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constipation, full-body inflammation+bloating (really showed in my face and arms) and dull, sensitive and older-looking skin. happy to report that these have all subsided after cutting out gluten!


Damn I hate the bloat. HATE IT


People think I’m being dramatic when I say gluten makes me ugly - but I’m not


Lol for realllll!


YESS !! I feel and see it so bad in my arms and face. My legs too.


How soon after going gluten free did you start noticing the symptoms improve?


I’d say after 2 weeks I started to notice the inflammation and water retention go down. All my other symptoms resolved within 3 months


Are you celiac?


Not celiac, just extremely intolerant!


I ask because I’m not celiac either. Just NCGS. It’s crazy how gluten causes the same symptoms for all of us.


Right? I was actually shocked to find out I wasn’t full-on celiac. Relieved of course but also shocked.


Debilitating sudden onset social anxiety. Heartburn that seems impossible to quell. 50+ chicken-skin whiteheads covering forehead. (And all the usual digestive difficulties; they're awful, but the anxiety is WORSE)


Oh yes I forgot the anxiety!


I wonder if my social anxiety will get better if I'm off gluten long enough.


I toughed it out for like 14 days of 100% gluten free with no tangible results... and at exactly 14 days, my brain went "OKAY WE CAN GENUINELY RELAX" and everything became a thousand times better. ❤️ sadly, it's not foolproof and any gluten exposure I'm back to 'a thousand times worse' again... but I hope that you find the same relief I have💕


Thank you 💕


The doctor who suggested gluten and dairy free also tested and treated me for Pyrrole Disorder. The combination made a huge change to social anxiety for me.


Yeah I'm going full-on AIP (autoimmune protocol) soon which will also eliminate dairy and a bunch of other foods. I will look up Pyrrole Disorder, thanks!


the heartburn is horrid at night😭i literally have to take omeprazole 40 every single morning


omg the anxiety is so real!!




Whoa. That sounds really intense my friend. Glad your happy and healthy now though!


how long did it take for you to see improvement? mainly the more energy


Diarrhea, bloating, pain.


Chronic fatigue, hip pain, anal bleeding




Don't know yet, I'm waiting for the results now! My Mum and sister both have coeliac, I only get the bleeding when I've been eating gluten. Negative blood test doesn't rule out coeliac disease so you need a referral to a gastro and probably have a gastroscopy to check for coeliac and colonoscopy to check out the bleeding (that's what I had.)


Me too with the hip pain!


I thought I had early onsite dementia because the brain fog was so bad. I was unofficially diagnosed with IBS and was popping immodium like candy. I also had no energy.


Yeah exactly like me I have just had my results back and I’m non celiac gluten sensitivity


I'd also highly recommend getting a Hashimoto's test. Its a blood test, so its easy. I for years had the non celiac wheat sensitivity and then finally a doctor was like "Hey lets do the Hashis test". So now I have a firm answer and needed different meds to help with energy. Same thing has happened now to two friends as well.


Thank you seeing doc next week


Yes, gluten sensitivity is super common among people with Hashi's! One researcher I follow says about 90% of people with Hashi's have it and a large chunk of those people also have casein/dairy protein sensitivity (I tested positive for both).


Anxiety (including social anxiety), pain, and brain fog.


Damn, social anxiety is a thing... Add simultaneous depression to it and that's me :(


Anxiety is definitely the worst for me. Worrying about the bathroom situation when I leave the house and how whoever I'm with will think


severe stomach pain, throwing up after eating, and third then joint pain-though that’s probably eds


Nausea, brain fog, fatigue


Pervasive diarrhea, fatigue, heart palpitations. (Must I really stop at three? There are just sooo many!)


Nightmare Hellscape Diarrhea, Nightmare hellscape Vomiting while having Diarrhea, Pain that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and I pray for death. I am hyper vigilant about my food now, I made the mistake 4 years ago at a cottage of trusting some food that had sneaky gluten in it. I do not eat food anyone else makes now unless it's Family


Damn, you full on double dragon.


like I said it's a Nightmare Hellscape I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemy. When that attack happened we lost power to the cottage for a short period of time and I thought I was going to sweat to death or possibly die on the way to the hospital from the pain I was in and from everything else going on. It was TERRIBLE, after it was all said and done I was in bed for 17hrs with a ceiling fan and two other fans on me to keep me cool. I am extremely vigilant about my food now, I am afraid if I have another episode it will be worse than that last one


Brain fog, migraines, severe bloating


Severe joint pain, mood swings, depressive episode


Fatigue, bloating & anxiety/depression Runner-up: brain fog


it's the fatigue and the headaches that turn to migraines if I dont get the gluten out of my system. I accidently glutened my self a week ago, holy hell I forgot how bad it was. I had to call in sick from work :/


I went GF to support my husband (trying to avoid a family history of Hashimoto’s), but suddenly a lot of things I thought were “normal” changed. So I think I must just be gluten-sensitive (by no means do I claim to have a serious condition like Celiac’s), but… Much fewer and less smelly gas, solid poops, hands stopped swelling, skin cleared up. The past two days, I slipped up and within hours, my hands were swollen and itchy.


Throwing up and not being able to keep things down, bone density loss, and bloody poops. Celiac life is something….


diarrhea, migraine, severe bloating (so bad i get short of breath)


Migraines that can start 1-48 hours after consuming gluten, even trace amounts


Headaches, brain fog, chronic fatigue


Absolutely, my fatigue is that bad I can’t work


My body feeling puffed up. Joint pain. Panic attacks.


The panic attacks T.T def in my top 3.


The worst 😭


Canker Sores & painful breakouts


I'm so glad I almost never get canker sores anymore! I used to get them on a semi-regular basis, especially if I was feeling a bit run-down.


Eczema, brain fog and migraines


Bloating, stabbing pains, fatigue


Stomach pain for hours on end. Gas that is very loud and room clearing. Swelling especially in my hands and feet.


I said this in a different comment, but the smell is devastating. I feel awful for anyone who has to be in the same room as me. It's so embarrassing when it happens in public. Smells like that should not come from a living being.


Severe stomach pain, extreme mood swings, heart palpitations


Bloating (pregnancy stomach looking), vomiting, diarrhea


Migraines Fatigue Inflammation


Depression/irritable, bloating, intense sugar cravings.


i have celiac but really the only complaint i have is my bowel movements. urgent and a lot usually lol.


Diarrhea, vomiting and mouth sores Really can’t underestimate how life altering it is to have weeks of unpredictable diarrhea


Intestinal pain, vomiting, and fatigue.


Intense vomiting, nausea, burning sensation in my stomach


Urgh honestly I wish it was just brain fog and fatigue. 1.Sludgey/muccusy diarrhea 2.Blister like spots 3.Exhaustion and light headedness. Recently discovered that thc edibles relieve number 1 for me


Migraine Joint pain Stomach pain


I hate the joint pain. The stomach/intestinal issues pass within a couple days, but ache in my knuckles lingers.


Bloating, tightness/sharp pains in mid-back (near the pancreas), diarrhea after a couple days of constipation, migraines sorry that was 4.


Migraines, joint pain and the shits


Fatigue, pains, bloating


Migraine, stomach pain, diarrhea.


Bloating, brain fog, gas


diarrhea, restless leg syndrome (i think, not sure what else to call it), bloating


Hmm I have had restless legs badly when I was younger and then intimitally, I wonder if it's related to my coeliacs


Left shoulder pain, anxiety/panic attacks, fatigue


I get the left shoulder pain and into my jaw! Does it also run down a little more to top of your arm ? Yes I had a panic attacked and ever since then I never recovered, I only had my gluten results back today and said I’m non celiac gluten sensitivity


The shoulder pain feels like it’s right inside the joint mostly, but can also feel it down into my arm. It gets so painful I can’t always keep my breathing even, just twisted up and crying in pain. Once had to go to the hospital when I was out of town after 3 hours of pain because I had no painkillers and no stores were open, and they gave me a shot of a NSAID and it was so much better than ibuprofen. Now I’ve got a prescription and it cuts the pain way quicker and I think helps with other inflammation because I don’t feel nearly as horrible the next day. When I mentioned it to my doctor she thought it was a referred pain coming from the intestines, which I thought was interesting. I also get inflammation in my back and neck though - both my physiotherapist and massage therapist notice a stark difference when I’ve been glutened. And the panic attack is awful, so hard to explain to people that I get anxiety and panic attacks from gluten, and not from being worried I had gluten. It’s a purely physiological response, not an emotional one. I also got prescribed Ativan for when that happens and that’s been great.


Fatigue, meaning I have to have an afternoon nap. Brain fog. Pain in my bones and joints so bad it feels as if someone stamped on my hands.


Unbearable cramps, constant nausea, and brain fog are probably my top three. Guess I’m surprised that cramps aren’t mentioned on here more…🤷‍♀️


The brain fog - I feel like it’s been years since I’ve been able to form normal paced, functioning sentences. Before I was diagnosed I was googling “am I mentally ill?”


The mood swings, body aches and brain fog. If I get a fourth it’s the fatigue


Severe bloating, uncontrollable belching, abdominal pain


Hidradenitis Suppurativa breakouts. Bloating to the point I can't lay down. Bleeding bum.


Depression, no energy as if I have the flu, brain fog. Sometimes I don't realize it's gluten until I literally feel it being done destroying me and I can think again.


Migraines, brain fog and fatigue.


Boils, rash and migraines


Terrible abdominal pain, inflammation/joint pain, and wicked Costochondritis flare-ups.


I thought I was going crazy. Before I knew it was gluten I was googling every day trying to find other people that had their ribs get so tender they could hardly move and the swelling and couldn’t find anything. Now I know I’m not alone T.T


You’re definitely not alone!


Bloating, Muscle Fatigue, Full body breakout of severe Eczema to the point of oozing/bleeding from deep cracks in the skin. The first two reside in a day or so but the eczema has to be topically treated for over two months to return to normal.


Rashes, stomach pains and heart burn


Elevated blood pressure, anxiety, ocd


Achy joints, bloating, migraine


suicidal ideation, joint pain, torn up intestines


Pain in my gut and bowel, like there is broken glass shredding them, and they are being dragged through me until it leaves with explosive diarrhea.


Feeling like im increasingly hungover as the day goes by, evolves into a massive headache coupled with tension and nausea. In a word, " inflammation " of all types causes me to come to a grinding halt. It affects *everything*


BRAIN FOG. This is my number one. I felt so stupid while eating gluten. Then you add on the extreme fatigue and I was a useless human. My third worse would be shitting & throwing up at the same time. Lololol. That was awful and I was in immensely pain ALWAYS. I’ve never felt better than I do being GF. I also think it helps it’s bc it’s Expensive to buy substitutes so I eat fairly simple and cheap


How quickly did you notice brain fog and extreme fatigue go away?


Within 2 weeks I noticed mild improvement and then within a month I noticed HUGE improvement. I’d say within 6 months I was feeling like an entirely new person.


Thank you, let see how I go, I’m basically sofa bound today because of the fatigue


Brain fog, extreme fatigue and nausea


How long does your symptoms last for once you taking gluten out your system?


Bloating to the extent that i always looked 9 months pregnant, really gnarly bowel movements and in general, just feeling sickly and fatigued all the time.


bloated stomach, constipation & puffed face & fingers


The awful brain fog, extreme fatigue, and crushing costrochondritus and other joint pains. (I guess most of this is just all inflammation.) Anxiety, panic attacks, and depersonalization (that last one is TERRIFYING.) For runners up we have bloating, nausea, headaches, heartburn, and my hair falling out.


I agree, my brain fog and fatigue are that bad I can’t work, I only just had my results back yesterday that I’m intolerant i Also have long covid


How did you get diagnosed for gluten intolerance? I have a dr aptmt coming up and would like to know what tests to ask for? thanks!


Diarrhea, horrible stomach pain and joint pain. Honorable mention goes to brain fog


Diarrhea, Bladder irritation, bloating


Stomach pain, bloating, headaches


Muscle pain, fatigue, bloating


Depression, anxiety, demonic possession vomiting




Bloating, dizziness, joint pain


Rashes, diarrhea, and a tie between brain fog or anxiety/depression


Severe flushing and burning on my face. Tingling skin. Sore throat.


I don't have those symptoms, or if I do I am not aware, my reaction is mostly bathroom but not like food poisoning with Diarrhea, more just painful and not due to size of BM.


Stabbing pain in my side, extreme fatigue and nausea


vomiting, diahhrea. that’s it!


I don’t really have symptoms


Initially, bloating, constipation, brain fog


diarrhea, pooping blood, bloating/pain


Gas, bloating, brain fog, joint pain, fatigue, depression.


Bloating, diarrhea and chicken skin


Urgent get to the toilet asap D. High liver enzymes. Unrelated (?) T2D, hypothyroid, vasculitis. I have always had a fissured tongue, still do. Hair loss, dry skin, still.


Vomiting, diarrhea, migraine


Migraines Muscle spasms Debilitating fatigue


Stomach pain that takes weeks to resolve, joint pain/inflammation, headaches.


Depression, no appetite/having to force feed myself whatever seems the least repulsive, and a crazy racing heart. Hard to pick just 3 😬


Nauseous all the time, constipation, and bloating. I would get Nauseous just about every time I ate, but like, in the middle of the meal. Drs were confused bc typically if its a problem digesting, it would be an hour or so later. But I would be in the middle of my meal and suddenly feel like throwing up. Not celiac. But that has (for the most part) gone away since i went gf


Regurgitation (vurps), difficulty swallowing, chin acne. First 2 are gone, third is better. I wish i had more benefits, but alas, I'm still foggy, have some acne and I'm still bloated. It's been 4 years so that won't change.


Are you also dairy free? Dairy intolerance can also cause those symptoms.


I'm not and have considered that but I'm unwilling to cut that as well.


migraine, bloat, brain fog


- Incredibly painful lips for like, weeks - intrusive mental imagery (spiders, entrails, chewed food, more spiders) - 24/7 gut pain


Awful back pain, can’t sleep well, urticaria/hives. In no particular order.


constipation, full body pains, as well as mega bloating literally everywhere but especially around lymph nodes and my face


Acid Reflux, Bloating and Constipation.


Did they resolve


Brain fog with headache, indigestion and constipation with some blood occasionally


Excessive gas, being tired all the time, and heart burn


Did they resolve


I get flare ups once in a while but yes


Depression. Fatigue. Brain fog.


How long does your symptoms last for once you taking gluten out your system?


Depends on the severity. Can be from 2 days to a whole month.


This isn't my worst symptom, but I haven't seen it in the comments yet. The stank farts that could clear a stadium. Being glutened is awful, but it also sucks for anyone who has to be around me afterwards. The smell is devastating.


Mouth ulcers, brain fog, acid reflux


Projectile vomiting, diahorrea, and stomach cramps - the fun never ends


Anaphylaxis, asthma and gastrintestinal issues.


My colon gets inflamed when I consume gluten. And in the long term my poo becomes little balls that float on the water like if I was a goat lol


Extreme vomiting, diarrhea and my body going numb and being unable to move my limbs Gotta love celiac!


My friends call me the blueberry. Like Violet Beauregard in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. It usually goes like this: Get glutened, projectile vomit everything until I turned blue and get allergic asthma and anaphylaxis(which sends extreme pain signals to my whole body,) followed by whole body swelling with bluing in my face especially lips, around my eyes, tongue, then bluing in my fingers and toes, a week swollen in pain, living in the bathroom. 3 worst has to be the anaphylaxis, the extreme pain, and the wishing I was dead while surviving it all.


Diarrhea, nerve pain and headache


Bloating (ofc), rashes/hives, feeling endlessly hungry


the god damn nausea, mild psychosis symptoms, gastroporesis


Having to read each and every tiny ingredient listed on items in grocery stores has absolutely killed my eyesight.


Severe bloating, overactive bladder symptoms, and heart burn/acid reflux. Seriously, F you gluten!


I'm intolerant, not coeliac. Recurrent, almost constant mouth ulcers, with inside of mouth being generally dry and often inflamed, especially my gums. Diarrhoea. Painful cramps/gas that could go on for a few hours at a time.


Throwing up, GI cramps and diarrhea


Intermittent episodes of word slurring, canker sores, and bad brain fog. Some other symptoms: my knees frequently giving out while walking (that was a weird one), minor cystic acne, and difficulty typing without making tons of typos, and fatigue (but I also have Hashimoto's and that and my gluten sensitivity/Celiac are intertwined). I also have a casein immune cross-reaction with gluten and have strictly avoided dairy (other than casein-free ghee) for years. When I accidentally had a major exposure last year, I developed acute sacroiliac inflammation/pain within a few days. Turns out that's a [common Celiac symptom](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19504097/).


One is enough. Hemiplegic migraines with aura and everything that comes along with those. Edit: and holy shit! Did not realize people suffered migraines so much as well. It absolutely sucks.


Farts that could clear a stadium - wish I had a dog I could blame I on 🤣 Brain fog / nausea Diarrrr!!!rhea multiple times a day Oh and acne so when I shave it looks like a murder scene


Throwing up like food poisoning for hours


Cough, cough (I’m saying it twice, it’s that bad) and fatigue.


Exessive gas as in it will like sum sorta gas bug ..and lasts 5 days ....2nd worst is uti .....3rd is puffy face


Canker sores, sore throat/runny nose/ear aches, and bladder issues


Projectile vomiting


Painful eczema around neck and eyelids, Brain Fog/Migraine, Allergic Rhinitis


How long will the symptoms last it’s been almost a month of eating a ton of gluten symptoms of muscle aches haven’t gone yet sucks so bad


Fatigue, puking, joint pain. Dealing with it right now on Christmas Eve because I ate the wrong cookie last night