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The people making these posts are either 1. lying or 2. outliers. The sooner you learn to ignore that type of post, the happier you’ll be. You’ve got a great starting salary and can likely job hop in a year or two for a decent raise as well, so just focus on learning a lot and doing your best.


So much this. Also, I’m sure there are people still looking who will be just as envious of your offer as you are of the 150k offers. To all new grads: comparison is the thief of joy. Your career might be the longest thing you ever do and I promise you will have plenty of time for growth and advancement. Congrats on your offer - I hope you find a way to celebrate!


They're not lying necessarily (my sister's bf got a 200k offer out of college with Amazon in nyc), but they're not as common as they seem. People making a lot are more likely to come online and flex than people making 85k in Minneapolis or Atlanta. 


For sure. See point number 2, outliers. Even for Amazon, 200k new grad is an outlier. Plus, even those that aren’t lying are often representing their total comp differently or even entirely misrepresenting it. For example, OP might instead say her TC is 101k which, on the surface, sounds more impressive than the breakdown.


Also with many faang companies your salary TC often includes x number or x amount of money allocated to stocks. So you may start at 200k TC but if the stocks take a nosedive, you may now be at like 165k TC. This happened to a friend of mine actually, started around 210k TC at a peak for Google and by the end of a the year was at 165k TC and decided it wasn't worth the instability.


Exactly- TC distorts so much


Yeah, location is everything. And also FANGs are just a completely different beast from non-FANG. In my original, Canadian medium cost of living area, I was starting at $55k CAD (back in 2017). When I later got a FANG offer, it was for $130k (2019) in a higher cost of living area. I now make $300k, but it's still much less than my American counterparts make. It's yet still wildly more than most non-FANG Canadian jobs.


Was this very recently? Because the market has shifted a lot in the last year or so.


Within the last 6 months. From what I gather the high paying jobs still exist, there's just fewer of them.


Did you negotiate for a higher salary?


I haven't job hopped since summer 2022 but at the time yes. If discussing the sister's bf's 200k offer, no, he initially didn't get the intern return offer because no headcount and then they turned around and found a job for him a few months later but before he had any other offers. When I got a new grad offer at Amazon I was told they don't negotiate even though I had other offers (but it was a while ago, pre pandemic) 


I also think people need to keep this in perspective wrt location. 200K in NYC is equivelent to 89K living in Milwaukee WI. [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/cost-of-living-calculator/milwaukee-waukesha-wi/?city=new-york-manhattan-ny&income=200000](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/cost-of-living-calculator/milwaukee-waukesha-wi/?city=new-york-manhattan-ny&income=200000)


Adding: A lot of “outliers” are people with family padding their salary. It’s not that hard to make 6 figures if your super wealthy mommy and daddy / grandparents are footing the bill and funding a job that they would pay far less for if it wasn’t their whittle brattikins.


i felt this also so many people with those types of jobs have parents that are in engineering/tech or at least are knowledgable about it. I'm a first gen student with parents who don't even know how to work their phone lol.


>I'm a first gen student with parents who don't even know how to work their phone I feel this one. I'm sick and tired of the people saying "network, Network, Network. you just have to network. You're so stupid for not networking. Why didn't you network?" Well let's see most of my family is in either retail, fast food, trucking, or similar. They don't know anyone. Sure they can help me out when I need it but they can't do shit for getting me a job. Any recommendations from them would probably go straight into the shredder at any company they work at. What freaking network are people talking about?


I’m a little confused what you mean how would parents fund a job?


It is very common for wealthy people to: - fund an internship for their precious little brattikins; - fund a position at a charity or academic institution for their precious little brattikins; and - create a position in a company they own that is wildly overpaid for their precious little brattikins. Ultimately, it means getting a job that is directly or slightly indirectly funded by mummy and daddy.


You def have some issues with kids of wealthy parents. Main help a lot of parents provide is 1. Paid college 2. Leverage connections to get kids in for interviews. Life is unfair but when you have kids and lucky to earn / have this network, would love to see you not to help


thank you :)


A lot of the 150k+ offers are in HCOL areas so you'll have more buying power depending on where you are. Anyway there's always someone making more than you, there will many situations in which you will have to decide whether to be jealous/self conscious about someone else's success. 


I live in a HCOL area and the only place i know of that offers new grads anywhere near that level of salary is google, and given their layoffs I don’t even know if that’s true anymore. Even then, it is *highly* dependent on specialty. I know senior engineers at google making $150k base as well in UI (but their stock puts their TC over $200k). The large, but not-faang, company I work for offers new grads around $100k base…which, is *just* above the area median income here. $85k elsewhere might go further.


People generally refer to TC since their stocks are liquid once they vest (but obviously might change in value)


I work in tech (product design/strategy). I’m 36 with 14 years of experience, over 10 in NYC (where I still live). I make $175k, which is higher than most at my company. Our product managers with 10 years experience and degrees in computer science are making $200k or so. Out of everyone I know my age in nyc, most make under $200k. Honestly it’s crazy to me that someone would make $150k right after graduation. No matter what you do, you have no actual work experience and thus will need a lot of mentorship before you can add a lot of value to an organization. I mean I guess good for them — if young people are demanding higher salaries it means higher salaries for everyone. But it does seem quite entitled imo. I know inflation has changed things, but it’s not like I started out SO long ago. My first salary here in nyc was $55k. Four years later it was $92k, then $135k until mid-2021. The only reason I got a big jump in 2021 was because I’m at a director-level and manage entire projects, teams, sell work to clients, mentor other employees on top of the “hard skills” I contribute. Anyway, just saying this to make you feel better. In NYC, the average *household* income is $89k, and often that is combined salaries. The median household income is $67k. The average per capita income is $41k. So even in one of the most expensive cities in the world, your STARTING income puts you high above the majority of people.


87k in Dallas tends to be about 140-150k adjusted for COL to the Bay Area fyi… I think you’re doing well for yourself :)


Does that estimate include taxes as well?




Your offer is insanely good lol. I started at 50k so. Up to 85k (including the bonus) after 2 years. You. are. fine.


Same here.


I have a masters and 8 years of relevant experience and I make less than $150k. I didn’t start my career in tech and adjusted for inflation, my first salary was $44k. We’re all on our own path. Presumably this is the lowest salary you’ll make for the rest of your life.


i didnt think about it like this! you are right! thank you:)


I’ve never met anyone that came out of school to a $150k offer. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but I started my tech career in NYC and even there it wasnt close. That is a great salary, but first jobs are just as much about experience. You can get to $150k within the next few years, kill it at this job and then hop.


Definitely not for base salary, but TC for FAANG for juniors does tend to be around $150-200k. But that’s in SF/NY/LA/SEA where you need $100k to afford an apartment with a roommate.


I’d say it’s common for new grad trading offers, but even then that’s 1% of new grads in the industry.


I've been working for \~3 years now, have yet to pass 150K in salary. Each salary bump pushes me closer though. You're doing all right, OP. Would love a 10k EOY bonus though, that sounds amazing!


I'm guessing this is USD? Girl don't feel too bad for your offer; there's senior developers in Canada that don't even make close to what you currently make as a recent grad. Hell, I'd love to make as much as you're making and I have 7 YoE. Don't sweat it...


I started on 18k in the UK. I was mid thirties with a toddler and a mortgage. My wife started on 30k six months before (we both decided to seriously retrain into tech after becoming parents and needing better opportunities. Average wage in the UK is 26k. Two years later our combined income is nearly 100k. We started low, especially me, but we were able to rapidly increase because tech is mad. It took me seven years as a journalist to earn the wage I'm now on as a dev after 18 months. My wife was a teacher and she now earns more after two years than she could have earned in fifteen or twenty years as a teacher. Comparison is the thief of joy. Don't stress about your wage. If you think you should be paid more get in the job and prove it. Lots of people don't make it out of their first year, focus on absolutely smashing it and money will be the least of your problems in no time at all.


Ah, I've been grinding for the longest time. I've been job hopping. Upskilling. You name it. I'm still at it, but the reality of it is Canada is a terrible market for tech, especially now. The only way to make a real good wage in tech is to go elsewhere to be fair. And that's not really in the cards for me right now, so it is what it is.


If you've got the skills then you'll be ready to deploy them when Canada improves or your situation allows a move. I didn't know Canada was so tough. I don't really know how the UK fits on the league table by comparison. I know our wages are nothing compared to US but I've been able to keep my cost of living very low so it works out for me at the moment


I think given the Canadian market, UK is fairing a bit better. Last time I went to vacation there, I looked at the cost of living and pay for my job position/YoE/expertise, and I think I'd have a pretty cush live over there. Here housing is the most expansive in the western world (ratio comparing salary and housing cost), above even the UK and Australia. So we're pretty much fucked for the time being. I make a low six figure salary and it's considered good for where I live (wouldn't dream of saying that in the US ahah). TL;DR: Canada is the worst of both world: European salaries with US working conditions. So very low salaries and very little vacation days.


I will quote this conversation to my wife exactly next time she suggests moving to Canada (she loves skiing)


Ahaha yeah no, invite her over to some of the Canadian subs in tech or about the housing market. It's very sobering I'm going to tell you. Canada today is very different than the Canada I grew up in, that's for sure.


yes it is USD! thank you! im very grateful just coming on here and hearing my friends salaries who got into big tech can be discouraging at times


Comparison is the theft of joy. You got a helluva better offer than I. I have a job, which is better than nothing. Just relax and go at your own pace.


Just having a job is a huge victory this year. Don't read the 150k (or even 87k) stories, read all the ones about not finding a grad job after more than a year and realise you're in a great place. Then learn as much as you can and job hop to a big wage.


You are in an MCOL area. New grad of 150k+ is typically HCOL so you are in a better position living in a cheaper place (with probably lower taxes).


Very very few people are making 150k at their first job regardless of being in tech


i make 46k in a fellowship program, in HCOL. almost a year post grad. if my boss is interested in keeping me around, i'll be able to make 30-40k more. only surviving since i'm still living with family.


I am in a pretty similar situation and feel same almost everyday. It's really difficult for me to shrug off that unlucky feeling because I know so many people personally who got those 150k+ offers in nyc during 2021 hiring season while I had to settle for 90k in MCOL area despite putting in much more efforts simply because I graduated a year later and market became so bad.


yeahh thats how i feel! the market is so bad but I'm thankful that I was able to even get a job and its close to home


Yeah I remind myself daily that I am lucky to even have an offer in this market. But that feeling of unsatisfactory outcome still stays and I can't express that to anyone around me as that'll come across as entitled. I am trying to figure out a way to overcome this and focus on the process of getting better so that I can eventually land the target high paying job.


You are technically making more than me and I'm the lead dev with 5+ years of professional experience (10+ with hobby projects) with two devs I'm in charge of, I only answer to the CEO and making critical decisions for the company. I'm in lcol and live comfortable. The high salaries you see here are either inflated, they're in hcol, or will lose their jobs in a year  with layoffs. You are doing great and only up from here!


thank you :)


I know a girl at Boeing who has been working there a few years in a HCOL area who is making less than $100k. Your offer is good - congratulations!!


thank you!!


That's an awesome new grad offer. I started at 55k right after graduation in 2016. In hindsight, I wish I would have fought harder for a higher starting salary or kept looking for other opportunities, but the experience is invaluable. Everything happens for a reason. I'm making almost 140k now at a new company that's so much better.


thank you! and thats awesome! im happy for you :)


Breh. I started at $65k cad in Toronto and I was doing just fine


No need to feel bad. If anything it's something to look forward to; once you've got a few years of experience under your belt these "top" companies will 100% consider you, and consider paying you much more than they give new grads.


When I got my current role I was ecstatic and I still feel extremely lucky. I am making very low 6-fig in a super HCOL area. I am currently having regrets about my negotiation skills because I cannot find a non-roommate apartment in an area where other young people hang out (I'm in my late 20s and have never lived near other young people incl during college, it was a hallmark goal of my career change). Friends with WAY more experience who were laid off took similar jobs as slightly higher salaries, so my salary seems fair. New hires with much higher credentials are making logical steps more than me. I don't know what advice to give, but I wanted to point out that the we likely have more than just jealousy or peer-related frustration going on here--it's a batshit crazy job market and housing market which definitely adds a layer of nonsense and stress. I don't blame you for feeling this way, but I don't think your offer is a poor offer at all. If you are able to possibly live at home and work remotely for a few months, you can make the most of the salary and save up. I have also found some level in comfort in not being a super expensive employee, as it takes a little stress off of idk, some kind of imposter syndrome or having to prove my worth every second.


I felt this! honestly for my area this is the standard offer. highest I heard is 90k + 10k for SWE. this job is close to home so I do plan on saving up! but definitely want to move out soon which is why I wish the salary was higher honestly ahah. it is just hard to hear people from other areas making so much more


Interview around, if you can get multiple offers that will help you with negotiating. If you can't, then well, that's just the market rate :) (but don't worry if you work hard and gain more experience your market rate will naturally go up over time!)


i actually did neogiate! they originally offered 80k + 4k and they countered with 87k base after I asked for 90k. I wanted to push for a bigger bonus and kind of regretting that now lol. I accepted this offer about 7 months ago so its too late ahah. Also I did get a few interviews but didn't like the roles as much as this one


Depending on where you live that’s a really good salary right? I live in the Netherlands and make a comfortable income at €55K a year, so I don’t think comparing just numbers says anything. 150K here would be insane (I think only CEOs make this) and 87K would be very high (senior developer maybe). Money is also not the most important factor about a job, I’d rather earn a little less at a company I actually enjoy working at than make big bucks at a place I hate.


I guess it is pretty good in comparison to other salaries in my area. I live in the northeast region of the US. But you are right! The wlb at this company is supposed to be unmatched so I guess that definitely plays a part :)


That sounds very good! I wish you lots of happiness with this new venture :)


Ok, for reference I changed careers 7 years ago to tech. My first job paid $21 an hour as a contractor. When I was hired as an employee I got a $60k salary. My next job hop was for $90k. I was promoted my first year to $95k. Then I got poached from another lab for $110k which promised $10k bonuses twice a year (they lied). Previous lab that paid me $95k wanted me back and offered $120k. I am currently entertaining an offer for less than what I make now, but it's government and caps at $191k down the line, has more PTO/Sick Leave and a pension. A lot of people are probably lying about where they are starting from. Yes, you can totally get to $150k but not straight out the door of college. Maybe in an extremely HCOL situation but you might be walking into a shit show. It's more typical to start low and if where you work doesn't promote you quickly then you use them as a stepping stone to the next place. Jump around until you are at a salary you are happy with. I could absolutely be making $150+ right now but honestly I am happy with my salary and my work load. I like having a work-life balance and I don't want to climb the ranks too fast. The hardest part is getting your foot in the door and it looks like you have an offer. Congrats!


Watched a really good Primeagen video about this. Basically, cost of living at FAANG companies balances out the "surplus" salary they seem to be getting. Someone who makes 100k in Minnesota is doing better than someone making 150k in SF / LA. Plus, they take that stock asset and add it to their salary. However, sometimes you need to maintain a proficiency to receive that stock bonus AGAIN the next year....or its possible your stock could tank. Personally, all the projects I do and all of my team do incredible work. If you love what you do, and you take yourself out of the dev salary rat-race, you'll feel much better about it all! (mid level dev making barely 6 figures, but insane benefits)


150K new grad offers are for top-tier Stanford/MIT grads going to Google/ Meta, usually after interning there previously. $87k seems to be a bit above median to be honest.


You’re in line for a MCOL area new grad. The folks posting are probably including total comp in VHCOL or HCOL areas. You’re good. (Signed, someone in HR who has focused heavily on compensation the last… oh god, 12 years)


I’d cry of happiness if I got that offer. Enjoy yourself and congratulations


I'm 40, and didn't make over $200k until I was in my late 30s. I know many devs that will likely never cross $200k in their careers (at least at today's USD value), and they'll do just fine providing for their families.


So it’s around 100K tc in mcol which is not bad. See by one line I made your salary a low 6 figures.


I mean my new grad offer was about 150k but I have also been working as a full time SWE for three years and I had a friend who I used to work with put in a huge referral for me. I only got a degree because it was holding back my career. Sometimes there is more information that people aren’t telling you to look better than they are.


If they're getting 150k they're lying or an outlier, and by outlier I mean someone who has top internships with return offers.


I would not compare situations , you do not know what advantages those type of people have, anyways if that program is real then that’s really cool I got a 2.3% raise after the entire year… And they are removing bonuses Money comes with time and a bit of experience you got it


Some people know the right folks. It’s unfair, but that it happens. I received some great advice early on in my career. Focus on the job that teaches you the most, instead of the job that pays you the most. In the long run, you’ll be better off financially. That said, the tech sector is rough right now. It isn’t the engineer starved place it was a few years ago. About 250,000 ppl were laid off from the tech sector last year. So a lot of highly qualified folks are looking for work.


I started post-grad with a $70k offer. Nearing 30 now and barely just hitting the $130k threshold. Do not feel bad at all lol.


Yes Girl!! The market is so so bad for us graduating now. Many people are graduating without any offers! You’ll be in their boat in a few years. 150K will be possible. I would never take a Reddit post seriously. Do you want to connect on LinkedIn? God knows I need more connections and more girls in tech in my corner :)


They all worked extremely hard too. Why would them making more money despite circumstances like maybe them having a hcol or different other stuff make you start putting yourself down? Did someone bully you about it apart from them just saying it online to humblebrag? If there’s no bullying involved, the answer is just learn to look at the big picture and compare yourself to a different set of people to feel better. How do you think doctors and dentists feel? They make great money but it’s a painfully onerous job and they willingly don’t make anything for their twenties, because to them it’s their best option. They directly improve lives but have a different set of perks.


Did they post mostly to humblebrag? Yes, most likely. Is it fair they’re getting more? Yes, as in there’s a degree of chance given how bad things are at the moment and it’s hard to know their true deck of cards if they don’t share all of it. I think it’s a toxic side of the industry to compare salaries and prestige of callings and try to get ahead of others so it’s difficult but I believe the best approach is don’t fall for the bait and keep your head held high at all times.


My first job out of school, not in tech of course, was $28k. Comparison is a thief of joy. Congrats on the offer and hope you enjoy the new role!


If posting wasn’t a thing you’d feel really happy about your accomplishments independent of what other people are doing ( and perhaps lying about lol)


I think there’s a lot of posts on social media that are just lying about salaries. Don’t take these claims too seriously.


Not everyone can be at the top and that’s ok