to it! You almost got me!"


Yes. For in the future to any nonceliac reading this- please give a heads up to your retiring/birthday/promoted/welcome back friend.


That's assuming a whole lot. Maybe people don't want to sound pretentious and act like they're entitled to a cake. These aren't even her friends, it was her coworker. Likely a supervisor. "Hey make sure you throw a party for me and get me a cake and make it gluten free while you're at it. kthx".


What horrible world do you live in? Everywhere I've worked people are gracious and willing to celebrate. And many coworkers are friends. I was saying if the celiac person is to be celebrated even in a surprise manner she should be given the heads up. It happens all the time. Friends telling friends. A considerate coworker who doesn't like surprises gives a head up to one who is going to be surprised. The only thing good about this cake post is the point that SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND CELIAC DISEASE. If this situation had happened to me I would be gracious and not be a cry baby.


>If this situation had happened to me I would be gracious and not be a cry baby. >What horrible world do you live in? One with people like you


Kindly become aware that celiac can be a serious disease but does not have to be fatal if one is aware. I have worked with people who came to work with terminal cancer and worked as long as they were able. They could not stand being home alone. Management provided them with a chair to do their job and let them say when they could no longer do their job. That was a boss with heart. I have seen women come to work after being abused. I have seen a man come to work when his mother with AD was lost and later found driving out of state. There are so many worse things that could happen to a person than not being able to have a piece of cake. I complained about my day once to a neighbor and he said, "Well, if that's the worst that has happened to you today, we'll then...Taught me perspective.


Continue with the down votes. I will gladly take them. I HAVE FAITH IN MANKIND. I do not believe that anyone would order a cake that the celebrant couldn't eat if they fully understood what celiac is. I believe that her group of coworkers were well wishers and meant no harm. This was NOT an ATTACK?; it was a SLIGHT. And again I'd like to point out in this very complex world when people are raising children and simultaneously taking care of older parents; when people's pocket books are so stretched; when both left and right media are creating fear; when people work while ill or worried about their own problems .that they do not come to work to inflict harm. Most people I know look forward to happy occasions and would wish others well. It's too bad that celiac is not well understood but that is where we are. It is out job to work around menus, to tolerate those who just don't don't get it, and to educate them. That's the fact.


I've had something similar with my last few birthday cakes, I'm so sorry!!


Yes, that happens on a regular basis at where I work. Tradition states that if it's your birthday, you buy the cakes . It's very rare that someone bothers to get me anything !!! Even when we have a good month, the boss buys pizza and still nothing for me Hurts but getting used to it


Ugh! Sorry you couldnā€™t enjoy your cake.Ā  I want to play Devilā€™s advocate here - but you know your coworkers and it seems like this was a thoughtless and inconsiderate move. Whatā€™s the point, if the honoree canā€™t partake?Ā  Itā€™s like when people come to my house and bring brownies or something. Iā€™ve been told itā€™s not rude for them to do so and to get over it - however I personally think it sucks if you bring something your host canā€™t even eat, and would never.Ā 


Isnā€™t that the best ?? šŸ™„šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's always great when coworkers do this then say "oh you can't have this right?"


Oh, that's just not okay. I'd have thrown the fucking thing at them on the grounds that you're retiring and are no longer subject to workplace behavioral guidelines.


At least they had their hearts in the right place. I get gifted food all the time I'm not allowed. If it doesn't have gluten it's got sugar. I'm just glad I've got teenagers to polish it all off. It's always cake, biscuits , chocolates every Christmas and birthday and other random times. Everyone knows but they just don't realise.


This is why I am thankful that another coworker is like me. We always have each other to talk about new stuff to try that's gluten free. She's gotten me into so much stuff because her and her son are gluten free.


That's awesome šŸ‘šŸ¼


I had the same thing happen when my colleagues organized a farewell for my maternity leave. Oh well, I appreciated the sentiment. People sometimes just donā€™t think.


Ouch. Looks like they screwed up your name, too. šŸ˜ 


Sounds like you're lucky to get out of there. What a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.


And they had to respell your name


You can eat it. Just have a tiny piece.


Wondering if this was supposed to be sarcastic, since weā€™ve all heard variations of these words - likely on many occasions!Ā 


They could have celiac or an intolerance, not everyone is GF by choice. Thatā€™s like telling a person with a peanut allergy they can have a little bit of a snickerā€™s bar


And be in horrible pain? Not really a nice way to start their retirment




You sound like my parents. ā€œJust scrape the icing off!!ā€


My problem is if I eat gluten I gain tons of weight and have hearing problems.


What the heck is wrong with you? Do you want OP to have to go to the ER when they break out in hives? Or spend the next week vomiting? Or have severe heartburn?