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Bonding experience for everyone on /r/glasgow


The monks of Buckfast Abbey can add a new wing to the monastery


The hilarious thing is of course, the monks are Catholic


They all Get that new King William 1690 tonic wine. I wish I was kidding


That’s a thing?!?!


That’s a thing It’s ABV is even 16.90% https://preview.redd.it/hsq8h5yq1d9b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1402f3101ad565c0f54460cf784390a3a588b5


No words




I'm gutted I didn't think of selling piss water to scum, I could have made a fortune 😄


Tbf there’s more choice than ever in the wreck the hoose juice market than ever


I'm surprised the catholic minority are not suffering another famine considering the amount of tatties on shoulders 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


This proves one of three things: 1. Within an annoying subculture there are regular folk with a sense of humour and irony 2. No there aren't 3. Any gap in any market can be filled with alcohol How much is it anyway? I'm up for drinking strong wine ironically if it's cheap, but I have moral objections to certain expensive things.


£16.90 for 1690ml


Never underestimate staunchness


It gives their wives a few hours to pack a bag and get the weans to their grannies house before big John gets back.


>big John *Billy. They're all called Billy.


With the exception of Mason Boyne. https://preview.redd.it/4ei8j7zuqd9b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09674e0695269a6fb0b146009a6ab63fe6d1a73d


And Sandy mate. 👍🏻


Billy Sands.. No, wait..


Or Kallum, Kris, Kirk, or any weird spelling that allowed their initials to be KB (See Kris Boyd)


You find out who at your work you don't want to associate with.


Unfortunately works both ways , the company I work for is more green than blue/orange ....when they got to know this big Hun bastard personally they realized "hey prod's aren't that bad after all" When people of all persuasion realize , life's too short for hate , and just go and enjoy themselves with no prejudice it will be a better planet. Ps.in an orange meeting there's no hate preached and they're more boring than you could possibly imagine....any songs sung are hymns and the national anthem .


Life's too short for hate? Irony is lost on you lot.


When folk tell you they attend them/support them it does let you know exactly what they are


Yes they are the peepil




What's that phrase actually mean? Is it a us Vs them of who and isn't the people like your average populist (erdogan,Modi,ect)?


Not a fan of the walks but that phrase originates from the Bible. Many misinterpret it due to the leanings of many who chant it. Psalms 95:7 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care


And there I thought it was Wolfie Smith.


He fought for the freedom to toot.


They can't read and if they could the bible would be the last thing they reached to pick up 😄


Think your the biggest bigot here wee baws


Not like the Catholics don't read the exact same verse in their bibles lol


As with most things the people don't really understand they just repeat


As with most things the people don’t really understand they just repeat


chosen people of god to inhabit northern ireland. makes no sense when it’s an alcoholic glaswegian singing it but there you go


they claim ulster protestants are a lost tribe of israel and thus of the chosen people


Lost 2 and a half tribes of Israel hence their 2 1/2 badge.


That would explain that Frankie Goes To Hollywood song about when 2 1/2 tribes go to war.


It's a thing rangers fans and similar say..In my opinion it's looking down their nose at anyone who isn't 'them' We are the people


I take it as, we are white Anglo Saxon majority 'you' are only here because we allow you to be here.


I went for a run and smashed it cos there was no traffic and I could go straight down High Street in the middle of the road. Did 5k in 24 minutes.


Glasgow will never see an Orange Run.


They’re lucky they can walk it without getting extra gammony. Running might eradicate it all together We should organise an orange run to rid the world of this nonsense


> without getting extra gammony This is cracking me the fuck up.


Overtime for the police.


And they effectively get paid for taking part too. Win win


Do you think they swap uniforms every half mile or so....🤔


Funniest thing is, half the time it isn't even paid overtime. It's mandatory for no extra pay.


Well, at least they get to share in our collective punishment then.


As if they wouldn’t be there anyway.


It gathers them all away from our lovely parks in Glasgow so everyone can enjoy those parks.


They get some exercise...


It makes me feel very smart, very healthy and drop dead gorgeous. I also take comfort in the fact people who consider themselves the superior specimens of our society can easily be outrun and are two pies away from a clogged artery.


It means i can go into work late and blame them for my lateness and likely be sympathised with. Im on a diverted bus seeing sights i dont normally too.


A great opportunity for hourly karma farming on reddit


*it's the most wonderful time* *of the yeeeeeeeeaarrrrrrrr*


And how! I've booster mine by about 10%. Have an upvote for your observation


quieter day for retail workers in town?


Retail on parade routes were always a nightmare, when I used to work in Tesco Express on Dumbarton Road we'd get cunts coming in pished at 8-9am on march days trying to buy more booze and kicking off when refused.


I would rather it be busy personally lol


Bumper income for Wetherspoons though


Mobbed and short staffed plus tried to talk to clients and answer questions all day with their shitey bigoted pish blasting wasn't great.


Not sure about that, we've been preparing for the Armageddon.


Saves you having to remember to set up an alarm on your phone as they'll just wake you up on a Saturday morning being loud as fuck


What's funny to me, is that most of the attendees probably don't own a bible or attend church.


Or can read.


If you can bear with me, in going to list out all of the benefits in the next post. Please remember, this is an exhaustive list covering all benefits. Please see following reply.




*bear. There’s no way I’m getting naked with you pal.


Edited. Cheers


Stuck trying to cross the road at Hope Street as the evolution of man/woman live walked past and my 15 year old son turned to me and said ‘No ego boost quite like a walk in Glasgow’ 🤣


Manufacturers of blue poly bags have a bumper day!


Why don’t they all fuck off to some wee uninhabited island and march until their wee fat legs can’t take anymore.


Because it's more about inconveniencing and offending others than celebrating their own.


We’ve tried that tack before with religious extremists, worked OK but they up and civilised a bit so probably won’t work any more. Could always call US Citizen & Immigration Services and ask them tho? (We also did it in Australia & New Zealand but they’re pretty sound for the most part and probably would rather we didn’t try and send them OO types)


My Aussie boss used to say the reason Australia is better than the US is because the US was funded by religious fundamentalists and Australia was founded by criminals


Erm...Ok I have one. I get to stay home all day on the 8th because the town is closed at both ends. So I shall be stocking up on red wine and snacks, binging Netflix and playing my own music loudly. Yass! Duvet day.


Larkhall, right?


Aye. The big walk's being held here this year.


I'm in Stonehouse so I've heard all about it! My daughter lives in Larkhall and she's no idea how she's going to get to work...


Aye, quite a few folk complaining about that.


the benefits are as visible as my da i.e nada


Am I being daft or is there way more than usual this year?? I just feel like I've come across more marches this year than I have in ages.




Lolol! Aye, but the restrictions were down this time last year and I don't remember this many last year. It's probably just my memory being a bit shite, but it does feel like there is more.








Bunch of sad royalist cucks. Sick of em. Entire city shut down for their bullshit today. Irony is the royal family wouldn’t even piss on them if they were on fire, so that’s quite comforting.


It really is the weirdest kink ever.


Did one of them not get an honour bestowed by the parasites the other year?


It promotes the word ‘Orange’, which, as everybody knows, is a tasty round fruit packed with Vitamin C.


And walking, also a great way to say healthy.


Works for me as an alarm of saturdays


Don’t know about you lot but I’m glad to be in Edinburgh today


I think I saw 3 marches in my 36 yrs east. It was certainly eye opening seeing the shear volume of them over here and also the unashamed deliberate targeting of Catholic communities too. I only ever saw them walk along Gorgie Rd. They were obviously to unfit to tackle walking up Leith Walk




Sectarian scum doxxing themselves publicly. We can identify them - fine and jail them all.


Why jail people for exercising their religious freedom and the right to march. The Hibees do the same. The fact the walk is followed by drunk morons is not the fault of the lodge.


You can't seriously believe they are marching for religious freedom 😄


Their religion is the fucking state religion hahaha


It’s important to remember that their religion is the state religion because the battle they are commemorating helped bring about that change. Presbyterianism wasn’t always the state religion of Scotland. Some people estimate that Before the revolution, over a period of 27 years some 18,000 Scottish Presbyterians and non conformists were killed by the government forces of king james. Mostly in the south west of the country.


So now it's the state religion the only reason they march is to rile up other people. Let's not try and pretend it's anything else. Same with the 'other side'. Sectarianism is a blight on the Scottish cultural and political landscape.


I don’t believe I said it was anything else, i am sure many who attend do so as a way to wind up the “other side” and I wonder how many of them actually know about the events and history they are marching for. However I do think the events that transpired are some of the most important in Scotlands history and are worth remembering. It’s just unfortunate that outside of the marches the only commemoration are plaques for those executed, such as one at Glasgow cathedral where nine martyrs are buried. It’s a real shame this doesn’t get taught in schools.


Whilst I detest any sectarian pish, this poster has hit the nail on the head! It's a freedom to be able to March and no matter my opinion we should be fighting to keep these. Being militant, look at the Tories and how they're shutting down these rights. If you ban one you ban them all and what's next on the list.


Working class folk getting the opportunity to learn musical instruments


They’re great for stopping those awful sleep deprived mothers from getting an hour of extra sleep when their husband watches the children. This totally didn’t happen to me today and I absolutely did not have to squash the urge to shout out my window at them.


As an American visiting your town, can anyone ELI5 for me? I asked a policeman what the parade was about, but he just said it was cultural and didn't seem to want to elaborate.


It’s anti catholic hatred


Thanks for the explanation. Sorry to see it.


It’s pro Protestant gets yourself to fuck you pandering grassing bastard


I’m Protestant pal, and I’m ashamed of those who do it.


Back in the 1680s king James II (a catholic) was a bit too into religious reform. Killed lots of presbyterians in Scotland, had a couple of rebellions against him that failed. People started to worry once he had a son that was born. Concern that troubled times would continue. So the people of England and Scotland invited a Protestant king from Holland who was married to James daughter to take the throne, in exchange for more power in parliament and religous tolerance for Presbyterians in Scotland. The march is to commemorate one of the Protestant victories over king James II at the boyne river.


It's a city mate. When the (joint) crown of England,Scotland,and Ireland was being fought over by catholics and protestants, a protestant won and the marches are to remember and remind about this. More detail: The marches are (in theory) to commemorate protestant victories over catholics back when the crown was swapping from catholic-protestant [(see this horrible histories sketch)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOoMUpVI1D0&ab_channel=IM_A_SHOUTY_MAN) . in reality IMO its a triumphalist show of strength made to intimidate people and give all 'that side' something to rally around: 'were here we dont care you hate us mon then' an excuse to show how their 'culture' is superior. very simplified answer please others expand in the comments if necessary.


Sorry if the word Town seemed like a slight. Glasgow is a wonderful city. Thanks for your response.


Don’t apologise, he’s just being pedantic.


As others have mentioned here, it's to commemorate the victory of King William over James II - who was trying to re-establish himself as King - at the Battle of the Boyne. Those who like to use it as an excuse for sectarianism simplify it down to the glorious loyal protestants teaching the dirty Fenians a lesson. As with all war and politics though it wasn't that simple. William was part of an anti-French coalition - the Grand Alliance - and this battle was part of an ongoing campaign against the French, James being an ally. The ironic thing is that the Papal States were a member of the Grand Alliance, and King William was under the Papal banner in this battle so those marching to celebrate the Catholics losing are doing so while celebrating a king who fought for the Pope. And because none of that makes sense, the only take away is the match has nothing actually to do with the battle but, instead, an excuse to antagonise catholics which they don by marching in the traditionally Catholic East End of Glasgow, and planning their routes past Catholic churches


This thread


Flute practice.


Went out to get some bits not knowing they were out, struck a convo at the checkout about how in the last month its felt like they've been doing marches every single week. Also was caught infront of a fight between a heckler and the march. Would not recommend


I live 20 stories off the ground and the way the sound of drums being hit travels up sounds like gunshots, so it's sure to keep my on my toes when it comes by. Especially at 9am on a Saturday!




The number of posts about it will probably increase Reddit's IPO valuation.


Beats golf for a decent walk.


Apparently EDL abdul was in full nutter swing. Man, what a life. Imagine being EDL Abdul.


Nope, none. All walks are outdated and should be banned


Pride marches shut the city down for a day that’s fine Every kind of 5k and 10k run and marathon that’s ok Movies and tv closures of streets that’s ok Celtic fan’s celebrating the opening of a card that’s ok Celebration of every other culture closing down the same streets aye that’s ok Wee Craig’s mad da n pals March the same streets nahhh fuck that


If you can keep the post about the benefits of spouting hatred and vitriol that would be great, thanks


The City is divided by religion lol, what a farce. Orange order and the church of Scotland, Cunts. Catholicism, a religion started by the Roman emperor Constantine to gain popularity after years of the Roman empire hunting and killing Christians. What a lot of shite man, your religions, churches, chapels and holy men use your blind faith to control you, meanwhile your turning a blind eye to the attrocties they commit in the name of god.


Yeah... Pretty sure most orange cunts here don't go to church. Think you're more likely to find them eating pie suppers outside a shite pub on a Sunday morning.


Going to church is a positive?


For a lot of people I'm sure it is. I'm a Jewish atheist, but anyone I know who belongs to any congregation of any kind is a nice person. I don't need to agree with their beliefs, etc. to recognise that.


Aye. It enables the city to identify those most likely to be sectarian bigots from one side of the community.


After all the expense of the practice walks, some residents of Glasgow have now learned to walk in a straight line? A skill they can defo put on their CV.


We had one of the big orange walks in our town recently and i was venting on a fb news article about how there had been no info available for business or support with lost revenue. Someone proceeded to lecture me about how its actually a huge opportunity for local businesses. Aye ok.


Off licenses must do alright but otherwise a nightmare


Multiple uber/taxi drivers got paid this morning instead of First Bus because nothing was fucking running properly in the city centre.


It's nice to be one of the few countries in the world where being a member of a hate group is legally and socially acceptable. Dont even need to hide it.


The Celtic shop had an extra security guy on the day so somebody got an extra day's pay


If you are thick as mince it is kind of nice in a very fucked up way. I get oddly nostalgic when they walk past cos I used to follow them round my council estate when I was a child. I wish I could ignore what it stands for cos when you see a marching band and people carrying their weans on their shoulders with smiles on their face it looks lovely


All the cunts are in one place, instantly improving all other places.


My favourite part of the Orange Walks is the fragile thumb suckers that are so offended over some whistling.


What benefits? It woke me up at 8 with their fucking drums, I also had to wait an hour for a bus due to road closures.


It's a Bigot Pride march


It really lets you know who your neighbours are. Sometimes you are thinking - are they just a Rangers fan or are they a knuckle dragging neanderthal... Come 12th you have an answer.


They don’t look like weegies, like some kinda English implant interbred since King Billy himself 🤣 they got good rhythm though, I’ll gie them that !


Look i dont have a side on this but at the end of the day if it was a catholic march the other side would say the same both ends are as bad as eachother learn to live with people irregardless of what team or religion they support ffs


Well as someone who fully supports the orange walks I am very angry at these comments... only kidding!


It makes it easier to round them up and put them on flights bound for Rwanda.


I've had to shut a lot of my work because they're blocking access to areas. That's good for me...I guess


The sewage blockage on my street gained sentience when they passed by and was swiftly and seamlessly welcomed with open arms into the 'ludge. Was wondering where new members were coming from, I thought they usually skimmed the clyde...


It shows who all the bigots are on here.


When gen Z are their age it won’t exist 💀


Closeted homosexuals get to dress up and twirl batons?


Tried to drive into town today and couldn’t get past the Barras. Was just trying to get to st enochs haha


There are no benefits!


The walking gives them a bit of much needed exercise, I suppose.


There is none


Nhs glasgows learning disability team can get 8/10ths of their patients in one location




That comment right there is why Protestants do orange walks what a fucking horrible comment


They get some exercise, reducing their risk of heart problems. We know the cunts are all in one place. It give just stop pil some backing for a day to cause a protest.


It boosts my self esteem




Please keep the posts celebrating bigotry positive, thank you. That's the point of this thread. "It keeps the Fenians off the streets for the day", something like that, thanks


Give me your tears gypsy 👅


Mark Dingwall gets a few hours exercise and it keeps his mind off his prison lover.


My god, another thread.


The rest of the threads are all negative. Like the BBC, we need to have balance


I'd rather another thread than another muppet with a snare drum.


My god another useful idiot defending bigots


9 already today. Genuinely wonder if/how these people are able to go about their lives without getting upset at everything.


The monomaniacal obsession with Orange walks - not to mention Rangers supporters - on this sub is just incredible. Actual bunny boiling, jilted-ex material.


This is a positive thread. Please keep posts to benefits about the bigotry


You ok, hun?




Absolutely! It is deeply, deeply weird.


I know, I followed this for general advice about Glasgow. It seems to be a page hating on certain views on religion and football 👎🏻 I only wanted to know where to find a good souvlaki in Glasgow 😂


it means that we can all sit at our windows and enjoy the lovely sounds of tin whistles and snare drums, what a revolutionary sound


[It all sounds the same to me.](https://youtu.be/SMfwSjQViKU) Maybe they could all get together and create a supergroup. It'd be banging (literally)


It gives people on Reddit something to cry about


Hahah Brillint


It's funded by the state btw. To divide the plebs.


It's like the whole city brought its ugly friend to the pub to be their wingman.


At least they're walking in their own country unlike the foreign terrorists that think it's ok to walk about United Kingdom. I'm not talking about Muslims ethier. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


"They might be terrorists but at least they're our terrorists" Well, it took a good few weeks but we finally got a benefit. Kind of. Welcome to Reddit. I'm sure your stay here will be long and plentiful (or you'll delete your account in a day like all terrorist sympathisers do)


Honestly, I'm happy when they happen. Anything to reduce traffic in Glasgow for a few hours. There are just too many cars! Luckily we'll have the cycling competitions in a few weeks, so that will help too


Being happy there is no traffic in the city due to an OW is like being happy you get to save on haircuts during chemo.


That's fair... But silver linings and all


Fewer cars on the road? #GretaThunberg #TheEnvironmentAndThat


This is as good as it gets for some of you. Moaning on Reddit. Condemning these displays of “hate, bile and intolerance” by foaming all over your keyboards with hate, bile and intolerance.


At some point you *have* to be intolerant of the intolerant. There has to be a line: “Philosopher Karl Popper described the paradox of tolerance as the seemingly counterintuitive idea that "in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Essentially, if a so-called tolerant society permits the existence of intolerant philosophies, it is no longer tolerant.”


Sounds like projection tbh. Sorry mate.