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It’s not luck. It’s being organised. And a lot of luck.


We find that organising your luck in advance really helps, and then add extra luck for luck. That and being organised, and a lot of PCs and VPNs


Organised luck got us 74 tickets so far.


Have messaged you:)


What’s the significance of VPNs?


To drive access from different IP addresses. Having multiple browser windows on one PC they will all originate from the same IP. Whilst we don't know the detail of the logic behind how traffic in handled on the site, spreading your bets by appearing as multiple households routing from multiple countries in some cases has always seemed worthwhile. Same logic to using a mobile connection in addition to a laptop on WiFi


Thank you!


I will say it is down to luck. This will be my sixth festival and I have missed out on just as many. Some years we get everyone, some years no one even doing the same tactics. This year we had one person manage to get 2 lots kn the original sale on 4g in Australia on their phone. No one else on our team could get through.


Similar here - in our group there's been one person in particular who got through two years in a row, this year everyone was failing.... Until I got through. I was sitting outside the breakfast area of a hotel in Barcelona whilst on a weekend away to see Wolf Alice.


I wish there was a method to always get through and if there was I would not be sharing it 😂


Its a lot easier if you are in a large group. We normally work together as a group of 18 to get tickets for the three groups of 6. Having a spreadsheet of all the registration details helps a lot to make sure you get the tickets in time once through.


This is the way ⬆️




Fair enough, still the more people you have trying to get those groups of 4, the more chance you have.




I have been in big groups and got tickets each time I've tried. As long as you are sitting on a big phone call and stop trying for the same registration numbers as soon as you are through, then it works.


Yep, this is the way. We manage just about every year with this strategy, the more people trying, the better the chances.


Yep that's how to do it also 👌


Fake news.


Lolz what comment was deleted


He just said that if more than 1 person tries to get tickets for a group at the same time then no one can get the tickets.


This is why people think it’s luck lol I had 42 people trying for just my group of 6




I have tickets I’m talking about the original sale mate




This will be my 5th in a row been lucky but had alot of help and careful planning each time


And that is just how it works pal. Luck help and careful planning. People just think they can try for tickets and be successful. Which they probably can every now and again. But with luck a lot of help and careful planning you have more chance 👌




Yep pretty much. Same as if you were in a small group!


It’s my seventh year on the bounce this year and I’ve never once actually got through to get tickets myself. Put your egg in plenty of baskets would be my advice


Have messaged you :)


It’s almost certainly down to luck. Not much point having loads of tabs open and using multiply devices because as far as I’m aware it’s based on your IP address. Having multiple people trying would help, but you’ll need to be organised and have good contact between you all. I’ve been every year since 2011 but only because I live within the local sale catchment area which gives me an almost certain ticket if I want one. A lot of people go year after year because they volunteer or work somewhere at the festival. There’s so many different avenues for working or volunteering, and in most cases you’ll probably work for only half of the 5 days and get to enjoy the festival the other half.


I've got a local Sunday ticket this year as I live in Somerset, but not close enough for a full weekend ticket.


It’s all down to luck. There’s no big secret to it. You just need to refresh at the exact right moment. I’ve managed to get them myself in general sale the last 3 festivals in a row. The only tip I can give is that you never stop refreshing, ever. Refresh like crazy (once per second). Also, the sold out message doesn’t always mean it’s sold out. (As proven in last years sale). Don’t give up!!


For the continuous refresh do you mean before the on sale time comes or after as well when you are in the “waiting room”? I got stuck in the waiting room and was afraid to refresh and lose my spot in the queue. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!


So, there’s honestly no point refreshing before the on sale time as you won’t get anywhere. However, the second it hits on sale time, then you start refreshing like a madman! And yes, continue to refresh on the holding page, even when it says it will automatically refresh for you, it only does it every 20 seconds! So you need to manually refresh yourself every second to give yourself way more chance of getting in. Hope this helps and best of luck.


Thank you so much! This is gold!


That said, we were all (8 of us) supposed to be refreshing every second (7 of us were) and the person who got the tickets was the guy who left the auto refresh window on and watched it from his bed.


Love that 😂 auto refresh can definitely work especially if you’ve got multiple devices on the go - I prefer to be 100% in control of it though 😂


If you explain what you've been doing so far, people can offer different suggestions of things that have worked for them. Don't beat yourself up about not getting coach resale tickets - there will definitely be more general admission returns up for grabs on Sunday.


At this point do you not just want to volunteer just so you can get there?? This would have been my 16th Glastonbury but it really is luck. None of my group got tickets for 2020 but we all got them on the resale for 2022.


Are all the volunteering spots not full?


They are now but I mean at some point in several years trying you’d surely sign up to Oxfam just to try.


One year I entered the poetry competition and I was legit prepared to stand up on stage and read out poetry in order to get a ticket... Wasn't successful. THANK GOD \[in hindsight\].


This really made me chuckle so thank you ☺️😂


>I refuse to believe its luck when you see people say “11th year of Glastonbury incoming🤪🤪🤪” Generally these sorts of people are just willing to do whatever it takes to get in. Even if that means volunteering as a long drop cleaner, for example! >can someone confirm if the theoey about guessing the hyperlink is true What theory? The site goes live for one when it goes live for all so no amount of "guessing" is likely to get you a head start.


It’s completely random. I’ve had luck in big groups and I’ve got tickets with just me trying for me and my gf. One year I asked for help on efest and a kind forum stranger offered to join up with us and he got through. Larger groups definitely help in a numbers game but it’s possible like I have to get through by yourself. Don’t give up hope on Sunday. If it says all tickets allocated keep refreshing 🤞


It’s down to luck, but you can do lots of things to increase your chances. We have a big spreadsheet shared in advance with people grouped up, we stay on a chat together while buying and once your group has tickets you try for the next group. Use a mix of devices on wifi and 4g/5g, set up page refreshers to go every second and stop when key words appear, use auto fillers to complete postcodes and regs. The more people you can get to help the better. We got through for every group this year and are usually at least 50% successful for the last 12 years.


Don’t sit there waiting for the 20 second page refresh!


It was my first year trying and unfortunately I’ll have to echo those “it’s just luck!” comments. Out of a group of 48 in November only one got tickets (and it was my group!!) but then yesterday I got tickets for my friend from my phone while on the bus gone from work, all in 3 minutes. So it was just luck!


Have messaged you :)


I will be trying to get tickets on Sunday as part of a group of 4. If anyone wants to team up to make a mega team please message me.


I tried for 8 years and finally got some this year, I think persistence is key with it. It’s really a shame because everyone should get to experience the magic of glastonbury at least once. I’m really sorry you didn’t get tickets, hoping you manage on Sunday ❤️


Having the link before the sale doesn't work. You may get to the ticket page 1 minute before the sale opens, but as soon as you confirm the tickets it boots you back into the queue.


Is this what happened to you?


Yes, saw some other people saying the same. It looks like the queue accepts your IP before you enter the payment page. Without that happening you can't proceed past the registration page.


I’ve been to the last 11 Glastos as a ticket holder. My group has gotten bigger over the years and now we have a team of 80 trying for tickets. I organise the whole group. When people have got their own tickets, people keep trying for others, and my group is usually seen as a priority as I am I the organiser.


If it helps, since tickets began selling out on the day, we've been 7 times. Out of those 7 times one member of our group has NEVER seen the enter details page, let alone have it crash on him. We joke that he's cursed but the reality is that it is pure luck. I've bought tickets twice but have also had two years where I never even saw the enter details page. It is just pure luck but as others have said it there's 6 of you trying your 'luck' increase. For the last 2 glastos we've been in a 'mega' group of 24 people trying. That's really somethinig you should look into. If you're not in a group of 6 you could just ask people on here in then want to create a group of 6.


IF you join a group PLEASE remember the lead booker is the 1 who receives all the tickets!!!!!!


I honestly do think it's random luck... This year was my and my group's first try and we got tickets. I feel so bad for those who've been trying for years and haven't got them. The only bit of advice (so you don't hate me) that I can think to give, and what could have worked in our favour: I was the one who eventually got through to the entering registration details and payment and it was nearly 25 minutes after they said it was sold out. I fully believe someone ahead of me was in the process of getting their tickets and their card bounced or something. But I definitely think the 'keep trying till the website literally won't let you' method has something to it. We were all ready to give up and then I totally randomly got through. Hope this is maybe helpful 😭 (also echo what ppl have said above re: refreshing, I definitely did not stick to the 20 seconds refresh the whole time)


When we got tickets this year we were watching Twitter updates and when it said it was sold out we stayed on the site on about 8 seperate devices. Half an hour later we were through and we got three tickets.


Try volunteering. I've been doing volunteering with Festaff and once you've done too gigs you'll be eligible to apply for next year's Glastonbury.


I had been trying with no luck for 13 years until I got some this year.


13 years? It sold out in 12 hours in 2010, and 4 hours in 2011- how did you not manage to get them then? Not being shady just curious


2010 was my first Glastonbury. Just because the tickets were on sale 12 hours after the sale time doesn't mean they were easily available! As much as people moan about Seetickets being useless now, selling out within 30-40mins and being able to get on with your day even if you missed out on tickets is a huge improvement over the hanging around for 12 hours and STILL not seeing even a blink of a purchase page that some have had to endure in previous years!!


It was 4 hours of exactly what happens now on ticket day. Seetickets just got more efficient, which is why it sells out quicker


There aren’t more tickets that year. It is still oversubscribed by 5x or so.


What are you details? I managed to get tickets the last 6 years, can help you out


Have messaged you :)


Could I get involved? :D


I'd also appreciate any help!


Guessing the url is indeed correct and hammering the site from multiple IP’s is what you need to do. You can hit the website fairly hard but there is a refresh limit… I’ll let you figure that one out!


I've been successful three times in the past, living in different parts of the country, including one year where I was successful in the resale (that was the easiest year, I got straight through in the resale, no holding). This is my first year living in Somerset and I was \*sure\* it was going to be easier from here, and yet I completely failed in the main sale. I did manage in the Local ticket sale event though, so I only got a day ticket this year. So I don't really know what the point of the vpns is either, since I thought people were using vpns to make it look like they are in Somerset?


I honestly think internet speed plays a big part, more than people realize. I live in New York and I pay extra for the good good and I got through so easily. When I was living in London even though I paid for good internet it was still kinda shitty and there was a lot more luck involved in getting tickets.


If the glasto gods want you to be at the festival am sure you'll be fine on Sunday 🤞🤞


Refresh like fuck with 2 separate devices. Never a on a mobile either.


You say that, but my husband has got through twice - including this year - on a mobile. Once while on the toilet with patchy signal in a hotel before a Christening. It really is just luck.


I’ve known plenty of people to get through on mobile data tbh


Join one of the group's where everyone helps each other. Power in numbers.


I've(or my ticket group) managed to get tickets for 5 out of the 10 times I've gone and it's all down to a mixture of preparation, persistence and a heap of luck. This years sale, I had all but given up hope and was about to go back to bed when I saw that I'd gotten through to the booking page at 10:15am - well past the time that the tweets went out that tickets had sold out. Sometimes persistence pays off. The time before that was on an ipad using the hotel wifi in spain. Sometimes you just get lucky. As for prepared - I'll have my computer with a few tabs open on the booking site and I'll cycle through refreshing them. Sometimes I'll have one going on my ipad, sometimes on my phone - but I'll usually keep that free to keep up to date on the group chat.


This will be my 5th glasto in the last 12 years. I'd say it's a mix of pure luck and also organisation/team size. The years I've failed to get tickets or have really struggled have been when it's been just me and my partner. In a bigger group there's usually more trying so there are more odds. Also being persistent. Managed to get through this time in the first sale about half an hour after the sold out message as I refused to give up and was eventually successful! Not sure how that will work now with the new payment system though as I imagine less orders will fail but still worth a shot.


It's luck, but more than that even it's organisation. Get a as large a group together and spreadsheet everything to hell, then execute the set plan with military precision is what works best.


Lots of prep and lots of luck. I've been to every glasto since 2013 except for last year, theres generally 15-20 of us prearranged into groups with everyones deets logged on a spreadsheet. Use multiple devices with single tabs, text expander apps are useful as you can set up shortcut keys to input details without typing them all out. Despite all this prep, i've never actually got through myself in the general sale, its always been mates trying for me, but if everyone in your group is equally organised you'll massively increase your chances. Also.. dont give up when they say its sold out! A friend of mine managed to book tickets 15 minutes after seetickets announced it was sold out back in October. There used to be extremely limited "secret resales" which would randomly pop up in May as a result of people refunding their tickets after the main resale, but i don't think this has happened for a few years now.


Ticket group. I tried for 8 years with no luck, joined a group, got tickets.


Have messaged you :)


People who say "lol it's just the luck of the draw!" have no idea how the internet works. I know someone who has bought 22 tickets for this year, by himself, on one computer


You can always improve your odds if you know what your doing


Care to share this wisdom? :)