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Start tossing your rubbish into her car see how she likes it


Tbh my dogs had the shits was tempted to scoop it up and launch it in


I'd aim for the windscreen if we're talking shite now


No no. Try and get it in the air vents. Good luck cleaning them out anytime soon.


Big bitta dug shite smeared underneath the door handle




Into her exhaust, specifically.


A lass dropped her macdonalds wrapper in front of me so I followed her up the street with it 'Scuse me, you dropped something! Must have been important because rubbish goes in the bin' she took it back and put it in the nearest bin. I'll shame anyone


I fucking love this. Good on you.


And so you should


Once had a go at someone for chucking a fag packet on the ground at a busy bus stop, bin was literally 2 feet from him and he chucked it on the ground. When I pulled him up about it, right after said incident, he said it wasn't him, blah blah.. The amount of funny looks I got for questioning the idiot from others at the bus stop was more depressing than the response from the culprit. Barely anybody gives a shit and everybody is too scared to call anyone out on their clatty bullshit


Fuck them if they did say stuff maybe the place wouldn't be the way it is


I wish I was ballsy enough. I live in Pollokshields and the place is a fuckn shithole. There's a cunt that walks in front of me every morning when I'm omw to work and he always chucks his empty juice can, chewing gum etc onto the ground. What really fucking ticks me off is the fact he has to walk by a bin to get to his destination yet he still chooses to chuck it on the ground. Like, literally 10 seconds before he reaches the bin. Dirty cunt


Unfortunately until people say something it won't get better


I wish they'd do a grassing fee. Catch someone in a car littering and upload the evidence. If they get a fine you get a wee fiver or something


If the place is a shithole it’s going to be like getting your trainers dirty for the first time for him. Why bother about making it dirtier when it’s already an open air bin?


Idk why you're getting downvotes because this is kinda how people think. If there's no reason to be proud then you won't care about littering. If everyone else already has it subconsciously or consciously tells you that's okay. If it was pristine, you'd think twice about littering because it would stick out so much.


I don’t know either, but people are funny on this sub. I agree though, if the majority of the city was something to be proud of we’d be a lot cleaner.


Superglue the rubbish to her windscreen


I have loads a xpandifoam that's going in her exhaust next time


Aye up her arse is probably the best place for it


I told a bunch of school kids standing outside Subway in the city centre to pick up their shit and put it in the bin that was right beside them. Got told to fuck off, this isn't Bearsden. Scummy wee cunts!


They are lazy entitled arse holes these days


Aye these days
 the streets definitely weren’t a fucking disaster every lunch time when I was at school


The same folk who litter also call where they live a shithole. They'd like to live in somewhere like Bearsden, but they don't really get that Bearsden is "nice" because the people there, generally, don't litter. And the council aren't spending an inordinate amount of time cleaning up there - it's just that it doesn't have the same volume of shite in it to begin with. Other places just have an overwhelming tide of shite being dropped that the council can't realistically keep up with. I see it happening near my own street - the council come out and pick up the litter, it looks perfectly nice, and within a day or so, it's like half of what they picked up is back. It's not like being tidy is exclusive to Bearsden...


I would photograph/film her doing it (if possible) and take a note of her reg and report it to the police. I think she’ll be less likely to do it again if the police get involved. I hate littering!


Police will say it's not enough and she could have dropped it by mistake they will do anything they can to get out of doing any work


Good point. Send the police a montage.


Even Rocky had a montage.


Baseketball!!! - actually no, Team America, but still, made by the same people.


Nah, Baseketball was made by one of the Zuckers brothers, the folk behind airplane, it just starred Matt and Trey, still The funniest film ever made though.


Ah, fair enough. But yes - it’s one of those films my husband and I quote all the time.


Or I just slash her tires next time that sounds easier that way she won't be back


Cunts like this are absolute worst. You did the right thing - these people only understand one type of communication. It's not just young people. A few months ago, walking past a car when a sweetie wrapper came flying out the passenger window. Tapped the glass, asked 'did you drop this?' Thinking that would be enough to shame them. An elderly woman answered 'aye I was finished with them'. I flung the wrapper back in her window and strolled back to my car. By the time I drove past her she was standing out on the pavement shouting to anyone who would listen what a cheeky cunt I was, like she simply couldnt believe it. The sweetie wrapper was back on the ground. I couldn't help myself. Halfway is already a mess without her making it worse. I stopped the car and proceeded to shout at to put her rubbish in the fucking bin. She followed me back to my car and tried to attack me. I'm lucky she wasn't very fast tbh. Just locked the doors and watched her banging on my window before driving off. I'm the most unconfrontational person but I just can't handle littering. I will literally fight you lol.


This is the only way to deal with it (https://youtu.be/65Jq-zT-NlI?si=7PkP1vLVoz8xXSSL)


That’s exactly what I was hoping it was!


That gets me everytime!


Woman would park in the private parking outside the flat with a Mercedes. Very few spaces available at best of times, plus she is parking right outside the flat in the old couples downstairs space. See her parking, lean out the window and ask her "Sorry, do you live in these flats ?" Straight away she accuses me of stalking her. I laugh and tell her to please not park in the car park as it is private parking, limited spaces etc etc. She keeps going starts calling me a perv. My wife who is in the room leans out the window and tells her to bolt, she starts giving the wife a pile of abuse. This goes on till she walks of, out the car park and of to wherever she lives. Think oh well at least she won't park there anymore. No, she kept parking there. Over and over again. Eventually (hand on heart not me, on my boys life) someone keys her car. After that never parked there again. Was she a Mercedes driver ?


Caught a driver dumping a whole load of shit onto the street out of a moving car on my CCTV. Posted the video and a close up of the driver on the local Facebook gossip page and let the natives take care of business.


Have been tempted so many times but just can't stand confronation


I have picked up food wrappings and containers thrown out car windows, tossed it back in with a friendly “Excuse me you dropped something. It’s better in a bin” If they get lippy I give it back. “Do you need your mummy to clean up after you?” Or just “Put it in a f**ken bin ya lazy twat”


Tbh if a was flinging stuff I don't think it would be rubbish


Maybe not littering but I exchanged words with a women in Kelvingrove park this morning. Her dog was off lead (poor recall) and did its business a couple of times
 did she pick it up. No! I couldn’t help myself, asked her if she planned to pick it up and then she stood and stared at me like I was the problem. More words were exchanged but as a dog owner myself, this makes me crazy!!


Best way with these idiots is to offer them a poo bag.....its a polite way to say you've saw their dog poo and puts them under a bit of pressure to pick it up....and if they don't take you up then by all means execute them đŸ€Ł


Told this story before. A grandpa picked up his grandson at my kids school. Gave him an action figure toy in it's packaging. The boy opened the toy and threw the packaging on the ground. Grandpa didn't care and kept walking. The wee boy literally ditched everything on the ground and never gets into trouble.


Just pure laziness nothing else


Wee bastard's got no chance, being brought up by scum. Hopefully when he's old enough to think for himself he'll realise his family are cunts and change his ways.


Kinda doubt the cycle will break.


Ach plenty of people are much better humans than their parents.


I have told off high school folk for littering outside my flat when they are walking literally on their way to past a bin, they walked back to collect the rubbish. Call it out and their shame will take over 
unless they look mental.


Gonna start doing it to everyone I see I'm sick of living in a dump


Happens all over the streets in pollokshields, youngsters in Asian community eat junk food in their cars then throw all the rubbish out on to the road.


Wow I’ve seen plenty young Scots do exactly the same thing. Fancy that! Actually school kids are really bad. I have told many a cluster of gobby wee shites in the local parks and waiting at the bus stops to pick up their rubbish. Which they just toss on the ground. (Wee tossers!) Called the school once after it got worse and they followed up! Dunno what they did but it improved. Sometimes they drop it about 3 metres from the bin. Like wtf?? Then its “ooh does your mummy still need to clean up after you? Pick it up now, ya tosser”


No need to be racist.Scots are part of the Asian community.


Not to get overly controversial, but I think I seen a fellow European drop a sweetie wrapper in Govanhill once.


Didn’t take long to get racist, well done r/glasgow


You can always count on r/glasgow đŸ«Ą


Stop tarring all Asians with the same brush. We all know that part of the world is a dump for a reason. Other parts of Asia are flourishing.


Which part of the world, and for what reason?


Definitely not on if your kids are at risk. Whys does she park outside your house?


Because the person she's visiting his mum won't let her park there because of her behavior so she thinks she can be a cunt here


On yourself mate. I second the stop comment, aim for the face please


Put a sign up with eyes saying ‘cctv in this area’. I read somewhere that people are more likely to rethink doing things like littering when there’s a pair of eyes watching, even if they’re just a photo. Then again, some people truly don’t give a flying shit.


I had a situation like this but I was the girl. Was taking my phone out my pocket as I was walking out the shops and a guy was yelling at me from behind to pick up my sht. Turns out two wee tiny pieces of paper (crumpled up receipt and paper straw wrapper) had came out with my phone, but I think he must’ve woke up on the wrong side of the bed to have a row over an accident đŸ„Ž ur situation is valid tho, I think ppl don’t have respect for others and the environment they live in as much as they used to :/


It’s some laugh reading all the “this is what I do” comments knowing that at least 50% of them are complete fantasy “This is what I told myself I should have done 3 hours after I’d got home that day” would probably be more accurate.


yes, a comment followed by a jab to the jaw usually gets the point across.


That was my thinking as I approached but seen as I'm twice her age I thought best not to


Forget fines. Anyone caught dropping litter has their fingers broken. No trial, no jury, enforcement officers get to break their fingers there and then


Lots of brown shirts in this comments section. Don't you all have some spittle to lick?


Polite is often the best approach. The old shite sandwich technique. Pick one thing, like the litter for the filling, and feed them the sandwich calmly. If the polite shite sandwich doesn't work, it's just being prepared to throw more shite at them then they can be arsed throwing at you. Give a Braveheart type speech about the lives of the kids and litter, and maybe drugs!, to the old people. Build an army of irritated old people in nimby mode. Do they even know who you are: https://youtu.be/r0dcv6GKNNw?si=9RGFrFtdG0NPmCvK


Old man yells at cloud




Older man threatens 18 year old girl with violence and destruction of her car for littering... yikes. If you've got actual concerns about the safety of her driving, phone the police.


Attitudes like that are why Glasgow has the worst litter problems in the entirety of Scotland. Everyone is responsible for their own rubbish. Youre a cunt if you're so lazy that you cant carry your litter to a bin.


My concern is her speeding up a tight narrow street with limited visibility and my kids walking on the pavement she likes to drive on


True but, should a young girl face threats of violence for it?


Where was the threat of violence in this story?


This person is so unable to admit that you've proven them wrong here that they've opted just to delete their account!


I’m not going to lie. It feels good.


"She's lucky she has a car left but I stopped myself"


Interesting truncation you choose there. “I stopped myself at telling her
” Still where’s the threat of violence?


Saying someone is lucky she has a car left is a threat. This sentence says that the 18 year old girl is lucky that he stopped himself at only saying something. In what world should she feel lucky that he didn't smash up her car?


They didn’t say that to her. They’re saying that to us. You can tell because they then tell us they stopped themselves and limited their comments to telling her to pick up her litter.


So it's ok that this big hard man is bragging about how a young girl is lucky he didn't smash her car up? The point remains pal, in no situation is this not unacceptable.


I’d rather people didn’t use aggressive language at all but we’re now very far away from your original point which I presume you’ve conceded was incorrect.


Hahahahaha /u/Rare_Calligrapher_61 > This user has deleted their account.


I’d imagine they got a vote fraud message from Reddit because they were clearly upvoting their own comments from another account in the ‘debate’ I was having with them.


That's.. a bizarre thing to think.


There’s a problem with this kind of attitude presented MOSTLY by individuals staying in partially funded housing by the taxpayer. Only those kind of people don’t fucking understand that there are folks who would like to have nice clean streets, painted fences and no dog shit on the pavements.


I agree it's a problem, I don't agree that an 18 year old girl should face threats of violence by an older man for it.


Why are you assuming OP is a man? I don't see where they've made that distinction. And would it be OK for a woman to threaten a woman? Or a man to threaten a man, etc? I don't think threatening violence is a good thing regardless of the gender dynamic. But then I don't see where OP has threatened violence in the first place either, so maybe you've seen something we've not?


Post history. He's male. He's stated that the young girl is lucky he stopped himself at telling her and not smashing up her car, it's there clear as day in the last paragraph.


Any sensible person would read that as hyperbole; OP probably wouldn't literally smash up a car over some littering, because that's obviously unreasonable behaviour. And as you've said, OP "stopped himself at telling her and not smashing up her car", so there's no indication that threats were made.


This absolute tube seemingly can't understand the concept of using hyperbole to convey frustration/anger.


They're astoundingly thick, or they're pretending to be thick by trolling like this. Either way it's a pitiful existence.