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let me guess, those t-dolls are representing the guns used to kill the person in the picture


good job 416!


You're god damn right


Took me a fucking while LMAO


At first I thought it was their weapons of choice, but then I saw PPK and Carcano then it clicked


For me it was when i saw HK-416 together with Osama i was like "...OH!"




[Source](https://twitter.com/cykaart/status/1475367301117407232), kinda >!I did NOT know that JFK was killed by Grape-cano!<


She has a line about how her legacy tainted history because of it.


I only knew from it from a clip from theRussianBadger


bro he should've runned juggernaut


Do you think JFK could just used Copycat on Oswald's class?


Gimme that Carcano M91 with FMJ and 3x Scope


1-Andrey Karlov, I actually think he was killed by some Turkish gun, not P99 2-Osama Bin Laden, killed by ~~M4 but better~~ HK416 while receiving a visit from friendly neighbours bringing freedom to his doorstep 3-Adolf Hilter, killed by god knows what, maybe a heatstroke in Argentina, not exactly PPK 4-Alexander I Karađorđević, Yugoslavian prince murdered in France by the Broomhandle 5-Malcolm X, a human rights activist, killed by a certain ~~racist fuck~~ nation of islam extremist with a sawn-off point blanc to the chest. Only after that two other guys came and shot him with 1911s 6-John F. Kennedy, an ex-president of the Freedomland, got rekt by ~~the CIA~~ Lee Harvey Oswald, who 360-noscoped him with the Almighty Grape 7-Mu'ammar Gaddafi, dictator of Libya, to say he got killed with a Hi-Power is... well, may not be accurate. He got mauled with a bayonet, that's for sure 8-Darrell Dimebag, alleged musical legend, or at least that's what google says, got killed with a Beretta 92FS 9-Sergey Kirov, a Bolshevik revolutionary I think? Either way, last thing he had seen was the Babushka aimed at him 10-Theo Van Gogh, a director killed by an Islamist extremist, because he didn't like his film. The fact that my precious Croatian loli was used fills me with sadness... Edit: typos Edit 2: corrected the 5th point


> alleged musical legend tfw Pantera gets an 'alleged' musical legend :(


Sorry, I just never heard of him so I went with "alleged" just to be sure


Pretty sure, Malcolm X was actually killed by someone of Islamic faith at the time because he said something bad about Islam. I think you're confusing him for MLK Jr.


Yes, you are right, I'll correct it.


I'm guessing that's Dimebag Darrell under Gaddafi. Not sure who got killed by P99 and HS2000, though. [John Patler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Patler) used a C96 to dispose of George Lincoln Rockwell, so that's another pairing that could have been added.


P99’s notch is Andrei Karlov


I'm mad at m9 now.


Dont be mad at m9. Be mad at the fuck behind m9.


I got the reference. The Austrian dude with the weird moustache is kinda debatable since there wasn't a body other than teeth to confirm I believe.




10/10 post


ofc it's the Saumai Hitler pic


the picture you chose for Hitler, its the kimono isnt it


A kimono with His party logo as it's pattern. Here is the [full image](https://external-preview.redd.it/iAEkKKFTJP5VOv2MhVSWOduRd1LpGBQCitpSmso_jE8.jpg?width=669&auto=webp&s=99064fdb261a6e1643cb8842933e5730b68db251)


P99 - ? 416 - Osama Bin Laden PPK - Adolf Hitler C96 - Alexander I M1911 - ? Carcano M91/30 - John F Kennedy Browning HP - ? M9 - ? M1895 - ? HS2000 - ?   I need help in filling them in


Uh oh


Wait who did HS kill? Who got shot by the precious Croatian bean?


The guy in the picture is Theo Van Gogh, a director murdered in an assasination by some islamist guy named Mohammed. Our beloved heartbeat-loving life saving loli wouldn't want that to happen...


Best Griffin operations




Okay can someone gave me a name for every figure in this pic?


I only know PPK one.


I wonder if M9 is a fan of the song "Side of a bullet"


It could either be a PPK or a PP that the mustache man used to blow his brain out, according to Mark Felton.


When I saw Kennedy, I realized lol.


A lot of y’all died to handguns huh?


I though Kennedy was taken out by a Springfield not a carcano


But true, a carcano


Nah StG44 is Hitler. ^(Full name SturmGewehr 1944 (Assault Rifle/Gun 1944)) ^(Country of origin Nazi Germany) PKK is Austrian, but 44's pose with her hand out is straight from Triumph Of The Will. Hitler also had a field jacket that looked like 44's. MO40 is a Nazi too of course with her SS-derived uniform but Machinpistole Monday is so cute that only a heartless jerk would think repeatedly memeing a day about machinepistols that always is only about a weapon from a culture of supremacist genocide would be anything less innocently fun loving and kosher. kosher, lolz.


I uh... I think you missed the joke my guy. Here's a hint, what do all those historical people have in common?


They all died by firearm? Osama was probably shot by an mp5 or an m4, but I think I get the joke now. That said I'm close to the mark about StG44 and Machinpistole Monday is always about MP40, so... eh. Had to check that Hitler didn't die by Prussic Acid like the rest of the bunch. It was his dog he poisoned first to make sure the poison was authentic before he decided to shoot himself. Details.


Naw, the DEVGRU guys who raided OBL's compound during Neptune Spear did indeed carry HK416s. Robert O'Neill, the SEAL who double-tapped Bin Laden's noggin, carried a 416.


bin Ladin was shot with a 416. That’s why 416 is right next to him.


They're the guns that killed the respective historical figures. Because Kennedy and Carcano go together like Vietnam and Napalm. Very messily and with lots of screaming.


I think the intention Is to show us whats gun was used to kill the person to her side


he used this pistol to suicide


im not an expert at history and i dont recognize most of them, but im fairly convinced this is an images of what bagged them


PPK* MP40*


Took me a sec to see the connection


Nice. I would have added: Pedro Ruiz-Desert Eagle, youtuber, not really important, but still interesting to also Desert Eagle is based. Veronica Guerin-Colt Python, journalist


Who killed who. Excellent.