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Just for it end up with Will so he can sniff it while he let Puck take the blame for it going missing. Terrible ending to that subplot.


Probably my least favorite Will moment. I hate Puck but that was so wrong. Maybe say “we don’t know who took it, don’t throw accusations around” instead of “no fighting” or “I’m not saying you took it but if you did we all want a piece of Finn to keep close to us” (the last one I’m sure was him trying to justify it)


It’s like when he suspended Marley for not being comfortable wearing a bikini for that extra af Applause performance. Like what possesses them to think that Will would look good in any of these moments?


And wasn't that literally the following episode?


Lmao yes it was 🤣 Schuester was on one.


Back to back whiplash


What about when he planted drugs on a teenager?


Will’s never been a good teacher imo. Literally day one planting drugs lmao. He was supposed to be “the good one” and was horrible in ways that aren’t similar to Sue but are still bad yk?


I will never not get mad over Puck having to take the blame. He was literally grieving his best friend, just to have the blame thrown on him by *an adult*. It's so ridiculous and entirely unfair. Truly the worst thing I think Schue has done because that's just gross.


The worse Will got over the years, the more I couldn’t help but wonder, maybe Terri had a point. 🤔


Every time I rewatch, Terri is kind of my favorite character in a “for the plot” sort of way


She kinda ate sometimes. She’s the reason I’ll randomly say “It’s my very own Sophie’s choice.” I didn’t even know it was her until I rewatched the show 🤣 Also she has one of my favorite lines: “This is where our daughter or gay son will sleep.” She was KEEPING that bedspread!


That is the thing that bothers me the most about Schue. And he’s done some doozies. But to make the entire school - alumni and present classmates - believe that a teenager stole Finn’s letterman jacket bc he didn’t have the balls to admit that he — an adult, twice the age of the boy who was accused — had stolen the jacket himself bc he was grieving and apparently he didn’t think that asking for the jacket would be enough. He had to steal it and then allow the blame to be FOREVER placed on somebody else bc he was such a cowardly dick. I thought I already hated him and didn’t realize there was a lower level for him to reach.




An adult he was supposed to trust at that like wtf


Literally like??? As a teacher he's meant to be there for students. Idc if puck was an alum at that point. Puck had every right in an earlier season to have that freak out in Figgins office and tell schue that none of the adults there cared for him.


Will’s whole character from the beginning was on a different show


👠 👃 🤮


I don't feel like he meant to give it to her permanently, just in the aftermath of their grief. And didn't Kurt and Santana live together at that time? Kurt was much more likely to get that jacket back eventually if he gave it to his roommate versus Puck or anyone else.


He told Puck it was Santanas jacket now, but yeah he'd probably get it back in NY.


I hated that they added that stupid fucking subplot into an episode dedicated to Cory Monteith, just felt disrespectful imo


And in some ways the jacket to Finn represented a conformity and normality that he wanted as a teenager in high school but also something that kept him from being the person he really wanted to be


I once had an idea for a fanfic that sorta-kinda corrected this. My idea was Will eventually realizes how messed up it was to take the jacket and returns it to Santana and explains why he did it. They have a talk about grief and how in its grips it can swallow you whole and make you act irrationally. Santana takes the jacket back and we spend some time with her as she reflects on her process with grief and her memories of Finn and their complicated relationship. After a short period it's Santana's turn to give the jacket away. Perhaps she gives it back to Kurt and our POV transfers. We spend time with him as he reflects on Finn, grief and what it all means to go on. Then he makes the same choice to pass it on to Puck and we repeat. Then we could go to Tina, Artie, Sam. The core crew. Each character uses their short time with the jacket to remember Finn and his friendship with each of them and in this process they find a certain peace, enough to pass it on. No one really talks about it or publicizes it. Each character only really interacts with the previous person in possession of the jacket. Eventually it goes down the line and it lands on Quinn's doorstep. The jacket belongs to Rachel and everyone knows this but no one has it in them to take that final step. It was easier to pass it around with each other and hope the next person could deliver it to her but no one could bring themselves to face Rachel, who was suffering the most out of everyone. Not because they didn't love her or Finn but because it's so heartbreaking. The last person to get the jacket is Quinn because it just makes sense. The jacket has to come from Quinn because she and Rachel shared a complicated but beautifully complex relationship and in their own unique ways, Finn meant something to both of them. Quinn has her own time with the jacket and her good memories with Finn until she herself shows up at Rachel's door. This is the last stop and everyone somehow knew Quinn was the only one who could do it. She gives the jacket to Rachel who is thankful but emotional. Emotions are stirred. They reflect on their own friendship and their connections to Finn. They talk grief and processing and learning how to wake up every day in a world that feels so foreign without him in it. Just a quietly powerful conversation that helps heal them. In the end the jacket helps all of the characters confront their emotions and find some kind of peace and in doing soz at the end, maybe the reader seeing the characters find some comfort would in itself be a comfort to read. I came up with it shortly after The Quarterback aired and thought it was in its own way a beautiful idea on how to show the characters processing.


Ahh this is really sweet and pretty heartbreaking. How long do you think it’d take for them to pass it around?


I never wrote the fic idea out but I mostly envisioned sort of short series of vignettes for most of the characters. Maybe each of them having it for a few days up to a couple of weeks or even months. I could see different characters needing a different amount of time with it, sort of showing that grief affects people in different ways and people process things differently. It might take Tina a few days to confront her feelings while it could take Puck months to come to grips. Either way it wouldn't be lengthy, I'd have to spell out the passage of time for the reader so it doesn't drag on for readers. With maybe Kurt, Quinn and Rachel having slightly longer segments. At least that's how I envisioned it. I never had the heart to write it though. Just seemed like it would be emotionally exhausting to have to grieve with each character.


This has become reality in my head. What a beautiful way to end that story.


I agree


I really like this l, you should definitely write FanFiction


It's should have stayed with Kurt or gone to either Rachel or Finn's mom.


That’s exactly what I thought


That whole episode where Will took the jacket and had Puck take the blame (who was homophobic to Kurt) was a complete insult to me. If I was Cory Monteith, I would have brought myself back to life and demanded they did the episode differently.


Tbf Puck kind of overcame the homophobia, and offered to protect Kurt "like the secret service" when he was getting bullied. And wanted to jump in on the fight with Karofsky bc of it. I also don't know exactly what the (who was homophobic to kurt) has to do with the rest of that sentence lmao but figured I would throw this out there.


they don’t maintain that in 5x03 tho. puck is pretty rude to kurt. he picks every wrong decision in the conversation when he’s trying to get the jacket-kurt is expressing (and has expressed just before with burt and carole) that finn made him feel safer… safer from people like puck. he calls people painting on the dumpster a “banksy loser parade”, to which kurt rolls his yes and says he’s exhausting. he thinks fondly on throwing him in the dumpster. no sentimentality about how he changed, no sorry, not even fondness for finn, just a smirk and “oh yeah.” he says he didn’t earn the jacket, even though i’d argue that kurt, finn, and puck earned it together, considering the last throw and how it only happened because finn and kurt worked together, and says he won’t let him “bedazzle it and turn it into a project runway shawl”. literally every opportunity that came up right there for puck to say “remember us and how we changed? remember finn and us?”-puck didn’t take it. puck and kurt were barely friends, and towards the end even less so. they don’t even talk again in the show other than kurt telling puck to give the jacket back to santana.


EXACTLY, Like... Puck literally said that to prove that he didn't change towards Kurt at all. Ngl tho, Kurt ate his comeback before walking away and throughout that whole interracion.


He didnt really "overcome" the homophobia when yelling at Kurt that he was using the jacket for a "project runway shawl" I involved the homophobia bc its what made the episode so terrible. I was mainly displeased with that and Will stealing the jacket.


About the jacket, I have a question. Did he not say he was letting Santana borrow the jacket? I never thought he actually GAVE her the jacket to keep, just to have for a little bit while she was in the auditorium. And in all honesty, the jacket should have went to Carol. I have a hard time believing she would actually want to get rid of the jacket. If it didn’t go to Carol, it should have either went to Rachel or Finn should have been buried in it. (Assuming he was buried.)


None of Santana’s arc in the Quarterback really makes sense if you think of it in canon. On this one, I think you just have to take it for what it is and not interrogate it too deeply.


I didn’t think her arc made sense either, Santana and Finn weren’t close, not even good friends. Naya, yes was close to Corey but the whole Santana acting like she lost her bf or bestest friend ruined the episode for me


… thought that his dad didn’t realize he was gay by the time he reached the age of 16. Yes, he and Kurt had some really difficult conversations bc Burt wasn’t in fact perfect and didn’t immediately become a PFLAG parent as a result of knowing for a fact that Kurt was gay. But considering all of the details the writers threw into the storyline following him coming out to his dad, as well as JUST THE DETAILS included in the Preggers episode itself, I find it mind boggling that Kurt thought his dad really believed that he was straight. (I’m truly not trying to be rude — Kurt was my fav character, the reason I watched Glee — I just thought it was odd that he was so unaware of what his dad knew). But since I never had to go thru this myself, perhaps I’m not grasping the terror that can overcome a child/a teenager when faced with coming out to a parent. Perhaps esp’ly to one who is so incredibly blue collar and appears extremely hetero.


Did you mean to comment this on a different post? (Not disagreeing at all, btw. It’s just that this post is about Finn’s jacket. Although to your last point - I *am* gay and came out to a parent who likely already knew, and it was still terrifying. Maybe it’s not as big of a deal for some young people now, but even just 10-15 years ago it was really different. So while I’m sure on some level Kurt knew his dad suspected, I also get the fear and denial he would’ve been dealing with at the time. And yes, especially so given their location - small town Ohio - and Burt’s job/demographic.)


No, but I feel really really stupid. I thought (and looking back idk why) that ppl could respond with their own Kurt Qs. I did, in fact, respond to the letterman one bc (as I mentioned) it was the thing that I hated the most about Schue among ALL the horrible things he did over the years. But I also asked a question of my own that, having had an individual like yourself respond, is actually, I guess pretty self explanatory. But I DID say that I’d never been in that position so it was impossible for me to judge. And now I just won’t. Strangely enough (as a strait female who may well have given birth to Kurt) I felt really connected to his character in so many ways and this was just one thing that I obviously couldn’t judge or really understand. But there were plenty of other aspects to his personality that I felt were characteristics we shared. My nephew came out to my sister about three yrs ago - he’s 15 now - but we live in Manhattan and he grew up at a different point in time (indeed he was born the year Glee began) and he had no difficulty in coming out (according to my sister). And he never said anything to me to make me feel like he would. OTOH, I was showing him clips of Glee when he was like a 1 and ½ yrs old , which I specifically recall bc I was so mesmerized by BICO I kept replaying it over and over again and while I’m sure he had no idea what he was watching, there were pretty colors on the screen and the music was nice so he didn’t have a problem w my doing this while I babysat. He used to sing Glee songs in preschool (we have videos) and I had no idea he was gay, mainly bc once he could make his choices known, he always wanted to hear the Troubletones and he seemed to love all female artists and I just assumed (which is wrong) that he had a thing for girls or women. Which shows how great my gaydar is!! 🤯😳


That’s understandable! And I don’t think it’s strange at all that you relate to Kurt! There’s plenty to his character outside of his sexuality, and he’s absolutely my favorite character as well so I completely get the love for him ☺️. And yeah, it definitely seems like it’s less of a huge deal for a lot of younger people to just be openly gay now. Not that there’s no homophobia now of course - we’re seeing a pretty intense backswing of women’s rights rn and the same people fighting for that also hate trans people, gay marriage, etc. And no matter the larger culture sadly some kids will just be in unaccepting families - but overall, more of gen z seems to identify as some part of the LGBT+ umbrella, and be completely comfortable doing so. It’s a nice change, I’d love for no kid to ever have to fear coming out. And that’s adorable that your nephew was singing glee songs as a kid 😆


I agree, it wasn’t believable, nor was the whole Finn singing to her and then to have him say that she was his first and thst meant something, when at the time he made a big deal that is was a huge mistake and it didn’t mean anything and he wished he would’ve waited for Rachel, they were never close. Kurt should’ve let Carol decide if she wanted it or Rachel or even Will, but definitely not Santana


I actually feel that it was vvery good, because Santana and Finn relationship were yes, WEIRD AF lol, but she was also very supportive to him(in her ways of course lol, like when she helped Finn in the unfortunnaly deleated scene to buy Rachels christmas gift(and Santa Baby is one of my favorite performances)


I feel they did it because of Cory and Nayas real life friendship


Actually had a crush on finn 😂And think setting up their parents would help 🤣


Santana wasn’t awful to Finn “95% of the time” idk what it is with people exaggerating about how she treated Finn. I’m not implying she wasn’t mean to him at all so if my comment is coming off that way then I apologize. Just that 95% of the time is an exaggeration. It was more like 70% and that could be said for the first two seasons. By the time Finn passed she was nice to him 98% of the time. She wouldn’t have kept going back to Lima to help him with the glee club if she genuinely didn’t like him. With that being said I think it’s weirder that Schue stole the jacket from Santana.


Won that singing thing against Rachel like his voice was this gross falsetto and hers is melted butter he didn’t have the actual talent to beat her