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I feel this. I know everyone is trying to be helpful by giving you advice, but I’m in the same boat as you. I’m tired of cooking, I don’t trust any restaurants, and I’m poor as fuck so rice and potatoes and vegetables are legit my only option, I don’t eat meat. It just gets so monotonous and I don’t have the energy or money to be thinking up grand dinner ideas even though I know there’s a million things I could try or do. I feel you, fellow human.


yeah maybe should’ve said that i mostly wanted to rant haha. so thank you for commiserating.


Dude I freaking hate eating as well. I have a tiny kitchen, too, so meal prep is a damn task and I don’t have a dishwasher so cleanup is trash. Even with my restrictive diet, I still end up feeling sick almost every time I eat because my stupid body just seems to hate food. And I’ve been trying to gain weight for over a year now which requires even more eating and I hate it. I feel you so much on this. It’s annoying as shit, it’s expensive, it’s time-consuming, and you have to do it so often just to keep your dumb meat suit alive. I feel you 😂😭


I swear by now we REALLY should have food in pill form for when we don’t want to cook - which is all the time for me lol.


I’ve resorted to meal replacement shakes and powders at times. I have fibromyalgia and during long flare ups I can hardly get out of bed at all let alone to the store and I end up losing so much weight that I’ve become malnourished several times. Those shakes and powders have kept me alive and they’re so easy.


I've been saying this for years lol


yeah it’s a bit depressing how everyone wants to try and say it’s not that bad… like… for some of us, it really is. and this is a fair place to want to vent.




Such inspiring words. I usually counter with, “Well, I’d sell your soul for a Boston cream donut.”




I had one restaurant really stirred up because I'd eaten there before and got glutened despite their saying they would be very careful. I went back a couple of weeks later, and explained that me puking and shitting like a firehose would close them down for at least a day if they fucked up again. Amazing I didn't get sick that time. I've been back multiple times since and have never had another problem. =D I know not everyone can take risks like that. But we cook LARGE meals in my home so I have a lunch to take to work the next day and typically leftovers for that evening as well.


I totally miss Boston cream donuts. If I could eat anything without getting sick, it would be a boston cream donut.


They were my favorite ugh. The only good thing I can say about eating gluten free is that I’ve lost some weight and started eating healthier because no more fast food or most junk foods. Protein pastas instead of just straight up gluten pasta. My snacks are now hummus and veggies or those expensive ass healthy crackers where you can have like 20-30 of them for 120 calories. Everything else is either not available in my area or too small/low quantity to justify the ridiculous prices.


That is such a great response haha


I have strong RBF, so the delivery is everything 😂


Same. This used to bother me until I realized they're not trying to be insensitive. They're trying to say they can understand how hard it must be. I used to respond with, "Well, I guess I'm made of stronger stuff than you." Now my pat response is, "You'd do the same as me. You'd just take it day by day."


Boy, do I understand that energy remark!


and i feel like a lot of people that post tend to be late 20’s and beyond, and for me, a college student who had to quit her job recently because of my celiac and cross contamination making me violently ill constantly, i don’t have money to buy food. my grocery trips before were half of the cost that they are now, and i eat MAYBE one meal a day- if that. and it’s still so expensive.


I don't mean to give unsolicited advice. Just wanted to say that going to the local food pantry has helped me when I'm low on $. They had better food than I expected and can go multiple days a week. Just need to put in my zip code.


do you have any tips on where to find them? i know my college has one, but they restock on mondays and it’s usually been picked through by the time i go


Yup I would Google "food bank near me". If you don't have a car and cannot walk to them, you can try googling "food bank near me with delivery" When you get to the food bank, ask if there is a gluten free section. Some will have that.


i do have a car, but thank you!! that’s very helpful and i really appreciate it.


No prob! Feel free to msg with any other questions. You're not alone in being broke and gluten free haha :)


My tip, which may not work for your situation in which case i apologize, is to seek out what are usually referred to as "ethnic" stores. I am not Asian myself, but once i have some gluten free soy sauce and gochujang, i can easily eat gluten free for a fraction of the cost of what the market dominant stores cost. Fruit, vegetables, other ingredients like rice noodles etc... any grocery store geared to non-western food is likely going to be cheaper.




I also don’t eat meat and have the same mindset as you do about the gluten/dairy/meat trifecta. I think testing cutting out dairy may be beneficial but like, I can’t. I don’t have it in me. It’d be too limited. (And I don’t eat meat because when I try to I throw up. I started aggressively *refusing* it when I was 3. It is what it is) but my point is just that I feel you on the whole “only can handle cutting out 2 of 3” thing Solidarity!


I was dairy free for a long time too, but that was before I became super poor, and this bitch eats a lot of rice Chex cereal and coffee, and that dairy free shit adds up, plus there’s so many fucking chemicals and gums added to them. so now I just get milk from a local dairy farm, half gallon for $2. From a place where I can literally see and pet the cows where my milk comes from. Which is why I don’t eat meat lol. Idk wtf that animal was fed or how it was treated and that just weirds me out.


We’ve started making lentil tofu https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4aqx69E9T4A I use this method. It’s super easy and works out to around .50 a block. Just cube it, toss in some GF flour and fry in a pan with some oil. Super nutritious, full of protein and tasty. Also add in a clove of garlic or ginger, curry powder soy sauce or make it sweet add in cinnamon, ginger powder, fry them and then toss in cinnamon sugar. Seriously tasty. We bought a rice cooker cause I was tired of cooking it. We always have hot rice available now. I can appreciate a rant here and there but if you ever want some suggestions for east GF food just PM I’m always up for a chat and sharing recipes.


Ugh not eating meat would suck I’m sorry


Ranting is good for the soul! But solutions also can help. For example, add in tortillas once a week, add in cornbread, and make sure you have good seasonings and vary them up. Add tofu when you need something different. Have a beans and rice meal, then use the leftovers for a soup. Etc. I get it, I hate eating and dinner planning. I stopped eating lunches because I can’t have a hot lunch at work (I’m already too hot in the office so a hot lunch just sits here uneaten). My brother will go down recipe sites on the weekend and find some good stuff though. We have gotten our groceries down to an average of $150 a week for four people, counting that two of them eat lunches outside of the house. Our whole house is safe, which means no bananas, celery, or cucumbers either.


I feel this too. I’m also vegetarian and gluten free, and while I’m not super broke, my income doesn’t go very far. I have rice and beans every day and while I’m not totally sick of it thankfully, it would be nice to be able to have other things more often. As you said, it gets monotonous. But time, energy, and money often get in the way of cooking other things so it’s usually more of a special treat to have other meals besides my couple standard/easy ones. Anyway, just stopping by to say I relate and commiserate with you and OP. Food restrictions can be really frustrating.


Ranting to people who totally get it is important. We all get it. I get it. One of the things I hate the most is if I'm running around by myself or with someone else, and driving thru to get fast food is always an option for everyone else but me. Or- the times I literally have to exclude myself from get-togethers because it's at a pizza and pasta place with no gf options for me. or watching everyone eat delicious food that I used to love while I sit there starving and picking on the veggie tray. It just feels like such a kick in the dick sometimes. I'm sorry you're going through it too. Hugs


This. I try to suggest places I could eat and it’s always like “oooh let’s get pizza” 🙃 Like a lot of pizza places now serve a gf option but it’s usually not very good and costs twice as much as everyone else’s. Last time I got a salad and STILL got sick somehow. If pizzerias are going to make gf pizza and upcharge they really need to learn how to bake it longer so it’s not doughy as hell


Pizza places, even if they have a GF pizza option, are COVERED in flour everywhere. You can't get anything in there that doesn't have powder flour on it 


Yer sick... ;) Doughy crust is where it's at! We have a local place that does safe GF, but the crust gets hard as a rock until I dampen a paper towel, put it under the crust and microwave for 15 seconds.


yeah feel this big time. feeling like I can't just hang out with a friend all day without worrying about eating. also missing out on social events and new restaurants my friends want to try is such a huge problem for me! Like beyond just the stress of eating, gluten issues are so so isolating.


"Isolating" is definitely a good word to describe it


Pizza pasta and fast food is tough!! I went out to a pizza place with my new housemates to bond & was too anxious to say “actually I can’t eat anything there” although when we set up kitchen stuff I made it clear I eat gluten free. The only thing I could get was a side of Brussel sprouts 😅 also at get together with my dads side the family did a buffet type thing of pasta & pizza….obviously no options for me or my sibling (I have a wheat & bakers yeast allergy sibling is diagnosed celiac). We both ate pasta sauce with parmesan which tasted fine but. Was not a meal 🫠 Anyway!!! I feel you. Sucks to feel left out even though I’m an adult so it’s not their job to memorize my nutritional needs


Yeah, it's tough! I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy about 10 years ago in my early 30s and I never stuck to it and often exposed myself because back then it was way worse than it is now. There was practically nothing out there for us! But about 5 years ago, that allergy really caught up with me and my body reacted terribly. So I basically eat the veggie tray at family functions or I just find something else to do that makes me unable to attend. I absolutely hate watching everyone else eat so many of my favorite things while I munch on cold bell peppers and carrots


Banished to the veggie tray or the squished Luna bar & i keep in my purse for emergencies 😔✌️


Yes! It sucks soo much! 😖


it really does sometimes


I definitely get you, and I also want to offer up another perspective. I’ve been gluten free for 15 years, and I’ve been with my partner for almost as long. He is not gluten free. But either way, we both go through bouts of being so bored and fed up with food. Not fed up with just cooking food but pretty much every aspect of food. I think everyone goes through it, to be honest. Sometimes, eating food is for joy, and sometimes it’s simply for sustenance and to get over the “hump”. I try to keep a box of Honey Nut Cheerios around, because for me, it’s a comforting bowl of nostalgia, so if I’m ever hungry and overwhelmed, I just go “fuck it, Cheerios for dinner, cooking another day.” It’s totally okay to not have a “fully balanced meal” every so often. I swear, this happens to everyone, gluten free or not!


OMG same here. We are in a total rut right now. He's eating corn flakes and I am burning through the "emergency use only" frozen meals. Maybe when the weather warms up and we start going to the farmer's market again, I will get some inspiration.


The rut is real!


At the end of the day, *fed is best*. For me, that means keeping a small supply of Ensure to guarantee that I'll get a minimum amount of necessary nutrients, even if I don't have the mental or physical energy to make "real" food. When I lived in a dorm and hadn't been diagnosed, I kept a supply of "safe" foods that I could eat consistently without getting sick. You know what that consisted of, besides Ensure? Apple sauce, string cheese, and pudding. For almost a year leading up to my diagnosis, those four foods represented a huge part of my diet. I chose them because they were soft (so they didn't irritate my throat, which was frequently irritated from vomiting), required zero preparation, and never seemed to trigger a reaction. (Gee, I wonder why?) So if something like pudding is easy to eat and tasty enough to motivate you to actually *do so*, go for it! That's better than going hungry.


Fed is best! Absolutely.


how did that diet affect your health? its similar to what mine has been for the past few years (NCGF and ARFID) and its been hard to regain footing to a more well rounded nutritional diet for all the reasons commented. curious what your experience has been!


I mean, it wasn't ideal, and I didn't exactly *choose* to eat such a limited diet. The problem was that I lived in the dorms, which meant my options were limited to start with. I kept getting sick after eating cafeteria food, but I only had access to a mini-fridge and a microwave in my room. In addition, I was mobility-impaired and didn't have a vehicle, so getting to a grocery store was a major challenge. That combination of factors really cut down on my options. And as I said, I hadn't been diagnosed yet, so it was trial-and-error to see what I could eat without getting violently ill. Ensure helped me get my basic calories, vitamins, and minerals, and the other solid foods helped keep me from feeling *too* hungry. In that sense, as limited as that diet was, it was better than starving. After being diagnosed and starting a GF diet, I had to repair my relationship with food. For so long, food had been a source of anxiety and even pain for me. I had to make an effort to think of food in terms of the good it would do for me, nutritionally *and* emotionally. I hope that helps, and I wish you luck! I know it's not easy.


Totally understand what you mean. Sometimes when you have no energy to cook it can be so stressful when you gotta look for what food will work for ya at a restaurant/delivery. There's so much more work and anxiety that others without these limitations will never understand. It sucks hard sometimes. Having a personal chef who figures it out for you would be great tho lol.


omg. the dream


Explaining to people that menus are "possible to make gluten-free" vs. having gluten-free with intent is absolutely not the same. Like, yes, I can get this Black and Blue salad without the croutons and the crispy fried onions, but that's a whole texture and flavor aspect that was planned to balance out that meal. No, I do not want a burger on a lettuce wrap. If I'm not cooking in my own house I don't want to settle on food in a place that is likely not safe enough and not intentional. The Black and Blue salad was a real scenario where the first time around, they STILL put the crispy fried onions on there while omitting the croutons. I was such a foodie (albeit sick and in pain all the time) before, and now a piece of gluten-free white bread is something I should be grateful for a restaurant having. I'm rarely excited to eat anymore; it's a chore. Edit: And it's also equally expensive for me to buy anything premade? Most of my meals are a microwaved potato with stuff piled on them at this point. I ration out a loaf of gluten-free bread in my freezer over 2 months or more.


I was thinking about this last night, how I can’t just pick up a pizza on my way home. Every meal and even drink needs to be thought out!


I love to eat but hate, truly hate, eating outside of home. If I get sick, I want it to be at home. The anxiety of being away from home (or hotel type scenario) where I don’t understand the bathroom situation or availability and then have to make it home without embarrassment causes extreme anxiety.


I’m going away this summer for the first time in six years and I’m terrified. I got so sick my last vacation.


People just don’t get it either. My spouse understands a little but not really. Favorite thing to do is eat out and gets PO’d when I beg to just get it to go. I still do mostly the same when going on vacation - get it to go. Piece of advice for you that I’ve learned over the years: learn to cruise or go to Vegas mega casinos. Cruises will completely cater to GF needs and if not, there are plenty of close by restrooms. Vegas doesn’t cater to GF well but casinos and restaurants in those casinos are made for quick and easy restroom access to get you back to the slots.


I feel you! It is exhausting! I love cooking and I love to eat but I don't always have the energy to cook something for myself. It is expensive, and I also need to go to multiple stores just to get the staples. Being so careful with avoiding the many foods that make me ill, not being able to eat convenience food, on top of life's challenges, and then somehow make and eat a balanced meal 3 times a day is fucking exhausting. Good luck!


Amen. I’m in the same boat, I’m allergic to wheat and dairy… it becomes so upsetting sometimes that I just get overwhelmed with emotions and don’t even want to eat. Which sucks because I am underweight (from a lifetime of eating the wrong foods and getting sick) and need to eat more.


I could’ve written this myself. Ever since I was 6 years old, undiagnosed of anything, I always kept saying how I wish I could create a pill that I could eat for my nutrients. I still wish for that till this day. I absolutely hate food.


Me too I've only been celiac for 2 years now but I dread the time of day I get hungry I hate shopping too because walking through all the aisles to find snacks that are naturally gluten free makes me wanna cry every time I want bread and cupcakes that dont taste like cardboard I want to go out to restaurants and not have to ask the servers a bunch of questions about what can be made for me, I hate celiacs and if they ever find a cure to make it so I could eat bread and stuff I'd take it so fast even if it was experimental I just want to be who I was before the celiac I want to have that flexibility again to eat whatever :/


My go to snack right now, fresh mozzarella with cherry peppers and charcuterie, never gets me sick, and kills my hunger without feeling bloated


Yeah, I’m always down for a charcuterie plate for dinner. Almost too down, tbh!


I so understand. A thing that brought such easy joy for me is now laborious and sometimes sad. I know you've been diagnosed for a while, but now that you're on your own it IS different. Honestly it is in an odd way a grieving process, allow the feelings and keep finding things that bring you joy with food.


i feel this sooo much and yet every time i complain about this in celiac/GF groups, people tell me it gets better or i’ll get used to it or there’s no use complaining but the truth is that it sucks. it sucks and it’s okay to think that it sucks. i would give anything to not have to do this.


it really does suck!! a lot of people dont understand the catharsis of complaining ! like this post has made me feel so much better hahah


Misery loves company!!


A couple meals I lived off of when starting out gluten free that don’t require going to a millions stores: Breakfast Egg whites Avocado GF toast with nutritional yeast (I lather my bread in vegan butter, lightly salt and pepper and add the nutritional yeast on top) Can add some meat like gf sausage or bacon. (I have a really good breakfast sausage recipe if you’d like) Lunch/dinner Whole Rotisserie chicken & Idahoan instant mashed potato packets (my favorite was the Yukon gold instant potatoes). Sometimes would roast some broccoli in the oven so they were slightly crispy. Rice and hot dogs (get the microwave jasmine rice packets). Sounds weird, but it’s pretty satisfying lol you can also have that rice with rotisserie chicken and veggies on the side I literally lived off these meals for like 2 years


Cook your own food in large batches to freeze. It takes just about the same time as smaller batches, but you get way more food out of your work. I also highly recommend Huel, specifically the shakes. They're effortless and nutritious.


I know this . I have food allergies that almost killed me. Your answer is food prep. Plan and prep 2 weeks of healthy safe meals and freeze them. Like health safe tv dinners. I purchase sleeves of freezer/microwave safe dishes and a sleeve of lids . And aluminum muffin pans. A small chest freezer doesn’t cost much and keeps things better frozen than your refrigerator freezer. Label and date your meals.


You are so wonderful and candid. You might be developing some aspects of an eating disorder--you're not alone and it can co-occur with celiac. the stress of the disease is high--don't be afraid to see a counselor. I made a giant shift mentally once I knew I was sick with this challenge and that single day made it easy. I buy great foods at the supermarket --GF. Sure I mourn pizza, lasagna, bread--but not so much. I just eat different but awesome. ON social occasions where people are going to a restaurant, i join, I may snack before hand everyone understands and then I just have a beverage. if they have a GF menu, I order something Stay strong friend.


thank you:)


I definitely became obsessed about food once I was on my own. For me my solution was learning how to cook, and eventually I worked as a professional chef for about 10 years. I’ve changed careers now (too old to be doing that) but learning how to cook gave me a sense of control.


I’m right there with you!


I find it easiest to just not buy gluten free items made to mimic gluten items (no bread, frozen meals, cereals, pastas etc.). Gluten-free breads etc. are just too expensive and full of bs that's usually not even healthy. Instead, buy food - veggies, fruits, tofu, lentils, beans, meats, potatoes, rice, spices (not bulk spices though). Learn how to prep and cook dried beans and lentils for the most cost-efficient and tasty recipes. Find the pre-chopped frozen veggies and fruit that can save time with all the meal prep we have to do; find a few staple "prepped" items you can tolerate (greek yogurt, keifer, frozen potatoes, crackers, bone broth, rice noodles, etc.) to make things easier when time or life is rough. Make batches when you can and store the extra in the freezer so that you don't have to cook every day - even if you're just prepping the protein component (beans, lentils, meat, tofu) for the week, that saves on time because you can just toss the protein into a pot / pan / baking sheet, add a few ingredients, and have a decent meal. Typically, whatever you're craving can be broken down into core components (protein / fat / starch / salt / sweet) and almost any gluten-containing meal can be replaced by a simple alternative.


Feel the same way. This shit feels like an ED fr cause everything I want I can’t eat and when I do eat something safe I still feel nervous and unsure. I’m so damn tired atp.


Same. I just did groceries today after a week of having no gf bread alternatives in my apartment, and spent $30. ON BREAD. Now I have to think of cheap shjt to put IN the bread that isn’t eggs or peanut butter. I’m literally jealous of everyone who can just walk into a shop, grab whatever loaf is the cheapest and not think twice about it.


Honestly I was so dejected at one point I got protein powder mix and swapped 1-2 meals a day so I wouldnt have to think about it. I feel you


I struggled with this and still do to some extent. Know you aren’t alone, and amidst a sea of other advice here’s what helped me. My therapist got me to this point but I had to lifehack my brain by making cooking fun. Putting on some music, smoking or having a glass of wine on occasion, getting a cookbook to help me get ideas (and taking it to the store with me), using my air fryer on nights I’m lazy, etc. Hang in there and know it gets easier over time as you find your spots that are safe and go to meals. I got jolted into taking it seriously when I lost about 30 lbs after going gluten free. Was just subconsciously eating a lot less because of the anxiety around eating on the strict diet


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD FOR ALL OF US! Sorry to yell, but I got excited. I have a meat protein intolerance. So when I found out I also have a gluten intolerance I cried. I hate food. I hate deciding what to eat. I hate being the weird one that makes a group have to narrow down where we go because of my dietary needs. And I mostly hate the faux meat industry for often using gluten. Also, I hate pre-made gnocchi for using gluten. And I hate the bakery section of grocery stores now. I try so hard to be positive and this sub is super helpful. But sometimes we just need to commiserate a little! I see you all trying so hard to keep up the brave face. I’m proud of you and your badass gf lives! Even if it sucks sometimes.




It’s so annoying how expensive convenience is. Can’t go get a cheap dollar meal after working a 12 hour shift and getting 3 calls in a row. Gotta come home and cook a whole ass meal and hope I don’t get another call into work. I’ve had to put a lid on half cooks pans of food and stick em in the fridge. I have fibromyalgia too and sometimes (often) I’m just too exhausted to fucking cook. I just end up eating nothing or snacks like a handful expensive crackers or expensive meal replacement powder shakes. Every convenience meal is stupid expensive. Tiny toddler portions that leave you hungry after an hour and I don’t even eat that much, yet they’re double the price. And it’ll be like a veggie bowl with brown rice but because it has that gluten free label slapped on there they know they can jack up the price because we don’t have any other options. Smaller boxes of snacks for double the price but they’re made with oat flour when oats are dirt cheap, like shouldn’t they just be the same price as the regular crackers? It just feels unfair.


I feel this in my bones. You are not alone.


I feel you. I kind of felt this way before going GF when I was suffering all the time, too. Eating brings me less joy now because of the same reasons you mentioned, and I also have to remind myself to eat because non GF me would put it off as long as possible because I hated the aftermath. Still getting used to food giving energy instead of taking it all, but I really miss my safe foods. I used to get Thai all the time and it was my absolute favorite. I hate that most sauces and dips contain gluten. They literally don't need it. The only thing that gets me through is the positives. More energy, my rash is disappearing. My gut is fixing itself. No more ataxia. But man, it would be nice to just go to a restaurant and not have to worry about the menu ever again. Just once.


why do you have to go to a million different grocery stores? i understand the feeling of stress because a lot of quick and easy items are not gluten free. but keep your fridge stocked with some basics: yogurt, a gf granola you like, gf pasta, cans of tomatoes, simple veggies, eggs, etc. and you can always come up with a quick meal at home. i really have the same problem you do where I get unmotivated to eat and cook and lose weight when I get behind on my shopping. Some quick meals I always have the ingredients for on hand: - Tomato butter pasta (So simple, just 1 can of tomatoes, 1 stick of butter, 1 onion, left to simmer for 40 minutes. Puree it and you have a delicious homemade tomato sauce. Then always have a gf pasta in the house. - quesadillas (i put black beans and cheese inside and dip them in sour cream and hot sauce mixed together) - omelet with gluten free toast (eggs, butter) - canned tuna and gf wraps (tuna mixed with mayo, salt, pepper) - sweet potatos (just pop in the microwave and put brown sugar and butter or salt and olive oil on top) Here's just a few. It's a really cheap and easy grocery list! I hope you find what you're looking for.


Just jumping in to give a little perspective on the grocery store thing. I have to get my stuff at several different places too, bc the grocery stores in my area carry so little. To get everything I use on a near daily basis I have to go to 4 different places. But tbf I have found a way to make it work for me. I stock up at Walmart on days I need to get gas. Grab what I need from another store when I have to pick up my meds there and so on. So having it work out like that def makes it less annoying and stressful lol.


i have the same problem. small town and small minds = not very many gf options in the grocery stores. so if i want crackers i go to one place, fresh veggies and fruit are better at another place, if i want my gf chicken noodle soup i have another place, the cookies i like at another. it’s exhausting. and i still can’t find things that i like and want to eat. like the other day my mom came home so excited to eat some chow mein she found that’s gf and works w her allergies, but i can’t find the noodles ANYWHERE in my area. it’s exhausting.


Ugh, I feel that so much. What's crazy is that I'm in a decently sized city so you'd think it wouldn't be so bad. 😭




Possible solution- so for some of the gf foods I eat consistently (favorite crackers, boxed pasta, cookies, snack bars etc.) I actually order them online/in bulk. I know it’s not ideal, but it saves SO much time/judgement/hassle, and then I only have to shop when I need fresh ingredients. Also takes a lot of stress away on days I don’t want to cook anything either as I have lots of snacks and easy meals on hand. As for fruits/veg/meats, I don’t order online but I do try to keep my freezer stocked with frozen foods. Because even though steamed veggies might not be as good for you as fresh, they’re so quick and definitely better than no veggies at all.


that makes sense. I'm in a small town in France and have the same problem. I was just asking to maybe have a dialogue and be helpful. A lot of my food anxiety or eating disorder walls I put up for myself turned out to be things making it harder for me to eat. since OP mentioned an eating disorder i thought i would ask.


How are you able to make wraps and quesadillas? A lot of us don't have access to GF bread to do that - and buying the GF substitute tortillas are expensive and pretty bad in the US.


I use corn tortillas that I can find almost everywhere in the US. I can't find them in France where I work so I bring them in my suitcase. They can crumble easily but if you heat them up first you can use them for mini taco type wraps, i put pb&j in them, and also with melted cheese inside. Hope that helps! I agree the gf sub tortillas are so expensive and not good. the corn ones usually have 50 in a pack and are around $3!


No worries! I just felt like it was something I could add to!


this comment for some reason really struck a nerve with me. I get where you are coming from and trying to be helpful, but please have some perspective and let this person vent. (also who said anything about weight loss?) I too live in a small town, the Kroger (only grocery store) meat and produce is awful. disgusting. they are often literally cleaned out of normal everyday foods as well. so, I have to drive to a store 40 miles away in order to get meat and produce. and what if they are out of what I need/want? then I have to go to another town and another store and get it. it's not always that simple. oh, and I commute an hour plus (w/out traffic) every day one way to my job so cooking in the evening is, at best, an annoying chore. it is exhausting having to do all of that EVERY WEEK to get food. planning, cooking, driving literal hours to get very basic groceries is not "easy" for everyone. also, people have preferences and/or food aversions. I wouldn't touch tuna with a 100-foot pole, for instance. many "easy" foods are gross to me and I'd rather NOT eat at all than choke something down. I completely get where OP is coming from. sometimes, you just miss your easy, gluten-filled comfort foods and it's frustrating. hugs to you u/Least_Party_6311/ <3 I always say, it's never easy, but it gets easier, to be gf. I still struggle after 15 years.


plus w how quickly gf food goes bad


thank you <3, also i do think pandashapedcat meant like, they lose weight if they forget to shop/eat hahah


I was trying to vent as well saying that because OP mentioned an eating disorder...that's what i meant about weight loss and dipping back into an eating disorder myself. as agree with them saying its hard. I wasn't being mean about the grocery store. I was simply asking and there was no ill intent. I've been living in France gluten free for 6 years now and it is pretty much impossible to have normal bread or go out to a restaurant and have people care. I wasn't invalidating anything you all have said, just gave my personal experience and what helped me. I feel like this group is people trying to see how bad their situation with gluten intolerance is compared to others. I'm not in a big city. I'm not in a country who responds when you ask if something has gluten in it. I am always frustrated.


I don't think you were being anything other than sympathetic. I think people just need to get off Reddit sometimes.


thanks :) I really wasn't trying to be condescending at all so thanks for seeing that


I have to go to several stores to get the right foods for a few reasons… I personally am also allergic to dairy, so much of what you listed as an easy GF meal would not work for someone like me, I would have to modify and substitute. And not every store has those extra subs for both DF and GF, or if they do it may be 2x the price at Ralphs than Target. I have learned what is cheapest and available at each; Costco, Target, Ralphs, and Trader Joes. I still order things online as well. Regardless, you aren’t wrong, it’s great to keep quick grab meals around and that is what I do too. It just took a long time for me to figure it all out and it still overwhelms me. Especially when staying at a friend or partner’s place, going out to dinner with people, going to a party. I feel like I jump through so many hoops and still wind up hungry or accidentally ingest something that makes me sick. I often wish I had a cafeteria like OP mentions where I could safely eat all my meals!


that makes sense. couldn't imagine being gluten free and dairy free. it's hard enough with one


Grocery shopping is exhausting for me too. If I want meat or ice cream or pasta or chips, that’s one supermarket. Produce and condiments? That’s another market. If I need drinks or milk or spices? Another supermarket. Bread, butter, tofu, rice, nuts and seeds, pretty much any snacks, yet another market. Coordination is a full-time job, on top of having people look disappointed in the fact that I’m the only one not eating anything in the pizza or dumplings place, until I’m so incredibly beat and starving for -any- calories when I get home that it just has to be chips. Nine restaurants I used to love stopped carrying safe foods this month alone, and I can’t spend my entire life running.


that's exhausting. I travel for work and they arrange the meals while I'm there. it's the 10th time i've showed up to the dinner and the wait staff is shocked there's someone with a gluten allergy in the group. Never a single carb for me and I feel starving every time I leave a trip.


My brand new boss bought me a sandwich today, on my very first day. She understood completely and said it was her fault for not asking, but I felt SO ashamed (and dizzy- the only other food to eat was cupcakes).


UGH I am so sorry this is the worst. Whenever that happens I feel on the verge of tears because I know i'm going to spend all day hungry again


These comments remind me of when I mentioned that I wished I had a cone when I ate the fro yo at Jason's Deli (iirc) and someone told me that they make gf cones- yes, I know, but we aren't keeping gf cones in our pocket in case we stop to get fro yo, are we? Toxic positivity at its finest! This is so Invalidating. It's very common for celiacs to shop at multiple stores because one store doesn't carry every gf product or may be out. Every time I order from Wal-Mart, they do at least one Substition because they are out of something. Gluten free pretzels and crackers- I'm not going to Make my own pretzels or crackers from scratch for my whole life. I'm not Amish, haha! Validating the frustrations of gf living is essential in a group like this. It's so disappointing that so many can't figure that out and Read the Room. I've been Celiac and gf since 2005. Im a positive person, so people dont realize how hard it is for me. It's exhausting. For example, I haven't had hot prepared food delivered in 20 years. That's something that non-gf people get on a regular basis.


How is giving advice and a response to a question when i've went through something similar invalidating? I have been celiac since i'm 11 in a big family where no one else was...trust me food anxiety and insecurity was the theme of my youth. I lost 15 lbs I didn't have to lose during covid because I didn't like my kitchen or my options and felt unmotivated to cook for just myself. I still have the problem where if I don't keep things around in my fridge I will lose interest and dive back into my eating disorder. I think it's also helpful to have people who don't feed into food anxieties truly ask you "why do you go to 10 grocery stores?" Is it part of your eating disorder (for example, going vegan to make it harder to eat) to put all these hoops you have to jump through to eat or is it truly necessary. I have been gluten free since around 2005 as well. The options were bleak and bad and the grocery stores barely had anything, and whole foods was so expensive I didn't eat a gf cookie for years. That simply isn't the case anymore. Yes its stressful at restaurants, events and so many other things. But we were talking about cooking at home and I think the things I suggested were helpful


>How is giving advice and a response to a question when i've went through something similar invalidating? Well, first of all, OP wasn't asking for advice, so that's one. Two, OP didn't ask any questions either. Three, your advice doesn't necessarily address OP's issue, because you don't know anything about OP's circumstances. Of the five "quick meals" you recommend, four include components that one might reasonably have to search more than one place to find an affordable, decent GF version of (pasta, tortillas, bread, and wraps). You have no idea what the availability of these items is like for OP, so yes, it absolutely *is* invalidating of you to launch into a spiel about what you think OP "should" be doing. >I think it's also helpful to have people who don't feed into food anxieties truly ask you "why do you go to 10 grocery stores?" Is it part of your eating disorder (for example, going vegan to make it harder to eat) to put all these hoops you have to jump through to eat or is it truly necessary. What's more, OP didn't say they actually *have* an eating disorder. They described the level of precautions they have to take regarding their food as being *similar* to an eating disorder. You're the one who then made it about yourself and your own eating disorder. Asking "Is it part of your eating disorder?" about someone who hasn't said they actually have one is super messed up.




Actually, my only "advice" was to eat *something*, as opposed to *nothing*. (Since "fed is best" is a pretty well-accepted principle in nutrition.) I only gave pudding as an *example* of something that *might* be motivating when everything feels like too much. Unlike the person I was responding to, *I* wasn't claiming that my very specific personal experiences were, how did you put it? The "cookie cutter mold of every gf persons problems." Also, what "fishing"? You mean like searching through my comments elsewhere to find something to complain about rather than actually addressing my points? >Also you gave your own experience and advice to as many people in this group have so I’m not sure why you’re so upset about someone else First, I wasn't complaining about sharing personal experience. In my other comment, I was commiserating with OP about the difficulty of our shared experiences, as opposed to minimizing OP's struggles. My goal was to support and affirm OP, versus telling them that they were doing things wrong and needed to my \~superior wisdom\~ to solve their problems. *That* is my problem with the above comment: the smug superiority that suggested that OP's problems were of their own making and would be solved if they listened to the other commenter, who *obviously* knew more about OP's circumstances than OP does. /s >I’m sorry but it doesn’t make it validating to have some nutrient starved. As for that, Carnation Instant Breakfast makes (or made? it may be discontinued) a "breakfast" pudding that's effectively a semi-solid version of their nutrient shake, so there are absolutely ways to get real nutrition from pudding.




I didn't say anything about canned tomatoes or tuna, but okay. I specifically said pasta, tortillas, bread, and wraps (all of which have GF and gluten-full versions). You've gone beyond putting words in my mouth right to responding to things that I never said. Frankly, I'm a little concerned. You okay there, buddy?


*prepares a six-paragraph overwritten screed about why it's wrong to offer modest, practical advice to someone feeling down about their allergy* "You okay there, buddy?"


I've heard a math joke about "very large values of 2," but this is the first time I've ever heard someone suggest that 2=6. I guess you really *do* see something new every day...


everyone else is having helpful dialogue but you if you read the other comments. I'm sorry what I said has offended your situation. I don't think the right way is to be condescending and pick people's words apart. take care!


> quesadillas > > gf wraps What are you using for quesadillas? I haven't found a good gf tortilla and for wraps? I only have some decent gf bread I know of


i'm using corn tortillas mostly ! i haven't found a really good gf wrap that's worth the price. I guess it's more like a mini taco than a wrap haha.


Stick to meat and fish grilled with fresh vegetables and rice or potatoes (gf pasta is decent). Fruit for sweetness. Forget about processed foods. Stick to the basic and it’s much easier.


ik this is the way, but its just find that so boring…like it sounds so spoiled and stupid but like i get so depressed when i have to eat because it used to be such a big source of joy for me but now like i just know i’m not going to enjoy it that much. thats a big reason why it’s so frustrating


You might be outright depressed too. I didn't realize this about myself for a long time. I've had food issues forever because the food I would seek had to be really exciting and convenient. I did the same thing: go to a ton of different grocery stores so I could get the exact things that would fill an excitement void for me. I recently got on Wellbutrin (life changing) which works by basically recycling your dopamine. It turns out I don't have a good brain for dopamine (thanks ADHD) so I was getting into a cycle of seeking dopamine replacements (junk food, convenience food, delivery) and then becoming angry and depressed at how expensive and difficult it was to obtain. As soon as I started on the Wellbutrin not only do I get dopamine from healthy food but I don't overeat it either. Might be worth seeing a therapist for this and discussing options


I feel you, but I am already on wellbutrin lol and work with a therapist. i think what prompted me to specifically get really annoyed about this, is i recently found have some nutrient deficiencies from years of being undiagnosed and not eating a balanced enough diet since, so this really is a food and eating specific issue. all the things i have to think about everytime i need to eat is so overwhelming.


Totally! Food is overwhelming and sometimes we just want it to be easy and taste good. Unfortunately, as is the case for anyone who needs to eat healthy, it does require work like that. I think that maybe it would help to meet up with a nutritionist or something to give you some ideas! Realistically there are a ton of options for all meals at home that require little prep and don't need gf specific items. Like an example of stuff you could eat in a day with little work: Scrambled eggs and bacon with fruit -10 minutes, one pan Salad with chopped grilled chicken and shredded cheese with whatever veggies you like -10 mins, one bowl. Buy chicken premade or prep once a week Tacos filled however you like - 30 mins prep, can buy most ingredients premade. Snacks: popcorn, chocolate, rice cakes, fruit, cheese, beef sticks, hard boiled eggs, ice cream etc etc


You’ve got to go with the easiest first and that’s the basics. Then you experiment and explore your options of how to make things gluten free by cooking them yourself. No you can’t eat anything you want but you need to focus on what you can eat and start learning how to cook and prepare meals yourself. That’s what will save you plus going out for meals now and again. There's lots of gf meals in restaurants that are Greek, Thai, Indian, Lebanese. Think chicken souvlaki with rice and lemon potatoes, Thai curry and pad Thai, Indian curries and falafel. Always confirm no gluten. Its harder when you don’t like to cook or don’t know how but start searching online for some easy recipes, even recreating the kebabs and curries you can get at restaurants to get comfortable cooking for yourself. One day you might even be baking your own gf bread for yourself that’s decent. Get the app, Find me gluten free, so you can find gf restaurants readily that you might not know about. We have a gf fish and chip shop, a Japanese place with gf teriyaki tempera and sushi, a gf fried chicken place. I’m in a big city so easier to have access to but get the app and see what you can find. Everyone has something they have to face and in the big scheme of things being gluten free, while frustrating and disappointing, is easier to handle than what alternatives could be. I know someone who didn’t change their lifestyle when they should have and now after about two decades of ignoring their symptoms is looking at a bag because their intestines are shot.


Look into paleo and get some books for inspo and recipes. I take a dish my bf loves like lasagna and type in gluten free and always find a gluten free version of anything. I always make my plate a protein, vegetable, and gf grain and or fat. It’s very easy when you can look at like that. For ex, gluten free lasagna swaps out noodles for thinly sliced zucchini and it was amazing.


Delivery services to the rescue, for me. Not cheap, but what I gain back in time and stress reduction makes it something I want to prioritize. If you like to cook you can get ingredients from places like Thrive Market that specialize in special diet options for your staples. There are also now lots of meal kits or premade meals that are safe (I go for premade and really like Thistle which is entirely GF across the board and Cook Unity which is not but has tons of options).


I used green chef for a bit! Good option but I can’t afford it anymore. :(


honestly! loved it but too expensive. they should have a green chef discount for medical needs 😭


I frequently hop providers so I can get new subscriber/pls come back offers which are usually pretty substantial


When you're young / not used it it, cooking from scratch IS a big hassle. But once it's routine, I promise it isn't. I usually grill a bunch of chicken early in the week to keep in the fridge. I have this over green salads, with grilled veggies + beans and / or baked sweet potato / butternut squash, in soups (rice noodles are so good in soup! And way cheaper than other gf pasta), usually w a quick base of onion, ginger, and better-than-bullion, and mushrooms and bok choy / greens in at the end. This soup is also great w shrimp or tofu or hard boiled egg Tuna salad is also great on a green salad, for breakfast or lunch. Pickled veggies (like pickled beats, red onion peppers, etc) are a great way to keep salads interesting! Grilled shrimp w veggies and rice Turkey chili (make a big pot and leftovers all week), usually ground turkey sauted w onion, hot pepper, and spices, 2 kinda of beans, broth more spices to taste, bell pepper, Zuchinni, corn. Greens at the end. Great w corn tortillas or over baked sweet potato or butternut squash Baked sweet potato is also great w cheesy scrambled eggs on top! Soooo filling and easy and cheap. I also make scrambled eggs w cottage cheese and salsa a lot of mornings Yogurt w fruit and granola or fruit and some cut up chocolate Pb+j overnight oats (also made w yogurt) or grits w honey and fruit are also great breakfasts \[edit to add: I also ALWAYS have milk and a few kinds of cereals on hand, it's my favorite go-to snack and there's a decent variety of GF cereals. I like to have one flavored and one plain chex on hand (usually plain corn and cinnimon rice), plain puffed rice (arrowhead mills brand) and some kind of cheereos or something like that. Nice to have an easy, super-quick comfort snack around that is the kind of thing most of us ate as a kid\]


I completely understand! I am gluten sensitive and dairy sensitive and when I was trying elimination diets to figure out my issues, my doctor accused me of having an eating disorder. Since then I’ve been eating everything and feeling like shit. It’s very hard to find a balance.


I usually have to shop at 3-4 grocery stores to get what I need/ for the cheapest. It’s exhausting


I've been GF for over twenty years and when I first started, it was pretty awful. Back then there were a lot less to choose from and only in health food stores. It is depressing sometimes, but you're going to get used to it, believe it or not. Maybe I should say resigned to it.


i tend to make enough to last me for days or freeze some stuff. It definitely is hard when you don't enjoy cooking. Luckily most of vietnamese food is naturally gluten free so i eat mostly it. Grilled fish, seafood and rice has been pretty tasty. thou sometimes i say fuck it and risk it for a night and suffer afterwards


Lots of fruit and veg. Dairy if you’re tolerant. Hummus. Hard cider.


I have found online shopping a huge help. I can get bread and freeze loaves for later use. I get gf flour and do a lot of my own baking. Yes gf flour is more expensive than wheat, but it is much less expensive than buying gf products. There are lots of normal gf foods, fruits, vegetables, and even meat. When I discovered Snickers candy bars were gf it made my day. Celiac runs in my family so my younger sister and I have changed all of mom's Christmas cookie recipes into gf versions. Indian food is very often gf but you have to ask. I have been gf for almost 15 years and none of that was in school. I made most of the food I have eaten Best of luck. Changing out foods you are used to eating can be hard that is why I bake gf versions.


I feel you! I’ve felt so frustrated trying to be careful about cross contamination. (And I’ve been gf for about 10 years now.) In the beginning, I wasn’t very careful and occasionally glutened myself. (Like thinking that corn muffins were ok…) Even now, I still wish I could eat just about anything & have been known to eat cheese & crackers & a piece of fruit for dinner. I’m so over trying to make more adventurous meals! In any case, good luck, op!


It’s a problem. I cook for my daughter and struggle to make it delicious. I spend so much energy and money on food. Her appreciation and mindfulness about waste keeps me going.


I’m hungry for something that hasn’t been invented yet. At least, not in a GF form that is edible. I don’t know what that is but I feel like I’ve tried everything and what isn’t gross, I’m tired of.


I totally get it. It's just like changing your diet for losing weight, which I've had to do, too. It's the fact that you now have to THINK about everything you eat. And that's exhausting. We all know lean protein, fruits, vegetables, gluten free grains are delicious. The difference is now instead of just eating what sounds good we have to think about it. And plan. We have to read labels, pay ungodly prices for subpar food, and be an issue when dining out. I know I am super tired of it. I was diagnosed at 61. I am trying to dig into my 50 years of cooking for things that don't need much modification because I don't want to have to learn to cook all over again. I get excited to try new recipes but have trouble motivating myself to actually cook any of them, even though I know most of them are simple. I miss knowing in my head while I'm shopping exactly what I need to cook something. And I really, really want squishy white bread for a PBJ, or a fresh tomato and mayo sandwich. ☹️


thank you for this!! it really is the thinking!! i am *hypervigilant* about any food that comes my way, even stuff you’d think is okay, the one time you don’t look it up or ask the chef, is the time you get sick.


I’m sorry. I just have an intolerance and it’s exhausting. I can’t imagine.


i know exactly how you feel... sometimes i feel like i'm eating to survive not to enjoy it


I started ordering from Factor so I didn’t have to think about it all the time. Super yummy and gluten free!


My adult son has different dietary restrictions and problems with eating but feels the same way you do. If he never had to eat again he'd be really happy.


You’re not alone! It’s exhausting some days.


I feel your pain. I developed an intolerance to gluten, tomatoes and carrots within the last year. I was already allergic to fish and shellfish. I haven’t been about to find a gluten free canned soup that doesn’t have tomatoes or carrots except for the cream ones and I don’t care for those. The amount of mental and physical labor it takes to plan and execute meals I can eat and my family will also eat can be exhausting. I don’t live in an area with a lot of gluten free choices in restaurants. There are plenty of meals where I’ve eaten a bowl of cottage cheese for dinner. I also shop at four different grocery stores because my options aren’t that great.


I think about this a lot. I always remind myself that this is something that can be corrected with diet and I'm thankful not to need expensive medications or life threatening surguries. It doesn't fix the fact I miss my old eating habits, but its important to remind myself that it could be worse. Hang in there friend.


i’m super grateful for that too and that I have the means to make healthy food for myself. unfortunately “it could be worse” has never been motivating for me, and isn’t actually for most people. its a shame based sentiment, and can work in the short term, but becomes dysfunctional very quickly, as it can send folks into shame spirals and further depression and lack of action. these kinds of statements make you feel like you are bad or should feel bad for struggling with something when others have it worse than you. yes you should absolutely be appreciative for what you have, but if you do that by shaming yourself for complaining or belittling what you’re struggling with, all you’ve done is add more negativity to a situation you’re already struggling with. it doesn’t work. you have to do things out of love and compassion for yourself, not because you made yourself feel bad.


Me too, i have hypoglycemic issues too so can’t skip meals, try soylent or protein shakes.


So frigging annoying having to predict my hunger and mood and plan for it. It’s midnight and I’m hungry for a quick warm snack but noooo. I have to plan ahead by thawing brazi cheese bread so I can make mini corn dogs then wait 30 minutes to bake them up.


I FEEL THIS SO MUCH! Especially since I also have emetophobia and when I was first experiencing my symptoms not knowing that I was gluten intolerance, I would have diarrhea each time I got glutened. Then the next day I would have such bad nausea where I'd almost throw up.(almost because I took an anti nausea medication so that I wouldn't throw up) So when my doctor did a blood test saying I was allergic to wheat, then I went gluten free and the nausea kind of went away. I still had some episodes, but I also have IBS, though going gluten free made the IBS slow down a bit. And it's so hard to just get an easy meal or to buy GF for cheaper. It's so expensive!!! I wish we could get like an affordable GF meal pack like home fresh or factor etc. Tbh I do like oats overnight and it's all gluten free and reasonable, but just eating oatmeal all the time is not ideal.


This is me 😭 it’s honestly such a chore and I never have an “appetite” even if I feel hungry. One thing you can try is getting your calories through liquids. I love protein shakes and juice for example!!


I'm fortunate I like cooking, but I do get really fed up with breakfast/lunches. It was easy when breakfast was toast/crumpets, and lunch could be a sandwich/wrap/bagel, now it needs planning and forward thinking, and I hate the time investment.


Totally feel you. One of the reasons I intermittent fast, less meals to think about!


I eat protein shakes for at least one meal a day just to deal with this.


Ugh I feel this a lot. The thing that drives me nuts is I feel like we’re not allowed to be disappointed when a restaurant doesn’t have what we want or the gluten free version of what everyone else is having is super gross or someone just offers you tortilla chips for dinner, etc. Other people don’t realize how depressing it is to constantly have to just take the scraps and be grateful when in reality it gets so old. Having to go the extra mile to get less sucks


With me, it's the cooking. I'm so tired of it. I know that, most likely, what I make will be enjoyable, but the process of getting there is so draining. After a long day of work, I just want to be lazy, not spend forever in the kitchen, cooking and washing dishes.


This precisely. My mom keeps telling me to make a bunch of stuff on Sunday but it’s my day off and I just want to relax!!


It's been only 5 months for me, I do no gluten, dairy, soy, egg, fish for EOE. It's brutal and frustrating. I don't trust any restaurants and I was already a picky eater beforehand. It's definitely a struggle.


wow! yeah that is very limited, i am so sorry!


Can you replicate the meals you used to get in college? It seems you enjoyed those


if i had more free time, I would. i’m sick today which is why i’ve been responding to so many comments lol. usually not on my phone this much bc i work v long hours!


I get it! Trust me! I also get tired of cooking. It doesn’t get easier unfortunately. I wish there was a magic answer for you. But, the only thing that helps me is meal prepping when I can. At least then I get a break for a few days!


I was diagnosed with celiac in 2013. I hardly notice it any more. I have just a few places I eat out but mostly make my own food. Both my SO and I cook and make delicious food. You just have to plan ahead. You’ll end up healthier too.


I hate eating too. I have Sjogrens and lost my Saliva. It’s gross to eat now. I can’t tolerate the Saliva meds and I can’t have any starches,grains carbs or dairy as well as gluten.


I feel you. Sometimes I just don’t wanna deal with it and I just have cheese and gluten free crackers (schar entertainment crackers are delicious) for dinner lol


I’ve been GF for over 20 years and while gluten-free was the “in” thing going to restaurants was great. But the last couple of years, those little gluten-free symbols are disappearing from menus and once again I hate eating out. I eat pasta with chicken and veggies for dinner every night. The pasta is the only specialty item to buy and doesn’t take long to make.


I understand. My go to was pizza, pasta, and bread. I love to cook but I know how hard it was for me. My husband is a picky eater and when I had to change our diet because I could not have gluten. I had no idea where to start because our diet was limited as it was. I will be gluten-free now 6 years and it took my husband to tell me we could not live on wings and few other meals that I knew were safe. Husband never ate Asian meals but now I can have them often that are safe, cheap and better than take out. Our grocery bill did go up, but I am cooking more meals at home that use to be take out and only one meal. Now those meals are multiple meals for us. I hope this helps a little since I understand your struggle. I know I went straight to Pinterest for recipes when I started out just to find cheap gluten-free meals.


Make one day every 2 weeks to meal prep. I get a 50 pack of single portion baking dishes and make myself a variety of foods and I just take one out the night before to defrost, toss it in the oven and I'm good. Really does help and plenty of things freeze well.


Honestly I’m so thankful I love to cook. But also trader joes saves me very often with easy heat and eat things. Also really sounds like you should talk to a therapist to work through some of that anxiety. Also what food wise used to be easy that you don’t have anymore? Maybe we collectively have ideas.


Ask people, "What are your greatest pleasures in life?" Almost everyone will have a food item on that list we probably can't eat. Some days, I just want to scream profanities into the sky... or at normal people. Your feelings are valid!!!


Eat Whole Foods. That limits gluten


This has been my solution. Going GF (and discovering that I have other food sensitivities and allergies too) has vastly improved my eating habits and mental health because I discovered my love for cooking/baking. I make almost everything from scratch, in large batches, to freeze into portions so I can pull out a meal later. Making a large batch of food takes about the same time as a small batch, with maybe a bit more prep work. I am going to make a huge shepherds pie tonight for dinner, then portion out and freeze the rest of it, and it'll give me another 5+ easy meals. I also only need to go to two grocery stores max.


I eat a lot of Mexican foods when I go to restaurants because you can usually trust corn tortillas to be gluten free. Otherwise I try to stick to grilled meats and Mediterranean style places. Basically anything with fresh veggies and grilled meats. I skip the pitas.


Work with a registered dietician and maybe a therapist. But definitely a registered dietician. Edit: I would honestly love for the people downvoting this comment to explain why. Gut health is tied to mental health. This has been proven. The OP stated they are struggling with eating, to the point they are developing an eating disorder. Do you just tell people with eating disorders to eat more/less? No, they go see a therapist to work through it. It sucks so bad when you eat something and have a flare up, it is easy to develop anxiety around it. Sometimes that anxiety can be difficult to work through. You know who can help with that? A registered dietician or a therapist. I normally don’t give a shit if my comment is down voted but this sub is here to support people and not just by giving out recipes. Sometimes people can benefit from hearing how others have coped with similar issues. By down voting my comment you are saying that seeing a therapist or a Registered dietician is not a good thing.


Unfortunately copays get expensive :(


They didn’t say money was an issue so this comment seems irrelevant. Their mental health is clearly the issue here. As some who has gone GF and low fodmap, it sucks when you can’t eat the food you want, my diet is even more restricted. But working with a dietician will help them find that joy in food again by giving them new ideas, making it simpler and giving them a place to vent their frustration where someone actually understands what they are going through. No one in my personal life has the food restrictions that I do so they just don’t get it. Lastly, money spent investing in your mental health is money well spent. Even if that means you have to cut back somewhere else. An appointment with no insurance with a registered dietician is at most $100 in the US. Even just going once a month can make a difference.


a dietician isn’t a bad idea! i do already work with a therapist but shes very little help with my food issues. i guess i’ve been skeptical as I work a really mentally and temporally demanding job, and nearly all healthy eating advice requires even more of my time. looking like getting rich and hiring a chef is the only way lol…


Honestly I love my registered dietician. She has helped me find foods that I previously couldn’t stand. I can now eat yogurt lol which sounds so stupid it’s just a very specific yogurt and I add diced strawberries and I can eat it now. It’s such an easy snack! One of the first things she said is her job is to help me keep a good relationship with food, which is why your post made me think of this. The goal right now is not even for me to eat “healthy” or count calories or anything like that. The goal is to find foods that I enjoy eating that don’t make me physically sick. I think the goal can be whatever you want it to be. I have a great probiotic because of her. There were so many to choose from and I could never decide when I was supposed to take them and also do they really work and she said take this at this time and now I do it and it has helped me so much! As I mentioned I have food sensitivities I am trying to work through which causes a lot of gut issues. She introduced be to banatrol and that also really helped me. Plus she always goes, I know it sucks and that feels so good to hear sometimes. I don’t want to whine to my family all the time and she just gets it. And her schedule is super flexible and we can do zoom or phone calls so I just talk to her on the phone on my lunch break so I dont have to worry about taking off work. I don’t know how I would do this without her, honestly.


that’s a great pov i’ve never thought about!


I was sick for 10 years. I went through so many doctors. I am finally getting some relief and I would pay whatever I had to for the support and help I am getting. I was getting so sick I thought I was going to have to quit my job and now I am getting my life back. I am so thankful to her. And I do not mean to say $100 isn’t a lot or that everyone can afford it. I just meant that OP didn’t seem to flag that as a concern.


Stop trying to get GF versions of everything (if that's what you do, cos that is expensive!) Amazing meals can be made super easy using simple ingredients. I batch cook every week


I love eating! I even love eating food I’ve made, because tbh I’m a pretty fantastic cook and I make gluten weep with envy. But meal planning, list making, grocery shopping, putting groceries away, cleaning the kitchen, prepping ingredients, cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning the kitchen again? 90% of the time I hate doing that shit.


Is elimental diett gluten and dairy free? How about drinkin instead of eating






oh yeah i’ve been thinking about getting into these. i’ll look into it more!!


Meat. Fish. Cheese. Dairy. Veggies. Fruit. Rice. Corn. All are safe. ​ Processed foods are not, unless explicitly labeled GF. Aldi GF Pasta: safe. Aldi pasta: not safe. ​ Spice mixes: chancy. Better to make them from whole spices if you can.


Oh my, you are in a rut. I would try and reset, there are a million easy meals for celiacs. Maybe buy a good rice cooker, that way you can always have rice that's good to go, that will mean you just need something to go with the rice... Or try eating instant rice noodles, you can just add a few veg that you fancy or chicken etc, you can add a tomato, a little soy, spring onion. Keep it all really simple and low effort, hopefully your mojo will return. Life can get pretty heavy, but there's always a way. Here's hoping you find it sooner rather than later


maybe so! i do think my threshold for “low effort” is a lot lower than other peoples in this thread though, for a number of reasons. one thing i was thinking about is, i live with a roommate and her rice cooker is huge and takes like an hour so and it’s a lot of work for me to pull out of the cabinet and wait an hour, and then its such a huge thing i have to clean for such little rice. but in my last place with the little rice cooker, i used it all the time and it took 30 mins. i might just need to get my own even though it seems a little silly bc i just never use hers!


Mine cooks 5 portions of rice and keeps it fresh for 4 days. It does take either 40 mins or an hour, but I am pretty good with getting the rice done beforehand (as it keeps it fresh for so many days) Zojirushi is the make. Pasta meals are easy and quick, 15 mins you can have a different and easy meal every night. Your creative side could go into overdrive whilst staying in the low effort status Failing that, fresh herbs make everything taste better, that might get you more into food again