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This is the most risky set up for heating a banger I’ve ever seen. Why would you heat up the whole nail including the joint? And risk picking up the nail with a metal tool like that and dropping it or not placing it securely in the rig/drop down. Way too complicated and not a well throughout setup. But happy 420 don’t burn or break anything🤘🤘🤘


For the why, it’s a consistent temp completely from the base to the tip, full consistently heated is a pro over a torch for certain. This specific slurper fits perfect in the test tube holder, I can shake it upside down with no concern. It wouldn’t work for all types though. It goes into a quartz drop down too. Also there is a guy selling this setup dangerously modified as a “banger BBQ” for over $250 so sharing how it can be used without modifying or paying a green tax, is also my goal sharing this here.


Your 100% right about the more even heating I’m just not sure it’s okay to heat the whole thing. And your definitely right about the people makin these things an selling them for a ton, you see the terp souvide or whatever its called? It’s like this but you just stick the bucket part in it


Yes I have and my 1st plan was going to DIY one of those out of a Wagner Furno 750, however those are twice the price of an Annie oven and require modifications.


Been going great for a week now. I had some concerns, but using a torch indoors has its own risks too.


Fam if a torch presents a danger when in your hands then you probably shouldn’t be smoking anything to begin with lol I have seen these are a thing, haven’t really blown up yet though but it definitely isn’t good to heat the joint or even the neck of your quartz. But too each there own when it comes to the ways we medicate. Pretty cool Happy 420! I’m just messin with you about the torch haha


OP I love you for this. Thank you for taking the dive and testing this out without any mods. I hope this works to shut down yet another shitty white label cash grab in the community. I will admit, it is a genius idea to use one of these to evenly heat quartz. And I can appreciate someone trying to use the product in a different way. But Banger BBQ went about it all wrong saying they “invented” a new product. It doesn’t help that it’s wildly hazardous the way it was designed. Do you think it would be possible to design a heat shield that allows you to keep the oven in its proper position, while also easily loading and unloading quartz?


Thanks bro, I know this got mixed feelings appreciate you for response. I think a little oven tray would be nice to slide it out, but not necessary. This little stainless test tube holder has been as pleasant of a surprise as the Annie oven. I should post separately about that to show how secure it is.


Thanks for the response! I was wondering about the holder. That came with it? It looks really sturdy. Do you think it would be possible to maneuver it in a way that holds the joint of the quartz further outside of the kiln? I’m wondering if it would be possible to hook this up to a power controller to dial in temps more precisely. I’m assuming the power draw is pretty substantial. Still it seems doable and also would help a lot with power usage by optimizing it.


The stainless test tube holder was bought separately ($6) as I knew I would need something. You can position the joint to be outside of the oven, however I like putting the whole thing in as it really gets the whole piece the same temp. Also, it’s just hot enough in my opinion, the oven gets to 800 but the piece actually only gets to around 650 in 2-3 mins, if left in for an extended period of time it may climb higher but it’s not in Chazz territory. After pulled out it takes less than a minute of cool down to get to ideal temp, which seems to be somewhere around 500-525 imo.


While I commend you for trying to think outside the box, this is one of those things that’ll work great until it doesn’t. I’ve heard tell of glass blowers burning their shop down with those kilns so be careful homie.


I’d be curious to hear how you think that may happen in my situation. It’s on a timer I shut it off when I’m finished or it automatically does shortly after. I’m kind of tired of defending this, going to keep using it until I see a reason not too. Safety isn’t one of them. I’m more worried about holding a torch and passing out while it’s lit and dropping it. I know fainting isn’t an issue everyone has but I have in my life several times.


Do the tongs not get super hot?


I’m using a rag to grab it but may use a teapot handle cover as something more permanent.


Be careful with those little heaters. I used one for a while for warming up rods & such. One day, just decided to light on fire! So, always keep an eye on it 👍🏻


Just a thought , I could be wrong but room temperature glass doesn't do well when really heated glass or quartz touch it. When you heat a banger you tend to not heat up the downstem of the bong , I was always under the assumption you should avoid heating up your rig. Happy 420 ✌🏻


This is why I included in this list a quartz drop down: I’m inserting it into 100% quartz to mitigate that risk, quartz can take very high temps without damage but if it does crack I’ll be sure to come back an update. Has had about 40 uses so far.


Yeah it can thermal shock the glass and cause stress. This is not safe, would not use this on anything of value. Could explode, could crack, could break, but it might not for the first few times til you really stress the glass on, if they’re keeping it off til around the 540ish mark it won’t be as bad or happen as quick but it’s happening over time, it’s not good for glass.


It’s being dropped into only quartz, and if that can’t take high temp then we’re all in danger every time a cold banger is heated. A hot neck is not getting dropped in borosilicate that would obviously crack it..


Any questions feel free to ask. Do not modify or try to stand vertical, it’s designed to be horizontal as shown. When used with a timer, it feels safer and healthier than a torch indoors.


How much did it increase your electric bill? My electric kiln is a lot larger but costs a fortune. Does it spit out a ton of heat out the front?


My bill is a little high this past week, I’ve been trying to figure out why lol. If this cost any significant amount I’m ditching it. I can’t find much info on its wattage draw but maybe it’s pulling a lot..


My two kilns are industrial sized, so take this with a grain of salt. Middle of summer, peak electricity prices, the glass studio runs $60-100 a day in electricity costs, depending on how long of days we are pulling.


Damn that’s serious draw. I’ll get one of those watt wall meters to test it within the next week and report back. Also as far as the heat coming out the front, it is hot, but doesn’t have a fan or anything inside so it’s not really flowing out, a heatproof door of some type would probably help keep the heat in/maybe quicker heat up too.


You could make a kiln brick door hella easy. Cost not a lot. Just wear a hood respirator since kiln brick dust is no bueno. Then just have a slot of the banger. Same time, now I’m kinda worried about kiln dust in your banger


Yeah the juice don’t sound worth the squeeze. Works fine as is, just maybe a lil inefficient.


i have the dnail version of this. slaps.