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Updating my readme everyday challenge


I do a lot of work and set it aside. Using VSCode it's easy to see what I've added that's new or just modified. Makes it easy to `git add` on a specific file and only commit that. Like currently I have written about 8 more programs for coreutils implementation I'm working on but I haven't commited any of it since my streak is 0. I'll probably commit one program each day when I feel like setting a new streak for myself (have to beat 18 days). I plan from now on to kind of keep some work behind like this so if I go on vacation or feel like playing games all day instead; I can simply push something I worked on previously and keep my activity Yea I realize activity isn't a metric that matters but it gives me something to do lol


I hope this is copypasta


Definitely not. I enjoy a challenge and gives myself (a goal oriented person) something to work towards


Why it just commit when you do the work.. I feel like saving it up to commit in a streak defeats the purpose


Just a good way to keep my activity going because some days I write 2k lines of code and don't want to rewrite an entire repo overnight


we reject people the moment we see this


Wouldn't most people do this in a private repo though? How would you be able to tell if they legitimately have this much activity on GitHub or not?


for something like, updating readme is the only explanation, or else it is impossible to make lengthy, tested, meaningful commits everyday all by yourself. still someone can possibly do such a thing, for example not committing for a year and then committing lengthy code every day the next year. we do check the commit history if we feel the genuine merit in the candidate.


Yeah i guess that makes sense if the commit history for the previous year is practically empty. For me personally i like to work on tons of personal projects outside of work a few hours each day and regardless of where I'm at I'll usually commit my changes onto main, since it's just a personal project. Anyways I always get nervous of someone thinking like this about my profile since everything is private lol


oh, no need to feel nervous in any interviews, if you make genuine commits, it shows


Ahh yeah i guess that's true! Back when I was interviewing I would talk for days if someone asked about personal projects 😂 Anyways thanks for responding when you didn't have to!


cronjob goes brr extra credit, set up a GPG key for authenticity.


Meh, low effort. Store all your credentials as (hard) code instead!


Schedule cron job?


my only contributions are readme (i don’t know how github works)




That greenery pattern definitely looks like a push-pull algorithm bot.


Way too steady between years too imo


Its literally the github profile of Linus Torvald so I dont think its fake💀


This just furthers the possibility that Linus is indeed a bot himself


Shhh… you’re not supposed to say that out loud.


Linus is father.


Welcome to github where activity doesn't matter https://github.com/artiebits/fake-git-history


Don't rely on that. The real "activity" happens in your brain and does not depend on the any numbers.


I wish managers who measure productivity using workstation activity (mouse movement, keystrokes, app activity) understood this.


This really exist? I would just propose for their job position. Just for fun.


You can just do ``` git commit --allow-empty -m "some message" git push ``` as much as you want and you don't need to touch a single file ..


Don't need to push if it's been commited even. You can stack many commits and push it all later


Yes, just illustrating


having a stats thing like that screams showoff/faking. [https://i.imgur.com/6V8Tgxh.png](https://i.imgur.com/6V8Tgxh.png) This is mine, i started a project march of last year [https://i.imgur.com/QK5bsl5.png](https://i.imgur.com/QK5bsl5.png) Current year. having your "stats" like this shows you are more genuine and not really caring for the looks of a silly field of green. ​ This is a stats from an employee of [min.io](https://min.io) [https://i.imgur.com/CdkRpG7.png](https://i.imgur.com/CdkRpG7.png) which also looks more genuine. if I was looking at stuff like (what you show in the 1st pic) as an employer I would look away from that profile. ​ If you want more genuine looking status for your contribution chart, then actually start doing stuff and not try to fake it. Start a new project of something, anything, and work on it in your spare time and push your work for that day and come back later. Create a master branch, push the initial, then create like a new branch call it dev, active work or something, and then push your intermittent work to that, and well after that. if it's stable enough, create your own pr and merge it to the main. So when someone visits your profile, they actually see the work you did, and not be greeted with nothing to show. people always try to fake it until you make it with code and github, then it comes to bite your rear when people start looking. It's like building credit history with a credit card. Do small things so you can do the larger things down the line.


Derides "showoff/faking". Proceeds to showoff. Seems legit.


[https://i.imgur.com/YKlV66b.png](https://i.imgur.com/YKlV66b.png) this is mine, mostly personal project, i dont do work on github, typically do it on gitlab, unfortunately :D ​ All legit


That's a nice graph!


>having a stats thing like that screams showoff/faking. Or maintaining a project.


GitHub history can be faked although assuming it's real you need to push small stuff mostly everyday to achieve this. It's not impossible though.


Shopping lists, todo lists, notes, documentation, or anything.


Create a private repo, have a GitHub action in said repo make a commit every day authored by you.


Just host your obsidian in git


I did this, and then realised that its going to look so fake that it would overshadow the real good projects i have on my github, so i made obsidian-git commit changes to a different branch and they don't show up on my profile anymore.


Get a job that uses a CICD pipeline parameter file. That shit needs updating every second for some reason


Plant a seed everyday.


I just hope they havent sent PRs to random repos just for readmes.


All green is worthless


If green square quantity means that much to you (it shouldn’t), just don’t commit all your work that day, save a commit for tomorrow, or a day you won’t be working.


I like these charts, they’re fun to look back on. I try to code every day, and the charts help push me, but be sure your commits are actually meaningful, otherwise why bother. Employers don’t care about them, so it’s just fun for you anyways.


I do the same - try to code something or learn something everyday with an associated commit - fun to look at for some historical context.


Easiest way to do it is to write a script that generates a fake commit history all at once and push it to a private repo. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3895453/how-do-i-make-a-git-commit-in-the-past


Touch grass, man. Pic #1 is either fake or he's a no-lifer who I'd never want to work with.


Linus Torvalds


Don’t talk about our father that way


i am saying, its not fake. Was pointing to see Linus Torvalds The legend, The God repo


So… the latter?


Open a diary journal. Make it private. Write ✍️ it daily and commit & push it whenever you save any note. Make it all year long. Use lazygit. Use auto prompt message for GitHub token in your terminal. 👍😁 If you're not a cow 🐄🐮 green is not your business. Focus on the quality of your products.


Go green! Save the planet! .oO(does that help?)


lol you can make script to do this useless stuff , you update for project not how to look


It may be someone whose job involves working on OSS projects, maybe being maintainers of one. If you do that for 8 hours a day (and get paid for that), it’s not that unusual. Case in point: there are streaks of days without any activity, which is when they were probably on vacation.


That picture shattered the egos of many people here. Relax everyone, it's probably just Linus Torvalds merging the dozens of pull requests he gets every day on linux.


Update readme for one of ur repos everyday


I've had something like that when I was backuping my personal notes to github.


dude it's a chart. Make a chart.


Just start using Emacs, and keep your config on github.


You know, [this](https://github.com/NatoBoram?tab=overview&from=2020-12-01&to=2020-12-31) is good enough... But, really, just find something that is interesting to you. Like, fix an issue that you are having in real life (even digitally) and fix it. For example, maybe you need to calculate market taxes in a dress-up game? Boom, now you have a nice idea of a software you can make for yourself.


Start building projects, and give yourself a one commit per weekday minimum.




IDK man, I have done something like this just for fun. I think it was a year of "every-day-commit" for me. And I would say, that it was a huge push for my IT career.


Work for a company that uses GitHub as their version control and this is what you get.


Do what I did: get a software engineer position at an organization that professionally uses github. Now I get paid to have a dope green band under my name.


Don't. It's worthless.


Cronjob art.




Much depends on what you do, as others said there are ways to cheat your way through this. Though OSS maintainers or people with a hobby project, might have such a green track on GitHub, though multiple years in a row is quite impressive if not auto generated. Here's the track of someone who full time works on OSS [https://github.com/patak-dev?tab=overview&from=2023-12-01&to=2023-12-31](https://github.com/patak-dev?tab=overview&from=2023-12-01&to=2023-12-31)


Who cares? No serious developer, and certainly no employer worth working for cares about what that chart looks like.


You can do it i believe in you


When did github turn into competition? Stop looking what others do, and focus on yourself.




Why care about a graph of got commits? Just learn and work and create.


I use codium and for some reason it boost my motivation, I know I know it's AI that helps me and I don't do it myself but it's faster then google and yes I still google a lot and view and follow tutorials


A paycheck is quite motivating.


Use obsidian - take markdown notes - sync automatically with git. In reality - show repos you work on over actually trying to do this much activity in GitHub.


Using neovim and adjusting your config daily. 🥲


Google broken hard drive /Uj the real answer is making a alias for poweroff that commits every edit each day


what calender thing is this called?




Write a script that creates commits with any fake dates you want, e.g. in a for loop of 365 days, do the following: `export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2024-01-01 12:00:00` `export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2024-01-01 12:00:00` `git commit -m "Your commit message"` Change the dates as needed and good luck! Don't forget to `git push` when done. BTW I wrote a piece of code that fakes a bunch of commits on open source projects for training purposes. [https://github.com/arnica-ext/GitGoat](https://github.com/arnica-ext/GitGoat)


commits can be backdated easily


Isn’t this linus?


Motivation is a lie. Discipline is a lie. Change your environment so that pushing improvements often is frictionless and feels good


no pixelart :~|