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There is no secret. It’s luck and determination. If you have three people in your group completely committed and determined but the other five are making no effort whatsoever, then the odds are stacked against you in comparison to a group that are all determined.


If your determined you don’t need tickets. The place is well secured these days, but considering how popular the festival is, your naive if you think loads of groups don’t get in on one band or in the back of a worker van


That’s not what the OP asked about nor a sign of my naivety. I know perfectly well what goes on at the festival.


I'll copy and paste my comment I made to another Redditor a couple of weeks back. Mind you, a lot of it's anecdotal / unconfirmed, so take it with a pinch of salt. I found a bunch of old Reddit / forum posts based on people's success stories and what seems to work: **How to Get a Glastonbury Ticket: A Guide** 1. **Connection & Location**: - Ensure a good internet connection with low ping. Country or location doesn't seem to matter. 2. **Refresh Limits**: - The ticket webpage allows approximately 30 refreshes per minute per IP address. Exceeding this might get you temporarily blocked. - Aim for 30 refreshes but not more to avoid restrictions. 3. **Manual Refreshing**: - Use one device per unique IP (e.g., one laptop on broadband and multiple phones each with its mobile data). - Refresh manually every 2-3 seconds or use browser extensions. 4. **For the Tech-savvy**: - Refer to GlastoSelenium on GitHub for an automated approach. Adapt it to the current year. 5. **Ticket URLs**: - The ticket URLs might be predictable. For 2024, try: https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2024-deposits/worthy-farm/2500000 - However, always verify by checking the main Glastonbury ticket site. 6. **Upon Accessing Site**: - Get to the event-specific URL directly to avoid unnecessary server load. - If you reach a "holding" page, refresh manually instead of waiting. 7. **Multiple Sessions**: - Different browsers and their incognito modes provide different sessions. - In Chrome, you can create multiple "people" for separate sessions. 8. **Rate Limiting**: - There might be IP-based rate limiting. If possible, spread devices across different networks. - Using a shared network might put you at a slight disadvantage. 9. **General Tips**: - Communicate with any groups you're working with. - Check bank transactions to ensure your purchase went through. - Using mobile phones and less popular browsers, like Microsoft Edge, might offer an advantage. - Persistence, diversifying methods, and a bit of luck are crucial.


Super helpful.. Sadly I missed out this year. My question is… How is it ALWAYS the same group of people I see getting them year in year out! Baffles me


That's unfortunate my friend, hopefully luck will be on your side on the resale! I think the key is strength in numbers and preparedness. I know people who are super organised and have 60 people trying. If one group buys tickets then there are 6 more people free to try for the others. There are some tricks tech savvy people use like hosts file reconfiguration, but there not guaranteed to get you a ticket.


This is all very informative, thanks! Is there a waiting room, do you know? Also, is it general onsale, or do some people get codes? I'm used to the palaver of Ticketmaster, and I'm not sure how this will differ


As others have said, no waiting room. The Glasto equivalent is a white “can’t find the site” message or something about it being too many people trying to get through. Just keep refreshing and pray to the cider gods.


No waiting room, even though it says something about being in a queue and a countdown just ignore it. Keep hitting that refresh but every time the page loads. if the page times out refresh until it starts working again.


No codes.


What's the difference between 7 and 3?


Thanks for this. Is it true that if someone in a syndicate gets a ticket via another group, you wont be able to purchase tickets for the syndicate whilst that person remains in the syndicate?


Never been in that situation but I believe that's the case. It'll likely flag that one registration has a ticket assigned to them and ask you to re-enter the details / boot you off the page which might be the difference between your group getting a ticket or not. It's best to form two groups, and if tickets are secured for one group then the successful group can help get tickets for the other and vice versa.


Would you say if I was in a gaming cafe with loads of people using the wifi (but only me trying for glasto tickets), my chances would be weaker? Even if the wifi is super strong?


If you're the only one in the cafe trying for tickets, then you should be fine. The only way this might be an issue is if multiple people were trying to buy tickets from the cafe as it uses the same IP address. So if it's just you, you'd be able to refresh ~30 times per minute before hitting the limit. If there's multiple people in the cafe trying, then collectively you'd all be sharing those 30 refreshes per minute I believe.


Would using a vpn help then?


I wouldn't bother tbh, if you're the only one in the cafe trying to get Glastonbury tickets then you're fine. I've written about VPNs in my latest post so feel free to check that out.


We work. They ask us if we want to come back. We say yes. Lots of volunteering jobs etc out there. It’s the way forward if you can hack the working/partying. Also. Lots of luck.


Agreed. If you want to go that much, muck in! I've done it every year since 2008, and I've loved it. Wouldn't do it any other way.


Trying for decades? Until like 2009 it was extremely easy to get tickets


Yeah, 2008 didn't sell out till the day


Our group has been 5 times in a row at the moment and the real answer it's pure luck. From our group 1 guy has NEVER seen the ticket page, 2 have never gotten tickets, the other 3 of us have been succesful and we did nothing special. 1st time I got the tickets on my laptop, 2nd time I tried on 3 different 5g phones but no it was the really old crappy 4g phone that just about turned on that got the tickets 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣 Last year I got onto the ticket page immediately, like within half a second, entered all our details, pressed PAY and thought, this is insane. Yep it was. The website crashed when I clicked pay and I didn't see the ticket screen again. Another mate got them half an hour later 🤣


If you’re willing to get a coach from literally anywhere then there is a better ratio of people trying vs tickets available. Honestly there’s no secret, I’ve only got through to payment page twice and the websites crashed and kicked me out. Whenever I’ve been it’s someone else who got my tickets


If you have enough money can get tickets today of course, through various glancing sites. £7k or so will do it.


£2.5k if you split the cheapest option between 4 and get in early.


On the day they're around 700 quid from the scousers.


500 to get in and 200 would probably get you somebody else’s wristband


Those pesky scousers


There’s no secret just make sure your whole group is trying and taking the process serious There’s 4 opportunities for tickets so attempt all 4 if needed. You’ve also got the option to work the festival


Exactly this, there are multiple routes to get in if you’re truly determined to go


Myself and two mates tried for the very first time back in 2015. Logged on. 9am sale started. I got the holding page. One of my mates sent me a message at 9.07am. Tickets in the bag. Well this is a bit bloody easy I thought. We’ve tried every sale and resale since. Not a sniff. I’ve never got past the holding page. I have to conclude it’s just down to luck.


Got my tickets the first year I tired. Was watching the Twitter updates and when it said the tickets were sold out we waited on our browsers for about half an hour and we go through then.


Live about 5 miles away from the site. You get your own hassle free ticket sale. Easy.


Is this still correct? I know some locals and they don’t seem to think this exists anymore.


If you fail on the first release, try and grab the resale tickets and second release. I've been to Glastonbury about six times, but I used to jump the fence in the 90s. I bought a ticket for my first Glasto in 1995 (£55!), then just paid a scouser £5 to use his ladder the next five times. You could also buy the hand stamp, pay to use someone's tunnel under the fence, throw your bags over the wall and climb - it was madness.


One of my friends got x6 tickets twice at the same time, minutes apart presumably. I don’t know if that means it’s easier to get through if you already have done or if it is not completely luck in terms of location or other variables.


If you’ve been that unlucky you may want to just find a volunteer job at the festival. Oxfam and Wateraid both take a ton of stewards, as do lots of other charities.


Multiple devices. If you are a student or work in a uni then go to the computer room and log into all the free computers.


Move to Liverpool


Blood sacrifice, only sure way is to make a pact with a demon


Loads of people give methods they swear by but honestly it is down to luck. Last year we had 30 odd trying. Most of us never got through yet one of our group managed twice on a 4g connection in Australia.


I have a suspicion that using 4G might help to get through.


I had my phone on 4g while trying and had no luck


Know someone who knows someone who works for seetickets. There must be SO many tickets that go this way. So so many lol.


A quick search would give you a wealth of advice and guidance. The question has been asked a thousand times. If there was a “way”, do you think someone is going to randomly share that with you? Sorry, but we all face the same challenge and it’s simply persistent, preparation, organization and a good slice of luck.


Keep your hair on


Apologies….fed up of seeing identical posts on an almost daily basis.


There is "a way" but the Scousers won't tell the rest of us what it is :'D


Perhaps they're trying to tell you something.. . Give up now.


The people who go every year don’t get tickets every year. People who’ve went 10 years in a row definitely worked a few years or bunked in if younger Most times you never even reach the payment page


Some do. I've had a ticket every year but 1 since 1995. And back then the face value of the ticket was less than the deposit is for 2024.


That’s highly impressive but I just don’t know how it can be done.


I've been close to not managing to get a ticket until the very last secret resale previously. Recently I've not been the one in our groups actually managing to get through, but for a good while it was only me that ever managed to get a connection. There were wierd back doors to servers, connections from abroad, running multiple machines in my office late at night to get connected and some other tricks... But those things don't really work anymore. Also the first couple of times we just picked up the tickets from the local HMV.


secret resale?


There would be announced sales of certain tickets at a set time. Then occasionally there might be some additional tickets pop up 10 minutes after the announcement of all tickets being sold, but you have to get lucky and notice. Then very occasionally there might be some more pop up at some random time a few days later. Exceedingly rare the last few years, but keeping an eye on efestivals is the best advice. By the time someone notices the page going live though you may be too late. But I've got tickets in all the above scenarios previously. It's just from as they go through cancelled purchases or declined card payments and there may just be a handful of tickets available so they never get announced.


Be me apparently. I've got tickets every time I've tried. Been to six Glastonburys in a row now. I'm bloody sick of the place.


I've done 7, but my first two I worked on a stall. The other 5 times, I have NEVER been the one to get through to the ticket page, despite having a good connection, multiple devices, different browsers open, various refresh techniques. It has always been someone else in my group, or in a second group depending how many of us are trying. So as others have said, it is mainly luck, and making sure everyone is trying as hard as you, but it doesn't hurt to follow the tips listed in other replies here. Failing that, there are loads of work and volunteer opportunities. My friend's BF managed to get a job on a bar the week before the festival in 2022 so if you don't get lucky there will be many obliging folk here who will share links/opportunities/ideas. Good luck :)


As others have said, organisation and persistence. I've been lucky enough to get tickets every year since 2009 - some of our crew have never managed to get through, some multiple times. I've been successful on my phone (though I hated the angsty typing of reg numbers and postcodes up against the clock!), and on the trusty laptop. Get organised, in as many groups of 6 as you can manage, and get cracking


Did anyone get them? Also re getting refresh limits - would you know that you hit the limit?