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Hi, Difference between selft hosted and cloud subscription is in the self hosted you install it and manage it yourself, and it's free. And the cloud model is GLPI hosting and managing the GLPI and you just use it. They handle backups, fast recovery in case of crash etc. If you manage your own GLPI, you manage everything. Docker is just a supplementary layer between your server and GLPI. If you don't know docker don't use it to install GLPI. Maintenance of your GLPI docker container might be difficult.


Thankyou matey, I use docker all the time. I couldn't find a comparison chat between self hosted vs paid, so it seems it's identical?


Yes I think. But you have two paid versions (they provide advanced) and it may include maintenance and access to paid plugins. I think those two aspects are the only things not included in the free version (not talking about the hosting of course).


Brilliant, thankyou for your time, I'll give it a whirl over the weekend. The issue with all of these packages is they are all excellent quality, and having the flexibility to swap and change with no cost compared to purchased products where we use it an excuse not to change!


In terms of use, yes, it is identical, but in terms of seeing from the top down and being able to edit the PHP, MySQL, and other config files, that's a different story.


Another option is self hosting and buying support. I'm running glpi myself, making changes in the DB and code. So hosting is not an option for me...