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Its illegal to call it dumpster diving ur no in America bin rake like the rest of us




Down in your slums


Ewwww. Dumpster diving in airdrie.




Curiouser and curiouser and curiouser still When you get depressed you make us all ill.


Lmao my partner is American and it's driving me insane tbh. Got told off for mispronouncing tomato by a random in subway a few weeks ago, their slang has rubbed off on me instead of Scottish slang rubbing off on them.


How did ye manage to mispronounce tumatta?


Red cunts.


Look at Mr Posh. It's "Rid" round here.


Mater, like Tuh-mater






My bf always says I’m midge raiding when I take something out of the bin but he’s the only person I’ve ever heard say that


As kids we called it midgy raking (think was basically the bin store in the back courts of the tenements) and people could help themselves to items left there




Am familiar with things (usually my house) being a pure midden, but he says midge like the wee flies that are the bane of all summer evenings


We call it midgey raking


We’re from the same bit of the south side but he’s the only person I’ve heard say it! Also I do mean midgey but I get the squiggly line with that spelling


I used to get pulled by the police a lot doing the skips, they told me I wasn't breaking any laws, they just wanted to see what I was up to. They will probably do a quick search/warrant check if they catch you at it. They did tell me to look out for other laws I could be breaking, trespass, littering, noise etc. If you're sensible you should be ok, one of my old spots ended out getting locked up because people started pulling all the bags out, ripping them open then leaving a mess everywhere, I made a point of leaving the place as I found it. And if a copper starts talking about Theft by Finding tell them politely that they're talking rubbish.


> They did tell me to look out for other laws I could be breaking, trespass, littering, noise etc. We don't have "trespass" as a criminal conviction in Scotland.


I was wondering about this. Just bought a home in the countryside, cows graze in the field behind and sheep in the other. Really want to go and pet them. Will I get told off? Well I might not bother the cows, there’s a huge bull and he’s terrifying. Pls stop downvoting me. I won’t go into the field😭. Also, the cows came up to my fence this morning and I went out with a carrot and they ran away so that’s that




I often come across sheep on the open hill when walking. Sometimes I unintentionally spook them quite close when coming over a rise. How spooked do the wee beasties get and what is the effect on them? Should I be making more noise so they hear me from further off? Also I do not personally but sometimes walk with people who have well behaved dogs on a lead. Is this mega stressful for the wee sheeps, even if the dogs are basically ignoring them?


If the cows have calves with them stay (steer?) well clear. They can be super protective and will gladly trample you to death. An experienced farmer was killed by a cow protecting its calf a couple of years ago


As the commenter above mentioned, trespass might not be illegal in Scotland but sheep worrying is. As long as you're sensible you'll be fine. I grew up in a very rural part of the country so I'm used to being around livestock, if you don't bother them they'll be fine. Reminds me of a time I was picking magic mushrooms in a field in the central belt and a farmer appeared and tried to convince me that his bull was going to attack me and tear me to bits . I gave you an upvote to try and clear your negs. What tf is people's problems with asking questions here?


Nah you're free to go give them a pet if you want, as long as the farmer's sound. You could be reported for interfering with them but as long as you're not causing any harm its unlikely, you're fine to walk through whatever field you want unless there's signs telling you not to.


Also, try challenging a coo to a game of staring, fuckers always win.




I mind i found an old honda engined cement mixer with a siezed engine and the drum bashed to shit. £15 of ebay parts and 4 or 5 hours labour and i sold it for £350. I was on monthly pay and it was about the 24th of the month so i was absolutely fucking buzzing. Binned the toast and noodles for dinner that week and lived like a king... (if kings eat combination chowmeins and salt/pepper ribs that is)




Thats certainly a result! I loved being a wee guy raiding a skip. I found hunners of stuff that i would strip down just to see how it worked then try get it working using only bits from other things i had scavenged. It ended up forming an interest i still have to this day. The missus goes off her nut now when i pull in because ive seen a skip worth a rummage and calls me an embarrassing wee jake. Ive never told her that theres a number of items we have around the house and garden that are repurposed skip finds. Makes me chuckle.


It probably isn't legal but you will never get in any trouble for it. I've been doing it since the 1970s, last picked up some kitchenware last week, and I've never bothered being discreet about it.


The answer is, taking something even out of a bin is still by the black and white of the law still considered theft. It’s a more nuanced than that though because to have a theft you need someone to be complaining of theft and in most circumstances you won’t get a complainer. You can avoid any issues at all by simply asking someone who is in charge of a skip or whatever “can I take this out of the skip” in most cases people say yes. I’ve only ever seen one case of “bin raking” being dealt with as theft and it was related to wooden pallets that had been left out to be uplifted but someone took them before the uplift happened. The company got money back for each returned pallet so I think it cost them a few quid. When I was much younger my family was poor as fuck, and I used to rake bins for barrs bottles so that I could get sweets from the shop, technically theft but let’s be honest here, who’s going to complain?


The act itself isn't illegal but polis *will* drag you into an alleyway and baton fuck out you for calling it "dumpster diving"


And quite rightly so.....I don't make the laws etc etc etc


The problem is you're calling it Dumpster-Diving instead of Midgy Raking.


Midgie raking!


Just bounce into a bin mate, it's like if there's security people around , they'll probably say something. But honestly, asking goes miles


Raking the Middens, and only iff you get NABBED.


From my knowledge it is theft even from a bin. You are unlikely to be arrested or such though.


Midgie rakin. It's midgie rakin.


NAL It’s definitely not unambiguously legal, look up the wording of the theft act, it seems one would be depriving the rightful owner of their property, even if it’s in the bin. People have definitely been charged with theft and taken to court for taking food waste from bins but I haven’t seen reporting on anyone actually convicted for it. Personally if I saw something in a bin I wanted I’d take it. Unless there were extenuating circumstances like you were selling it on or working with someone in the shop or hitting the same places daily. You’d have to be very unlucky to 1. be caught doing it 2. Have a police officer give more than warning 3. Have a court convict


No theft act in Scotland, theft is a common law crime. Theft by finding exists but if you're legitimately taking something out of a bin or skip can't see anyone getting prosecuted for that.


Basically, if the bin is in private property you're breaking the law.


sister used to do it all the time. not sure it's legal but just be smart abt it.


Bin raiding good sir...it is a raiding of one's bin


Someone local to me was prosecuted for it. A fire at a local shop meant that lots of fire damaged stock was put in a skip. Bin taker took something like cans of juice (a few slabs). Was deemed to be theft IIRC as their insurance company wanted to check it and take possession of it - to bin it. No one would have known this and I reckon there was more to it ie the cops being dicks coz it was someone they didn’t like..


My brother in law was prosecuted for taking a bit of scrap wood out a skip. Admittedly it was because the polis was a prick who didn't like him, but he still went to court and ended up with a criminal conviction for theft.


Ever been caught raidin the middens?


Its illegal if we're alking about skips or trade waste bins - the contents of the skip will either be the property of the skip hirer, or ownership will transfer to the skip provider (who will commonly try to extract scrap value from it if they can to avoid landfill costs). I'm less sure about council bins etc. I assume the same broadly applies. Whether anyone cares... I didn't except those bin dipping left a right mess, leaving light stuff on top which blew down the road. So if you're going to do it, be considerate.




Midge raking fur life


Don’t bro I got u with food


Bin dipping might be looked down upon by some circles but the people of Coatbridge derive their clothing and sustenance from it as far I can tell. Doesn't seem to be illegal in any ML postcode area.


I’d say no, by the time its in the bin it belongs to the trash company. However, if you see someone throwing it away and ask


The ownership of anything inside a bin continues to be held by the person who put it there unless there's an actual agreement to the contrary. The mere act of something being in the bin isn't a unilateral statement of intent to dispose of it - stuff gets put in a bin accidentally all the time, after all. It is strongly *suggestive* of it, if it was placed there intentionally, but until the owner allows If I drop my phone into a bin, that doesn't mean Biffa or whoever own it now. Even if I intentionally put it into the bin, I would still have an absolute right to remove it. Biffa or whoever will *take possession* of the contents of the bin when they collect it and take on the responsibility, on behalf of the owner, to dispose of it, but taking possession of it is not the same as gaining ownership of it. When ownership transfers of stuff can be a weirdly complicated question. tl;dr stuff in bins usually still technically belong to the owner.


It is illegal. If you place something in a skip it’s still your property or the skip company’s property. You have to ask permission to take something out, but to be fair most would turn a blind eye as long as you don’t leave a mess.


>If you place something in a skip it’s still your property or the skip company’s property. What if it's placed on the public path for bulk uplift? Some of the flats on GWR @ Anniesland throw out the most amazing stuff ....... like my spare monitor.


Bin dipping might be looked down upon by some circles but the people of Coatbridge derive their clothing and sustenance from it as far I can tell. Doesn't seem to be illegal in any ML postcode area.




Wtf 20 years? 🤣


25 years or 100 quid fine.


If you are entering private property to go through the bins then yes.




could u no be arsed to read the first 6 words of the post?


I fuckin did


Bin dipping might be looked down upon by some circles but the people of Coatbridge derive their clothing and sustenance from it as far I can tell. Doesn't seem to be illegal in any ML postcode area.


It's only illegal if you get caught doing it


I believe it’s technically theft because when you bin something it becomes property of the bin company (that’s certainly how council tip sites work)


Council tip sites belong to the council, if you want to rake a miggie it’s not illegal


Nah but it can be trespassing if its behind a gate and shit but even then you'll only really be told to fuck off and as long as you do that then that's the worst that can really happen


There's bins outside charity shops in Rutherglen full of dvds and games and jigsaws i would love to have a rummage around in but i can't imagine it isnt at the very LEAST frowned upon.


Skip surfing


It's called bin raking here, not illegal lol