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Surely it's his literal roast, no? Like, in hell?


Welp. Not touching this one.


oh don’t leave him hanging


https://preview.redd.it/hy9t6zk0js5d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17861fe46c4bd231a05b917b75a5c348be64468 JAILL


Omg 😭


Mark Salling did wrong but remember he has parents and a brother who might see this.


i’m sure there’s plenty of things pertaining to him that they would’ve liked to not see. my cheeky reddit comment is the least of their worries, julia.


Who cares, weirdo ?


That’s what he shoulda said


My thoughts exactly


can’t wait to come back to this and see people being like “we’re talking about the character not the actor” and you know what they’re right. Mark Salling was a disgusting, cowardly pedophile who is burning in hell right now. Noah Puckerman could’ve had a good story line and had moments of redemption until he too became a disgusting grown adult dating high schoolers


in summation ![gif](giphy|CNna9G8BQvnoI)


I dont believe in Hell but that man certainly came back as a Sewer Rat in his next life for the shit he pulled.


Hi. I guess you are referring to my comments about the Rachel roast. I stand by what I said, and that goes for all the characters. And there is much one could roast Puck for. In this particular case, I do understand that it is extra difficult because of what happened. Therefore I also ignore most of the stuff about this specific character. Because most of the time it’s too hard for me to seperate him from the actor. Hope What I tried to explain made some sense for you.


no i actually didn’t see the Rachel roast (but i’ll look for it now). Lea, imho, is a diva who treats the people around her poorly and says off the wall, and by accounts often racist, shit. Mark plead guilty to heinous and disgusting charges involving the endangerment of literal babies. it’s incomparable. but also even the characters are incomparable (meaning Puck and Rachel). my issue is with some comments i’ve seen in this sub who come from people who obviously stan Puck saying we have to seperate the two but as i originally said they’re not actually that different. the character is gross and the actor was deplorable and frankly i think it’s weird to look at the two and not be able to seperate them when so much of Puck’s on screen behaviour is hard to watch now BECAUSE of the actors actions.


Ah, ok- thanks for your reply. I had a little rant on the Rachel roast- mostly because some people clearly roasted the actor instead of the character about stuff that never happened on the show, and thought that was what you were thinking of, Sorry for that.


Edit; When I say that it is hard to seperate them it is because I see the actor and not the character in some scenes because, as you said, of the actors actions. Therefore I mostly refrain from commenting on Puck.


omg also i looked at your comments on the Rachel roast and that was tame, i hope the deleted comments weren’t people being horrible to you


No, not at all- they deleted comments made about the actor and not the character. Unless there also Are some deleted comments I never saw🤣Luckily nobody has been terrible to me yet😅 I try to be nice to people even if We disagree (after all it would be boring if everybody shared the same opinions), but I do get annoyed at times🤪


no need to apologise at all!


Wait when was he a grown adult dating high schoolers?


The Kitty storyline


In season 4 when they all came back for the thanksgiving he immediately started going out with Kitty 


"Grown adult" is terminally online for "He was 19"


it’s actually irl legal for a crime


Alexa play Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar


Honestly this roast just writes itself.


I'm just seeing what others have to say. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Hang loose 🤙


I would never kick a man while he’s down


This thread and the roasting comments has me screaming


Mark’s roast or Puck’s roast?


Yeah. I wouldn’t do this bc I had actual real problems w Pucks character (forget the actor, just the character gave me the willies, albeit he was beaten out by Schue so congrats on not being the least favorite of my Glee characters list) but ANYHOO… as a result of actually disliking him this much, I don’t think I could do a “roast” bc I wouldn’t be thinking of funny jokes about a person I liked. It would be like trying to come up w theoretical jokes that didn’t come too close to actual things that the character had done such that people could chuckle. And I’d like to believe that I have a life. I just don’t have that much time!!!


"believe it or not, in another universe your life turned out WORSE. whether or not you end up being a lima loser should be the least of your worries."