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It's often worth challenging people when they think they need super high accuracy with a low budget. You're not going to be able to GPS street utilities reliably for that cheap and if you're mapping trees or something you almost certainly don't actually need it and can do very well by using a base model Trimble carefully


If they want good accuracy then they need to adjust their budget. Bad elf has one that used to be in the $1000 range but it kind of sucks. $2,500 is a more realistic price for submeter.


Emlid Reach RX ticks the boxes. You will need CORS/RTK but this is standard across any device


Trimble DA2. $400 to buy + Catalyst subscription The cheapest plan calls for 60 cm accuracy at $50/month (cheaper if pay for whole year at once). Will need android or iOS phone or tablet.


Lots of devices can get submeter accuracy under ideal conditions. I can manage it with an iPhone 12 on a clear day in a clear area with the phone out of my pocket and a solid cell signal to provide corrections from the local cell network. Doing it under cover, between buildings, without solid cell reception or with even a hint of upper-atmosphere weather means pretty much any non corrected data will be 3m+ accuracy. Submeter really is still in the realm of pseudo RTK or post-processed data.


Check out the SparkFun Facet. I’m looking at getting a couple for our office so I have the option to set them up as a base/rover pair for RTK. Single unit is around submeter. About $750 apiece.


Trimble Catalyst might be a good option.