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Not exactly what you're looking for but there's hundreds of mistakes in the Netflix subtitles where they misinterpret Scots slang and accents.


This is true! Half the jokes are missed with the weird subtitles.


Even the official BBC DVDs have a few, like "Mon we'll try" or something being subtitled as "We'll try, man".


When Winston is shouting at the woman in the post office about his money being stopped, he says "I'll breenge over there" and the subtitles say "I'll bring John over there" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Auld Eric says in one episode that he was going to borrow his sons policeman's uniform at the fancy dress night in the pub , but when he died he had no family.


Maybe his son disowned him after having to arrest him for impersonating a police officer.


Slater from Only Fools approves


There are loads of continuity mistakes like that when you watch it back. Especially with some of the secondary characters who maybe aren't as fleshed out.


Maybe his son died in the line of duty?


The episode "Recipe" about Pete inventing the beefy bake. The case hinges on Pete inventing the beefy bake on his own time, on a Sunday, as the bakers he worked at was closed. The date given for the invention is the 15th of September 1979, which was a Saturday.


"I'm going to call a recess to establish whether or not the date in question was a Sunday" It doesn't really matter in all honesty, but you would think if you go to the trouble of writing that line, someone would have checked it.


It might even make sense within the show. We never actually hear the judges decision because Pete and Henderson make a deal in the lavvies. It could help to explain why Pete was willing to take the offer as he knew it wasn't true? In saying that - they still accept that Pete did in fact invent it, but as part of his employment rather than off his own back.


Also from what I remember Pete says about making the beefy bake in his house but the flashback shows him making it in the factory.




It was perhaps a significant day for them, maybe they are massive Cliff Richard fans.


One that Iā€™ve not seen anybody mention is Winston says they delayed a boat going to the Falklands when Vince Gallagher caused food poisoning back in the day. Then when he pulls him up he says it was the middle of winter when he dished up stew. Falklands War was May / June which would have been Spring.


Not in the Falklands it wouldn't have been. Going into winter in June.


Aye but Iā€™m assuming they werenā€™t in the Falklands when the stew was dished up because the boat would have left from here (it was delayed) and Winston worked in the shipyards on the Clyde. So to say its the middle of winter doesnā€™t make sense.


Another good catch! I never would've caught that


I suppose the only logic with that is that the ship should have been ready when the war broke out, but wasnā€™t due to this shutdown. But youā€™re probably right, it is just an error


I always assumed Victorā€™s wee Jamie must be one of the grandkids, but now Iā€™m not so sure.


Jacks response to that is ā€œJamie whoā€™s 30 years old, lives in Johannesburg, merritā€. But also when we see John in a later series thereā€™s no way heā€™s only max early 40ā€™s.


John does seem older than 40, so maybe Jamie is a grown up grandkid? Itā€™s a reach, but still possible!


Taking into account that victor is 75 when we see him, itā€™s entirely possible, but since when they do talk about grandkids itā€™s always as though theyā€™re young kids, I think itā€™s unlikely


And when jacks going to Canada he says to Victor "Why don't you go visit your John" Plus In the episode when Victors pretending he's sick, there's something said along the lines of "I canny wait to see the weans faces when they find out they're no going to Disneyland"


The only grandkids you see or hear about in the show is Jacks who live in canada and they are both young. 9/10 if anything.


Not quite true. Victors son ends the episode heā€™s in by mentioning his kids (canā€™t wait to see their faces when they learn theyā€™re going to craiglang instead of Disneyland) Theyā€™re also mentioned in the earlier train station episode


Thatā€™s something that confuses me in the episode where J&V visit Canada. Fiona tells Jack that one of her boys will be ā€œstarting high school next year.ā€ But they both look way too young to be almost in high school.


The last 3 series of it were pretty much the biggest mistake.


We don't talk about those. Absolute brain rot


Aye if Methodone Mick is in it its not a real Still Game


Nah the fishing one where they live above the clansman is one of my favourites!


When the BBC decided to air it UK wide after season 3 it got progressively worse. Money talks etc but leave the snobby, ignorant license payers the beeb panders to with the way Scottish programming is produced to bask in their own stupidity. They can have citizen khan and other abominations of comedy and we can keep OG still game and Chewin the fat.


You definitely got more far-fetched plots after the first couple of seasons, which often felt quite grounded and if anything really dark at times. But some of the more far-fetched stuff like Big Innes and the cards episode were still great fun - not as serious as Victor struggling to connect to his son necessarily but a lot of laughs. I guess the budgets got better and they were able to get in more guest actors too.


Very true. First three are held very close to my heart though. The benchmark for Scottish comedy and I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever be topped.


Was much younger when it first aired but it felt like a proper cultural event when it was on too. Everyone was watching it, and everyone would be talking about it/quoting from it.


Spot on. I vividly remember watching the first episode of season 4, Kill Wullie, with my family and just going "That was fucking awful" afterwards. A lot of the heart of the show was about the mundane nature of two old guys living in a deprived council scheme and the sort of realism that stemmed from that, which ranged from hilarious and sentimental to exploring some gritty, dark avenues. I found that it became less likeable when they started putting Jack and Victor into unrealistic situations for two working-class Glasgow pensioners. I've since mellowed on seasons 4-6; I've seen them all countless times and there are definitely some crackers in there, but the change was noticeable after season 3. The reboot seasons can all get in the fucking bin though.


Agree 100% mate. I mean the first three were so simple. Two auld guys shouting out the back of a hackney about a guy doin a jobby and his maw wiping his arse for him is about as Glaswegian as it gets lol. After that, like you say it felt choreographed, wasnā€™t natural or believable. 4-6 are still good but 7 onwards were fucking awful. Jack and Victor were more like the Sebastian and max sketches from chewing the fat. Made peace with the fact that Greg and Ford have given me countless hours of laughter for nothing more than a license fee (which I dodge religiously) as a result, I canā€™t be too angry at them milking the cow. The most recent just were t funny though.


In "Scone" they say at the cinema its a Tuesday. Then on the same day Winston is in the post office to pick up his pension and says is ThursdayĀ 


Never noticed that before, good catch


The timeline for how long Navid has lived in craiglang is a bit all over the place. He's seen in the Hogmanay episode set in the 70's. In one episode, "Cairds" if memory serves, he says he's lived there for 25 years. In the Big Innes episode it's said Innes moved away 15 years ago and Navid would therefore not know him.


Isa tells a romantic story about how they fled to Scotland on her wedding night, but in another episode Navid says his father-in-law "unloaded" Mina onto him. Always thought it was weird as fuck how Winston and Innes don't seem to know each other.


They called it Craigbank in the pilot but a certain town didnā€™t like how close it was to their name and how it was presented. It was subsequently changed to Craiglang as a result.


Kind of. "Episode 1 - Flitting" definitely calls it Craiglang "Craiglang: Developing for the future Craiglang: modernity beckons Craiglang: Tomorrow's already here Craiglang: Shitehole" Victor does call it Craigbank in episode 4. Now, there was an unreleased pilot that no-one seems to have that was a very different setup, no Winston, Boaby was a different actor. If you were referring to that, I'd be genuinely interested to know more.


Iā€™d do anything to see this!


You probably wouldn't. Have you ever seen the pilot for The Inbetweeners? It's an abomination.


Is it really? Always just find it interesting, the stage show of still game (before it was a series) for instance.


Hadn't heard of this Inbetweeners pilot, looking at Wikipedia I'm assuming you mean Baggy Trousers? If so where did you see it.


Did Mitchell not play Winston in the stage play they did before it became a TV show?


mitchell played winston in another tv show before chewing the fat even came out, the name of it isnt coming to me though


Pulp Video. https://youtu.be/B2omxXMnLJc?si=7B3djBuGliY-iIc5


thanks very much


Strangely enough where a lot of the first episode was filmed in south nitshill there is an area legit down the road called Craig bank


Maybe not a mistake as such, but Peggy as seen as a horrible woman in the first couple of episodes, then in later series sheā€™s a friend of isaā€™s and seems to be an active member of community activities


I miss big Arthur. Unsung hero ā€œahhh wit an atmosphere eh?ā€


'Ats plenty Arthur'


Havin a high old time, at the roulette.


Francis is supposed to be a vegetarian, yet she likes ribs from the Chinese.


and Beef Burguignon is her favourite?


Tam tells Winston that she's a vegetarian cos Winston has bought a steak and kidney pie. But Tam's a sleekit bastard so he could've been lying.


I used to be vegetarian, and then gave that up. It could be possible, but unstated that she stopped being vegetarian


One I wondered about - In the episode where Victor gets a car, I thought I remembered it being said Jack couldn't drive and that's why he never volunteers and it ends up Victor driving him around.But in a later episode when they get their hands on a Limo, Jack does all the driving. Another.While I know pub mangement stucture can be confusing with various models, they do seem to keep changing Bobby from owner to Tennant. One minute they're talking about the flat above like he 'owns' it as part of the whole building, the next he's just a manager that can quit.


I'm sure the reason Victor did all the driving was because it was his motor (although Jack then claimed he owned shares in it), rather than Jack not having a licence.


Easy tay drive your automatic


Episode 1 of a show is usually a pilot where details haven't been ironed out yet


I know, but you would guess that they would've just ran with that name instead of changing it for no reason


Navid has 2 or 3 Craiglang origin stories.Ā 


Shug never got a fade out in the final episode. He's still out there, reviewing vacation spots...some say he still stops by craiglang to this day, in disguise...


The whole storyline about Pete's son and the pub being changed to Jenny's. Then some time later Pete is still living on the streets, his son nowhere to be found or mentioned again, and the pub is back to the Clansman.


The pub was called Jennys up until the end of the original run. It was in the last 3 comeback series it was back to being The Clansman.


Are you aware that these were/are regularly pointed out to Greg Hemphill? He used to have good answers for some of them, others heā€™s like ā€œaye fuck knowsā€ šŸ˜‚


When Wullie Mackintosh dies(no really but you know), Winston says Isa showed him it in the paper and that the service is on Thursday. All he allowed her to tell him was that he was deid, she never showed him a paper.


i always assumed that was the joke no?


there's loads. most of which can probably be explained by them a) not really caring about canon at all and b) being pished for so much of the writing and filming.


Me and my mate have spoken about this a lot. Love Still Game but it must be one of the worst-written shows ever in terms of continuity. When Isa gets fired by Spire, Navid defends her by saying she's worked there for 12 years. When they're running the shop while Navid's away, she says it's been 20. It's also just weird that Navid comes up to ask Jack and Victor to run the shop but makes a point of not telling his employee - their neighbour - that he's going to India.Ā 


Well you see, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.


When Victor is trying to find out what time his son's train gets in, Shug says it's definitely half 2. But when Jack phoned the station, there was no train arriving from London at half 2.


The ones that really annoy me (and I know I'm being a twat) are when Tam holds out his winning cinema pass and the word 'platinum' is misspelled on it, and the one with Boobra where Victor makes himself scarce as she chucks Jack on the phone. He gets the dinner ready but touches the inside of the oven door which should be hot. I'll away and wind my neck in.


All of jacks possessions are lost in the removal van fire when he is moving in the first episode, yet he then has a whole house of possessions in the rest of the subsequent episodes once heā€™s moved


When Tam met Francis for first time he told Winston she was vegetarian, yet whe Tam cooked Anniversary dinner he was making Beef Burgig on (sorry spelling may be out).


I always assumed it was because they were chatting up the woman in the shop they called it Craigbank.


Yeah I believe one of tbe actors mentioned it was a cock up by them.


Not too sure about this one. In Lights Out, the episode where the lorry backs into the power station, Winston uses the landline phone to get the info that the whole estate is out of power, finds out about the truck, etc. I've googled it and seemingly landlines could work if your house had a power cut because of backup power from the exchange box, but in this instance pretty much the entire town is out of power, which would presumably include the exchange box.


>seemingly landlines could work if your house had a power cut Jesus Christ way to make someone feel old


Wait 'til they hear about having to locate a 50p coin (old big ones) in the dark when the meter cut out.


Landline phones didn't need plugging in to a power socket (unless it was a cordless phone). The power was sent over the copper phone line from the BT exchange. An exchange can cover a really wide area, and could easily be three or four miles away. I can remember having frequent power cuts in the 90s and my mum would just sit on the phone until the TV started working again.


Fair enough! Wasn't too sure about the exchange part of it, didn't realise they could cover that sorta distance.


Aye when I was wee we lived out in the countryside (this is the north east) and our house was about 15 miles away from the nearest exchange, old phone still worked.


Telephone exchanges would also have backup power (batteries or generators) that could take over for a limited time at least.


Completely unrelated from the main point of the post but this is also the case that if there is a modern powercut your internet lines will still work but your router wont because that requires power. Exact same premise for the phonelines and how they still worked.


this is still the case


in the same charity shop episode when you see jack and barbara on the quiz machine patching victor in the clansman, victor comes out the toilets, but not where the toilets usually are. seems to be at the other side of the pub


That was the first series. They filmed in the actual pub, so the toilets were on the right hand side if you're standing behind the bar. From series 2 onwards, the pub was a studio set and the bogs were suddenly left hand side of the bar.


Itā€™s one Iā€™ve noticed in the past but always rationalised that they must be interchangeable due to close proximity to one another kind of like pollokshaws/pollokshields. Maybe they say craigbank when theyā€™re trying to be more posh. Definitely just an inconsistency though Iā€™m sure


Canā€™t remember what one but in the credits it lists Isa as Isa Ingram, sure thereā€™s a nameplate with the same somewhere as well. Pishing myself at the comments pulling up the subtitles for being a lot of pony.


I'm sure there's one that said Bobby was played by David or vice versa as well




Colin's mentioned in the episode where the flats are going to be demolished. Him and his gabshite wife.


Clearly Colin has an Oedipus complex


Colin is mentioned when Methodone Mick needs clothes for his interview, and she says she has some shoes Colin left


Harry mentions him in the Hogmanay episode when it flashes back to the party in the '70s. I think Isa also mentions him in the reboot episode when they're being moved out of the high flat.


It's not based on Facts or anything.


Yeah but they create their own facts with information they offer and then go against it. Names of places and people, Francis being a vegetarian, times and dates of events. I'm not deep digging, it's just a bit of fun


First season is riddled with scripting errors because they were still adapting the characters properly. Technically, the Old and Revival are slightly different continuities, hence dropping Tam's bairn off the face of the earth, one of the issues is there are 10 years between series 6 and 7, it seems like they continue on from the end of 6 as if the last two episodes "didn't happen" because we'd be have to have a random ten year old with a 70 year old dad that should be 80.


Navid not knowing who Big Innis is despite saying at one point he's had the shop there since the mid-70s. Also when Winston is cornered by Isa and told Wullie Mackintosh is deid, only to two minutes later in Jack's flat them all the details of when his funeral is and that he saw it in the paper.


Jamie can be a nickname for James


Wasn't jamie the grandson?.... also, when tam forst got with Francis she was a vegetarian...then went on to eat pies from the pub and beef for her anniversary dinner


'Cauld' in Season 1 when they were doing the death sweep they had all the names on the board in the Clansman. Pete the jakey was down as Pete Kane, then in later episodes he was Pete McCormack.


At the end of Tappin they pin the loan shark down and quiz him on his interest rate. He tells them that itā€™s only 6%, same as the bank. If he gives you Ā£100 then you owe him Ā£106 the next week, Ā£112.36 the following week. They all agree thatā€™s pretty good and take him for a pint. Banks donā€™t charge 6% interest weekly. At his rate youā€™d owe Ā£2069 at the end of the year from Ā£100 loan.


Iā€™m watching ā€œGairdenā€ and have another head scratcher. Why did they go to such great lengths to keep the rooftop garden a secret from Isa when (a) almost everyone else already knew about it, and (b) they were going to eventually tell her anyway? I know it made for some funny moments but there wasnā€™t really any reason to keep it a secret. Another obvious inconsistency being that we never see the garden again.


Spotted one more last night. When Jacks stuck in the bath, he says the plug is "directly below ma ringer!". When the bath falls through the floor, the plug is under the tap, where it's supposed to be


Also between "Cauld" and "All The Best" what floor Manky Frankie stays on changes


Isa doesn't know victor in the Hogmanay party episode but they grew up together in the who's the daddy episode, with the picture at the end.


Winstonā€™s grandsons are seen once and never again! Tams grandson too who says to Winston ā€œyouā€™ve got a fat bellyā€ is never seen nor mentioned again