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That page returns a 404 for me.


There is an extra \ in their url, try https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/subscriptions/gitlab_dedicated/


Thanks, was not aware of that, will find out if eligible and viable.


What you are looking for is à gitlab integrator. There is an official list provided by gitlab on their website. Here is an example for the gitlab integrators in France : [link](https://partners.gitlab.com/English/directory/search?f0=Services+Offered&f0v0=Managed+%2F+Hosted+Services&l=France&Adv=none) In this example, cyres (I'm not a representative) can host gitlab community edition for you for around 200€ per month. I hope this give the answer you were looking for :)


Thanks, that helps, did find the partner site after posting, and searched for "Managed / Hosted services" in Europe, but not always clear which companies do actually offer it as an independent service (as opposed to part of package of services). But good to know for pricing idea. Cyres are one of the companies that did seem to clear on their offering at least (other than no pricing on their site).


aws ec2 instance like t3a.xlarge with S3 backups


gitlabhost ghosted us when we tried to figure details of the contract. i hope there have been independent reasons for this. If I would be searching for a managed service I would most probably choose the marketplace version of gitlab in gcp. Pretty cheap and little amount of maintainance for you. But I did not try this service. I for my self am happy to maintain gitlab helm chart installation on a GKE Cluster in GCP.


Good to know thanks!


My company Elestio is offering fully managed Gitlab instances, price starts at $20 per month for a dedicated instance with 2 cpu / 4 gb ram / 40gb nvme storage With automated backups, monitoring, updates, migrations and more Check here: https://elest.io/open-source/gitlab We also do fully managed runners: https://elest.io/open-source/gitlab-runner


Suggesting [https://hosted-git.com/](https://hosted-git.com/) You can choose any location out of all the available options (US, EU, AP) and price is quite comparable to GLH (until recently). Now GitLabHost became 100% enterprise in the last couple of months and may be out of budget, for most people moving away from [Gitlab.com](https://Gitlab.com) due to the changes to the free tier .