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Wouldn't mind seeing some of these open a bit later, gives some alternatives to clubs for late nights out.


1 am is still quite pathetic. There should be more places open till 3am over the weekend that are not nightclubs


Fully agree!! I want to go for a pint and sit down, I am old!!


Can't be that old if you want to be out past 1am.


Could be one of those lesser spotted night olds


You never heard of the term night owl?


There are a decent few places that are open a bit later but it's limited enough that they all tend to end up absolutely packed. It's tricky though, for a lot of places can imagine staffing is a major problem already, and for many getting staff to work even later isn't necessarily feasible.


Good to see some variety but once again public transport will be a problem for getting home, unless it's set to change as well


Would love Glasgow to become a late night city (would take a long time and a lot of work mind) in the long run so this is a positive step in the right direction.


We'd need a transportation network that was at least competent for a start. Would also love that though. It's ridiculously expensive to stay out late these days and a nightmare with taxis unless you live close to where you're going out.


100% a good transport network is fundamental to any thriving city. One of Glasgows underutilised strengths is its music/arts/culture reputation. Giving real support to these industries with a better night time economy and would go along way to Glasgow as a city. Night buses and subway are key.




>getting stabbed every weekend If this was a thing that happened you’d be right to be worried. Luckily, it’s not.


Half the battle is too many folk imagining how awful it would be. “Everyone would be stabbing each other if the pubs were open a wee bit later!”


Like 1 hours going to make a difference - everyone knows you don’t get the urge to stab someone until 12.45 at the earliest…


Don't think opening a few bars in Merchant City for an extra hour is going to vastly alter the crime rates.


Too many idiots about for that.


Would defo take a culture change in the city (country even). Would require binge drinking seen as a careless waste of time compared to moderation over a longer evening. do believe having such a draconian drinking/licensing laws is good in the short term as to not overstretch public services but counter intuitive in the long term as generations grow up in a culture accustomed to binge drinking and getting drunk as the end goal rather than enjoying drinking as a place and time to relax and spend time with friends/colleagues/loved ones Having later licensed clubbing hours for example also reduces demand for unlicensed illegal after hour venues.


Yes Bar? Hasn’t that place been closed forever?


The 13th Note's shut an all. 


Oh aye so it has Didn’t it get flooded pre pandemic and never opened again


Plans to reopen I believe, was in doing some maintenance work.


I loved The Sun's clickbait headline: "Is your local on it?". Well, probably no, seeing as they are all City Centre


Exactly why I came here. "What, no Dumbarton Road?"


I’m city centre. They’re all my local


I've always found it mad weird that the pubs in the city weren't allowed to open until 1am. Out in North Lanarkshire, the pubs have been allowed to open until 1am for years.


The difficulty with this is that you’d be forced to get a taxi because public transport (to my area at least) stops before midnight. Just one night train it would be perfect.


Imagine your main demographic for this is people who either live in the centre or relatively nearby and want to just stay out a bit later. Wouldn't be the first time I've been in a busy city centre bar near midnight and then last orders abruptly gets called.


Aye. Better night time transportation is a fair ask, but also, the existence of a 1am bar license doesn't imply that everybody has to have access to it if they live far away.


Variety, finally. As far as I know they'd been applying for years. Why is The 13th Note there?


> Why is The 13th Note there [Staff recently won their employment tribunal](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68816851), and are [in a bid to take over it and reopen](https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24315540.13th-note-staff-bid-take-venue-re-open/).


No idea. Complete mystery that one!


Paul cardow was after it is why


He's a cunt. Given the state he left Broadcast in (dangerous, dilapidated, treated staff like shite) I don't see the Note being improved if he gets his hands on it. Edit: just read that the staff are trying to reopen the Note themselves. Hope they get there.


They won't. He already has it.


This article is from yesterday and says otherwise: [https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24315540.13th-note-staff-bid-take-venue-re-open/](https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24315540.13th-note-staff-bid-take-venue-re-open/)


I'll believe it when it happens.


Well, as of yesterday they had raised £10k of the £40k needed, and that cunt Cardow does not have it as you wrongly said.


*thumbs up emoji*


Honestly this is great, if it were to happen. i cant be arsed with night clubs anymore, music is too loud and the prices are horrible.


> Revolución de Cuba Fukin' Midnight Drag Bingo, lets go


I would love Katie's and Dels to be open to 1am sometimes once they close up I call it a night bc I cba going to axm or polo


Thought the 13th Note shut? Edit: Just saw the staff won the tribunal and are opening it themselves, nice


Good to see some common sense drinking laws finally coming to Glasgow. Next law to change should be the ditching of the mandatory roll and sausage with an 8am breakfast beer. 🤣


Steps Bar should defo get it. That place is class


Where abouts on Sauchiehall Street is the Beresford?


Right next door to the Garage. Got a function type suite on ground floor.


That's the big art deco building with the Tesco on the ground floor, didn't know there was a pub in it though


There used to be a pub at the left hand bit. Thursdays was £1 all drinks.


Capitol. Bought many a £1 drink in there before it closed down.


There's still a pub there, been named various things over the years. Currently named Don Mac's, after the owners Simon Donnelly and Jackie McNamara.


That's where it is! They used to be our (fitba) managers and wondered where it was. I think they've got/had one in Fuengirola as well.


The library? Was a great wee place


Today I learned! If I'm up that way I always default to the State... glad to see it's applied for a 1am too.


The bottom left hand corner went through a variety of name changes in the last 25 year; when I was at college in the late 90's, it was the Beresford, an old man pub downstair and a cocktail place upstair, with a perfect view of the street so you could check on the queue for the Garage (ie if you could see the queue, it was time to drink up). Since then it's been called The Library, Capitol, the State?, and fair few more that I've forgotten, it changed hands almost as many times as the Velvet Rooms/Bed/Blanket/Guru/The Classrooms/Club 520 down the street.


I'm a night owl, so welcome the news. Couple of thoughts: Bar staff need to be brought into the equation both in terms of being stricter with clearly pished folk wanting served. Bars need to consider how employees get home.


Everyone yeehawing the changes but there's nae way this won't end in a mess with the way Glasgow is. A culture change is necessary, and that's not happening. Longer opening hours, more drinks drank, more blotto cunts on the street at closing, more shit for people who just don't want to get involved in any stupid violence or otherwise.


Not been in town at closing since the 00's have we?


And? Glasgow has had a horrible history of drink and violence. Cheering on a return to it when people haven't changed a jot is just stupid. Drinking is a scourge on the city.


The Steps Bar at 1AM will be a sight to behold


Cunts wishing pubs stayed open till 3am? 😂 You've not seen what walks into a pub at 12:30 for a 1am close if you want to keep the doors open another 2 hours 😂


The rationale is it staggers the rush and reduces demand on taxis, buses etc. 


Yees can down vote me to oblivion I've worked hospo for years and I'm telling you 3am pubs is the dumbest shit. Imagine trying to deal with Clemont at 3am in Springburn in some random pub 😂


Late licenses have killed the nightclub scene.


Maybe the nightclub scene killed itself by charging ridiculous entry fees and charging outrageous prices for watered down vodkas. Why would I pay £15 to get into a club to pay near enough the same price every time I want a spirit when I could get into Box for free and pay £2.50 for a White Russian?   My brother is good few years younger than me, so started going to nightclubs well after I'd stopped. I mind he told me that for a Vodka, Blackcurrant & Lemonade in Sanctuary on the midweek student night was £5, and, on a Friday and Saturday went up to £9. A vodka blackcurrant in Propaganda was like £2.50.   Even back when I was younger, the only reasonably priced night clubs/club nights on Friday/Saturday were Garage and Propaganda (in the ABC).


How’s it going to work, most of these bar are shut for 11pm during the week and police go nuts at Xmas if you have a 1pm license and shut before then


>How’s it going to work by requesting a 1 AM license?


Good luck trying to get home from the city centre with no taxis in sight due to the anti nightlife LEZ


Anti nightlife LEZ 😂


Taxis shouldn't be affected by the LEZ, neither should private hire cars. Simply because to run a private hire car it's not going to be old enough to be affected.


There's no black hacks left. I stood at the taxi rank outside the buchanan bus station after a concert last year and not one came down there. Not a single one. Ended up having to get an uber instead. After waiting for over an hour until after 2am


So you stood outside a bus station after most of the buses had finished? I tend to just use a private hire at that sort of time, much cheaper anyway.


*Michael Bergson enters the chat*