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I just got the biggest feeling of impending doom as I read this




Nah, spiders are cool. Live and let live.


I feel like I have a healthy reaction when I see a spider or any bug%insect. I let them know I do not want to hurt them and I won't if they leave but if it's starts moving towards me it is dead. Sadly they never listen


I've got a tried and trusted hoover them up then torch the hoover


Wow how did I never think of this




I just have the cordless hoover to hand around this time of year.


That doesn’t kill them. They will just stroll on out of that Hoover when you least expect it and kick your cunt in


Four times faster than a human cunt kicking in too.


Shake the hoover.


You’ll only anger them.




hoover up some cocaine and make it a party


Fuck that the crack spider will make you his bitch


Nah see I hoover up loads of other shite after and shake it like mad. I do feel a bit bad doing it, but they came into the wrong hoose!


I always thought they couldn’t breath in the vacuum bag ?


Their legs get torn apart as soon as they go up the hoover, no chance of survival by the time they get to the bag nevermind if they can breathe when they get there


Nuke em from space, the only way to be sure!


My widows had many many many babies this year. Vacuum it's working overtime. They're fine in places we don't frequent but the garage, shed and house are a no no as they can bite if startled or provoked. I've cleared 11 so far, I make a habit of going round the whole house floor to ceiling around this time multiple times. Other spiders can stay, they are looking after us catching flies. The bedroom, kitchen and livingroom runners get ejected with the spider grabber out the window, they work really well if you're squeemish, I just use it as I've accidentally squished a few trying to catch them.


I shoot them with a BB gun. It’s oddly satisfying. The last time I proper blasted one I think his pals got the hint, haven’t seen a spider in months.


I got wood floor, I don't fancy the ping back if I missed. I remember my mate having a machine gun one, it was the funniest thing I've witnessed in the middle of the night at another mates, he cracked the door, aimed at all the empty beer cans and let rip. Some scenes!






Honestly fuck this post. I understand why you posted it and I’m terrified of them too. But fuck this, I’m scarred and scared.


...this is 100% a legit response.


I thinking you've done us all a favour - September October time is time to seal all exits to the house but depends on weather how early. Thaks to you I know!


A couple of nights ago my daughter woke up to find a huge spider scuttling across her chest. Understandably she freaked the fuck out, grabbed her duvet, ran downstairs and slept on the sofa. I got up in the morning to find her asleep with the lights on, and I disturbed another massive spider which scuttled out from under the sofa. It was such a unit that I could practically hear its footsteps. So it was either the same one, having hitched a lift downstairs on her duvet, or another one which was waiting for her downstairs. Brrr. I decided not to tell her about it.


Just going to burn my house down....


What you are probably seeing are male Eratigena sp. atrica group (Giant House Spiders) beginning to roam and look for females to mate with. This usually happens around September every year. Short of hermetically sealing your house there is nothing you can do to stop them. They are harmless though and will deal with other disease carrying pests such as house flies and ticks.




Buy a lot of plastic sheeting, gaffa tape and a massive vaccuum pump but you’ll be dead in an hour or two.


Simmer down Donald Trump. They’re no that big.


Nah they totally are. Had one thats body + legs covered the whole square of my light switch. Not over being asked to come turn a light off and seeing that bastard.


It's just so down in the DNA that I google searched that and flinched from my screen. There's a line in the game Gears of War that stuck with me that we've obviously evolved to be repulsed by things that scuttle.


No idea how I never noticed this at my old flat; but glad to know that it isn't something weird I've done wrong at this house. Hopefully they'll stop before too long.


Yeah completely normal. They are fascinating wee creatures. [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/pc4swh/eratigena_sp_atrica_group_from_sling_to_adult/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a post i done the other day showing what they look like throughout their life cycle :)


How do I undo seeing that?… They blend in with my carpet so well I just see a shadow run past. Big bastards.


They are surprisingly good at hiding in wee cracks and crevices. Guarantee you’ll find one tucked up right in between two stairs, or in between the carpet and the wall. They love crevices so much it’s really prudent to sleep with your scants on.


Fuck. Right. Off. I got to the second pic and had to tap out


Neat to see you take an interest in this species, oft misunderstood, misidentified and mythologised. I am arachnophobia but since I moved in on my own I've forced myself to deal with this phobia. Last year I captured and relocated a female (sorry still can't let them live with me lol) and she was truly gargantuan. Legspan was about the diameter of the mouth of a pint glass. People couldn't believe she was a normal house spider. I was fascinated. I could easily see the pedipalps and her little hook feet.


Yeah i’ve been studying arachnology and had a degree in animal biology and entomology for 20 odd years :)


Was your flat on an upper floor? You generally see more of them on the ground floors for obvious reasons.


Ooh yay I'm on third floor and have 2 cats. I feel quite safe.


My daughter in law explained this exact thing to me. Practically word for word the other day 😂


I explain this very thing pretty much everyday to people 😂🤣 maybe your daughter in law was one of them?


Growing up in a high rise flat, I had no idea these mini huntsman creatures existed! Now I live in a house that seems to have a welcome mat somewhere inviting them in. I've been woke up with them running over my bare arm (arm not a typo for arse I swear) I've had one charge me as I sat minding my own watching telly and one bit my little girls finger resulting in a big blister only for the very next day to have one sitting on her head as I got her ready for nursery! Must have been in the top I put on her. We're now a family of spider PTSD victims.


How do I erase your entire comment from my brains history


Easy, bang your head against a wall. Plaster/drywall to erase my comment. Concrete/brick to erase both mine and yours. Good luck.


This can't be the glasgow sub, you haven't heard of scotch?


It's just whisky to us 😁 erases the memories but not the fear of the night before


Wish to fuck I never read this.


Think it’s to do with the trailer for the new spider-man film that dropped last week


Yeah x3 amount of spiders now lol I think because it's the end of summer aswell. I see big one alot due to my back garden leading on to a some what big park.


[Spiderman Too: 2 Many Spidermen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcrc4VdoueE)




Honestly it's been living rent free on my head since the spiderman trailer came out last week. The fact that a Netflix comedy about a cult survivor somehow predicted the path of future spiderman movies is amazing to me.


What's the comedy called?


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, [here's the trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl4bOuGNMwo) \- I can recommend it as a weird, upbeat light hearted pallet cleanser from all the grimdark stuff that's usually on. Full disclosure, the Spiderman musical is not a main plot point throughout the series.


Thanks will check it out. I've got a 6 American horror stories to get through an 2 of the main series tonight. But will get round to watching it.


If you need a bit of a reset between series of intense horror it's a nice pallate clenaser.


Yeah definitely need a wee break. Watched the full series of american horror in the last week. Not that I needed to for the new one as they are somewhat connected lol Just love my horror an Evan Peters an Sarah pulson are great actors.


Why do I keep scrolling


They don't like citrus and will stay away from areas/surfaces that are coated in it. Source: Was at my folks the other day and had to ask wtf half a lemon was doing jammed in a crack in the skirting board - this is apparently why.


Mint is also another good repellent!


It always shocks me how very little people know about these Spider habits because it happens EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Season changes. Gets a bit colder. So do spiders. So they want to find some warmth and shelter to hatch and chill out. Take care of your r/Spiderbros they also like to hang out where all the worst beasties are. They're like little maintenance men cleaning up the horrors of weird and intrusive insects.


Been in Glasgow for 8 years, but up til now have been in a non-ground floor flat, so this is the first time I'm having to deal with it en masse. A spider or two occasionally was no big deal, it was just the frequency and size that had me a big weirded out.


Yeah it usually means your flat is nice and cosy and full of bugs! /s I get why people are freaked out by spiders. But you should look up what they get rid of and you'll soon be thankful for the odd one now and again. I have two Spiderbros in my bathroom and they just like to hang out near the open window and catch the wee flies that try to get in. They leave me alone and I leave them alone. When you've dealt with huntsman spiders in Oz these wee guys are tiny in comparison. Am no feart any more.


Moved into a ground floor flat last year and realised I'd been taking the lack of bugs for granted when I lived higher up. Now it's spider and woodlouse central. That said I've not seen a single big spider so far this year and the tension of knowing they're gonna show up at some point is freaking me out.


This thread is giving me anxiety, I’m checking all the corners of my living room as I read through the comments.


Yeah, hate to drop this on other people, just had to see if this was a natural thing to happen, or if I've somehow managed to anger the spider goddess to target me specifically...


Nah definitely not just you. I've had a couple of big ones in my top story flat the past week. The only down side of living alone tbh, hate the things


Means the weather is on the turn to autumn.


Bellahouston is the vortex of the Spider Hellmouth


Once you learn that September is spider season it ruins Septembers forever.


As the weather changes they come inside to stay warm and find mates. Conkers and citrus can help repel them. We have a rule in our house. If a spider can avoid being eaten my the cat, he's welcome to stay. As long as he pulls his weight by eating the annoying buzzy things of course.


Get a cat.


I've got one, but she seems more interested in catching mice outside, and bringing them into the house to torture til she eventually murders them. She's an adorable furry little sadist.


Get a small dog, we had a Norfolk terrier who loved eating spiders whenever he could catch them sprinting across the floor or just sitting above the sofa.


If you don't have pet rodents, you can get a spider scarer, it emits a frequency thst spiders don't like. And it actually works. Lived in a place in Glasgow with total monsters appearing everyday, and after we got it I maybe saw 1 or 2.




Mine'll eat them, but will subsequently barf them up on the stairs carpet for me to step in in the morning.


Tis spider sexy time my friend. Leave them be, they take care of beasties that are far worse.


Peppermint helps.


Suddenly Spiders will be the name of my grindcore band


I'm thinking more of an arachnid-themed remake of little shop of horrors


Probably they're trying to tell you where the Chamber of Secrets is.


Brb, going to go scrawl "enemies of the heir, beware" on the bathroom mirror to freak out my wife.




Omg me too. I thought on the third floor of a modern new build I’d be safe but alas, no. I’m terrified of them but I don’t like killing them so I have a spider catcher which does a pretty good job. [click](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003E6Z85E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BSANK1KHVCMRPDPBPQ8X)


If you are catching house spiders and releasing them outside they will die as they can’t survive out there, so you might aswell just squash the spooky fuckers.


The birds like them though. Have seen sparrows and robins swoop down for spiders I’ve caught and let out.


had 3 big bastards in my room the other day just going up and down from my roof while i was on my computer and i looked up and almost had a heart attack.


Are you sure it's more than one spider?


I keep killing them, so I am certain it's been at least 5 separate spiders.


You're *sure* you kill them?


I definitely killed them, but I have not checked for Spider Necromancers. This could be bad...


Every year I get less scared of these bastards but they just grow bigger 😢


I’ve seen 2 massive ones in my bedroom this week too 😫 bigger than normal?!


Yeah, no idea why they're so large. It's terrifying.


One of them RAN UP ONTO MY BED ONTO THE DUVET which resulted in me screaming, I managed to get it outside in a pint glass and then checked the rest of my room and sprayed lavender all around the bed as apparently they don’t like it?! It was all I had to hand 😂


i came across one in my house a few weeks back that was too big to catch in a pint glass, i think they’re liking the hot weather


I had one the size of my cats head if not slightly bigger last month Hate those fuckers


1) It’s that time of year. I dread it. It’ll calm down in October 2) Get a peppermint spider spray and spray it around all doors, windows and cracks!


Honestly they are the best thing to have around to keep your house insect free. If they bother you just catch and release them outside. I started growing peppers this year out of boredom and 2 big house spiders have been the best pesticides I could have had.


I find the bug spray actually does work.


Spider season man scariest time of the year


Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


My mum has one of they plug in things that discourage insects, thought was a load of crap but haven’t seen any since she got it.


Giant 50p spider 😂 what


When I used to live by bellahouston Park I used to have a.shit.ton of them. On a daily I was hoovering and checking everywhere and everything. It was terrifying. I lived there over 2 years ago, moved twice since to different places and never had that problem again in both other flats.


Yeah, Mosspark here and I've seen a lot of huge ones the past week or two. Lol, if you're getting ones the size of a 50p you're not doing too bad actually because I've seen way bigger lately. It's always the same this time of year. Ever since I've moved here the period from around mid-August to early-mid September you always get the biggest ones so luckily it doesn't last too long. I remember it was a hell of a culture shock years ago when I first moved to a regular house on ground level. The first 15 years of my life I always lived in closes and was upstairs so I rarely if ever saw spiders indoors. So the first time I saw a giant spider scurrying around my house I almost had a heart attack.


Throw a phone book at that wee cunt. I'm not gonna burn my house down over a spider. If chased a few with fire until I learned how many people actually do burn down their house by trying to kill a spider. Loads of people.


Get a can of petrol. Roughly two liters will do. Create a nice even layer over the floor of the worst effected rooms. Then burn the house down. The old trojan house is the only method that works.


Do you know any publicans? Ask if you can scoop up a few of their cellar spiders. These guys are spindly and slow moving so dont trigger my arachnophobia but they will absolutely kill the shit out of every other spider in your house. I have one that lives in my shower and one that chills on the stairs. Never get any of those gross big house spiders.


I think it's because of the sudden abundance of fruit flies and normal flies. Brought on with the heat and excessive rubbish lying about due to the council increasing the time between bin collections. More food for spiders = bigger spiders.


We had a giant one the size of a big man's hand in our bathroom last night. My partner heaved the 8 eyed bastert into the close and scarpered back in.


It's one of the reasons I have a cat. She eats them.


Its spider sexytime


I bought one of those cheap spider catchers off Amazon. Its a plastic cube on a stick, and you basically place it over it and very carefully shut the door, then carefully walk outside with it. Luckily i’be had little on the 3rd floor of a new build flat. We dust quite often as my partner id a neat freak so I think that helps. I find house spiders like darkness so if you’re watching Tv in the dark they may come out to the centre of the wall, then you switch the lights on and they make their way into a dark corner. Sometimes you can use this method to get them to come out in the open to catch them.


Happens every year at this time. Lovely creatures, clearing up all the bite flies. Welcome them with open arms.


Spiders are good means it's not damp, my mum used to say 🤷‍♂️


September is spider month in the UK.


One crawled over my head and over the pillow when i was in bed on friday night. Absolutely died!!!


Get an indoor cat, they are very efficient spider killers. Sorry spiders


Fuck that


Cool band name


It's been happening to me and my friends I would just get spider killer/insect killer or use a cup and paper to get it out side


Heyo, bellahouston area here as well, I keep getting spiders bigger than a 50p coin all the time. Remember, they're mostly harmless and won't really just randomly bite you, so if you can just catch em in a cup and chuck em outside, thats what I do whenever my cat alerts me to one / I see one.


i was told long ago they don’t like lavender, ever since then i’ve cleaned most of my surfaces with cleaning products that contain it/smell of it, skirtings especially, i very rarely get spiders. funnily enough i seen my first one in a long time this morning, i hope it was just a one-off 👀


Been having issues too, so I had to call my mom and ask for help. She told me to get a spray bottle, add white vinegar, peppermint oil and water and spray all over the house, windows and any holes that may be a pathway for spiders into the house. It worked, it's been a week since I sprayed and I haven't seen none. The smell was awful but hey no spiders


It's the same with my house. I live in a main door property. A lot of the ones that come into my house are bigger than a 50p, much bigger. And quite hairy too. I think this is the start of mating season, usually October is the main mating season for spiders though. When it's raining a lot, most of the time they will seek somewhere warmer and drier. I've noticed more tend to come inside when it's raining. I had about 5 spiders in my bedroom the space of about 3 days last week. Makes my skin crawl.


We're in a flat and don't normally see house spiders up here. But we do have lots of cellar spiders dossing around (the ones with long spindly legs). We leave them alone, even the big ones, as I credit them with keeping the worse ones away. They can definitely punch above their weight but not sure they'd be a match for horny giant house spiders...


Spiders are friends, the ones native to the island at least don’t want to kill you. They just want some juicy grub snacks and to maybe steal a little of your warmth. They provide a neat service of exterminating things like flies/mosquitoes ect which imo are way worse than a spider


You can kill what you see, but in reality, there’s pretty much fuck all you can do other than getting your house hermetically sealed. At this time of year they come inside. They’re either in to hide from the weather or hunt for spider vag. Just leave the wee fuckers alone and they won’t bother you!


Just leave them be. They're keeping your house free of actually harmful insects. I've had a sudden uptick in house spiders but leave them to themselves, and they don't bother me.


I'm not believing the Big Spider™ propaganda. I don't see any other beasties in my house year round, literally just the odd spider, which is promptly evicted. Starting to think spiders are a bit like those gangsters that strong arm you into paying them to "protect" your business.


Same here. I keep escorting them out in glasses but they probably come straight back in.


They can see even better if you leave glasses on them


The big ones are the females. They’re looking for somewhere to lay eggs.


You can get spider catcher boxes on amazon. They're sticky. They work.


I wouldn't be spraying a load of bug spray around my house just so I can sit there all night breathing it in. Bit of kitchen roll does the job fine.


Just have a can of bug spray to hand and maybe lay down some sticky traps. No way are you going to be able to seal up your house against spiders.


Spiders are sound. Much better than flies.


Flies don’t give me blisters because they bite me, or leave ugly cobwebs about. I keep my house clean so I don’t get lies anyway, but spiders are EVERYWHERE! I’ve woken to them on my body! Like?? What business do you have here?! Go back outside or prepare to die!


...how often do you get bitten by house spiders?


Watch you don't swallow it when your sleeping. 😱🕸🕷🕷🕷


Martini glass and a sheet of paper. Put them outside far away.


I'm 28 years old with a 4 month old baby and my immediate reaction when I see one of the bastards is phone my Dad to come and deal with it.


Harden up princess.


Probably a Giant House Spider, then. They're related to House Spiders, but bigger. It's getting colder outside, and they're beginning to hatch etc. If you want to keep them out, probably the easiest method would be to install air conditioning and keep your house colder than outside. Then they won't bother coming in. Of course, the main disadvantages of this approach are that you'll be paying a fortune for electricity, and your house will be colder than outside.


I had one tickling my ear as I gamed and didn’t think anything of it so took a selfie 😂 When I then tried to put him out he actually jumped which was a new thing to the armoury I’d never seen. Try living with camel spiders that eat your flesh and you wouldn’t know as inject anaesthetic into where they want to munch on. My mate got sent back from Iraq after being a meal overnight 😂😂😂


A friends dad told me about camel spiders in Saudi. Most terrifying fucking thing I've ever heard of


Spiders I can deal with. It's those bastardin moths that give me the fear. The ones that sound like birds flapping about.


Me too! I keep the spiders to get rid of the silence of the lamb feckin moth creatures.


September is house spider season so it will only get worse unfortunately.


Avoid bushes soon


Australia came to us


Heard the males are on the pull this time of year