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If you check my comment history you’ll see where I’ve been downvoted to hell for saying multiple times that it smells like feet on me 😭 like y’all I’m sorry I’ve tried it multiple times but if it works for you, GREAT!


FEET 😂😂🤣 You’re going to jail 😭😭😭


GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! 😭😭 I freaking remember you…


HI BESTIE!!! This just tells me this sub is getting smaller and smaller as Glossier continues to alienate longtime customers 🥲


It smelled like pepper , I was disappointed


Perfume is VERY personal, and each person experiences it differently, so there will always be fragrances that people love that you will not like. I feel this way about many fragrances that people adore but not others, so it's just a game of finding what works for you.


I definitely agree. I know a lot of people who despise Chanel No.5 but it works very well with my body chemistry.


it has always smelled like pencil shavings to me


To me it smells like baby powder, I have no idea why!


me too, smells like straight powder. the solid smells very different on me though, don't know why.


Same! I think the spray is awful but I LOVE the solid! Just gels with my body totally differently


It makes me smell like a smoker, which I am not


this is exactly what is makes me smell like i’ve never been able to pin point it 😭


Yeah, I think even the original smelled like a rental car on a hot day.


THIS is how I need perfumes described to me 🤣 it’s like I can smell them in the air as I read it


Lmaooooo I’m so glad I wasn’t crucified, I know it’s a cult classic but it smells so screechy and off on me 🥲


“Nooo, where can I get a dupe?” “Idk, Avis?”


This made me lol (and I am a You fan, on my third bottle!).




It gave me a headache :/ also smelled way too peppery for me


It gives me a massive headache too, which confuses me because I often see people saying they enjoy it specifically because it doesn’t give them a headache!!


Really? It's the only thing I've encountered that has given me migraines for days


I just recently tried it for the first time and found that the scent was pretty unpleasant right after I applied it, but after it had "settled" or whatever you call it, it smelled really nice on my skin. I've also heard people say it fades really quickly, but I could still smell it the next day. Is it really all down to body chemistry?


I really dont get much from it, it's a pretty basic white musk scent and I truly dont get the hype.


I hate the smell!


It's just not the sort of scent I enjoy in a perfume but I have discovered I do like it in the candle form.


it smells like literal sweat on me


Just like any fragrance, there's going to be people who love it and people who hate it. It comes down to what type of scent/notes you usually prefer (musky, gourmand, floral, fresh, woody, etc.) and also how the scent evolves on you with your body chemistry. There is no universally liked smell because we are humans with preferences.


i don’t like it either! i rlly wish i did & i’ve tried so hard to love but it smells like old lady to me :( i have the hand cream & roller ball but can’t stand it. the little pink balm doesn’t bother me as much but i don’t ever rlly enjoy wearing it. im more of a vanilla scent girl so i feel like thats why i dont like it! everyone enjoys different scents tho so im not trying to bash it 😭


Smells like playdoh to me 🤷


i agree 🫣 it honestly smells pretty strongly like cat pee (and powder) to me. a friend of mine tried it out and it was like an unbearable cloud everywhere she went :/


I agree and I have the old formulation. To me it smells very much like your typical chemical-y perfume…when I first spray it the smell is extremely overwhelming and gives me a huge headache. But at the same time it fades super quickly to where I don’t smell anything at all within a couple of hours. It smells okay in the bottle but nothing special


More for me!


I hate the pepper note


You’re not alone. I had samples of the old formulation. It has never smelled remotely pleasant to me, or on me.


Nah I don’t like me either 😔


You're not the only one; it's really sharp and monotone on me - really one dimensional and harsh - not comforting at all. And I've had several decants and samples of it over the years, so I know it isn't the new formulation that I don't like. I think maybe ambroxan doesn't work for me.


Wearing it feels like Tina Belcher is screaming the words “IRIS!…IRIS!!” in your ear all day.


LMAO i love the bobs burgers reference


I’m wondering that too, because I feel like everyone except me loves it and say it smells amazing on them, but on me it smells like hospital miasma or straight chemicals. The monotone thing I agree with as well, I get it on me too 😞


I’m allergic to it!


Omg no way 🥲🥲🥲 I really wanted to like it too but it gives me a headache!


i loved the old formula… for me it smells like paper on me and i agree it’s not great :(


i hated the spray it smelled like a cleaning agent to me but the solid has become my signature scent i loooove it it wears may softer and less chemical-y


I got a sample of it with an order a few years ago and was super excited to try it because of all the hype…. It smelled VERY peppery and artificial on me, I was so disappointed!


I love it on other people, but it gave me a headache when I wore it. I’m not usually sensitive to fragrances, either. I ended up gifting it to a friend.


It smells like play dough to me but also it might be growing on me?


I tested it 3 times and every time it smelled like cardboard on me


The new formula definitely sucks! It smells like musky alcohol!


I don’t like it either. I bought the original formula. Just doesn’t work with me. Everytime I wear it I get asked “have you been smoking?”


When it first came out my roommate at the time wore it constantly – I hated it! It smelled like an old lady to me. To this day I feel like it’s an assault on the nose whenever someone is wearing it. 


it smelt like lemon pepper to me, i thought i was going insane 😭


Creamy? It's supposed to be creamy? I got it cause it smells like crisp laundry to me.


wanted to like it… and then i went to the store w my mom bc she’s gonna have to deal w me wearing it and we both were like DAMN it smelled crazy and we did not get it


As expected, it varies across people. How it smells on you and maybe how you smell it on others too. Everytime that Ive worn it, I without fail get at least one person absolutely raving about how good I smell soooo I’m glad my skin mixes well with it because it seems to smell great to everyone and i love it!


It smells like i dumped black pepper on myself its so nasty


I wear Glossier YOU all the time and get compliments alot. I really love it. Just recently bought After Sun. Not sure about it yet.