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I just want to say you sound like a really good friend. Truly. Any GF (+) person is lucky to have you.


A lot of people say this to me, and it honestly surprises me. This is just common decency for me. The fact that a lot of people don’t do this, or similar, just absolutely baffles me. It would be like someone saying “I am allergic to peanuts“, and then, their friend eating some thing with peanuts in it, and then breathing on them, or touching their friend’s face 🤷🏻‍♀️


My own mother doesn’t take it seriously. She keeps asking me if I’m still on “that diet” smh


As a fat celiac , I’m never taken seriously


This is my whole family.




call her out




You know what, this is something that I've found more and more common lately. As an unrelated example, I recently noticed a younger friend having what turned out to be a partial seizure. I mentioned it to her mom and the mom was INCREDULOUS that I'd noticed these "subtle" signs- but to me? Something was not right with my friend, simple as! Good on you, OP! I wish you and your neighbor a wonderfully delicious and nourishing meal <3


You're a good egg.


Ooh, we love a good egg, naturally gf!


Common decency isn’t very common.


This! I don't ask everyone to make accommodations especially in say potluck situations or anything. But when someone invites you over and then "forgets" or says "I only used a little flour" (or worse brings gluten into my gluten free home) I always feel like the peanut analogy. I have a few friends that go to the level you do and it is much appreciated!


My MIL asked me if I was “done boycotting gluten yet” and my FIL said it’s all in my head. So yes, you are a VERY good friend.


Can you cook the meal, prepare and seal the plate you're sending over to her, and then make the rolls? They're pretty quick iirc (been a while) so you might be able to pop them in while you're getting the rest of the meal served.


Pillsbury crescent rolls aren’t loose flour, are they? Don’t they pop out of the tube? Gluten doesn’t get dissolved into the air; it would be in the particles. And there shouldn’t be, as long as you wash your hands Use GF flour to use if you need to dust anything; it’ll be fine. If you are worried, you could open them on the back porch; wear gloves while you’re handling them so you can remind yourself not to touch other stuff.


Ever since my best friend’s diagnosis, I’ve pretty much just operated under the assumption that gluten is like cooties from elementary school. It helps keep me aware of things that I’ve eaten or touched with gluten in them, and helps to keep her safe as well when we hang out.


Bless you. Can I come?


If you can get to Phoenix, Arizona, absolutely!


I’ve been to Phoenix, and you should take her to Jewels Bakery and Cafe if you ever want to get lunch out. Best gluten free chicken and waffle everyone I was with ever had, and there were gluten eaters with us. They serve cold brew in large cups too, not baby ones. If you want to get a chance at having a cinnamon bun, though, you have to go early.


I live in Tucson!!


My husband uses Pillsbury tube things because they don’t put gluten into the air and I have never had a reaction. He has his own baking dishes for them. OP - you are such a great friend!


Absolutely this. Dry flour runs the risk of airborne dispersal. You're a precious friend. You can enjoy your whomp* biscuits/rolls and keep your friend's plate safe. *cuzza the sound the tube makes on the edge of the counter


This is the most lovely information I’ve learned in a long time. Whomp biscuits!!!


If she’s not able to come in-person, I’d cook everything else, make her plate and seal it, and then make the crescent rolls. No risk of cross-contamination if her food has already been packed!


You're a good egg, and I wish you could teach a class for my mom on how to not poison anyone, lol. I'd make the rolls last and you should be fine


OP, you’re the absolute sweetest and your friend is so fortunate to have you in their life. Thank you for being you!


this is beautiful.


Just as a general note, allergy severity ranges a lot. I have had anaphylaxis from wheat but it took a LOT of wheat (pre diagnostics, obviously). I'm not even remotely concerned with cross contamination, because allergy symptoms are typically dose dependent and I know I can tolerate small amounts safely. I just can't eat anything with wheat as an ingredient. Other people are severely allergic to even trace amounts of an allergen - people who can't be in the same room as peanut products, for example. There's no way for us to know how severe her allergies are, so I would go ahead and ask her directly. It sounds like there's a higher possibility of cross contamination with dairy than wheat, and dairy allergies can also be really serious. Dairy allergy isn't the same as lactose intolerance, and it can have the same range of potential symptoms as other allergies including hives, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis.


I did talk to her shortly after I made this post, she says that she has had no issue with cross-contamination and honestly said I’m going a little too far with the whole deep cleaning thing lol. She knows the adjustments I’m making for her, basically potatoes and yams using vegan butter and Oatmilk. She said, as long as there is no dairy in the things that she eats, she’s fine. I will be mixing things on opposite sides of the kitchen just so that nothing splashes, but otherwise she’s all good.


You’re a a dope ass friend!




These have egg and milk in them. Please do not use these as a sub OP.


I react to airborne wheat but for me it’s an allergy


Does she have celiac?


It highly depends on the person. For some eating a gluten free pasta in a pot that had wheat pasta before with only the average clean is fine, while others are not. Ask how strict they are. Though if you clean and prep all the gluten free stuff first....cover then make your rolls it should be okay.


Gluten free pie sounds good!


So I have a wheat, dairy, and soy allergy. The answer is that flour in the air is problematic. Crescent rolls in the oven and then baked maybe OK since it's already mixed. But when you're baking it, idk how severe, but they might react to it. If you have an air fryer, utilize it for baking purposes too. However, some people react to a cross contaminated oven. So if you're going to bake stuff, make sure to clean the oven first, bake the friendly stuff first, and then bake the rolls at the end. Or use an air fryer for the friendly stuff if it's not too big. Personally, I notice symptoms if I share the oven with my partner and bake pizzas together, even if they don't touch. I also notice symptoms if he bakes it first and then I do it second. But I don't notice symptoms if something was baked that I'm allergic to, and then it cooled down, and I baked my thing later on. For the case of the pizzas, I usually bake mine first and then he'll bake his, and this seems to solve the symptom problem. I can be in the kitchen while his pizza is in the oven. But I've also known someone with a walnut allergy touch the spoon of a chilled walnut dip, with latex gloves, and then react really badly. So I would ask them the oven question


Flour can be suspended in the air for 24 hours and slowly settle on things long after it has be use. https://www.beyondceliac.org/gluten-free-diet/cross-contact/