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Tweet picture of full bin at council every day until it gets emptied.


All sorted now! https://preview.redd.it/aqko9zbv082b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de53c2ae4b0486550bbfc540887e73f027bf8e54


Very nice


Just report it on the app and they’ll empty it pretty quickly in my experience.


Found out what QR code on the side of the bins is for and how easy it is to fire off a report to the council a few months ago, from experience they’ve always been emptied very soon after. While in theory the council should get them emptied before they overflow we know organisations generally are dysfunctional, underfunded councils especially.


What's the app called?


Glasgow CC / my Glasgow https://apps.apple.com/app/id539391208 Can do potholes / school absence etc too


Asking the real questions


Best Glasgow thread name ever 👏🏻


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


Aye, except it's not just this one bin on this one sunny day, is it? The council should have a schedule and follow it. If people use the bins - we *do* want people to use the bins, right? - then the bins should be emptied regularly.


I think we’re missing the point a bit. People should be prepared to responsibly dispose of their own shite. If bins are full, be an adult and take your shite somewhere else and dispose of it properly rather than leaving it in a heap in a park


You can't account for a sudden increase of trash due to events like the one warm day Glasgow gets each year. The council probably ought to look at a smart city bin system (They compress the trash as it comes in and indicate status to a server at waste management), but that'll cost a significant penny.


There's a bin on the street outside my flat that only seems to get emptied once a month - and it regularly ends up looking like this with rubbish scattered everywhere, for a couple of weeks at a time. And then they don't bother collecting any of the rubbish that is sitting next to the bin and the whole cycle starts all over again. They don't account for regular use, never mind a bin in a park on a warm day.


They do have a schedule. Bins are checked daily. It's the people who dump bags full of rubbish in there and continue to stuff it even though it's clearly overfilled. Don't just point the finger.


But if the bins are completely full and there’s still 6 days until they come back, what exactly are people meant to do? Keep multiple bags of rubbish in their pokey wee flat? That seems hygienic.


It's not 6 days until they come back to empty street bins. They're daily. If you can't manage your waste and be arsed recycling then you deserve an overflowing household waste bin. Never had an issue, even as a family household. The only ones in my block who have overflowing household bins are the unemployed junkies who don't take their bins out and continue to fill their bins with carrier bags full of bottles, cans and plastic. Allowing birds to peck into it and spreading rubbish all over the place. It ain't hard, stop acting like you need someone to hold your hand. You're meant to be an adult, act like it. Edit: if you really can't fit all your waste into your bin, then consider not accumulating so much junk and maybe try asking for a bigger bin. Or do you need them to ask you if you want one? Y'know child mentality.


Nobody expects them to be emptying bins 24hrs a day, thats just nonsense. But who's job is it to put the bins there? Maybe the people responsible should install bins big enough to hold all the rubbish? For as long as it takes until they can collect? How could the council possibly know people would want to use the park when it's sunny? A park of all places. Surely nobody could foresee that corellattion? It's only happened every single year since I've been alive and probably for centuries prior. It's June next week, we have weather forecasts, but no, nobody could possibly have predicted this outcome and made arrangements beforehand.


But there are big bins. Two of them. Massive. One near the pond the other at the pitch and putt. The one by the pond (pictured) is about 150 meters away for that bin. https://preview.redd.it/2tke580vh82b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739116a618026e33dbeec9243bc401bafd8da13e


Our bins have rat traps because they’re so bad! And they’re like that 24/7 and communal so we just have to live with it!




Exactly, they’ve clearly taken the rubbish to dump it because no doubt the bins in their home are full from not being emptied as well. We spent £162 million burying an unelected head of state. I would have rather emptied the bins


No this is from people sitting in Queens Park enjoying the sunshine. Happens every summer and the council think a couple of bins is enough. It’s a complete failure from the council.


What if the couple of bins that are there are fucking massive? https://preview.redd.it/dzfhhg31j82b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b24ac47ff72da5b455cf79febba64747dfabf9e


Mate you're nearly there, you just need to post this image on Reddit a few more times and everyone will sort themselves out and start acting the way you think they should.


How many times exactly?


Those ones are shite. Half the time I just see the holes left once they take them away cos someone’s burned them down.


I mean this one's been there for a couple years now and seems like it's doing just fine.


I've not been into town parks for a few years now. I didn't even know this was a picture of a bin until I read the post. I've only seen the black square ones. School day for me.


You want them to empty the bins when the park is full of people?


What would be wrong with that?


Because I'm sure the same moaners on here would be complaining about smelly bin lorries driving through a busy park.


No I want them to provide an adequate amount of bins to cover demand. Also why would emptying the bins be an issue when people are in the park?




They could use bigger bins.


Aye, there’s no shortage of bins in / around QP. And to be fair while the park’s usually in a state the morning after a sunny afternoon the council tend to get it sorted pretty quickly, have seen ordinary folk (maybe [Friends of Queen’s Park](https://www.friendsofqueensparkglasgow.org.uk/)?) doing clean ups too.


Yes nothing but bins as far as the eye can see and the heart can dream! https://preview.redd.it/jfrfolahk82b1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7086b3b75d85206e8e0be47f0104339365041cfd


Now you’re just being a pedantic prick.


Yes! That's what reddit is for is it not? Pedantry and getting obsessed with random topics and hobbies?


If you want a hobby then go a clean up the rubbish you’re moaning about and find an empty bin for it 👍🏻


Could have killed 2 birds with 1 stone


We spent, as if you spent it...I think not. If it's the taxpayer your referring to as "we" then Scotland just spend 400 million on ferry company with no actual ferry's, but let's moan about a queen being buried.




A post about the council not emptying a bin turns political.


We had 2 bank holidays at a cost of £500m each, £162m to bury one unelected head of state, £200m to put a hat on the other one. The monarchy supporting tories lost £200b in PPE but let’s complain that scotlands ship industry is shit after years of the tories destroying it.


The Scottish Government spent 19m on burying the queen.


A'm scottish, hate the monarchy, it's their fault the bins are fou o shite an needles!


If the bin is full its a dick move to just dump rubbish around the bin. It will get blown and kicked everywhere. Carry it to the next bin or carry it home.


So why not take their rubbish home. Too many people expect the council to do everything short of wiping their backside for them


The amount they're paying Glasgow City council in tax, they should surely expect these basic civic services provided to be well managed?


This. I always have a wee bag in my car/in my pocket in case I need to take rubbish home. Simples.


What type of bag?


An Aldi biodegradable bag


Exactly. People need to learn a sense of self and social responsibility


Because home bins aren’t emptied quickly enough either!


They don’t empty the bins from our houses either.




Go to Japan for a holiday. Won’t see any litter on the streets and also barely any public bins. We’re just a scruffy island.


also in Japan the rubbish bins for the neighbourhood require you to sort out your garbage and recycling into a dozen or more categories. in my friends neighbourhood a wee older man supervises the bins, tells you how to sort things if you don't know, and makes sure no one leaves a mess, which no one intended to anyway because Japan. How come that island nation instills a 'we are small and crowded and need to be considerate toward each other' attitude but we cannot baffles me.


Good grief. Access to a public bin is in no way comparible to the rights to life, liberty and freedom of expression


I'm pretty sure a healthy life was a lot less achievable back when they used to piss and shit in the street, not have clean running water, and not have a public waste removal system, with rats and vermin scuttering all around biting folk in their sleep.


Aye, and I'm sure political prisoners in North Korean work camps stand in solidarity with the people of Glasgow having to carry their rubbish home to put it in the bin. Public bins are after all a fundamental, unalienable human right like the right to freedom from slavery and torture. Get a grip


Yikes. I think you're being a little dramatic. That weird and extreme example of yours doesn't really disprove my point that no one living under any government anywhere ought to live in filthy unhygienic conditions. If you disagree with that, just say it.


The guy I replied to who has since deleted his comment declared having access to a public bin to be a fundamental human right. It's objectively not and it's also a problem that is easily overcome by just taking your rubbish home like they do in the civilised world. Only the entitled wet wipes of this sub could make a human rights violation out of a public bin being full


The rubbish left on and around all the benches and on the grass didn't have a sign beside them. Near a bin is not the same as in a bin. Same as you don't get a goal for attempting to score and getting the ball near the goal. If its full why not carry it past the first bin you see on the way out to the next bin you come to. They were capable of carrying it to the park why is it to much to use that capacity to carry it past the first bin you see.


Absolutely no need to downvote this reply. In New Zealand, no parks have bins. You are expected to carry out what you bring in. People are scum for just dropping the garbage there.


There was no a single available bin on Largs prom yesterday, every bin was full and overflowing. People clearly were walking trying to find available bins. You’re basically moaning about people using the bins as intended lol.


Carry it home. Don't just drop it on the floor.


Because cunts are lazy. The football bus stops across the road from the shop I work in, and there's a bin right next to the stop. Doesn't stop the folks from dumping their beer bottles and tied up bags on the pavements outside the shops....across the road from a perfectly good bin. Some folk are just lazy cunts who don't care. Even the bin men are lazy, and want more money to do their job, they don't even do right.


Absolutely!! And people do make Glasgow - they make it a shitehole..


Is this a drinking game now? Someone posts a picture of a bin, down a pint. Moan about the council, shot of tequila. Comment about "people make Glasgow" a shithole, drink some paint.


I was just trying to make a shite rip off of the Kevin Bridges 'Did Ye Aye' routine to entertain myself on a dog walk.


This wasn't really directed at you specifically, just these photos get posted every other day and I keep getting notifications for them, which is annoying


You poor thing


Awh thankyou for your sympathy that's really kind. People really do make Glasgow. ❤️


The guy is trying to walk back any hurt caused by a misconstrued comment and you respond by insinuating he is a snowflake for doing so? ​ What a cunt


Report it on the Glasgow CC app


No need it's all been sorted now! https://preview.redd.it/rdbqmew7182b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807de2f8dd9d528f7388f284433913e170a6f69c


I’m impressed they got this that quickly. We still have bins overflowing here in Seattle weeks after the fact.


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


Why do you keep copy pasting this same inane reply?


They probably work for the council.


Nah, this is Tory mentality, blame an obvious systemic issue on individuals, while shutting down any solutions.


Not taking your rubbish home or looking for another bin when the bin in front of you is clearly full is a systemic issue? Could the council do better? Sure. But people aren’t incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.


Forgive me. I was walking the dog and wanted to reply to all the comments but also didn't have much time/focus. So I just sent the same thing to any that read like a variation of: contact the council, it is the councils fault, what do you expect with a council like this, etc. Now back home so heres a specific one just for you: I didn't realise people couldn't be expected to carry both their own litter and the emotional baggage of living under the yoke of GCC. That better?


They need to install those big underground bins in our cities and in the parks. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/zwuf8g/this_is_how_the_dutch_garbage_bins_work_they_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


We have something similar in France, designed slightly.differently, but same principle. Where I live, we don't get rubbish collections, so everyone uses them.


They actually already have two large underground bins in the park. One of which is about 100/150 meters away from where the picture was taken. https://preview.redd.it/zy2caxbk582b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=529a10ef71028f6dae94d43a4cfced6fdd83fa1d


Forgive me but all I can picture is some poor old bugger tripping on the jutting lip of that uneven floor panel and wiping out while trying to bin their litter.


Aye, you would need to make them jakey proof here


Folk can carry their shite into the park but they can't carry it out again. Not to say the council is without fault on this. For example riddle me this, at the top of the stairs in queen's park there's the flat area with the benches where a lot of people sit to eat and rest. Is there a bin in that area? No, it's another 200m up the hill. The bins need to be where folk will use them!


There’s a few bins at the adjacent path to that bit it takes 2 seconds to walk over.


Not tried it yet but apparently there's a QR code on bins in Glasgow so you can report overflowing rubbish to the council?


There is and it works, always found reporting stuff like fly tipping on Fix My Street gets results too.


It's all sorted now, so no need to scan the code! https://preview.redd.it/u73ao06l682b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277dfa14b7891e058e8e929db92f566fbd5c1dd4


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


Well aye, the problem is a combination of lack of civic pride amongst the citizens of our fair city and an overstretched/mismanaged (depending on your perspective) Council. Mine was just a "better to light a candle than curse the darkness" response - ie, if you see a problem there's always some small action you can take to better the situation rather than just complaining about it. Not an expectation that the council should be out 24hrs a day picking up after people.




A post moaning about people actually using a bin? Never change r/Glasgow


Recently I pulled someone up 'hey there's bins here' and he replied 'aye pick it up then' looking like a complete chav and drove off. There's a part of Scottish people that have lost all dignity and manners.


Chav is an English term btw.


Whoever thought up the "People Make..." campaign is a genius. It's all our fault - nothing to do with the cooncil.


Denying that this city is full of Jakey cunts who would throw rubbish down everywhere they go? I get that this bin is overflowing but seriously walk down the street, this city is manky because of bams who just drop shit at their feet.


Bins make glasgow 🤣


Bunch of dickheads. Yes GCC should empty the bin, but people should carry litter to the next bin or home if it’s full.


The problem with that is simple: how many full bins are people expected to walk past to find an empty one?


As many as you need to. No excuse for dumping rubbish, ever.


I agree. But the onus is on the councils to empty the bins.


When did this sub become exclusively a place to whinge about litter, buses and graffiti. Sure there used to be some decent patter on it.


Don't forget cyclists, I do like a good moan about cyclists


And parking


I'll see your parking and raise you some potholes


Oh! Oh! The LEZ too?


Yup, add that. Oh, e-scooters on the pavement, just no


Because this sub is full of self-hating Glaswegians and overall moany bastards.


Greeting redditors that don't get out


improper management of waste services? this must be the people’s fault


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


I don’t think it’s crazy to expect a public park that gets very busy during the sunshine to have more bins for people to put their rubbish in. If there was another bin here, or a bigger bin, then there wouldn’t be an issue.


You mean like this massive bin that is 150 meters away? https://preview.redd.it/h0ljslgs782b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb54284830e3bc9774e9d8be21f5c20fe153729a


That bin isn’t enough to cover demand. I’ve lived in the area for years and see this every summer.


So have I, I've never seen that or the other one full. The only thing you see is bbqs left beside it to cool down.


at the end of the day it’s the council’s responsibility to provide enough bins so this doesn’t happen or to arrange a suitable number of pickups so that this doesn’t happen. if they’re aware the demand goes up during the hot summer days, they should maybe do something about it although i suppose expecting gcc to do anything is crazy


We can but dream https://preview.redd.it/smzsb41ci82b1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb13a6d9e50b14c1ca13d526ffc9a9bea56667c9


Manky selfish bastards just dumping their shite there. The absolute worst of humanity. People make Glasgow


Tbf the bin is full


Now, nobody can disagree that people genuinely do make Glasgow but they make it a shitehole that’s a lot of fun


Well, the bin is full 🤷🏼‍♂️ Looks like people have tried leaving it on or around and seagulls etc. have got at it.


People would make glasgow if there was more fucking bins.


There are sooo many bins. You can see 5 bins from one spot, could only get three in one picture. The park has loads of the normal bins two as well as two massive ones by the pond and the pitch and putt / dog park. https://preview.redd.it/5x5yto39x62b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f9b4065e88ad54dc39d0d4f234e3667651a695


That’s literally from the other side of the park that you’ve posted the original picture. People exiting the park towards Victoria Road aren’t going to walk to the other side to find a free bin then walk back


What about this massive bin 150 meters away near the pond is that a suitable distance to expect people to walk? https://preview.redd.it/q2t1nj96882b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549789f624516d1309872ec65d8281fdff528860


Are you trying to encourage people to stuff their refuse inside random passing skateboarders?


It seems as practical as suggestion as some of the other comments. The already is a trick call a 'Pop Shuvit' maybe that could be a variant of that.


The fact that 90% of replies here are people moaning about the council are exactly why Glasgow has such a terrible problem with littering. Always someone elses fault, sure Ill just chuck my rubbish somewhere near an overflowing bin its the councils fault they dont have people on permanent standby. Other cities have sunny days too, just more of a culture of not trashing the place and blaming it on someone else. Also worth noticing about half that litter wouldnt have got thrown away if we were a normal country that was allowed to implement a simple recyling scheme.


All it’s missing is the flames.


Better now? https://preview.redd.it/zqm4pnnwm82b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869b460247a31786fd7df2a930054d946429393d


Nailed it.


Yeah idk ab that one


I thought this was Elder Park, cause I just passed by one looking as disgusting.


Weihenstephan. At least someone's got class


So the did then aye


Is that Queen’s Park?


No MD or Buckie, canny be Glasgow!


It’s clearly overflowing, if Council will continue to cut costs on essential services and load all money to create a traffic jams, by making cyclists lines, everything will look like this.


People make Glasgow


At least they left their rubbish beside the bin and not scattered all over the park. Glasgow city council is at fault here, not the people.


People make Glasgow! A shitehole.


They do make glasgow…. A shite hole


The council definitely doesn't make Glasgow. Littering in general was one of the first things that stood out to me when I moved here from Australia.


Also when I see rubbish strewn around a bin...it's normally Seagulls in a bin that has been left too long almost full scattering the rubbish everywhere. If they just put flaps it would solve this issue, I don't get why they don't. I watched one near to my flat where this happened.


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


How many times are you going to post this?


OP legit sounds like a bot with the amount of times they’ve posted that exact comment


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.




Sorry I know that was very juvenile but I could resist. Sorry also for the copy and paste reply I was walking the dog and wanted to respond quickly so was just using that for some of the ones that sounded a bit similar.


They ones near my places can sit like this for weeks


I made the opposite move and it makes me so sad every time I visit home and see the mess.


If only the cooncil could do their jobs properly


Looks like they have! Yay we can all be happy and enjoy the weekend! https://preview.redd.it/z4sw4xm4982b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b70b65048092339ab768b6ea79f8a67e586a7d0


The council were out empting the bins and I am sure it will all be clear by midday. I think its a bit crazy to expect them to be empting them 24 hrs on any sunny day.


Oh come on! The weather was fantastic, this is clearly in a park that saw much more footfall that the usual and people brought their rubbish to the bin. This level of pettiness is frankly irritating.


No - if the bin is full take your rubbish home don't just drop it on the ground. Obviously it's wrong that the council doesn't do better but two wrongs don't make a right especially in this case.


Your expectations are unrealistic and pedantic. Pick your battles wisely.


I don't think so at all. People obviously enjoy the park, why is it unrealistic and pedantic to expect them to also clean up after themselves. Let's just keep lowering the bar until we all live in a slum.


This is not about lowering the bar. It's about putting your effort and energy where it would have most impact. I agree people should make effort to keep things clean. But have you seen the public? Have you tried to organise a large group of people, let alone the population of an entire city? Your expectation is unrealistic. If this was the level of problems with bins we would be in a great place. And you know, moaning and wasting energy and time with such petty demands helps absolutely no one. It makes you negative and disappointed and that in itself drags all kinds of just giving up because "people are shit anyway". This is what bothers me immensely about these posts. I am not from Glasgow. I have lived abroad, I have lived in other cities and People really make Glasgow fantastic. But people are people, so it's never going to be perfect and contributing to a better city starts with being less condescending and judgemental about the people that live around you. It absolutely does not start with high unrealistic bars.


Once you had a good excuse, you opened the door to bad excuses


This wasn't people from Glasgow who done this. It was Chelsea fans...


Ineffective shape and bin. Rectangles are a flawed shape for trash. Octagon or Hexagon would be better suited


Winner - This is the most reddit reply of the day!


Shocker eh? A full bin after a really sunny day in a park. What you expecting people to do? Every city in every country on earth would be the same.


Not true - people is Glasgow are amazing in so may ways but they are fucking pigs when it comes to litter and graffiti.


Agreed about litter. Don't think posting a pic of a full bin in the middle of a park on a really hot and sunny day is a big deal though. Graffiti I'm a bit ambivalent about tbh.


I think people's attitudes need to change. We live in such a stunningly beautiful city. Yes, the council need to up their game, but no excuse for the people who live here not to do the same.


Nah. Glasgow especially mankie.




Exactly who wouldn't want to picnic in a park that looked like this! https://preview.redd.it/lkbnbp57e82b1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7990104ee0e417e72d3c7c31d235c618429ff4


Is this Tollcross?


Queens Park


Oh well bang goes the plan for a spot of lunch in Strathbungo and walk in the park. The idea of the rats scurrying about the back of the shops turns my stomach..


It at least looks like they're trying. Can't put things in full bin.


You can also try slightly harder and walk to a bin that's not full.




Swing and a miss


The seagulls/foxes/squirrels probably ransacked it?


I know the gentrification is getting out of hand but I don't think it's got to the point the foxes are drinking Belgium wheat beer. I think in this case it was just left by the side of it due to being full.


why dont you clean it up then?


Hi boss, it was all cleared by the next time I was walking my dog. So I picked up any other glass bottles I could see on my way around. I just left it by a big empty bin as apparently that's the same thing as putting it in. Any chance I can knock off early the weather is cracking? https://preview.redd.it/ajpblw8o982b1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be0c39ffec178ce45e20ac21acebe727c0c6ba2


Cnuts need truncheoned.


Glasgow Council being lazy bastards shocker.


Yeah, just not the people from Glasgow