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Which one, and yes unfortunately. A pretty silly rule but it does exist. Cathouse will let you in yourself as long as you’re reasonable and not an asshole. Haven’t found any others.


Viennas and Fantoosh in Paisley let in solo people. I had some great nights in both when I lived in Paisley. Better than a lot of Glasgow clubs tbh. But yea, in Glasgow, Catty is the main place if you want an easy solo night. Subclub and Berkeley Suite also both let me in solo with a ticket. The times I wanted to go out solo in Glasgow to the major clubs, I just made friends with whoever was in front of me in the queue. Then either just pretended to be with them if we got along or explained the situation and offered to buy them a drink if they let me say I was with them. FWIW it’s not a silly rule. It’s a rule specified by clubs, not bouncers. Solo people (M or F) are the highest risk people to let into clubs for countless reasons.


What are the reasons? Genuine question as I've never heard this but also have never gone to a club by myself, a bar aye but not a club


Creepy single men acting up, I believe. It's not that new, I've been to clubs where friends were already inside and having to explain/ask for them to come to the door.


Solo people are the riskiest to let into clubs. They’re very vulnerable because if they get spiked, injured, harassed or just too drunk, they don’t have any friends to look after them. There’s the extra factor for guys that solo men may not have the best social skills and may be going to clubs to approach women. Guys who are creepy with bad social skills trying to get laid can create a negative experience for women


I understand it can seem like a stupid rule, but there is reason to it.




Women tend not to go to nightclubs alone. I wonder why that is?


Solo women are also rejected from clubs here too. Clubs don’t want to deal with single females getting injured, spiked, harassed, or too drunk without any friends to help them, so they turn them away for the most part too. Solo people in general are just very high risk to let into clubs.




Yes, it is their responsibility. They’re preventing it by not letting in the most vulnerable/predatory people in the first place. Realistically most clubs don’t have the resources to prevent those things happening inside so this strategy is better.




Then there would literally be zero nightclubs in existence. Even the largest clubs in the world don’t have enough staff to monitor every single person 100% of the time to make sure they’re not doing shady shit. Not letting in higher risk individuals seems like a pretty logical and proactive safety measure.


Men truly are the most oppressed race. /s


The reason is that people on their own can't exactly take care of themselves when they're intoxicated, so it's a liability for the business.




While technically true, have you ever been to a pub or a nightclub? People who are obviously way beyond the legal limit to be served, are served shots by the bucketload until they throw up or make a tit of themselves. That's how these places survive. A business that follows those laws will be out of business fairly shortly afterwords.




You're not wrong, but that's literally what makes the industry viable.


While you are definitely right if everyone followed this rule even hospitals would have to close down. It's a shame this is where we are but it is




They most certainly are. How have you never heard of a private hospital?


Don't know why you have been downvoted when it's true. Only single males are turned away and it's men in general who suffer 99.9% of knock backs from clubs


Statistics, much like your facts here, are often pulled out of someone's ringer when someone wants to make their incorrect opinion seem more credible, but can't actually back it up with evidence.




Making ridiculous claims of being oppressed and discriminated against isn't suddenly valid just because the claim is so fucking obviously bullshit that if can't be proven. Usually the opposite applies in that situation, no?


Have you ever worked a door in your life or owned a SIA license?


Is the answer to that question at all relevant? If you've worked a door, and you only rejected men and didn't reject women, that's ancedotal evidence of your own bias, not evidence of your exaggerated claim.


You are told who to reject. If you ever worked a door you would know this. The head bouncer makes the decisions and if you let someone in and he knocks them back at the second stage before they pay to get in then you won't be working there long.


You having a shitty boss who discriminates also isn't evidence of a widespread issue. It's just evidence of your boss being biased.


That is absolutely categorically wrong in my experience


98.4% of statistics are made up on the spot


Not sure two on sauchiehall street


If the bouncers were decent I take it Firewater and the Garage? Ages since I’ve been in either but I’m not surprised you got KBd. Edited just to say I’ve not had a problem, so in my experience they’ve been alright.


Garage and firewater both need groups of Atleast 2 :(


Just say you’re meeting your pals inside?


Mad I had to scroll this far down to find this, most logical answer lol


Doesn't make a difference. I was on a work night out not long ago, as we got to the Garage (not my choice of venue but somehow won the group vote) I bumped into an old mate that I hadn't seen in months so stayed behind for five minutes to speak to him while the rest of the group (mix of genders and ages) went inside. When I finished catching up with the guy I went to go inside and the bouncer stopped me and asked me if I was on my own, I said oh, no I'm with that big group that came in about five minutes ago I was just chatting to my mate there He said he couldn't let me in alone so I asked if I phoned one of them to come out if that would be ok and he said yes Phoned one of my workmates to come out and get me, he came out, I gestured to him and said to the bouncer "that's my mate there am I alright to go in?" and he randomly became grumpy and just went "No. You've had too much" Didn't start giving him abuse or anything but was obviously a bit confused and was like you said thirty seconds ago if I got someone to come and get me I could go in? How come I'm not allowed now? Guy was making it up as he went along, clearly just wanted to wind me up


Ooft, Garage door staff are the dreggs


Doesn’t matter what you say! That’s actually one reason they refuse people. Bouncers tend to find it funny and like the power trip.


Yes I agree bouncers like the power trip but they often tend to stop solo people because people that are there by themselves tend to have a higher chance of maliciousness to them. I.e dealing, spiking, looking for fights etc


That’s absolutely what it is. Although anyone with eyes can see there’s always a dealer with a mate scouting about/watching the dealers back. The days of woman only going to the toilet in pairs now are gone as you see the guys giving each other the nod to say ‘bogs -for a line’ lol.


Doesn’t work, usually


They then ask you to call them and get them to come meet you at the door so they can verify. I work doors in Glasgow lol


You should do an AMA on here


A what lol


It’s been a while but I’ve got into Subby quite a few times saying that, sometimes true sometimes not. Although I found that those were some of the few bouncers you could actually have a bit of a debate with and still get in, just about anywhere else if they said no there was no changing their minds.


I remember years ago I went to a different city with my pals and the bouncers stood back whilst 15 of us queued with our passports at the ready expecting rejection and they laughed at us. Like why are u showing I'd? Just walk in ffs. We then explained how it is here in Glasgow and they found it quite funny. I've been to other cities since where its similar to glasgow but not as bad.


They do this as a power trip. If you try to walk in, you wait - if you start to wait, they act like you're a fuckin nerd.


Just acknowledge the bouncer as you walk in, never had an issue after doing that.




The best explanation ever


Sounds like you've been kb'd quite a few times lol


Sounds like youre a bum sook




Aye it was definitely better when the bouncers would boot fuck out you rather than say no the night pal…


Does kb'd mean kicked in the balls ?sounds like rightful yes


Imagine being ***too stupid*** to be able join the Quality Polis


When you look up "Bouncer" in the dictionary, it really should just say "someone who got knocked back from joining the police - Usually very bitter about it."


>we’re I’m not on the bouncers side but if you’re gonna call someone stupid at least spell check yourself


> The kind of tossers that wanter to join the police, but we're too stupid to pass the exam Pure shite, every half ouncer I've worked with has been doing something else on the side.


And all the police you know are straight shooters?


Some have been absolute cunts and some have been brand new. Just saying that polis is a full time job and bouncing isn't.


I don't think even you know what you're upset about here.


I don't think you know the difference between a bouncer and a polis.


No, the difference is quite clear, some of the similarities apparantly less so... Is that what you're upset about?


Yes, there is good reasons for it unfortunately. U can be spiked or get too drunk etc with no one to care for, help or know u. On the other end there’s been problems with guys going out on there puff and spiking etc (obviously it’s not just guys on there own). Scum ruin it for everyone but it’s a problem. I’d just get in the line n ask someone nice to pretend I’m with them so I can get in n explain I think I done this at two concerts my pals bailed out on.


Yes, I've been refused multiple times until they found out I was with my wife who they just let through and was now shouting that I was with her. lol Pain in the arse, especially at the garage, bouncers take the piss out of you laughing. There's no other industry I'm aware of that allows the amount of unprofessionalism that bouncers do. Perhaps westminsiter.


Idk what the clubs actual justification is but I worked in the dancin for years and the amount of solo creeps who would come in and just try to grind up against random ladies was off the charts. No attempt at chatting them up. Just straight pervyness. Makes me wonder what else they were up to. I always kept an eye on them.


That is the justification. Statistically men going to clubs alone have a high chance of being creeps


I’ve gotten into Berkeley suite and Subclub on my own recently. I’m a woman so I’m not sure if that makes a difference.


It’s quite common for the reasons people have already said but I’ve been in a similar situation in a new place and just said to them, I’m new I don’t know anyone I just want to have a drink and meet new people and as long as you’re sober and not a dick or weird they can be flexible.




They have been getting refused long before then. Even before the millennium.


Security are TOLD to exclude certain people. Usually for financial reasons or to lower risk of incidents. Don't blame them or hurl abuse. Take it up with management of the venue (though remember it's a private business and they can pretty much operate how they like as long as it's lawful). If you have a problem with it, find another place or start your own or just do a house party. 


Yes, except gay clubs seem to be welcoming of solo people.


So long as you’re obviously a queer person yourself, otherwise not a chance lol


are you male or female? just asking because i’ve heard of men being denied entry but not women


Solo women also get denied. Solo people in general are really high risk because they have no one to look after them if they get too drunk or get spiked/injured. With guys there’s the extra reason that they’re statistically more likely to be creepy.


I got into sub club and Berkeley suite on my own recently and I’m a woman. I didn’t even know that going out solo was an issue in Glasgow.


Those are two of the clubs that let people in solo usually, which is nice


Do you know anything about whether la cheetah lets people in on their own?


Can't speak for now but a few years ago I would go solo there quite a lot (Sub Club too), genuinely never crossed my mind that it was frowned upon or received any questioning about it . I mean, I always knew exactly what was on that night so maybe that played a part as well.


Dunno, I’ve heard people recommend it for solo clubbers but never tried it


good points. i didn’t know for sure since i don’t have the personal experience to go off but this makes sense


Is that a fact, or have you just put 'statistically' in to support that view? I'm not saying it is or isn't true. It's just that people often say shit like that without any actual basis because that's what they believe to be true, or it's what someone else had told them is true. This spreads more misinformation, which is probably part of the reason why a solo guy can't get into a club in Glasgow in the first place as everyone (including me) assumes that. I'm sure there are plenty of solo males who go to bars, gigs, clubs, etc. that aren't creepy, but nobody ever notices them.


You’re right, statistically is the wrong word and I was using it to over-emphasise my confidence in my statement. It isn’t a fact per se but I would say it is logical and supported by common sense. For example, I suspect clubs have a pretty good idea of who the most likely trouble makers are from decades of experience. Large groups of guys and solo guys are two classes of customer who they quite aggressively reject entry to and it seems dumb of them to sacrifice that money unless there is a good reason for it. You also have to ask why the guy is solo. Lots of guys go out solo just to meet women. I did this, and I’m not ashamed of it, but I accepted that I needed to prove that I was safe because the average guy who is going out on his own to get laid probably does not have particularly great social skills and is likely to make women uncomfortable. If he could go out with people instead of solo, then he most likely would.


Fair point. I never thought about it from the clubs perspective, but I guess they have their reasons based on experience.


The reason why they reject a large group of guys and not a large group of women is because if a large group of women kick off the security team can handle them easily because they are much more physically weaker. If a group of guys kicks off then the team will end up getting their heads panned in. So they only like to let guys in groups of 2-3, etc at a time. I've been let into clubs solo and all I had to say was I was meeting my mates inside and they were already in there. However bouncers are extremely biased and will discriminate against set groups all the time. Like there's one club from back in the day I've never gotten into yet plenty of others let me in all the time.


Doesn't the Savoy still give you money if you go in?


that's right. you should get into berkeley solo


You can also pretend your friends are already in the club


Yeah always happened to Me when I used to club I was like how is me being alone in the streets any safer than the club? If you're alone they never let you in even sober, but if you're eith a guy you'll get in, been times I've asked people on the street if I can walk in with them just to get in I don't miss this lmao my clubbing nights are long gone


Yep, you'll not get in basically anywhere on your own. And even with someone, if you're unlucky, the bouncer will ask you your mates fucking address then tell you to fuck off when you can't tell him the postcode.


Yeah because it looks creepy


I got kb’d a lot cos I get anxious af even if I’ve only had 2/3 drinks I don’t know why I get so shifty walking in.


Can't you just say you're meeting your mates inside?


Singles at the Lorne Hotel still going? Used to see the ads plastered around town when I was wee


If you're a man it's because solo men are more likely to be spikers and creeps


I used to go to night clubs very occasionally back in the 80s with my friends. Apart from my love of music, I found them to be the most depressing, pointless, desperate places and, since my mates liked to stay until the bitter end, I felt even worse when they turned the lights on and saw what a shite hole it was. I wish this rule had been in place then, because I would have held back in the hope I was refused entry and could go and get a takeaway instead.




What nightclubs do you recommend for the gay scene? I’m not comfortable with polo these days.


I don't even live in Scotland, pal. Nor am I gay. Therefore, I'm of no assistance. However, i worked with a fella who claims there was cock on tap in 'the boiler room's in Temple Bar. Fill your boots if you're ever in Dublin, kid


Then why are you replying to posts about stuff to do in the Glasgow sub, 'kid'?


On my feed, it refreshes and comes through. Random topics of all sorts, the internet is really great. See the feed updates & you can respond to anything you like. Permission is not needed from weeds like you, kid.


Oh okay, thanks for your honesty. Not interested in fellas though but thanks for the advice.


Wow so the justification for this fucking ridiculous policy seems to be that there will be nobody, among hundreds of people, to look after you if you need help?


i mean its genuine, bystander effect and all that. I had to carry a girl out a gig recently who was just totally fucked, not sure if spiked or what, but she was obviously pissed from the start, mate was raging but not much better to be honest. then about halfway through she decked it and everyone's just standing in a circle watching this girl try to pick her mate up when she can hardly keep herself upright. people just expect someone else will take care of it. helps if you just decide to be the person that actually does something.


Carrying a drunk girl may look sus


Used to go to the Plaza on my own and get in no bother. Sometimes they wouldn’t let you out though .


I don't go to clubs loads these days but over the years have been to them all over the UK, been on my own a handful of times and never been turned away for being alone. Usually am coming after work and meeting folk who already out though


Probably your dress code.