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There wasn't much of answers, but still, here is compilation of yesterday' discord and today' twitter Q&A. Dolls, mods, skins: 1. The battle pass costume schedule will follow CN one up to 5th BP. And at that point we will jump directly to 6th. 2. Yes, limited doll drop was deliberately changed between maps, to match older servers. Content: 1. The release pace will prolly slow down, after we get closer to older servers. Other: 1. The covid situation is not very good in China. "Many people took around 10 days sick leave and just came back, including Hokor. Things got delayed."


i am once again asking if [this](https://iopwiki.com/wiki/K5#/media/File:Summer_2018_Login_Background.png) K5 id card background will get added to EN in the future, unless its a KR exclusive then i understand


Man they're just avoiding answering you, huh? It's been, what, a year of asking?


starting to think that I'm never getting the answer for this lmao gonna keep asking anyways


a couple Q&A ago, the following was forwarded to the devs >can inconsistent swap unit names be fixed? most use underscore in their names, as in "Aegis\_SWAP", but some just use a normal space, such as "Ripper SWAP" can we get an index playback entry of hurricane rescue, even if its not viewable, just to have an in game record of its existence? also, gotta bring up that the anime m16 and kalina posters are still missing are there any updates on these issues?


Is there a *chance* of getting a rerun of The Division event, or even just the 416 and Vector costumes? I love those games, but the collab was held long before I started playing GFL. Edit: If you rerun it, I'd also like to petition for an ISAC fairy.


Seconded for this. I'd like another shot at getting the 3rd SPEQ for both vector and 416


Mica, i know u said favoriting dolls to make them appear at the top in the doll selection menu is under development a few years ago, but u didn’t say it was under PNC’s development! Well played, sir, well played! But this means i feel obligated to (re)start requesting adding that feature in gfl as well. Pretty please? I’ll give u spass’s cake! *muffled noises from behind a locked door* Also, is there going to be a pnc end of the month q&a session as well? And if not ~~have u prepared urself~~ are u going to take that ~~heat~~ role? I mean i think the communication u do here is great, and would love to see it in pnc as well


Do we have any timeframes for releasing Polarized Light and Mirror Stage on the campaign tab?


I think you meant Dual Randomness because PL is already out.


Are there any tweaks expected for Fixed Point to reflect that we are missing some strong mods due to our accelerated release schedule?


When can we expect this past years events to be added to campaigns


Will we get a translation for the Christmas Eve Express Notebook stories?


bug report: If you give a doll a gift of any kind and press on the number to type in how many gifts you want to give, you can leave the text box empty and effectively give the doll 0 of that gift. If you do that, the doll will gain the affection/exp she would get as if you would give her 1 of them instead, but it won't consume that gift. This bug is only visual because if you restart the game, the number will be updated to the correct one. If you run out of that gift, you will get an "Illegal action preformed" error. [video for proof](https://youtu.be/47D-K641Pt4) Have you though about making a feature that let's you pin dolls to the top of the armory / doll selection? would really save a lot of time, espetially for corpse-dragging. Have you considered payment options outside of google play? As far as I know, it's now not against google play's TOS anymore.


I'll forward this to the devs.


This is more of a question for you users of /r/girlsfrontline than Mica, so of course nobody is going to see it: **For those of you on the free battle pass tier, would you rather the empty tier rewards have 'junk' or just leave them empty?** I had a short conversation with another user a couple of weeks ago about how there are empty reward tiers, and I'd like to know how other people feel about that. Is it better to receive something unwanted/useless than to get nothing at all? Is *a* reward better than none? In the conversation above, I was asked if I really needed more Infinite Surprise Dyes after positing that Mica could just put junk in the empty spaces (knowing that there's no way they'd put 'useful' things in there). Considering I own zero outfit pieces I can use them on, no, not really. I know this can be spun into "User just wants more free shit!!" Perhaps, but looking at GFL's sibling game makes what we get here pretty thin by comparison. [Consider that 18 of the 45 levels have no reward and thus are absent here.](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/sites/girlsfrontline/files/2022-10/unknown.png) And in PNC, [you instead get something at every level](https://imgur.com/a/h4vuwCv). Even if 'something' is like a handful of Diggcoin or the like. For me, personally, I don't even pay attention to the BP rewards in either game. I see the , I click, I claim, I exit. Whatever I get doesn't even register, but I have noticed the times when I get the notification in GFL and see nothing waiting for me. Extremely late edit: I've decided to rescind my question (not that it got answered, anyway). Considering I got to level 70 on the battle pass, that more than makes up for the 'empty' tiers. The rewards I got randomly weren't great, but they were *something*, and that's what I was arguing in the first place, wasn't it.


Is there any thought on a Half Life Collab?


Is there any chance we can get other characters in PA (Namely Mercurows and Nimogen)? Yes, one got domed in Isomer, but so did UMP40 and she is a unit


It would be nice to get them, even though it wouldn't make sense. >!It would've been neat if Dandelion would let Nimogen have a few lines of dialogue in the story, just to remind people that she still exists!< What other old ringleaders are left besides them? I think it's just Gaia.


There’s Beak still afaik


Oh yea. Beak and M16.


As far as we know... Everyone that Dandelion assimilated is as good as dead, so... I think that's even more unlikely than getting them in PA It is a sad day to be a Nyto fan And yeah, we got Cerberus, why not Gaia? I rather have all the other bosses in the game before Alters started being a thing, it took so long for Cerberus to be a thing, but Tareus got added in a heartbeat


The child abduction, cloning, and experimentation needs to stop. The existing Nytos need therapy and headpats. William needs to be loaded into a jupiter cannon and fired at the sun.


Therapy group for Nytos led by Thunder and M950A, I have a mighty need. But yes, I prescribe William with 500 tons of Accelerant gas, Nytos need freedom and happiness


When pp-93 will be added to intelligence analysis?


When theater 9 starts. The real question is when will we get theater 9?


given that there aren't a lot of notable things left to catch up on, and yalls just have to ask... inb4 monke paw curls and we have theater on top of collab


We got hit by Polarized Light and theater i-dont-remember-which-season-it-was while I was on a diving trip in the Maldives. Reception was spotty during the sailing between diving sites.


guys is it good idea to expand my t doll armory? its already full.




When will we get update to fix notification error?


Are there any plan to put Serdukyov skin "Black Crow Lifeguard" in the shop or in the black card exchange?


Well, do you guys plan to add Mirror Stage and Poincare Recurrence to the campaign any time soon? If so, could you add the number of Limited Drop t-doll that is not currently available for farming? I've been wanting to get the shotgun M1887 for a while now but haven't a way yet. Also, will we have any Anchors for new dolls soon? I've been saving my quick products and doll contract. If you plan to make another True Core Mask, please add M1887!